Projects Featuring My OC's.

Project Overview
We are looking for helpers of this series. (More voices roles to be added)
Make sure to send me your discord so I can friend you.
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Tyson is one of Millerd's sidekicks, he is an evil scientist who is Marvin's Rival. He should sound like an evil scientist.
- english
- male teen
Give an example of your Tyson voice

Barnaby is Millan's brother who helps him on his robber duty. His voice should sound manly.
- english
- male teen
Give an example of your Barnaby voice.

Brandon is the cousin of Milo and the twin brother of Millerd, he is the rich one. His voice should sound like Tom Kenny's voice of Spyro.
- english
Give an example of your Brandon voice

Sammy The Hedgehog is the father of Milo. His voice should sound like Glamrock Freddy but without the robot tone voice.
- english
- male senior
Give an example of your Sammy voice.

Jordan Calvin is an upcoming new main antagonist for videos. He was a scientist who died after murdering someone with a science experiment and after causing crazy behavior, he ended up being executed and his spirit was turned into a ghost. He is Milo's arch-nemesis who wants to use him for an experiment. His voice should sound evil and menacing with a demonic effect.
- english
- adult
- male adult
- american
Give an example of your Jordan Calvin Voice.
Public Submissions