Project Overview
this CCC project is for a Horror game Ton A Fun. This game is really dark and brutal and has gore and cussing so if you cant handle that well this isnt for you. There is no age limit you just have to fit the requirements, You can get an idea of the game by playing Poppys playtime, Bendy and the ink machine and other indie horror games. You don't need to have discord but it would helpful if you did, before i cast you let me know what you want to send me the lines on. and it says word count 0 since I don't have a word count yet
The year is 1971 You play as a girl named Sara Gem and you work at TON A FUN (an old daycare). She is new to Ton A Fun and she is treated very poorly but all she can do is deal with it but one day she decides to investigate and that leads Sara into her own hell. while being chased by some strange EXPERIMENTS she goes deeper into the rabbit hole.
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Ok I'm still working on the chapter 1 script and there have been a lot a of re writes and the one I'm working on is the best so far I'm pretty happy with how its going it should be done in a few day and I did change the title of the game because the 68 part in the name no longer make sense and the name is Ton A Fun now im happy with the change i hope you are to and we have an official name for chapter 1 its called Lost in the stars have a good day
good and bad news
Hello so lets start with bad news, the casting call is not doing as well at all anymore and that's fine but I'm going to try and change that and that will lead us into the good news, the chapter 1 script is almost complete and I will be adding more voices to casting call. Have a good day everyone. -
so recently we hit over 100 auditions and that blew my mind I never thought the game would already have this much love and support it truly means a lot and I look at literally every single audition and they all are great and I know some people will ask for feedback I am aware but I know I haven't commented on a single audition and I am so so sorry about that but I think I can clear some things up I will try to give everyone who wants feedback well feedback on there audition but I think I will do that when I start casting some people and whoever gets a role if I can I will give them ccc rewards I'm still not 100% sure on how that all works and if you guys can please give me comments on CCC I don't know why but it would mean a lot also I am going to take down the 3d model rule because we have a 3d modeler and he is someone who works with huge name companies but hey guys I'm being 100% honest with you guys the support for this CCC truly means a lot to me and just 3 more thing I want to talk about when I finish the chapter 1 script I will start casting some people and since we got over 100 auditions I should you guys some concept art and I know concept art isn't that cool but its all I can work with at the moment and finally I do want to work on another project it will be a 2d animation so if you see a CCC for that please audition for it but don't worry I am focusing on the game more I just want the 2d animation just to be a side project well that's it for now have a good day -
Hey everyone I'm happy to see that the casting call has been going great but I will say nobody has auditioned for Robert Gage I think that is because nobody wants to voice 3 year old so I made him 5 I know that still young so I'm sorry also I think I'm just going to voice ??? but I will still leave the audition up but hey we have some good news you guys can audition for new things such as the therapist and the animator and for main menu music and chase music, I will say everyone who auditioned for the therapist did a great job but could you add more emotion during the what did you say line and you under arrest and the hearing a gun shot and for the animator its fine if nobody auditions for that I'm not 100% sure if it will be important. There will be more things to audition for including voices!
Ben is 38 and has experienced loss and he is an alcoholic, he is selfish but has some heart, he has anger issues and gets very emotional,
Ben has a deep voice but also a little tired.
Sara SARA wake up you have been asleep all damn day you know we dont have as many people as we use to.
Hey hey its going to be okay i promise you'll see me again.
This is my final day i hope you find this and yes im talking to you Sara sigh you know this is one of the few times im scared last time was in 68 and i know your going to figure out all the crazy shit but... dont do anything i would do
If im being honest i just want the voice to sound like Paul Dano's riddler
Ah yes yes like you asked you get all this money but only if you keep it all a secret Shh hehehe.
Oh you gave me a great idea we could play a game what door are they at... uh oh times up hehe.
you did all of this for what? you let them die ooo we have so much in common.
Shawn is a 6 year old boy who isnt that social and is afraid of being alone.
I just want him to sound like a nerdy 6 year old boy that is a little depressed.
Daddy what's going to happen to me.
Um uh... my favorite song is twinkle twinkle little star it goes like twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are.
Wait no no please i want my daddy im scared.
Robert is a 5 year old boy and he can never leave his Mom.
I just want his voice to sound like your average 3 year old boy
Mommy Mommy look its the big clown guy.
Wheres Mommy?
But Mommy i really really want it
Jasper is 13 and has been abused by his mother his whole life, he has major anger issues he is also very depressed.
for his voice i want it to be like a teen who is trying to be cool but has a soft spot
Mom MOM for one second can you not start flirting with random MEN.
Dont you think im to old to be here oh wait let me guess you brought me hear to distract me from your drunk ass yeah that wont work anymore IM NOT 5.
No no please dont hurt me... wait wait what is that what are you going to do.
Charlie green is an 8 year old girl that gets bullied a lot for being chubby, she loves to dance, she locks her self in her room everyday and starts hurting herself, she has a family that loves her but all that love wont make her pain go away.
I want her voice just to be like a sweet little girls voice.
I want to be beautiful like you one day all the other girls are.
please please stop leave me alone PLEASE.
Are you going to make me just as beautiful as her.
Jessica is a 16 year old girl that loves her dad a lot but she is a little spoiled.
I just want her to sound like a greatful hyper teenage girl.
Ok Dad i know it cost $35 but it looks really cute and the girls would love it... hmm ok i will watch that one really scary movie and i wont close my eyes... YES YES thank you Dad.
Uh... please dont make me do thi-... My name is Jessica Rogers and my test number is 012 and i wi- YOU KNOW WHAT IM GOING CALL THE POILCE ASSHO- uh wha- what is that wait please please DONT.
Holy shit are those people.
This can be any age i just want it to be your voice
Welocme to TON A FUN
Uh im lost is anyone there.
You know what im done i get paid horseshit here and all you do is complain that i dont have a smile on my face even though i have to work 2 other jobs and since barley anyone else work at this pile of shit i basicly run the show here
So Jeff your here for your anger issues and depression is that correct... ok, so Jeff have you tried to do anything to help with your problems... oh so you haven't i can tell you were nervous when i asked that so i think you should tell me... oh so your being serious sigh you know were never going to solve anything if you don't tell me
So i heard you were abused when you were younger is that true... wait what why did you just say but its no good excuse Jeff what are you hiding
So do you forgive yourself for what you did to your parents... oh you know what I'm talking about, your under arrest for the death of your parents Gale Noah and Bruce Noah and for experimenting on human being... oh don't pretend you don't know what's happening, great job your going to be in prison for the rest of your (hears gun shot go off)... wai- Jeff are you still there JEFF hello.
Sir doll is a wooden puppet/doll that goes on your hand, he is a clown that will only try to ruin your day also think of him as an evil jester
Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok TIK TOK
you must follow the rules!
I want his voice to be high pitched a fast talker and really energetic.
I'm getting a little sleeeeeeepy.
Sorry this place is still being constructed please come back next time.
Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are.
I want it to be music you would find in an old toy ad but also uncanny
Say something you think would fit
I want this to make the player feel fear from the character its being chased by i want it to also be unique.
Say something you think would fit
i want this to be like you just witnessed something disturbing and there's just really uncanny music circling your mind
Say something you think would fit
I want an animator that can make animation in a cuphead art style in black and white
Say something you think would fit
I just want to see your 3d animation skills.
Say something you think would fit
I just want to see your 3d modeling skills and an example of what i want to see is something like a 3d model of huggy wuggy something like that just show me something similar and if you are cast i will have you 3d model Lullaby
Say something you think would fit
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