The Curse Of Maggie's (FNAF Fan Game)

Project Overview
Synopsis of the game:
"Say "goodbye" to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza problems, and say "hi" to the new and safe restaurant: Maggie's Magical World!. Enjoy the games, pizza and much more. We don't lie, you'll have a lot of fun, here in Maggie's."
-Maggie's Entertainment Team.
After its grand opening as the new pizzeria to replace Fazbear's and Candy's, Maggie's is hiring a lot of people, and now, it's your chance to get a job this winter. You guessed it, we need someone to the nightshift...
Description of The Curse Of Maggie's:
"The Curse Of Maggie's" is a non-profit fangame project that will remake a fnaf fangame really liked by many spanish speakers (and really hated by some).
It's now the chance to make bigger than it was! And show little things can be more than that.
The idea for this Casting Call Club project is that you, YOU! You can be part of the gameworking as a voice actor for some of the characters!
It's time to be part of the show now! This finishes in a month, so yeah, go fast, join the cast before finishes, and be part of this game!
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The star of the kids! The idol of the kids at the moment! A cat that enjoys singing so much, and encourages the kids to sing and feel the lyrics of those melodies!
A voice that can be nice, but deeply, the devil himself is talking. A mocking voice that enjoys your suffer and death, but the voice is nice, attractive, and pretty.
I bet you never expected that!
God! You're really disappointing! I expected something else...
What about... stop suffering just because HIM...?

The cheerleader! The girls that encourages the kids to be fit, eat healthful, and dance liek her!
Did you heard Rockstar Chica's voice? If not, here's and example of what I want to get:
A voice that you feel how it makes fun of you! You were not too fast to avoid her, you thought you can avoid her easily and now, who's laughing now? A voice that gotcha so easy and now... you're dead.
Woah! That will give you a lesson for the next time!
And that's how I put the trash in its place! You dumb!
He... HE's the reason of why I'm here... I'll make him proud...

A pig guitarist that enjoys the party!
Remember Porky Pig? Let's pretend he grow up a little. He enjoys the rock! The party is his life, his tongue is very stuck when speaks, and when it gets angry his voice is not nice and speaks seriously.
Die! You ground hitter! Serve Him! Fear Him!
Can you get why all of this is important for us?
Boom! Kapoow! You never expected me!

He used to be a star, but now he's broken, and now he's just an extra.
The voice of this character must be sad, he must to show how he suffers, he cannot breath. At the same time, his voice glitchs a lot, he cannot speak for too long.
I'm so sorry for all of this, but this is the only way...
I didn't want to hurt you, but you'll see he'll save us.
You won't regret this. All of this is for good.

The devil himself. A voice of someone who used to be a star, but the people spit on his face. A voice who speaks so deeply in a cave with bad intentions, his voice means danger.
Sorry for all of this, but you're required to save us.
They accepted my plan, now let me complete it.
Don't get in our way.
A normal person on the world! Excited to introduce you to your new summer job!
As this guy / or girl will have many expressions during the nights, he'll feel different.
For the first line he / she will be excited tou have you there, he / she cannot wait to work with you.
For the second line, he / she will be nervous, looks like he / she wants to accept it as the true, but doubts.
For the third line he / she will be suffering, he's suffering pain and cannot speak very well.
Hello! Hi, welcome here! Nice to talk with you tonight!
Oh yeah, they're kinda weird with that system, but I've heard that's a normal issue, R-RIGHT?.
U.Uhhh, this is really... h-heavy... I cannot continue... p-pl-please...
He doesn't know about anything, he just talks of what they told him. He takes everything as a normal thing, kinda bored and tired.
Uhhh yeah, the case is diffcult.
It's hard to explain what happend, he was stealing...
I think he got what he deserved...
A man around 30-40 years old. He's always serious, his voice is deep and misterious, but is normal (not a villain or monster). When he speaks, his voice never cracks, he's rude.
They're opening... It's now our chance to get in and found what he was doing all these years.
Yes, this is what we need... Just a little days more, hold on even if we're talking about the devil.
It's time to act, it's our chance to take them down.
Seductive voice! A voice from a man who is really handsome and talks nice! No real science in it, just magic!
Oh yeah, I know it can be really weird and that, but I'm very real.
Oh, glad to see you here! It's great to have you here!
I've prepared a letter to you, uhhh... yeah, here, this is a letter for you!
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