The Code: A Fallout Quest Mod Project

Project Overview
The Mod is finished! Thank you for checking in.
"The Code" is a quest mod in development for Fallout 4.
This is EijiroTono's first quest mod, his first mod being Duncan's Den (Nexus Link)( Link), and is co-written by his bestest best gal, Purpleeni. The Code takes place in three new locations, and is expected to add a couple of hours of game play. The script is fully written, and is presently being implemented into the game. As such, changes to lines may occur. We ask that you please be open to redoing or performing additional lines. Several roles may include strong language, and nearly all roles will include combat lines (which are typically spoken under duress). Please feel free to try out for multiple roles.
We've included a teaser video showcasing some of the voicework we've already received. A few roles having been cast early in the production of the mod. Please understand that this is a rough representation of the final product.
You are welcome to contact us on Skype, or via email using the same address: [redacted]
Female Roles:
Cherry Bomb, Mama Maria, Mamie, N, Nancy, Sunny, Weizmann (Companion), Wilma
Non-Human Roles:
Bo (SuperMutant), Bussard (Robo-brain)
Large Roles:
Bussard (Robobrain), Doc Ross, Sam Bennett (Companion), Weizmann (Companion)
All Others:
Bo Banner, Butter, Cleaver, Clive, Conrad, Daryl, Dent, George, Guy, I, Ira, Jack Wren, Jim, Jones, K, Luke, M, Oliver, Parker, Paulie, Pete, Philip, Pollo, R, Randall, Richards, Spoon, Stuart, Sutcliffe, Tucker, Tusk, Vernon, Wyatt
A few roles reference locations, which is most likely one of the following:
Plum Grove: A pre-war hotel now host to several gangs locked in a power play.
Under rail: Beneath Plum Grove is a utility room, with a collapsed wall that leads into a subway system.
Spencer: A small walled-in community, including farmland and mines.
*Note: Direction is noted by brackets on some lines.
A few screenshots
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Latest Updates
The mod is finished, and now available! If you want to check it out, please head to Nexus or BethesdaNet. trailer - Nexus - BethesdaNet PC - BethesdaNet XBO -
The Code's status.
Alrighty, it's now mid-February and where's the mod? The mod is still going strong! Our largest role is in the process of recording audio, and other aspects of the mod are being polished up in the meanwhile. We're expanding on a few things and cleaning up some others while we wait. We're pretty excited being this close, but at the moment we can't offer an ETA on the release just yet. Thank you for your patience! With love, – Tono and Purple -
Recasting is now open
We've run into the unfortunate circumstance of having done casting around a rather busy time of the year. As such, we've lost contact with a couple of our actors, or some simply have not had the time. We have tried to include as many of those who auditioned into the mod as we were able, and are still receiving lines regularly. We have only a few roles left to complete thanks to the contribution of a special few. We'd like to wlecome you, whether you're a returning actor or someone who'se only just caught wind of this, to have a gander at the recast list, were several of our roles are awaiting attention.
Update 5: Casting Complete
Casting for Fallout: The Code has come to an end now. We want to thank everyone who auditioned for the project. Work has continued at a steady pace and we expect to see the mod released within the coming months.
Update 4: First round of casting complete
For the most part we've reached the end of the first round of casting for the project. If you have submitted an audition but not heard from us yet it does not mean that you won't be cast. We've received quite a lot of interest in the parts and we want to take the time to make sure we give everyone's efforts due consideration.
We also apologize in advance if as we move into the week responses from the team take a little longer to come on anything that requires our attention. We will always make a point to get back to folks in as timely a manner as we are able.
As before, we are setting aside this upcoming Saturday the 19th to do another round of casting. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

Conrad is the food vendor and owner of a little diner near the entrance into the town of Spencer. Conrad will ask the player to find a brahmin for him. He is kind, and a little soft-spoken.
Lines: 20
You haven’t seen a brahmin wandering around have you, stranger?
She’s never gone further than that. I always worry she’ll go fall into the quarry or those strange folks at the monastery will snatch her.
Let me know if you hear anything.

Spoon is the middle child of Mama Maria. He reluctantly has joined his brothers to form The Blades (a would be greaser gang). He often uses his brothers real names and while he understands the slang he uses doesn’t feel very comfortable using it.
Lines: 20
Hey, you ought to talk to Joey or Ma.
Don’t know, Joey. Health inspector sounds important.

Cherry Bomb is a madam, innkeeper, and bartender. She is a middle-aged woman, who has seen power struggles happen in Plum Grove. She’s mostly no-nonsense, and a little rough around the edges, except when it comes to her one weakness...
Lines: 47
(Opening Trade Window) Just point to the one you want from the shelf behind me.
Fifty caps for one night. Won’t be the only one in there probably.
Got something I want. You help me out and I’ll see what I can do.

Part of a small cult, K is a loudmouth who frequently butts heads with M over meaningless dogma. Like the majority of the Code Cult, his name is a letter of the alphabet.
Lines: 30
(Arguing, Defensive, a little childish) I cleaned it right away! I might have accidently added a few letters to one of the transmissions but it made more sense than anything you’ve sent.
(Smug) Obviously they know nothing.

Sutcliffe is a no nonsense caravaneer. A slight hint of annoyance would be present when he speaks, as the player is getting in the way of him taking some time to himself when they meet.
Lines: 24
If you’re looking to buy you’re out of luck. Everything I got is coming with me out of town.
Nah, hard pass on that one. This haul isn’t going far enough to be worth the bother of two extra mouths to feed.

George is bright and quiet young man who is a little uncertain of himself. He is considering joining a cult.
Lines: 26
Listen, you really shouldn’t go saying things like that to people. Someone could get hurt.
I wasn’t sure about going there at first. What if they don’t accept me, you know?

Clive is the clothing vendor in Plum Grove. The player can seek him out looking for greaser clothing to impress the Blades gang. He is highly critical of the Blades, and thinks they are a bit of a joke.
Lines: 19
You break it you buy it.
You got mud in your ears? I said take it or leave it. 50 caps or scram.

Wilma is the co-owner of a general store along with her brother Randall. Frustrations over her lazy brother and a recent decline in business are starting to bubble to the surface of her typically calm demeanor.
Lines: 41
See you made it past Stuart. First customer in days. Wouldn’t be so bad if he slept during the day.
I’m not in a place to be cutting anyone a deal right now.

Mama Maria is a stereotyped doting mother, more in the italian leaning. She runs a soup kitchen on the bottom floor of Plum Grove with her three adult sons. She is concerned about her boys’ fixation on the greaser lifestyle.
Lines: 30
Look at you nothing but skin and bones! Come here and eat something already.
What were you raised in a barn? No manners!

Part of a small cult, I acts as the gatekeeper for the group. Enthusiastic when interest is shown in the cult, with a tendency to talk down to those who aren’t enlightened the way he believes himself to be. Like the majority of the Code Cult, his name is a letter of the alphabet.
Lines: 26
A new convert? Excellent. Go now and present yourself.
See? Yes. Understand? Perhaps.

Ira is a farmer who is fed up with his lot in life though lacks the means to change it. A very brief bit part.
Lines: 8
Need something? Ought to talk to Oliver.

Philip is the grocer in Plum Grove. His business isn’t doing so great, largely on account of his lack of enthusiasm. He’s gloomy, disinterested, and really just wants to be left alone. Any sort of friendliness from him is obviously forced.
Lines: 20
Hello, thanks for coming. You know, welcome and all that?

Bussard is the robo-brain leader of a cell of Reavers, who has traveled to the commonwealth with his two companions to track down the lout who has made off with his maintenance program--the program that keeps him from losing his sanity. At the time of his brain transfer, he was an adult male in his late 40’s, early 50’s. He is snarky, at times abrasive, and constantly frets over bits of gore that get stuck inside his mechanisms. He is over the top when it comes to being a little dramatic.
Can be recorded with or without a filter. Examples of robobrain audio can be found on related wikipages. Example.
Lines: 147
(Tangent, pestered) Had I the omnipotent wisdom of His Holy Capacitance, I would smite every last one of them, and use their base atoms to power waste recycling systems.
Is that... a /tooth/ in my treads? (Shuddering) Ugh.
Holy Ohm… help me to resist turning that small man into paste before I am through with him.

Pete is a butcher in his late thirties. He is an unkempt, somewhat tactless, man who views the animals in his care as nothing more than meat.
Lines: 22
Want one that purrs, pecks or uh, pounces?
Eight caps for one serving. So about twenty two for the whole thing?

Randall is the co-owner of a general store along with with his sister Wilma. He spends most of his time drinking and laying around the house while his sister does all the work.
Lines: 22
I don’t have to do anything. This is my house.
(Drowsily) Man it’s real quiet. Where’s Stuart at? What are you doing in here? Did know?

Vernon is a jet junkie who gets by through begging or stealing if the chance presents itself. Most of his lines are said during combat.
Lines: 9
Stand back folks, I got a stim!

Daryl is well meaning though not particularly sharp. He is the landlord of one of the more popular locations to live within the town of Spencer.
Lines: 27
Safety in numbers you know? Plus pretty much everyone gets along alright.
(Player asks: What is this place. Daryl responds) It’s Spencer? If you mean right where you’re standing...I suppose it’s still Spencer.

Part of a small cult, N is using the group as an easy meal ticket. When speaking to the player she will try to sound genuine but her disinterest shows through.
Lines: 20
It says whatever Morse says it does. Not my fault he doesn’t understand.

Sunny is the right-hand of Mamie, the Queen of Plum Grove. While Mamie is calm and eerily even in tone, Sunny is more openly abrasive when spoken to. She puts people in their place, so that Mamie doesn’t have to.
Lines: 61
I ain’t got all day.
Can’t you tell from my bright disposition, fuckface?

Weizmann is a woman in her early to mid 30’s. She is socially inept, and at times a little naive. She is, however, very confident in her work with mechanical components. A fixation for lasers and squishy things (and occasionally Sugar Bombs) is usually her primary driving force, leading her to be all too eager to have the opportunity to laser a raider in the mouth. She is the least spiritual of the three Reavers. She has an unusual way of speaking, adding phrases that make her seem more unsure of herself very often (ex: --perhaps, --I think) and will often probe the player for their opinion. She is inquisitive, and at times a little dark.
Weizmann should sound more like an out-of-place mildly-evil crone, or a rough street-wise alley cat, rather than the quirky sidekick that she is. Ideally her voice will have a dry timbre.
Weizmann is available to become a companion to the Player, and venture outside of the mod.
Lines: 523
(Hopeful, followed by insistent) I suppose...I could share the turret parts? I will require an inspection of your turrets, however. ...For science.
Sugar Bombs. There are some in my pocket. Would you like some?
(Amused snort.) This seems like a highly inefficient means to store frozen peas!

Doc Ross is a self-important fellow. He is the Boss man of the gang that call themselves the Hoss (local shorthand for the hospitality floors in Plum Grove.) Unlike the other gangs, he oversees two whole floors, and runs a business on top of that. He is more of a salesman than a doctor, and goes for the hard sell every time. Nearly always speaks in a sort of forced friendliness.
Lines: 100
Welcome to the Hoss! I’m the Boss of the Hoss, Doctor Ross, and you’re in my Hospital of Hospitality.
Well I am certainly glad to hear it. You haven’t shot the place up so that’s a good sign too.
Oh, that’s a clever one friend! You have wit! Good on you.

Parker is a greeter on the bottom floor of Plum Grove. He hustles chems, and dislikes having to discuss much of anything else. He keeps a friendly face, even if he wishes you’d scram so he can move on to the next customer.
Lines: 36
Hey there friend, Parker here. Don’t believe I’ve seen you around before. Need a pick me up?
Try our brand friend and your high will carry you straight to the top.

Paulie is a young man who looks after a small fish pond in Spencer. He is most likely the first person the Player meets after arriving in the town. His voice is undergoing change, so he speaks with a bit of a squeak, especially when he gets nervous or excited. He is genuinely friendly and warm, and eager to help out in any situation.
Lines: 52
Fresh fish for sale right here. Cleaned and cut already even!
Boston? Wow. The furthest anyone has ever come is from Wormtown. Figured you for Wormtown.
Real sorry I couldn’t be of more help to you. ...Uh. Here! Have some fish. It’s a pretty good cut.

Luke is in his mid twenties. The grandson of Bo Banner, he’s only just recently started to be trusted with important tasks within his family’s compound.
Lines :17
You’re not from around here I guess. Asking to talk to Bo is like tying the noose yourself and then slipping it on.
You linger there much longer and I’ll shoot you in the front. I promise you that.
Hold it right there or I’ll shoot!

Tusk is a crude, rude, brawlin’ dude who everyone hates. Seriously. No one cares if the player murders the piss outta him, and one or two even ask the player to.
Lines: 19
Shoulda listened, shithead.
Fuck Off.

Richards is a man in his mid thirties. He leads a small group of raiders in the under rail. Lines should be delivered with a militaristic bent.
Lines: 33
(Answering a question regarding his future plans) Stay alive with any luck. Make our way through the tunnels till we hit somewhere worth being.
Only good mutie is a dead mutie.
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Louis is a super mutant located in an underground tunnel system. He follows a less intelligent super mutant, and has a great deal of patience. For a super mutant.
(Building up a grumble) Morse. We will rub his eyes out. He promised Ed he could repair the train. Instead he took many tools from it.
You want past train? You talk to Ed.
Human, your friends will not be able to pry my fingers from your throat.

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Farnsworthis a straight arrow, who has rare instances of humor. He is a calm,and very even personality. Aged in his mid to late 30’s, he is awise mentor-like figure. His morality is tied to his spirituality.
(Gentle fussing. Mild annoyance) It smells a little stale in here. Bussard thinks it still smells like popcorn. ...He is unable to process smells.
(Amused) He snores. Did you know this? It is purely psychological, and confounding.
I do not believe many would have gone out of their way to find a peaceful solution, when violence is so easy to administer.

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Morse is a talented scientist, but a little deranged. His unusual ways have drawn a small group of people to him, fostering a cult, with Morse in the center of it. He has gotten quite comfortable with the role, and might have let it go to his head a little.
(Optimistically.) Interesting. Then you have come to join the flock, surely.
(Playing up his importance to impress the player, followed by some rather obvious little scheming) I am always thrilled to have the opportunity to teach. I shall instruct you personally. Privately, so as to limit distractions. In the meanwhile…
Ah, well… Ahem. You see, a few of my disciples are still memorizing the ancient scripts. (Condescending) So I am reduced to speaking in your clumsy tongue until we might all speak the one true Code.

Tucker is a faithful bar patron in Plum Grove. When he’s not drinking, he’s working in the planters or feeding the caged vermin that sustain Plum Grove. He’s a warm and maybe too-friendly idiot. He sees himself as a ladies man, and is much more helpful if the player is female.
Lines: 37
Well, now I know you ain’t got much taste there stranger. This here is cider. I made it myself.
Sometimes it’s just dark and the toilet is too far, so you stop right there at the tub and let it go, you know?

Pollo is a young man who guards the gate that leads out of a town the player will visit. Pollo should come off a little dim witted.
Lines: 29
I dunno. You don’t look like a caravan to me. Where’s your brahmin or cart or merchandise?
(His chant) Open the wall. Kill us all.

Part of a small cult, M is a zealot who frequently butts heads with K over meaningless dogma. Like the majority of The Code cult, his name is a letter of the alphabet.
Lines: 30
(Arguing.) Heathen? Heathen?! I have been here just as long as you have, Kay! We started on this path together!

Butter, short for Butterknife, is a member of the Blades. He is a part-time soup kitchen cook, and full-time greaser-fanatic, except when his mother, Mama Maria, is concerned. Then he normals out to become Tony, the whiny youngest of three brothers.
The Blades utilize a lot of greaser slang, often incorrectly.
Lines: 23
Keeping your knife sharp, Jack?
That means leave, spaz.
You wanna get cut, nosebleed?

Jack is an older man tangled up in a desperate quest to save his mysterious community.
Lines: 11
If I give you all my caps I will never make it back home and then what purpose will it serve? Please... it’s of no use to you.
Thank you, you don’t know what this means to me. Here, for your trouble.
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(On a more serious note, ED does not have an indoor voice. Everything he says is dumbed down and booming. He has a very special attachment to an inoperable train, and gets a little defensive of it if the player goes fooling around with it.)
(Ed is stating this, not quietly.) NO WAKE CHOO CHOO, HUMAN. BE QUIET!
(Mid-combat squishing fun) HAHA!

Jones is a man in late twenties or early thirties. Lines should be delivered with a militaristic bent. He is unpleasant to interact with.
Lines: 19
I thought I fucking told you? Move asshole.
Fine be an asshole. Keep on down the tunnel and we won’t have any problems.

Part of a small cult, R is a man who prefers to keep to himself and read. He would view the player as beneath him. Like the majority of The Code cult, his name is a letter of the alphabet.
Lines: 43
How could you possibly help me?
No, no. Can’t talk now. I must study.

Dent is a unscrupulous caravaneer. When he speaks it should sound practiced like a bad commercial or a used car salesman.
Lines: 19
Since I’m leaving soon some lucky person, perhaps you, might have a chance at snatching it up for the low, low price of three hundred caps!
Unfortunately they’re a little secretive so I can’t get a word in.
Bo is a super mutant who is the patriarch of the Banner family. He is very blunt and lacking in patience when he speaks. The Banners are strongly isolationistic but allow traders to enter their settlement. They have a reputation for violence if they feel slighted so most stay away.
Being a super mutant his voice would probably be something of a challenge. It’s okay for it to simply be a deep voice, much like how the mutants were portrayed in early isometric Fallout games. If anyone feels they can manage something like what’s in the more recent games however that would be welcome as well.
Sample audio can be found on in notable quotes on related wiki pages. Example
Lines: 42
I owe you nothing. One mistake. You die.
You know the names of all you kill?
Dead is dead. Why does not matter.

Guy is a stoic, big burly fellow who works as a miner. A deep voice is preferable but not required.
Lines: 18
Would say it’s because it’s easier but that’d be some bull crap, if you pardon the language.
Just how it’s always been for as long as anyone can remember.

A former foreman (locally called Uncles) of the mines in the town of Spencer, who retired into the farming life to raise his daughter, Nancy. He is a slightly grumpy man, in his mid 50’s in age. He is stern, and concise.
Lines: 38
Not a big fan of people stomping all over my land. You got something to say you ought to say it.
Yeah, I know. You think I want that for her? Wondering if her man is coming back out of the ground or going to rest in it everyday?
Calling the shots without being in there with your people doesn’t work. You got to see what they see. Take the same risks they do.

Mamie is the top dog of Plum Grove. There are numerous gang leaders within Plum Grove, but they all answer to Mamie. She is calm, and collected. Even her threats sound almost inviting when she speaks them. Mamie does not get angry--she gets someone else to get even for her. Unless she is working an angle, she is largely disinterested in what others have to say to her.
Lines: 43 lines
Come back when you have what I need. Or the caps. Your choice.
Here I am. Start talking.

Nancy is a young woman infatuated with a young man, in the town of Spencer. The object of her affection is a stoic young man named Guy who works at the mines. Her father, Jim, was previously Uncle (foremans are called Uncles in Spencer) at the mine, but retired to raise Nancy up in the farm life. She is optimistic, bubbly, and very easily approachable. She gets flustered and excited any time Guy is mentioned.
Lines: 23
The mines? Have you been there? Did you see Guy? Or uh, you know Sam or anyone?
Family doesn’t stop being family ever. With momma gone he doesn’t have anybody left but me.
I can’t do that to Daddy. He’s got nobody left.

Oliver is the “gang” boss of the farmers. It’s the only group in Plum Grove that is technically not a gang at all. They are down-to-earth people who have been caught in the middle of the power struggles in Plum Grove. Oliver’s concerns are mostly focused on figuring out how to keep his crops from dying, while also keeping Plum Grove supplied with food. He is down to earth, and hard-working. He does not stand out much, since he looks like any of the other farmers present.
Lines: 59
This here is The Farm, we grow or raise most of what we need up here. So that perfume you’re whiffing up isn’t exactly avoidable here.
Watch out for the rabbits. They bite pretty fierce.

Sam is a man in his early thirties. A semi reformed thief. A lot of what he says has a joking or sarcastic tone to it. He tends to look to how a situation might profit him first but has a nagging conscience that at times pushes the man in a more noble direction. The most concise description of Sam would be a likeable jerk (or puckish rogue if you prefer). It should also be noted that he throws in a very small dose of Spanish or another language here and there. He is not a fluent speaker of anything but English so those lines don’t need to (and probably shouldn’t) sound natural coming from him.
Sam is inspired by Bruce Campell's portrayal of Ash Williams from the Evil Dead series.
Sam Bennett is available to become a companion to the Player, and venture outside of the mod.
Lines: 497
Pal, it was ugly the second you brought that mug of yours over here.
While I’ve got you here. Think you might do us another solid, compadre?
(Speaking to Dog) You want to come too, furball? Not my call. But for the record I don’t even mind that you smell like you’ve rolled in radroach crap all day.

Stuart is a rude, crude, unrepentant drunk. He hurls obscenities from a shop rooftop until the player deals with him.
Lines: 26
Shit! I can’t see straight, but your faces sure look ugly even from up here!
You flirtin’ with me or something?
Hold still fucker! I gotta pee!

The younger brother of Bo Banner. A man in his fifties who is currently suffering from an unknown illness. Despite this he still has a gruff, matter-of-fact demeanor.
Lines: 46 lines
Bo started snapping her fingers one by one. Did it slow and mean.
I slit her throat before he could really get going. I always liked Julia. Couldn’t see her like that.
I think it was her. Cause Sandra’s a cunt. If it was Sandra I might have done it cause I wanted to.

Cleaver is the eldest of three brothers, and the Leader of the Blades. The Blades is comprised of three members, Joey and his two brothers, which carries on the greaser flame in true greaser fashion. While they goof off in the kitchen, their mother, Mama Maria, tends the shop front. When Cleaver addresses Mama, it’s as Joey, a clean-cut and fussy young man.
Lines: 64
Ain’t about what I say. It just is, you dig?
Cut the gas, Butter. I told em’.
Fork, don’t fade out on us on this one. If you’ve been lighting up the tilt sign best you don’t never show your face around here again.
Public Submissions