The Bad Guys Internation League of Heroes Characters

The Bad Guys Internation League of Heroes Characters

Project Overview

The Bad Guys International League of Heroes Characters are the one that save the world.

I Definitely Needed Voices for each.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Agent Kitty Kat
cast offsite

African American Kitty Character.

The Bad Guys 5:

  1. Sure, it’s cool to be in the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF HEROES. but sometimes this job really sucks…

  2. There are too many of them, Fox. I told you WE should have taken that spaceship instead…

The Bad Guys 7:

  1. Hey lady! You KNOW we don’t have time for this.


  3. FOX?!

The Bad Guys 8:

  1. Because Fox has this crazy idea that you have potential. But personally… I don’t have high hopes.

  2. Uh-huh.

  3. You Think?

  4. Lesson One— DON’T ANNOY ME.

  5. Lesson two? Be a teacup.

  6. I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that. Be… a teacup.

  7. You’re staking on thiiiiiin ice. Just sayin’.

  8. Now BE A TEACUP.

  9. OK. Listen up, Hickory-Dickory. This is your LAST CHANCE. You understand?

  10. BE. A. TEACUP. 

  11. Uh-huh.

  12. But can you be a teacup… when it matters?

  13. Well, that’s a start, I suppose…

  14. Because all you need are these.

  15. They’ll stretch as much as you need, Major Big Butt.

  16. WE don’t have superpowers. You got a problem with THAT?!

  17. MY JET!

The Bad Guys 9:

  1. Finally.

  2. Luck is for wimps.


  4. OK, listen up! That alien trash BLEW UP MY JET, so we have to get ourselves one of those ZIPPY LITTLE SPACESHIPS. THAT’S how we get to the big one.

  5. Legs? YOU are going to teach me how to fly one of those things in the TWO MINUTES it takes to get us up there…

  6. THEN you and shortfuse will get in this PROJECTILE… 

  7. so I can fire you both ONTO THAT MOTHER SHIP. Then I’ll fly the rest of us back here. Any question?

  8. Good! Then let’s MOVE OUT! 

  9. There’s one!

  10. Defeated?

  11. Well, what do you want? An invitation? Let’s “borrow” that spaceship…

  12. Not with you flying! Give me that stick, LITTLE MISS MUFFET. 

  13. Well, guess what? It’s GRADUATION DAY! MOVE IT!

  14. Now GET INTO YOUR CONTAINER! I’m going to launch you onto the mother ship from the GARBAGE CHUTE. 

  15. They won’t even notice your tiny butts because they’ll be too DUMBFOUNDED by Mr. Shark. Isn’t that right, big guy?

  16. You know I am. It’s time to shine, baby…

  17. Do it quick! We’re almost there, but they’re all over us…

  18. Here goes nothing…

  19. Bull’s-eye.

  20. Hold on, you big, beautiful, sparkly pony


  22. Guys?

The Bad Guys 10:

  1. Uh-huh.

  2. Then why don’t we start a new organization? All of us. Together. With a cooler name.

  3. I’m glad you asked— Anybody here want to join Shadow Squad G?

  4. Watch the landing, Foxy. They came down a little rough!

  5. Well, sure—we’re OUTNUMBERED. And no—you guys don’t really have an A GAME you can bring to this party. But you know what? WE’VE GOT EACH OTHER’S BACKS. And that’s enough for me.

  6. You know, when I first saw that disguise, I had my doubts…

  7. But man, I was wrong.

  8. It’s Pam, Actually.

  9. Nice to meet you, Lou.

  10. You go, girlfriend.

  11. Some kind…of new weapon…

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • *Say something from the list of lines*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Agent Hogwild
Role assigned to: Katie_Kat_Yo

Wild Rodeo Girl Like Pig Character

The Bad Guys 5:

  1. You’d better be right, lady.

The Bad Guys 8: 

  1. Aw, he’s just good old fashioned NUDIST! You looked FINE out there today, baaaybeeee…

  1. Now ain’t YOU a cutey…

  2. You like peanuts? Why don’t we go out tonight and get a whole crate of peanuts? That sounds like FUN. I bet you’re a good dancer, too. Wanna go dancin’?

  3. Well… we’re going to play a GAME. 

  4. It’s my favorite.


  6. You RUN… 

  7. I CHASE! 

  8. GO! 

  9. Welcome back, sweet potato! You had a good sleep. But now… LET’S TRY THAT AGAIN! 

  10. Wakey! Wakey! Let’s go one more time…

  11. GO! 

  12. Listen, baby, I could do this ALL day. But we’re in a bit of a rush, and you have to stop crashing into walls, so we need to take this to the NEXT LEVEL… Ready?

  13. You think I’d let that happen to you? I belive in you, sweet cheeks. All you have to do is TURN. I KNOW you can do it.

  14. GO! 

  15. You’re doing it, baby!

  16. Look at you GO!

  17. Let’s CELEBRATE!

The Bad Guys 9:

  1. That ain’t true, honey…

  2. Aw, let him have this one. Preach, baby!

  3. Don’t you just love him?



  6. Funny. I was just thinking the same thing.

  7. Welcome back, guys, but we’d better move. FOX IS IN TROUBLE… 

The Bad Guys 10:

  1. Me too, sugar.

  2. Right on.

  3. Fox! Where are you going, honey?

  4. Plus, we’ve got ourselves a REAL LIVE DINOSAUR. That’s something!


  6. So… Pepe, huh?

  7. Cute. I’m EMMYLOU, in case you were wondering.

  8. And look at your DADDY! 

  9. You must be real proud. Sugar.

  10. I Think we might just have a chance, Pam, baby!


  12. I’m…frozen…in…midair… 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • female adult
  • *Say something from the list of lines*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Agent Doom
cast offsite

Kailey-Hernandez Like Crow Bird Character.

The Bad Guys 8:

  1. A dinosaur with an IQ of 512. According to my tests, he’s easily the MOST INTELLIGENT BEING ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Does anyone want to explain that? It’s kind of creeping me out…

  2. Yep, that just happened. Seriously, am I the only one creeped out by him?

  3. Yeah, they’re pretty remarkable. But you’re kind of MEAN, aren’t you?

  4. Oh, sorry. did I touch a SORE SPOT?

  5. Look, here’s another one…

  6. Oh wow. So many spore spots…

  7. Yeah, yeah. Run away, “Mr. Remarkable.” I’ve got my eye on you.

  8. Yeah. Well, I’ve seen better.

  9. *Yawns*

  10. Hey, Fox? Can you take over? Mr. Remarkable’s cheap tricks are really bumming me out.

  11. That’s not true. I could totally do it. And OPERATION DOOM would sound totes cooler.

The Bad Guys 9:

  1. Yes, we are.

  2. Uh, no. No, that’s… No.

  3. So, what’s is your plan exactly?

  4. Your plan is to watch him THROW BUSES? What? Are you hoping he’ll just get sore arms and take a power nap?

  5. And your mind powers aren’t very good…

  6. I’ll get you for this.

  7. This was YOUR idea!

  8. This is a very bad idea…

  9. So…

  10. It was pretty lame getting to know you.

  11. Try not to die, I guess.

  12. I am SO out of here.

The Bad Guys 10:

  1. Are you serious? He was the snake of my dreams.

  2. I am so misunderstood.

  3. Look, I can see where this is going, but I do have a real issue with the name. It’s tragic.

  4. You can practically see the logo.

  5. Is that…?

  6. Yeah, he’s here. Geez. Get over it.

  7. It’s totally ironic.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation
  • *Say something from the list of lines*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Agent Fox
cast offsite

The Bad Guys 3:

  1. Hmmm. Sorry, gentlemen, but I think you might be wrong about that one.

  2. DON’T. MOVE.

  3. Certainly, Mr. Wolf…

  4. So, tell me…what would you like to know?

  5. My name is SPECIAL AGENT FOX, Mr. Shark. And I’m very pleased to meet you.

  6. I’m afraid you boys have stumbled into a very dangerous situation. Doctor Rupert Marmalade is one of the most DESPICABLE VILLAINS on the face of the earth. We’ve been on his tail for years, trying to catch him in the act.

  7. It seems we’ve finally done it.

  8. I’m an agent for the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF HEROES. 

  9. We’re a secret global organization sworn to protect the earth from evil.

  10. And that is what we do.

  11. The “Good Guys Club”? Is that what you call yourselves?

  12. Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s kind of cute.

  13. But I’m afraid you’re a little out of your depth here, boys.

  14. Your antics at the chicken farm made old Doctor Marmalade here OBSESSED with you. But don’t worry. We’ll soon have him safely locked up, won’t we Marma— Oh dear. Has anyone seen where the supervillain went?

  15. Whoops. That’s unfortunate.

  16. Hmm. The old disappearing-up-a-great-big-bendy-tube trick. That’s disappointing.

  17. Well, the building is about to blow and we have seconds to live. Any ideas, gentlemen?

  18. AHA! There’s a stroke of luck! Motorcycles!

  19. Climb aboard, everyone, and I’ll get you out of here.

  20. Hmm. You could be right. I don’t suppose any of you can ride one of these…?

  21. You Can?

  22. Really?

  23. Marvelous. Well, you take Mr. Snake and I’ll get the others to safety.

  24. Good luck, Mr. Wolf.

  25. We’ll see you outside, gentlemen!

  26. Wow. You have a very unusual style, Mr. Wolf. Very impressive.

  27. But I’m Afraid things are going to be a little more difficult than we thought.


  29. Wow. He really is awfully brave, isn’t he?

  30. WE’RE OUT!

  31. Unfortunately, yes, I do.

  32. What have you done this time, Marmalade?

  33. Nor do I, Mr. Wolf. And that’s why I need to ask you a favor

  34. I need to follow Marmalade RIGHT NOW. But someone needs to stay here and deal with his SECRET WEAPON.  

  35. Any minute now, something TRULY TERRIFYING will come out of that tunnel and I need some heroes to be standing guard when it does.

  36. Will YOU be my heroes, gentlemen?

  37. Will you help me SAVE THE WORLD?

  38. Thank you, Mr. Wolf. I’m counting on you, boys. We all are.

  39. Well, I’ve got a villain to catch!

  40. Yes, there are quite a few perks to being a hero, Mr. Wolf.

  41. Oh, and Mr. Snake?

  42. I know what you did at the chicken farm. YOU are the reason those chicken are free. You’re ALREADY a hero.

  43. You just have to start believing it.

  44. Good Luck, boys!

The Bad Guys 4:

  1. Nice to see you, gentlemen. Climb aboard!

  2. Oh. One small thing, Mr. Wolf…

  3. Would you mind grabbing one of those Zittens for me? That’d Be Marvelous.

  4. Did he get one, Mr. Piranha?

  5. No, they’re NOT INFECTIOUS, Mr. Wolf. But he will try to EAT YOU, so try to be careful until I get us to our destination.

  6. Legs? Can you take the controls?

  7. Gentlemen, I know someone who might be able to help with this Zitten situation. Her name is GRANNY GUMBO, and if we can bring her a live Zitten, there’s a chance she can create an ANTIDOTE and turn them all back into normal kittens.

  8. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

  9. I need to get this Zitten to GRANNY GUMBO. But I also need to keep following DR. MARMALADE. Trouble is—I can’t be in two places at once. So, Mr. Shark? and Mr. Piranha?

  10. I need your help.

  11. Because you two can SWIM. I’ve managed to track Marmalade to an island fifty miles off the coast of COSTA RICA. I need you to swim out there, in secret, and keep an eye on him. and I hope you don’t mind, but I would recommend wearing a DISGUISE.

  12. Mr. Piranha? You seem troubled. Is everything OK?

  13. Legs? Take us lower. Mr. Shark? This is your stop. And Mr. Piranha? It’s your choice…

  14. Legs? Stay close. I’ll contact you when it’s time to pick us up.

  15. This is GRANNY GUMBO’S WAREHOUSE. Now I Should warn you— Granny is a little bit…odd. So you might want to leave the talking to me…

  16. Oh dear…

  17. Bless you, Granny.

  18. I do apologize Granny. But I was rather hoping…

  19. Granny? I’m sorry to interrupt, but do you remember when we talked about finding a ZOMBIE KITTEN ANTIDOTE? 

  20. Marvelous, Granny.

  21. Hello, Mr. Snake. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better. It was very kind of you to donate some venom. Granny really appreciates it.

  22. I must apologize for Granny. Her methods are HIGHLY UNUSUAL. but I promise you, Mr. Snake— she is a genius.

  23. Hold it together, gentlemen. Granny? It’s time…

  24. You are a genius, Granny!

  25. OK, gentlemen. Are we ready to go?

  26. Remember, boys— I’ll DRIVE THE TRUCK, you THROW THE YARN. There are THOUSANDS of Zittens so this isn’t going to be easy, but if anyone can do it, we can.

  27. Don’t listen to him, Mr. Wolf. I Think you’re GREAT. 

  28. OK, boys. Let’s roll…

  29. Boys? Can you hear me?

  30. The Zittens are spread out wider than we thought. We Need to find a way to THROW THE YARN FARTHER.

  31. Thank you, Mr. Wolf.

  32. That’s IT! Whatever you’re doing, Mr. Wolf, keep it up!

  33. That’s brilliant, Mr. Wolf! YOU’VE DONE IT! 

  34. OH NO! 

  35. SWERVE! 

  36. LEGS! I’m certainly glad to see you!

  37. Can I be a pest and ask you to aim our SUCTION HOSE at those balls of yarn while I fly the plane?

  38. OK, that should do it, Now… let’s put a stop to this nonsense, shall we?

  39. Phase One?! I don’t like the sound of this…

  40. Good to see you, guys!

  41. It’s not just dolphins, Mr. Piranha. It’s kittens and puppies and all things cute. I’m afraid the world is doomed unless…

  42. Legs?

  43. Oh, Legs. You’re right. The only way we can find him and destroy that weapon is to get to…

The Bad Guys 5:

  1. As I told you when we first met, Mr. Snake, the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF HEROES is a secret organization. The regular authorities don’t know we exist. That’s why we need to find another way to deal with this…

  2. We need to… borrow a rocket and GET TO THE MOON OURSELVES.

  3. Mr. Wolf, listen carefully. The world IS about to end. The ONLY way to stop it is to get to the moon. And WE are the only ones who know the truth. If we don’t… borrow a spaceship and destroy the Cute-Zilla Ray…EVERYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH WILL DIE. PERIOD. 

  4. If we survive this mission and SAVE THE EARTH. I’m Pretty sure they’ll let us keep it. But yes, we will try our hardest to bring it back…

  5. Um…sure.

  6. Well, yes. Except that last part. I don’t know how to operate a spacecraft…

  7. I never said I’d be flying…

  8. Just do what I do, Mr. Wolf and we’ll be fine…

  9. Sir! We have orders to get this booster rocket onto that spaceship! The world’s gone crazy, huh?

  10. yes, it is. But this little beauty is FULL of surprises.

  11. It’s all about CONFIDENCE, Mr. Wolf. You just need to believe you can do it, and everyone else will believe it, too.

  12. That’s not for me to say, Mr. Wold. This is YOUR mission.

  13. Someone has to stay here and fight the zombies… and that means us—


  15. You’re more like us than we know! In fact, we used to be JUST LIKE YOU. Maybe I’ll tell you about it some day. But right now, you have to go and save the world. WE’RE COUNTING ON YOU. We won’t be able to hold back the zombies for long…

  16. I’m Proud of you, Mr. Wolf. Good luck!

  17. Trust Me. Mr. Wolf will do it. He’ll destroy the CUTE-ZILLA RAY.

  18. I’m sure Mr. Wolf has a brilliant plan in action right now…

  19. He Did it!

  20. Mr. Wolf! You’re officially a HERO!

The Bad Guys 7:

  1. Just give me a minute…

  2. THIS was the arranged LANDING POINT. THIS is where Mr. Wolf and the boys were supposed to return to Earth.

  3. So, where are they? 

  4. Stay calm, guys. Everything will be cool…

  5. Uh-oh…

  6. On second thought, team, I’d like to ask a favor…

  7. Take care of the BAD GUYS for me?

  8. LEGS?!

  9. Mr. Wolf! You’re alive!

  10. Mr. Wolf… They’re already here.

  11. Is That what I think it is?!

  12. *Gasp*

  13. Mr. Shark… You’re shape-shifting.

The Bad Guys 8:

  1. Mr. Wolf! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

  2. Get in here! ALL OF YOU! RIGHT NOW! 

  3. Mr. Wolf! Your team is NOT READY!

  4. I Know your hearts are in the right place, but you need our help.

  5. When we’re finished with you, you’ll be ready to take on ANYTHING. 


  7. Welcome to our SECRET HEADQUARTERS. Now That you know a little bit about us, let’s talk about YOU. Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, and Mr. Piranha—the International League of Heroes is well aware of your recent work, and we’ve all been briefed on you… NEW TALENTS. 

  8. I’d also like to introduce my team to another very special member of the Good Guys Club— LEGS! 

  9. Legs? Are you OK? You don’t seem your usual cheerful self.

  10. Ah! Sorry, Mr. Tarantula…

  11. O…K…

  12. And finally, the…er…newest member of the Good Guys Club— MILTON. And yes, in case you’re wondering, Milton does appear to be a DINOSAUR from the Cretaceous period…

  13. Sooooo, obviusly something highly unusual happened to all of you when you passed through that VORTEX. Milton became HYPER-INTELLIGENT… 

  14. And Hyper-charming as well…

  15. On the other hand Mr. Piranha has SUPER SPEED. Mr. Shark can SHAPE-SHIFT. Mr. Snake has rather remarkable MIND POWERS… 

  16. And as for MR. WOLF… 

  17. Play nice, Agent Hogwild. As we all know, Mr Wolf has SUPER STRENGTH. 

  18. Unfortunately, though, there’s a PROBLEM. Other than Milton, none of you are able to fully CONTROL your powers…

  19. It doesn’t really matter HOW you were transformed. What matters is this: You have powers that—If PROPERLY HARNESSED—could help defeat the terrible ALIEN FORCES Spreading across the planet. 

  20. I cannot lie, the situation is not looking good… Their MOTHER SHIPS have settled above every major city.

  21. Each mother ship carries an alien army— a fleet of FIGHTER CRAFT… and a legion of ROBOT WAT MACHINE used by the aliens on the ground.

  22. The Aliens are able to CHANGE THEIR SIZE AT WILL. They can be gigantic one minute and then shrink down to fit inside the helmet of a WAR MACHINE. That’s how MARMALADE Disguised himself as a ginuea pig.

  23. They are HIGHLY ADVANCED. They are HOSTILE.

  24. And they are EVERYWHERE. 

  25. And as for the rest of you… It’s TRAINING DAY. 

  26. Why do you think we call her AGENT DOOM? 

  27. She’s just pushing your buttons, Mr. Snake. To see how you’ll react.

  28. Wow.

  29. You STILL don’t get it, do you?

  30. Where I come from, they HUNT foxes, Mr. Snake. For fun. Because they think we’re worthless dirty thieve who don’t deserve to live. When I was young… I lost everything. And for the longest time I was angry. Just like you. And AGENT KITTY KAT? Well, they told her early on that she couldn’t be on the playground with the other kids because she had a WILD SIDE. Eventually, that made her pretty angry, too. And AGENT HOGWILD was told her whole life she was bad. So guess what? She started acting like she was bad. AGENT DOOM was picked on every single day for being a “creepy weirdo”... And nobody even wanted to go near AGENT SHORTFUSE. Ever. But then, somehow, we found each other. And we made a pact. We decided to take all our hurt and our anger and our fear and turn it all into something GOOD. Instead of trying to hurt those who’d hurt us, we started trying to PROTECT THOSE WHO CAN’T PROTECT THEMSELVES. So, don’t you see, Mr. snake? We are you.

  31. Put them away for now though, Mr. Wolf. There’s something you guys need to do first…

  32. This is your FINAL TRAINING EXERCISE. It’s simple—put Agent Shortfuse in the box. Good Luck, Gentlemen.

  33. Gentlemen? YOU’RE READY. 

  34. MY TEAM will take on the aliens here on the ground. We’ll keep them off you as long as we can.

  35. Mr. Wolf? Your team needs to get AGENT SHORTFUSE and MR. TARANTULA onto that MOTHER SHIP. 

  36. Are you ready for this?

  37. This is it, Mr. Wolf. Are you OK?

  38. You’ll do great.

  39. (Freaking Out) MR. WOLF?!

  40. (Freaking Out) Mr. Wolf?!

The Bad Guys 9:

  1. OK. I know this seems bad…

  2. …you feel lost. I get it. But…

  3. Good luck, guys.

  4. Doom, give him a break, Try again, Mr. Snake…

  5. Cut it out, Joy.

  6. Oh, shush.

  7. Mr. Snake, I think we need to DISTRACT Mr. Wolf, to GET YOU CLOSER… Any ideas?

  8. MR. WOLF!

  9. MR. WOLF?

  10. Mr. Wolf? It’s me. It’s Agent Fox…

  11. That sounds a little formal, doesn’t it? Agent Fox. It’s funny…I just realized… I’ve never told you my real name, have I?

  12. Well, it’s high time I did. Allow me to introduce myself, Mr. Wolf. My name is…

  13. *Gasp*

  14. MR. WOLF! NO!

  15. He’s in!

  16. Argh!

  17. Mr. Snake? Can you hear me? Just KEEP AT IT!

  18. Just try. You have to try.

  19. HELP!

  20. Ugh!

  21. Mr. Snake? Can you hear me?

  22. Will you try something for me?

  23. Forget you have mind powers for a minute. Just pretend you’re PLAIN OLD MR. SNAKE. 

  24. That way you can just talk to him. He loves you. Just…talk to him.

  25. Mr. Snake! Don’t stop! Just keep TALKING! 

  26. Mr. Wolf?

  27. Mr. Wolf? Are you…

  28. Argh!

  29. Not Good!

  30. Seriously? Sometimes I wonder if this really is the job for me


  32. Oh no…

  33. Mr. Wolf! You’re shrinking!

  34. Mr. Wolf?!

  35. Oh, Mr. Wolf. It’s you!

The Bad Guys 10:

  1. That’s lovely. You know… I thought you didn’t like him.

  2. Hang in there, Agent Doom.

  3. Don’t listen to him.

  4. No, it’s not.


  6. I have dedicated MY LIFE to the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF HEROES. With these ladies right here, I have fought so many battles and kept the world safe for so long that I can barely remember anything else. Right, girls?

  7. I would die for the League of Heroes. Without hesitation. But know this— I would be proud to be a member of the GOOD GUYS CLUB. 

  8. The name doesn’t matter. It’s what you do that matters. And what you’ve all done is amazing. I’D JOIN YOU GANG ANY DAY. 

  9. I love it.

  10. I’ll tell you later. We have to GET OUT OF HERE. 

  11. This is our chance!

  12. RUN!

  13. You guys help as many civilians as you can. I’m going up there to help LEGS AND RHONDA. 

  14. Get up here, Mr. Wolf.

  15. Whisper. They’ll be everywhere…

  16. That’ll be Rhonda. I’d better give her a hand…

  17. It’s AGENT SHORTFUSE. We don’t use our real names at work.

  18. It’s Ellen.

  19. And who might you be, “Mr. Wolf”?

  20. Well, Moe…

  21. I’ll help Rhonda. You help Legs. Meet you back here.

  22. Next time I see you, we’ll have saved the world! Am I right?

  23. Get over here, Milton!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • *Say something from the list of lines*


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