Tender Lovin' Cannibal

Project Overview
This project is seeking talent 18 years and older.
"TLC is a dating simulator wherein you, the player, try your hand at courting the barbaric butcher Bob Velseb. Can you win the heart of the creepy cannibal who's at large and in charge, or will you end up being the main course? Only time will tell!"
This game is primarily a dating simulator that has elements of horror (both psychological and eldritch) with comedy mixed in. It takes place within the universe of SrPelo's Spooky Month series, so we encourage those who audition to watch it if they haven't already! For further details or answers to questions, feel free to PM.
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A bumbling new hire who seems to be out of his depth at all times. He tries his best to provide good customer service, but remains forever a novice compared to his cannibalistic coworker.
Keywords: hopeful, dense, eager, affable, soft-spoken
- english
- general american
- american (midwest)
- male young adult
- androgynous
- american (southern)
- video game
- animation/character
- visualnovel
- videogame
- audacity basics
"Hey there! Welcome to Boys n' Grills, what can I get for you?"
"Did you order the, uh... 5-foot-burger? No? Oh jeez, how am I supposed to carry this back to the kitchen?!"
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to make this right?"

A natural brunette with cheaply bleached curly hair, cut into messy mullet usually kept in a small low ponytail. He has a boxy form, slightly pear shaped and pudgy. They stand at 5’5, but like any insecure man he’ll always tell you they’re 5’7.
Keywords: Laid back, carefree, vibin', stoner
- english
- androgynous
- male young adult
- neutral
- animation/character
- video game
- visualnovel
- videogame
- audacity basics
"Hey dude, I just swallowed a whole 6 cents. Now where's my free Fanta."
"Yo! How's it hanging Greenie? ...How'd I know you're new? Crime- ...Bob told me."
"Let's play Mario Kart after this, I'm really in the mood to blue shell some little kid."

Awkward and anxious. Works at a candy shop (and struggles with constant teenage robberies). Stutters and slurs her words due to her anxiety, although her anxiety lessens as the player gets to know her better (if they choose to befriend her).
Keywords: nervous, stuttery, easy to panic
- english
- female adult
- animation/character
- video game
- videogame
- visualnovel
- audacity basics
"My name is Kelsey, is there anything I can help you with? No? O-Okay, just let me know if you need something!"
"Oh shi- oh no! Not again! Ugh, those damn kids are going to be the death of me!"
"Maybe you shouldn't poke your nose into business that isn't yours, hm? Would be a shame if you found out something you weren't supposed to know..."

Comes across like an insane conspiracy theorist trying to communicate his concerns to the public, but never being believed. He is skittish, jumpy, feral acting and very anxious. He sounds a bit more on the lighter side of the spectrum, but not feminine. He stutters a lot, and especially hates being looked in the eyes.
Keywords: skittish, jumpy, anxious, unstable
- english
- androgynous
- male young adult
- animation/character
- video game
- visualnovel
- videogame
- audacity basics
“D-Don’t be too loud! They have eyes everywhere. Eyes, eyes... that THING! Can it still hear me?!”
“This damn town… this damn governor! If it wasn’t for that prick, maybe things w-wouldn’t be so hard!”

A man who takes his job as the Chief of Police to a whole new level, taking everything seriously to a point it’s exhausting. Will not let others slack off and is willing to stoop so low to punch a child if ‘need be’. Even though he is incredibly intimidating and serious, he is also a more comedic relief with his god awful ‘disguises’ and willingness to fistfight criminals whenever he gets the chance.
Keywords: imposing, Intimidating, serious, stern, stubborn, eccentric, sly, untrustworthy
- english
- male adult
- video game
- animation/character
- visualnovel
- videogame
- audacity basics
“Don’t believe those silly little newspapers. They spread lies and make up stories about how the way I handle criminals is cruel, unjust. I do it my own way, the RIGHT way.”
“Who do you think you’re talking to- Oooo, donuts!” (threatening to cheery)
“Chief? Who’s Chief? Why I am Herbert! Just a simple innocent man that is in no way following you- I mean, uh… LOOK, IT'S A BIRD!” (nervous/desperate)

Tall, dark, and looming would be an apt descriptor. She doesn’t seem to enjoy socializing much and displays a general monotone or cold expression to those she is not familiar with. Do not let this deceive you, as she cares deeply for her co-workers.
Outside of work she dons herself in gothic and Victorian fashions as well as absorbing herself in niche interests. An air of elegance envelops her in the eyes of acquaintances.
Keywords: Calm, Quiet, Foreboding, Cold, Monotone, Strangely Empathetic, Mature
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- androgynous
- animation/character
- video game
- visualnovel
- videogame
- audacity basics
"Oh. My apologies, I did not see you there. You do realize we are closing soon, right?"
"You like them too? I thought it was... weird... but it makes me glad someone like you enjoys it. "
"Look, I don't think you should keep talking about that. For your sake... and mine."

Shotgun Man is the more trigger-happy out of his duo of police officers. Quick to accuse and quick to arrest, SGM is always looking for a reason to find someone suspicious and book them.
Overall a very chaotic individual. May try to act by the book, but really they’d burn down a criminal’s house if you gave them an opportunity. The townsfolk know this, and somewhat fear them for it. There’s no person who hasn’t had at least one run-in with SGM.
- male young adult
- male adult
- androgynous
- animation/character
- video game
- visualnovel
- audacity basics
"HEY, YOU! Yeah, you! I'm gonna have to see some ID. Jaywalking is a serious offense, y'know!"
"Criminals? Villains?! WHERE! I'LL GIVE 'EM WHAT FOR!"
"Just between you and me, I really admire the chief. I wanna be just like him when I grow up! Er... when I get outta the academy, I mean!"

Captain is a bit more chill and easy-going. Very talkative and sometimes flirtatious, yet still quite sensible. An antithesis to SGM for the most part, Captain will reign in his partner and calm them down when necessary.
Despite acting as a foil, Captain shares SGM’s chaotic streak. As a result of taking himself less seriously, he’s just as (if not more) prone to going along with a harebrained scheme or wacky ordinance just to try and catch a criminal.
- male adult
- male young adult
- visualnovel
- animation/character
- video game
- videogame
- audacity basics
"That's a fine name you got there, girlie-pop."
"Nice try, but this ID is counterfeit. Surely you've got a real one tucked away somewhere, right?"
"Chief, I hate to break it to you... but they got away. It won't happen again, I promise!"

A ex-clown that works at Boy’s n Grills. Despite her seriousness towards getting her job done, due to her clown nature, she goofs around when she can. Archetypal wise fool, often silly but keenly observant on rare occasions.
(When in doubt, take a note for her voice from Harley Quinn.)
Keywords: goofy, easygoing, expressive, affectionate, chaotic
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- animation/character
- videogame
- video game
- visualnovel
- brooklyn
- american (new york)
- new york (brooklyn)
- audacity basics
"We talkin’ total HONK-stile takeover!”
"...Do you guys ever wonder if Boss is the guy on the news?"
"Happy birthday to you, you live in a shoe! You look like a- waaaait, those ain't the right lyrics!"
Public Submissions