Tales of Ultra - Chapters 1 and 2

Project Overview
TALES OF ULTRA: Every 10,000 years two souls are reborn in an endless struggle for life and death. Now the 7th Knight of Life has come: an enigmatic Chespin named Lucas looks for answers to the past while trying to live a normal life in a rescue team.
Hi, all! Welcome to the official casting page for GoldenComet Productions' comic dub adaptation for Tales of Ultra, originally written and illustrated by an_artist_with_pickles! (CHAPTERS 1-2)
**Basically what's going on right now: This project was initially started a year ago and put on pause for the next 1.4 years, mostly because of other IRL necessities that CollotAshe (the big head of the group) had to fulfill. During that time, the comic's lines were redone and posted up on new-updated Comic Fury. This casting call is to repair the cast from then to complete new voice work for the first chapter and to bring in the new cast for the second chapter (to complete their work too).
With the first episode of Tales of Ultra planned to go smoothly for release later this year, here we all are.
(To Our Applicants)
- With your submission, add a way for us to contact you. Highly recommended either Gmail or Discord. This will also be where you submit your content.
- The casting deadline is as marked: August 16, 2022. If you are unable to record between the casting deadline and submission deadline, (August 26, 2022) do not apply. Editors have until October 16, 2022.
- We'll accept submissions with minimal background noise, as they can be fixed up through editing. If too much is present, we will not consider your application.
- If RECASTING is labeled on a role, that means the character has voice work needs in the first and second chapters (excluding "*" roles - more info on their descriptions). **You will be given a longer timeframe to record for recasting roles. (08/31)
- Think about the wider spectrum of this group, and our perspective on you. It's better we have people that can stay long-term rather than come and go. If breaks are needed, it's okay. Collot will also need breaks off to handle outside-project work.
- We care about your effort. We won't often ask to have your lines redone or video files tweaked unless absolutely necessary.
- Most importantly, we would appreciate your enjoyment of the project. Passion is what we live for!
Final Notes
- All the choices for voice actors are of the comic artist's accord, and not CollotAshe. This preserves what *they* want for the project.
- It's best recommended to actually see the character for yourself to see what you're actually auditioning for: notice their nature and tone, personality, etc. Editors consider the style of the comic and trace the layout, maybe.
- Any applicant inquiries are valued and may either be left in the comments or through direct contact on Discord, CCC, or Emails.
- Our content is published yearly. We only upload new episodes during the summer season.
DISCORD: The Discord Server
Tales of Ultra Source: Tales of Ultra Comic
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Latest Updates
Voices will be finalized either today or early tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and good luck to all auditionees! :D
Deadline Extension
Artist Head proposed to push the casting deadline back one week. All set deadlines will be changed accordingly. -
Title updated. -
"**Basically what's going on:" description section updated. -
Poe and Hypno Roles
Content in roles "Poe (Squirtle)" and "Hypno Enemy" was updated.

You're pretty much just filling in the spot I have while I'm out for work and internships the rest of the year. Studies are quite important.
You will be given a set of pages to work on, (usually a segment of the story) to string together by the panel in your unique editing style. It doesn't really get more complicated than that with the ridiculously low standards there are. If you are still concerned, contact the comic artist through art socials or Discord.
Say something you think would fit

Destiny is a spirit set on guiding Lucas (the Chespin) toward his future. She maintains a calm and tranquil personality and tone while also laying on the quiet side of the characters (not very much but definitely) because she's done this exact same thing about 7 times. None of this is very new.
**Destiny will have voice work ranging back to the beginning of the first chapter. You will have more time to record her part from there to the present-day second chapter.
"Um, you done? (simply asking because the subject's freaking out) I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but you fight to protect us. You'll learn in time."
"Lillie, I promise you. That Chespin is beyond capable of such, or should I say... this Chespin. (intentionally stumble on the words; it doesn't sound very right, huh.) He's part of me in a way. Isn't that right?"
"You might wanna keep an eye on him, Lucas. (a hint of concern) ..Wait, wait. Lucas? LUCAS?!" (Something happened to Lucas, oh no.)

Forge is the tormented prince of the Void. He has endured years of abuse and mental manipulation, causing him to join forces with the Void through insanity and simply making him a feared icon. There practically isn't any way he can escape his fears, though.
**You will only have Forge's voice work for the first chapter based on a campfire story. It's all he has for now.
"Flora... of course. You must be desperate." (villainously sincere)
"Peace. It's a simple concept. (relaxed becomes aggravated) DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!"
"Why do you fight? What do you even predict you will get out of this, 'perfect' reign?" (slow, ominous, talking your subject down)

Harmony is an explicitly quiet Ralts who serves as moral and technical support for her team. She is the close cousin of Seedar (the Bulbasaur) and seems to only be comfortable around her long-term team members: Cinder (Charmander), Poe (Squirtle), Pepper (Fennekin), and Seedar.
**Our previous Harmony voice already has the lines for the first chapter as unmodified. CollotAshe has been unable to contact her for a little while so to be safe: there's an open role for Harmony now.
"O-Ohh! Cinder.. you, well-... you shouldn't have." (Surprised and open scurries back to a shy tone.)
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. please stop..." (someone's pestering you, and pretty badly. you can't fight back, unfortunately, so..)
(cough, cough) "S-Seedar...? Poe..? -- Oh wait, it is Poe. Sorry about.. th-that."

Lillie is the loving sister of Destiny having stuck with her thousands of years ago. In the present day, she raises a Manaphy and Rotom as her children's figures and takes up the job of helping train Lucas in combat. She can be quite mysterious for her passive nature, and even more, uncommon times sound antagonistic to intimidate her peers.
"Okay, who's ready?" (passionate, announcing)
"Cora, this is the one chance we have. Promise momma, you'll play your part and give me enough time to run up there and get a peek. (super encouraging to her little child, real light on the voice) . . . That's my girl." (approved!)
"So yes, I am the 'very bad guy' they entail. (menacing, superb villain moment) -- I hope you don't have a problem with it." (cluttered/spoken fast to avoid the awkward bit..?)

Lucas is a soul predominantly created to put an end to the Void. He lacks basic knowledge of virtually anything and can come off as quite dumb, hence at times being talked down by one another. He dreams of finding a family and eventually grounding himself into actual social purpose to become much more serious about his duties.
**Lucas' lines were basically just redone from the start to now. You will have voice work ranging from the beginning of the first chapter to his common appearances in the second chapter. You will have more time to complete his role.
(quiet, and mostly unplanned) "I'm um... Lucas. I come from (cut to after being rudely interrupted) -- okay, never mind then."
"I-I, look. I really don't know what's going on. My broken brain can't string this together." (you're actually kind of desperate for clarification on an unspecified topic)
"Wait a second... I don't have a home. (that sudden realization vibe) WHERE DO I GO?!" (immediately yell out like you're on the verge of crying)

Luna is a peppy, young Chikorita who dreams of seeing the world someday and is a ludicrously big fan of anime. Suddenly, she becomes sidetracked when she finds a realization while being part of a rescue team. She has a big, noticeable soft spot for Lucas (the Chespin).
**Luna's lines were for the most part unmodified in the first chapter, so there is only second-chapter voice work to complete for this role and the potential beyond.
"Oh, no no no. I can pay for my own food. You don't have to put me on the check." (relieving the potential pressure of someone who may have been almost bound to pay a full check for their dine-in)
"Froakie, Lucas. I noticed Harmony was out today, and so was Cinder. You got anything on them?" (normal conversation tone, nothing more)
(creating hype with your voice) "I HAVE A PLAN! IT INVOLVES..!! ...No plan." (wow, disappointed.)

Pepper comes off as antisocial most of the time and doesn't have any liking for talking with a majority of people around her. In her team, she takes her job very seriously. She knew Froaks as a friend years ago, of course until complications arose and now she's isolated herself like this.
"It's no good to talk about it. It'll only do worse on you." (stating this like it's a scientific fact, just more down and dark)
"Boohoo. Get over it. We need to go!" (helping your team out, maybe a little on the critical side though)
"YOU THINK I WANTED ANY OF THIS?!" (someone definitely knocked with your temper)

Poe is one of the mysterious characters in the cast who supposedly has some kind of grudge against Lucas (Chespin). He tends to stay on the chill, easily sociable side until he breaks the facade and questions someone.
**Poe has a neck injury which makes his voice strained and raspy. Consider this when you submit.
"What about the cashier guy? I didn't steal anything. (like a calm argumentative reply) Wow, what a mystery this is."
(getting that guy's attention, sly) "Buddy. Buddy buddy. (DARK > ) -- What's in your soul..."
*burst out into laughter, then interrupt yourself by hoarse coughing* "O-Ohhh, gosh. Sorry."

Cora is Lillie's adopted daughter (the Marshadow) who tries to take after her mother to the very best of her ability. She's unusually defensive when meeting up with strangers and wholeheartedly protects Lillie if so contact occurs.
"Shouldn't I be there with you, Momma..?" (cooing, worrisome)
"NO TOUCH! HMPH!" (actively defending whatever that thing is)
"Wooaaaa..." (Amazing)

Ken is the guild master of Oaklin Village (the main setting of TOU). He takes his job seriously and is incredibly strict when super necessary. He's longed for a team to accept Froaks for years, and now it's time.
"There's nothing more unnecessary than your uncontrolled ego, Seedar. You are a leader now. Live up to it." (conversing with Seedar on his behavior; give yourself a somewhat heavy voice)
"Give them time. (grow curious) ..I want to see what happens."
"There's a lot to learn about this group. They're diverse and cover a lot of ground. They cooperate so swiftly, it's actually impressive. I will talk to them tomorrow."

This Hypno does some kidnapping in the region, and now he's being cornered in a dungeon. I suppose he appears in that one dungeon scene and a fight ensues, likely more screen-time to come. He's sly, sort of. He has some creepy vibe to him. Not much I can say.
"Ohoho.. no you don't. That ain't coming off that easily, kid." (mix it with some chuckling, experiment with it really)
"Would it hurt more if I put you all together like THIS?" (emphasis on "this", sounds about right)

This Lucario isn't known by name yet. He is in the second command of the guild and the descending guild master following Ken (Blaziken). He's soft for Pepper - known as her uncle.
"It's sort of nerve-wracking if you put them on these circumstances, sir. Are you absolutely sure they'll pass?" (a little fast-paced, airy)
"Hey, Pepper.. my Comet doing alright?" (just checking up on Pepper, like a good uncle-father kind of figure thing whatever it--ahh)

Sara is a Haunter who works at the guild to watch new members go through their test dungeons. Not much was given of her exact personality because of her brief appearance in the dungeon scenes. Think soft and somewhat serious, perhaps?
"And they are proceeding. Good work, team."
"One of them just left the zone, what's going on?"

This guy's just impatient. Literal jerk. Intolerable fiend. The exquisite scoundrel of the Oaklin Village. Mess around with his voice I don't know.
"Why did I sign up for this? - JUST DON'T HOLD UP THE LINE, SERIOUSLY!" (escalate in tone, literally all of it says)
~ ~ DEMO REELS ~ ~
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Public Submissions