Tales Of Berseria Skits FanDub
Project Overview
Well hello there! I'm delighted that you're looking to participate in the project.
Summary: Tales Of Berseria is an Action RPG with an amazing story based on finding your own reasons to live. Velvet is a young woman who is out for revenge after witnessing her brothers' demise by the hands of her trusted brother-in-law Artorious. After 3 years in a prison cell, she has the ability to devour malevolence from daemons. Together with a cast of characters they fight to find their own reasons to live and seek revenge.
Me and a team of talented VA's at 321VAction are looking to put together a fandub of the skits, whether they be funny or serious. If this is a project that you wanna be a part of, these are the requirements for auditioning:
1: Discord.
We use Discord for communicating as well as sharing files for voice projects. If you don't have one, definitely make one. Its free and VERY easy to use.
2: Great quality microphone with little to no background noise.
As good as the voice talent may be, it won't be as good if the quality is not as good or with background noise. That being said, I cannot accept auditions that are of poor quality.
3: Commitment is a must.
I cannot stress about being committed to a project. I understand that outside issues can put a damper on meeting deadlines but if you are consistent with not meeting deadlines or have not communicated with anyone in the group, then your role will go to the second best.
Just before I end it here, definitely try to sound as close to the original English VA's as possible though ANY interpretation is welcome. Have fun and happy auditioning!!
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Latest Updates
Due to one of the VAs dropping out of the project to pursue personal goals, I have decided to re open the role for Rokurou as well as possibly sort out extras for recording certain parts of the game. Look forward to that in the future.
Casting/Role ofEizen
Because the website is being odd at the moment I am unable to cast anyone at all. With that being said, to those who are still auditioning for Eizen the role has already been cast for. I do apologise for the confusion, but i will try and get things sorted as soon as i can -
Adding more characters/pushing back deadline
As the project is increasing in auditions, which all sound amazing, I will be adding more characters for the skits as well as pushing back the deadline until the cast has been complete. Keep auditioning and have fun 😊

Originally a kind and family-oriented girl, Velvet became a vengeful woman fuelled by hate due to the traumatic events she went through on the Scarlet Night three years prior to the events of the story. She fights with a blade mounted on her right-hand gauntlet, her feet, and her left arm as a daemonic weapon to devour daemons, humans, and malakhim alike.
No mercy! Wounds that won't heal! Carved into flesh! Lethal Pain!
But even in the depths of despair, only two things mattered to me. The taste of blood-soaked flesh...and revenge upon one man.
Laphi! Time to wake up!

Laphicet was originally a child without name or personality, serving only as a magical tool for exorcists. He first appears as a malak serving under Teresa Linares, being referred to simply as Number 2. He assists Teresa in stopping Velvet, dealing considerable damage to Velvet and her group until a fire distracts them. When Teresa and Eleanor Hume intend to stop them from escaping, Velvet orders Laphicet to help her, threatening that she will devour him if he refuses. Following orders, Laphicet blasts Teresa and Eleanor away, giving the group time to escape. Deeming his magical abilities to be useful, Velvet decides to take the malak boy with her.
Spirits, release! I stand in the light of the heavens. Cower before the gates of Hell. Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now. Indignation!
So they lay eggs because they're like husband and wife...
You don't want to make me angry!

Holding a serious, reserved demeanour when it comes to her job, Eleanor is initially seen as just another exorcist acting on behalf of the Abbey. Her early encounters with the group show this, but Eleanor's weaker, more vulnerable side appears on several occasions as well, notably during her first encounter with Velvet. Although she attempts to hide her emotions, they often spill over when her sense of justice drives her to do good and better the world around her despite knowing she will always be unable to help everyone, a "shortcoming" she blames herself for. Her encounter with Velvet and the others within Loegres's Grand Cathedral leaves her confused and conflicted when countered with the group's vague motives and the Abbey's secrets.
Here it comes! Resound, arise! Become the blade of destruction! Lostfon... Drive!
Lord Artorious...would never have done such a thing!
My name is Eleanor Hume. I am a Praetor patrolling for the Abbey.

Eizen is the first mate of the Aifread pirate group. Living with his own belief, he searches for his missing captain Van Aifread. His personality is that of cool and controlled individual, though he does display a passion for artwork and antiques that runs counter to that aloofness. As an older malak, he also acts as a mentor to Laphicet. Along the way, he meets Velvet Crowe and joins her to fight their common enemy, the Abbey. His knowledge and experience in the underworld greatly helps Velvet in her quest for revenge. Before his departure to become a pirate, he lived together with Edna in peace. However, after a continuous streak of unfortunate events, Eizen eventually realized that his domain caused misfortunes toward people near him. Thus, he decided to go on a journey so Edna would not get involved in his "curse".
Ready to die?! Think you can dodge? Just try! Perfect Mayhem!
We desire to pass through, as well.
I bring ill-fortune around me...the Reapers Curse. If you join up with me, I can't guarantee your safety.

Ever quirky and silence-filling, Magilou serves as a comic relief in many of the game's more serious scenes, though she at times offers insightful comments capable of posing doubt or deep thought to others who normally shrug off her offhanded remarks. Although she acts aloof, Magilou is sharp and calculating, keeping her motives secret and her air mysterious. She clashes with Velvet due to the contrast in their personalities, but Velvet eventually comes to better understand Magilou's approach to situations despite its unconventionality. Magilou comes and goes as she pleases, accompanying the group when it benefits her but at the same time catering to their mission out of curiosity.
Now! Rise! Arise! Ascending... Angel!
Hush! I want you to look at me the way I look at you! Hold me, darling! Smother me in your embrace!
Act. Like. A. Dove!

Rokurou himself is kind and cheerful, taking care of the people around him. In this, he is a good match for the headstrong and reckless Velvet Crowe, as well as the initially blank and will-less Laphicet. He is jovial, supportive, and protective of the other members of the party, serving as a parental figure to Laphicet and Kamoana and a drinking buddy to Eizen, while passionately fighting alongside Velvet and keeping Eleanor Hume from being sucked into the Earthpulse. He frequently teases Magilou much like a brother would.
Killing flash! Behold the artes of my ancestors! Rangetsu Style: Heron!
Chips in the blades already. I've gotta reclaim Stormhowl.
I've got a debt to repay. Without her, there's no way I'd have found my blade again.

Bienfu has a childish and sometimes devious personality, though this counteracted by his ancient age, which gives him the demeanor of an old man. His unusual hat was given to him as a present. His fellow normin declare it a shame, as he is "the handsomest of all normin."
That bad-bad voice..!
Well, I may not look it, but I'm a Greater Malak!

Kamoana is a very lively girl, growing up with the people of the Haria Village. She would often go out to play outside the borders when possible. During the story, Kamoana encounters Velvet and the party, where she meets Laphicet and becomes friends with him. This relieves Kamoana as she does not have many friends around her same age group. Kamoana is said to be cheerful but can also be very childish, which she reflects on later and claims she wants to be a better person.
As a Therion, Kamoana is scared, often crying because of her transition between her human appearance and that of her daemon's. At first, she referred to herself as scary and ugly, but with comfort from many of the party members, especially Laphicet and Eleanor, she starts to accept herself and move on with life. From there on, Kamoana regains her former cheerful personality.
I'm not a kid! I hate you, Velvet! I hate you!
Fine?! Agh! I love you, Medissa, and you don't even care!
*crying* When Mommy saw me, she said I looked scary...that she didn't want a scary little girl like me...

Artorius used to be a loving man who cares about his family, even though he is not related to them. Upon losing his wife, Celica Crowe and their unborn child, he has changed into a sociopath who is willing to sacrifice Laphicet Crowe in a ritual for power. He favours the use of reason over emotion as part of his battle tactics, and has used this as the prime teaching for all Exorcists.
With a single stroke, I will cut death into your being. Savage Wolf Fury!
Pride and anxiety. Pity for the enemy. The thrill of victory...your emotions run too hot. That will be your downfall.
Birds must fly, because they possess strong wings. Mankind must be suppressed, because it possesses great sin.

Despite her resentment toward the Abbey over the death of her daughter, she eventually sides with them in order to prevent cases such as hers from ever happening again. Being receptive to Innominat's power, she becomes a therion sealed within the Faldies Ruins that consumes daemons. In their attempt to retrieve all therions, the group seeks her out and, assuming her to be a victim of the Abbey, attempts to free her upon finding her deep within the ruins. However, she assumes a vicious, Medusa-like form and attacks them.
Defeated, she is forced against her will to go with the group, being taken on the Van Eltia to Titania in order to be kept with the other therions. She is initially bound upon their arrival, but Eleanor Hume opts to release her when she comes into contact with Kamoana, a fellow therion who lost her mother in a similar tragedy.
I knew what I had to do. Become a therion and devour malevolence so that such a tragedy would never repeat itself.
It's all my fault... I'm so sorry... Forgive me, Diana
Mothers always love their children, no matter what. No matter if we die... No matter how the world changes.

Note: If you audition for Celica, you must audition for Seres.
Years prior to the story, Celica finds an exhausted Arthur in the forest outside Aball and listens to his troubles before encouraging him to rest and eat, offering him an apple. Claiming that he has failed his master after a ten-year journey, Arthur states that he does not deserve to live, but Celica urges him that life is not something one has to earn and that such feelings are proof that he is alive. Celica introduces herself and has Arthur join her for dinner.
Over time, the two fell in love and married. Nine years prior to the story, on a Scarlet Night, Celica is cornered by daemons at the cape's altar near Aball, pregnant with her and Arthur's unborn son. Arthur arrives but is unable to fend off the daemons enough, causing Celica to fall into the altar, killing both herself and their child.
Hey! Stay with me! I'll get someone right away!
I can feel it. Your body is shouting, "I want to live!"
What's your name? Mine is Celica. Celica Crowe.

Note: If you audition for Seres, you must audition for Celica.
Seres is an aloof and blunt woman who makes it clear that she intends to accomplish her goals no matter what the cost. Though cold at first, Seres is shown to have a motherly disposition, guiding Velvet with ease throughout their escape on Titania.
I heard you've finally gotten your assignment. Have they given you a name yet?
What exactly defines a person's identity? I may have her body and her memories, but...
A flame burns in my heart, too. A flame I cannot quench, no matter how hard i try. Just like you, Velvet.

Niko was Velvet's childhood friend, a young girl who owned two dogs named Orthie and Russ. During a Scarlet Night, daemonblight swept through the village of Aball and infected the townspeople, including Niko. After Arthur's sacrifice of Laphicet Crowe at the cape's altar near Aball, Velvet was turned into a therion in her attempt to rescue her little brother, resulting in her left arm becoming mutated. She proceeded to use her newfound power to slaughter the daemons attacking her, only to realize after she had killed them that they were the townspeople, Niko included.
Look at you, Lady Breadwinner! If you were a boy, I think I'd be in love
You didn't forget, did you? You promised to teach me how to make your special quiche.
Who cares what people think?! The important thing is my feelings!

Teresa's frigid personality seemingly makes her a standoffish person with a warm spot only for Oscar. Although she is not necessarily cruel, the cold air surrounding her often makes others question her compassion. Her love for Oscar, however, shatters all such assumptions, as she is shown to hold him the most dearest to her heart, above all else. With no family to care for her but him, Teresa relentlessly looks after and cares for him, to the point that she risks her own life simply so that he will not risk his.
Oh! Oscar! What brings you here?
You hurt my dear Oscar! You will Pay for that! Slowly!
I admire your endurance, but you will regret this soon enough.

Oscar is a cool, rational type of character. Even when in a life-threatening situation, he always manages to remain calm. This personality had always been one of his assets in battle, for the sake of his people and protecting the world from evil.
Pierce my enemies! And scorch them! Sylphid Blaze!!
I knew you'd come, Velvet.
And your idea of reason is to threaten my dear sister's life?!

A young man with a positive outlook and defensive personality when it comes to his captain and crewmates, Benwick goes along with Eizen's insistence in helping Velvet with her mission. He spearheads the Van Eltia, alongside Eizen. Usually a happy-go-lucky guy, Benwick is accepting of all the additional crewmembers along the journey except the dogs Orthie and Russ, admitting he has had a fear of dogs ever since he was bitten by one as a child.
Oh, let me explain. Beyond the reaches of out kingdom lie vast, open oceans we call the outer seas.
Huh! Well, look at that. They really are a buncha daemons. That works in our favour.
Woah there! We're not the one you'll be fighting.
Public Submissions