Tales from the Commonwealth
Project Overview
Additional roles for the Tales from the Commonwealth mod. I'm mostly looking for generic NPCs at this point, particularly for a quest called Paradise Bay but selected actors will be considered for new quests as well after this batch is done.
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They’re going to pick me next. I know it.
One of my friends got picked last time, I was so excited for him. Can’t wait to join him in Paradise Bay.
I like to imagine myself on the beach, watching the sunset, and knowing I’ll never have to come back here again.
If you work hard, there's a chance you can get a reservation to Paradise Bay.
Every month, there's a performance review. The people that score the highest get a chance for a reservation. It's all I've ever wanted.
I've done my best to get selected. I just hope the exam people noticed.
I’m a reporter. I’m doing a longform piece on “Characters of the Commonwealth.”
I’m hoping that if Piper likes my work, I can get a job at Publick Occurrences.
I feel like these interviews are a way to connect people.
I write some fiction too. Maybe someday I’ll show you my novel.
I wanna be the first great writer of the post-war world. I figure, if I’m gonna shoot for something, it might as well be the moon.
It feels like I’m married to a stranger.
When I look in the mirror, I don’t even recognize the face. Sometimes I’ll even strike up a conversation before I realize I’m talking to myself.
My wife thinks I’ll get used to it eventually. But it’s hard to look past it.
You should have seen my wife before the face change. She was perfect.
We both went to the face doctor to spice up our marriage. Change our look, do a little role play, stuff like that.
But when we tried to go back to our old faces, it just didn’t look the same.
To be honest, I’m fine with it, but my husband isn’t.
He fell in love with my old face, and it’s hard to be angry at him for wanting it back. He’s a romantic.
I can’t blame the doctor for not remembering what we looked like. He did the best he could.
I’m busting my ass every day to get to Paradise Bay.
Just gotta make sure I work hard and get noticed. That’s how you get your ticket to paradise.
Some people think they pick people at random. But can you really take that chance?
Paradise Bay, here I come.
I can just see myself relaxing by the ocean, sipping an umbrella drink…oh man, Paradise Bay is going to be awesome.
Hard work and a healthy smile is the best way to get to Paradise Bay.
I can’t lose faith. I haven’t gotten this far to stop now.
Paradise Bay is just around the corner, I know it.
Listening to the radio makes me wanna work that much harder. Just knowing Paradise Bay is out there is enough to keep me going.
I read somewhere that whale’s are gentle giants. Let’s hope this one doesn’t put up a fight.
I hope by “ghoul whale” they don’t mean a feral. Feral humans are scary enough.
Gonna nab this whale, and it’s gonna make us rich.
Ever heard of the Great Ghoul Whale? Soon as we get this boat up and running, we’re gonna find her.
You looking for Libertalia? Well, you found her.
I know. The way the boss made it sound, it was like this big fort made of ships. Turns out it’s just one.
Still don’t know what happened to Wire and the gang. I guess they got lost.
We were supposed to meet south of Nahant. Thing is, I don’t know which way that is.
But I remembered hearing that moss grows on the north side of a tree.
So I figured, moss is a plant. And plants need sun to grow right? So north must be that-a-way. Smart, huh.
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