Supersonic girl webtoon's comic {Dub} (auditions)

Project Overview
Supersonic girl is a webcomic created by Sadra Diaz. This comic follows the life of a teenage named Sonia, Her super hero name is supersonic girl. She is Trying to balance her school life with the responsibilities of being a hero. It's a very fun comic and
I recommend reading it before auditioning
The artist
The comic
There are an abundant amount of villains so I will update this audition regularly
( This is W.I.P and more characters will be added soon!)
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She is the lead role in this webcomic. She does have Alot of speaking parts... And Alot of them are screaming. So please don't scream to loud.
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Well I have to go now. Next time you Get attacked by A monster don't forget to run!!
Stupid Jenny! Who does she think she is! I should have punched her in the face!!!
If you were a supervillain, You would be under arrest by supersonic girl!
Hey guys!!! Why are you leaving the club?! Why didn't you tell me about ut before?!
Sonic bun!? Where is he!?
Hey you!!! Game boy!!! Release him coward!!!
Sonic... Scream!! (Her common power move)

This character is Sonia's best friend. Most of the time she finds herself inside of Sonia's adventures. She also is a huge video game nerd
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Are you ok? Didn't you sleep last night?
Ralf!! Even if she isn't nice with us she doesn't serve this!! We gotta save her!
It's alright Sonia! It was just an accident!! *Unsure laughter*
I'm fine really, I don't want you to get in trouble.
I wonder if this is a new prototype of all the new vr systems.
I'm glad you like it guys, it's my first time cosplaying. I feel a bit embarrassed...

This character is Sonia's best friend. He is a loving dude who fits perfectly together with the other two.
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Yeah! It was pretty cool, huh?
I would let you see my essay but we all had to write about different authors, so...
What's wrong with you?! Why did you do that!?
Well, it's nice that you're spending more time together at Least...
So, are you new to the city? Welcome!
They just disappeared in front of us!!

This character is Sonia's rival at school. Actually she's more of a bully character, who makes fun of the main cast all the time. But she does have a sweet side
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Look, Sonia and her geek team Again. Losers! I've never seen such and taste in Clothing before.
I don't wanna lose more of my precious time with these losers!
You're amazing! And I love your dress! T..hank you, supersonic girl!
That's not the point zack! You lied to me!
Sounds cool. but I think I'll stay and train a little bit more
Tommorow is the school festival, remember? I'll be doing a performance with the girls.

This character is the rivals boyfriend. He also is a sucker for some good video game.
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Jenny... What are you saying!? Of course not...
dont worry! I wasn't looking, so it's also my fault... I'm fine
Well... I hope you have fun at the expo!
...! Graphics could be better though..
We won't make it in time!
Naaah...! I've got better things to do!

This character is Sonia's sidekick. Like many characters he is a gamer. Who sometimes gets lost in his game instead of doing his job
Good/clean adio is needed for this role
Hurry up! We have work to do!
What!? I can spend my day as I want!!
I can't believe we're going to the Xtreme Expo! I'm so exited!!
Thank you so much for letting me come with you.
No prob! I'll be aware of that using my super hearing! And then we'll come right back With our supersonic speed!
There's no need to worry!!
Just a role that will play any character that has a one liner or is a random citizen
Say something you think would fit
Screaming (just saw a monster)
Public Submissions