Super Smash Bros. MUGEN(Non-Profit)

Project Overview

Hello, I am Retrorulz, the main voice director of JTDaddy17's game project, Super Smash Bros. MUGEN and I am looking for voice actors for fighters and bosses, as well as cutscenes. This is a non-profit based project, and its all done for fun. Voice submissions can be turned in anytime, so don't worry about any deadlines. There's a large list of characters, but more roles could be placed later on, so keep checking back.

BTW: This game is gonna be rated Teen on GameJolt, so be weary of that before auditioning.

(Also, this page is outdated, go to this link for the current roles)

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Latest Updates

  • New Page for those unaware

    Because of the new gold system on CCC, JTDaddy17 made the next page for this game. Here's the link if you're interested
  • Page Transfer

    Hey guys, now for those who haven’t heard, auditions are still happening, but this page isn’t viewable on Search anymore, so I put up another version of this but with new characters to try out alongside with the roles that aren’t closed yet. Here’s the link.
  • Keep Your Eyes Open

    After a long vacation, I now want to announce that many more character roles are gonna be up. So far, we got another playable character in the form of Spyro the Dragon, as well as some villains from Street Fighter, Klonoa, River City, and Crash. There's also gonna be more roles for other franchises such as Sam and Max with Bosco and Sybil already up, WarioWare with Mona already up, and many more popping up in the next couple of days. Keep posted and keep coming back, and you might find a role you'll want soon enough.
  • New fighters already?

    Yep, there's now 6 new voice roles up for the taking. 9-Volt from WarioWare, Arle Nadja from Puyo Puyo(or Madou Monogatari for the OGs), Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney, Dante & Vergil from Devil May Cry, and Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia. Wish the best of luck to all of you trying out!
  • Full Roster

    We now have the full base roster available to be voiced. Though this isn't it for the casting call though. More side characters, assist characters and potential new fighters could be put up later on, so stay tuned.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sash Lilac
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

Sash Lilac is the main protagonist in the Freedom Planet series, this purple water dragon shows no fear in the face of danger. In this game, she finds herself crossing paths with the Smash Bros. Roster when finding out that one of the evil syndicate's leaders is an old foe of her's, together with Carol, Milla, and Neera, she cyclones her way against the opposition to save the world once again!

She sounds cheerful yet down to earth, ready to tackle the problems set before her.

  • Whoo hoo! That's how it's done!

  • Let's show this green menace how to save a planet!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ribz/Rebecca Danae

Kyoko is one of the main characters of River City Girls. Cute, cheerful and bubbly, Kyoko is Misako's friend for life and Riki's girlfriend. In this game, Riki, along with Kunio, have mysteriously vanished, having to be kidnapped by Mr. X's goons for reasons unknown! Knowing how big Mr. X's mafia is, the two finally do something smart, join the heroes of Smash! Wait... wait! Joined them? Scratch that!

  • Oh yeah... Hey, Misako! It's that creepy guy that lives down the street from you!

  • You ever wonder why everyone in our town is so violent?

  • That's so sad! Misako! I'm gonna cry!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ruby Rose
Role assigned to: vibripple

Don't let this young girl's serious appearance fool you, with the black and red dress with a big 'ol scythe, she looks a little intimidating right? Right!? The kid's a downright bubbly dork. Randomness incarnates! With a super squeaky, bubbly voice to boot! One conversation with her and suddenly that intimidating aura immediately gets thrown into a fiery dumpster! Errm... anyways! Ruby is a self-proclaimed dork when it comes to weapons; she is quite intelligent, having designed and built Crescent Rose, although she admits to going "a little overboard" with its design. She feels that seeing new weapons "is like meeting new people, but better." She relies on Crescent Rose (that big 'ol scythe) quite often in battle, which implies that her weapon is the source of her confidence in battle. Ruby has a strong sense of moral justice, a trait she obtained from stories about heroes and monsters that her sister used to read for her, as well as the way her parents raised her. These stories are what gave her the ideals that she wished to live by and uphold throughout her life, and are the reason for her love for books. Because she is shown to be childish even when in class, she tends to study by herself to cover the necessary knowledge. Despite this, Ruby's leadership skills make her a worthy teammate. While she may occasionally act without thinking, sometimes she seems to understand the situation better than most. She can then use this ability to quickly formulate plans.

She sounds super bubbly, a little hyper with a bit of a squeaky voice, and can say some pretty random stuff when in battle, definitely gets under her foe's skins.

  • You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!

  • Oh! Yang, gross, you have puke on your shoe! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!

  • I don't wanna be "the bee's knees". I don't wanna be any kind of "knees"! I just wanna be a normal girl, with normal knees!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kazooie is a wisecracking, obnoxious, sassy, cheeky, hot-tempered, slightly egotistic, tell-it-like-it-is loudmouth and "teen" bird. This could be because almost everyone that she has met had insulted her in some way. Bottles, for example, called her a 'strange friend' and asked Banjo if she could talk and Mumbo Jumbo called her the 'filthy feathered one'. This could also be why Banjo and Kazooie are such great friends since Banjo hardly ever insults anyone (and if he does he usually apologizes). In some cases, she also can express sarcasm. Despite Kazooie's foulmouthed rudeness, she never insults Banjo at all. Being best friends and both with different personalities, it's obvious that she respects him greatly and will stop insulting upon Banjo's words, proving her loyalty to him, however she insults everyone and always make trouble. Despite all her flaws, Kazooie still has a good heart, always willing to help those in need (Provided that it has something to do with the adventure) and she has a strong sense of justice.

  • Wake up, I want to go on an adventure too...

  • He wasn't the favorite character in Banjo-Kazooie anyway...

  • How's your nuts, bark breath?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

While appearing to be a cat-like creature, Morgana emphatically insists to be a human, and sticks with the Phantom Thieves as he believes they'll be able to help him discover his origins and regain his true form. Despite this, sometimes he instinctively meows and self-grooms, being able to get used to his lifestyle as a cat easily. However, he demonstrates a number of qualities which are absent in ordinary animals - a sense of morality, empathy, and even style. But even though Morgana's intelligent, he's shown to be out of touch with the modern world. This is conveyed through his unfamiliarity with technology, and his initial assumption that his knowledge on the Metaverse is supposed to be common sense. In this game, he along with the Phantom Theives infiltrate a base believed to be a Palace, but however turned out to be a trap, scattering the thieves to various locations in the World of Trophies, after waking up from the incident, Morgana finds himself overwhelmed by powerful puppet fighters until he gets the unexpected rescue from a spiky haired boy welding a giant key, accompanied by two creatures who are just as bizarre as he is!

While he sounds like a young child, he surely doesn't act like one! He's quite informal and supportive of his allies too!

  • Well, I've gotten pretty used to my life as a cat too. And to be frank, this storage room isn't bad either. Then again, I can't wait to turn back to being a human so I can move out. Maybe I'll live a life of luxury in a suite on the highest floor... But rather than becoming some weird thing, maybe staying as a cat isn't so bad either...

  • What a kind girl... Such admirable consideration for others... And the innocence to cast herself into the jaws of death to achieve her goal... She cares about her friends, and she's beautiful to boot... What a girl! She's captured my heart...

  • Woah! Looking cool Joker! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Spark the Electric Jester
Role assigned to: JustAlek

Spark is a yellow Formie (an alien race) who went to a university for an electrical engineering degree. During this time, he created his jester hat as a side-project. Afterwards, he got a job as an electrician maintaining low-quality robots, staying there a whole year, before being fired for a robot. Spark then tried performing on the street, and got noticed by a circus owner, who used him as a performer. This job lasted for a month, before he was replaced by Fark (for "safety reasons"). Spark now lives in a house, unable to pay rent, when he notices robots running amok. He decides to investigate, for curiosity's sake.

  • Deserts, why does it have to be a desert? There's sand on my shoes, sand on my gloves, sand on my eyes. There's sand everywhere!

  • Cut the crap! Where'd Fark Go!?

  • Hahaha! Oh man, I get it now! You were made to protect this computer, right? Because of that, you want to put all living beings in one place. So they won't bother you anymore. Oh man. That's just some really bad coding!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mega Man
Role assigned to: frozane2001

Mega Man's primarily extremely courageous and just, choosing to become Mega Man and face the threat Wily posed because he wanted to help and do the right thing. That said, he's also a pacifist and in the Mega Man: Powered Up pre-boss cutscenes he always tried to find an alternative to violence. This trait was also, to a degree, shown in Mega Man 8 where he questioned Bass as to why they must fight. Along with these traits he's also kind, generous and polite. However, Mega Man is a bit naive, and Wily's frequent false repentances. have become a constant frustration to Mega Man who appears to developing less patience with him.

  • Please! I really want to help everyone! But I don't know if I'm strong enough yet...

  • No, you're wrong! I only fight when I am forced to protect the world from those who would pit machines against man. I believe humans and robots can live in peace!

  • I am more than a robot!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Wily
Role assigned to: Jordan Fredericks

Wily is a spiteful and jealous mad scientist constantly tries to take over the world by creating, reprogramming, and infecting dozens of robots to help him, and though these schemes were stopped time and time again by Mega Man, this did not stop him from trying and being recorded in history for his status as a legendary. Wily's rivalry with Light would continue even into the next century well after his death, as he even appears consciously active in the Mega Man X series through the use of the Maverick Virus and robotic bodies.

  • Believe it, Mega Man. Bass and Treble are MY creations!

  • Ladies and gentlemen, this is NOT my doing! These are Dr. Light's creations! This proves that he's had evil designs on the world all this time!

  • Hahaha! I have a better idea! At last, the world will bow down to the genius of Dr. Wily! Hahahaha!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Sigma was originally the honorable and selfless leader of the Maverick Hunters, but after his corruption, he became a power-hungry tyrant. Amidst his madness, Sigma was a calculating and intelligent individual, and on more than one occasion, turned allies of X and Zero against them, and instigated many of the most destructive events of the Maverick Wars, including the Earth Crisis. He was proud and typically looked down on others, not hesitating to kill the weak and laughing maniacally at their expense. His previous "protection through aggression" philosophy has mutated into a huge Darwinism complex, believing that anything that is too weak to progress should be annihilated, a la natural selection.

  • You are almost as good a Hunter as I was. But, the time of your destruction has arrived! You shall regret ever having defied me!

  • My friend here has a small problem with you. It seems that you let him die and he's not too happy about that! Now I think it is time that he repays the favor!

  • I can't even defeat you with this magnificent body..?! There seems to be only one choice now... I'll possess you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Weil
Role assigned to: BlameTheVoice

Weil generally displays a calm, manipulative nature, but underneath that façade he is psychotic. By re-building Copy X, he gained power in Neo Arcadia, and later set the stage for a battle between Copy X and Zero, which he ensured Zero would win. This shows Weil's intelligent, plotting side. When he sent Omega in the missile to intercept the Dark Elf, he counted on the Baby Elves to fight Zero as a distraction for not fighting Omega, meaning he knew Zero would go on the missile. Likewise, he also placed a large amount of safeguards to prevent the Resistance from taking out Ragnarok, and also supplied misinformation about what Operation Ragnarok entailed specifically to buy enough time to complete the operation. He showed his psychotic side when he commented about how much he enjoyed controlling all Reploids with the Dark Elf.

  • The desire for power. The joy of making everything work for you. You have no way of experiencing this without a human brain. It's the ultimate joy! No mere Reploid could ever understand!

  • ...Though my body appears thus... I am still human...! Behold the pain I must go through! You'd NEVER understand any of it! I... I have been defeated... By a mere puppet! Perish! Burn in the fires of Hell!

  • I...I have been defeated... By a mere puppet! Perish! Burn in the fires of Hell!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: bigdreamer

Princess Peach is shown to be a sweet, kind, and optimistic person, while also being classy and sociable, with more and more portrayals further displaying her as clever and adventurous. She has a warm heart and often acts unselfishly, putting her friends, loved ones, and citizens ahead of herself, and apologizes excessively for getting into trouble and requiring Mario to rescue her. She even shows concern and compassion towards her enemies frequently; she saves Mimi in Super Paper Mario, despite the girl's constant antagonism of the princess, and in the same game and other games, her pure and noble characteristics are often shown in different ways, from being the only person who can activate certain powerful objects (including but not limited to the Beanstar and Dark Star) to landing in the Overthere, the Mario equivalent of heaven (after Dimentio seemingly "ends her game").

The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source:

  • I can't believe I'm kidnapped......again.

  • Mama Peach? I'm your mama?

  • Please come to the castle, I've baked a cake for you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BuniiBun

Geno is a warrior from the Star Road and one of Mario's partners in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is sent by "a higher authority" to restore peace to Mario's world. During the events of Super Mario RPG, he teams up with Mario's team, which consists of Mario, Mallow, Princess Toadstool and Bowser and helps them out on their quest to defeat Smithy. In this game, star road gets destroyed once again by The Agents of Darkness, and once again Geno finds his old puppet body underneath the rubble of a destroyed factory surprisingly not too badly damaged. He suits up and goes on his quest to revive the Star Road once again. It wasn't long after that he finds a familiar mustached face who happens to be after the same enemy!

  • I'm "♥♪!?", but it's hard to pronounce so... Call me "Geno", after the doll. I chose him because he looked the strongest out of all the dolls.

  • Stop! Hold it right there! You don't know what you're doing. RETURN that star to me!

  • I serve... a higher authority...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King K. Rool
Role assigned to: Nintendude

K. Rool, as his name, a pun on "cruel," may imply, is brutal, ruling his minions through threats and intimidation, often punishing them severely when they fail. This is mentioned by Klubba in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, who says that K. Rool mistreats his minions. This is also seen in Donkey Kong 64, when he presumably executes a purple-haired Kasplat via a giant Klaptrap for calling him "fatso", not realizing that K. Rool was listening. Even his most powerful followers seem to fear his wrath, as displayed in Donkey Kong 64, when his subtle display of anger results in Army Dillo fainting on the spot, and Dogadon ends up begging for mercy over his failure when admitting how his wings ended up singed by the Kongs (although K. Rool seems more shocked than angry at the failure regarding the latter). He does not seem to respect his henchmen, the Kritters, much better either.

The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source:

  • I've been waiting a long time for this moment. Soon, Donkey Kong and his pretty little island... will be no more. King K. Rool doesn't do anything halfway! Hope you've said your good-byes fools!

  • King K. Rool doesn't do anything halfway! Hope you've said your good-byes fools!

  • Because it wouldn't be a surprise, you numbskull! Now, We'll make them think we are participating in the ceasefire, but instead, we are going to be sneaky! Clever.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Wah-Ree-Yo

Wario is extremely greedy and does anything to get money, as shown especially in the Wario Land series and in Wario World. He is also a miser, as he never lets anyone else touch his treasure. Sometimes, his greedy nature even overtakes him and he goes out of control occasionally, even going as far as to double-cross his friends. Wario is also known to be gluttonous and addicted to sweets, having even problems due to that, as shown in WarioWare: Touched!. He is also shown to be childish at times, which is best demonstrated in the ending of Super Mario Land 2, where he proceeds to cry like a baby after being reduced in size, only to punt his shoe at Mario before sticking his tongue out in a taunting manner while taking his leave.

The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source:

  • Oh my god!

  • I hate losing! Nyaaah... 

  • So admit it... Don't I look cool in the game screens? Those long, muscular legs on my sturdy, toned frame... I'm the perfect specimen of a man!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: dragonrider393

Waluigi is personified as a comic relief character and a boastful, ill-tempered foil to the more humble and gentle Luigi. He has bad chemistry with most other characters besides Wario, and is an openly rude and mean-spirited troublemaker. He has a perpetual scowl and is quick to anger, with earlier bios stating that he dislikes others being happy. In his one outing as a central antagonist in Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, Waluigi claims that his reason for obtaining the Music Keys is to be the best dancer in the world, while bragging about using his power to spread chaos and control "the masses". In Mario Tennis Aces, Waluigi points out that his and Wario's reasons for attaining Lucien was so that they could become the best tennis players in the world. Waluigi's original bio in Mario Tennis also pointed out that he seeked to become as popular and as beloved as the Mario Brothers. His victory celebrations often highlight his self-aggrandizing nature and vanity, and occasionally contain vulgar elements as well, such as in Super Mario Strikers where one of his victory animations involve him performing a pelvic thrust.

The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source:

  • Wa-Lu-Igi! Yeah! Yeah YEAH!

  • Hey! You might be getting better, but nobody cheats better than Waluigi! You got that?!

  • If you want the Mischief Star back, you must name me the Superstar!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JoeFredrick12

9-Volt is a trouble-making super-fan of all things Nintendo, most likely inherited from his mother 5-Volt. He mainly acts in a rebellious but fun-loving nature, getting time outs in school, trying to play games past his bedtime, and even ditching Wario in D.I.Y. to work for Diamond Software. This also extends to his hobbies in skating in his modified board called SK8 and mixing records as a DJ, which goes double when he's jamming with 18-Volt.

  • I'm totally crazy over video games! I wish I got graded on my games instead of homework...

  • New games are cool, but they still don't rock as hard as old-school Nintendo games!

  • You will always be my P2, 18!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Compared to the moody Ashley, Red is the polar opposite in many ways. He is outgoing, animated, cheerful, and easily frightened, while also extremely helpful. He is especially loyal to Ashley who he will assist in any way he can whether it be with a spell or getting her places, regardless of how badly Ashley seems to treat him. 

  • You did it, Ashley! You're a natural at this summoning thing!

  • Sorry, Ashley.....I couldn't keep up!

  • Aah! Ashley! Th-that's mandrake root! Its cry! I—it can kill you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: vibripple

Mona has a tomboyish personality, as she is said to be spunky, and she is often seen driving a motor scooter. Her aspiration is to become a famous treasure hunter, and she admires Wario for his exploits. Other interests of hers include music and fashion; she plays bass in a band, and considers Wario to be her "fashion icon". Mona is versatile and always willing to help, as seen by the variety of jobs she undertakes with her employer Joe. She is very dedicated to her work and school, and if she is late, she does everything it takes to be on time—even if it means breaking the law and avoiding the police.

However, Mona is also willing to speak out aggressively if her employer is treating her unfairly, and she often complains if she isn't paid or her work is undervalued. Although she likes Wario and even looks up to him, she called him a "greedy punk" after realizing that he received all the credit for the microgames, and when he attempted to escape, she was the only employee that pursued him. Mona appears to be popular among her peers, and she seems to have many friends, human and animal alike. Despite this, according to the official Japanese websites for WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$! and WarioWare: Smooth Moves, she often feels lonely because her mother is rarely at home and her father is a reclusive artist. She is empathetic toward Ashley, who also misses her parents. 

  • You know, my plate is pretty full with my pizza shop, music, and WarioWare, Inc. And he thinks HE'S busy! I'd better get a raise for this!

  • The manager says pizzas need to be served hot, so I brought my roller skates from home! I dunno, it made sense at the time.

  • Come check us out... we're going to, like, totally ROCK!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ribz/Rebecca Danae

5-Volt seems like strict and intimidating mother at first glance, especially with how she enforces 9-Volt to sleep before his bedtime and finish his homework before video games. Despite all this, she's very sweet and caring to everyone, doing whatever she can to keep 9-Volt happy and being a positive person in general, especially with her love for games and cooking that she spreads to others.

  • 9-Volt!! It's past your bedtime!

  • Cheer up kiddo! I brought something else I know you'll really like.

  • Oh, quit faking. You'll be fine.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Mike is a loyal worker to Dr. Crygor, but also a sassy and rebellious singer that will jab at him any chance he gets. He'll usually do work without complaining, but he's usually sneaking off doing karaoke singing or starting a party. He's seems to be judgemental of other's singing skills as proven by how he mocks Crygor's singing and how he acts as a DJ judge for the Disco game in Game and Wario.

  • Karaoke programming... overpowering system... must... host... party!

  • Your singing is 99.78% awful! I am so out of here!

  • Optimal performance! Have you considered a career in karaoke?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Dribble is someone with a thirst for speed and burly appearance, but is mainly just a guy trying to get a good fare. He's not the brightest and prone to rude outbursts every now and then, but his superior, Spitz helps him keep his cool. He's also someone with a good heart and a streetwise view on things.

  • I'm Dribble. This is my pal Spitz. Together, we make one crash-bang cabbie team!

  • Those buffoons! Can't they see we're drivin' here?!

  • I'm on it. But Spitz, ain't we supposed to stay cool and all that?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Retrorulz

Spitz is someone who always keeps his cool no matter what.....unless there's someone that believes he can be pushed around or just wants to fool around. He acts as the superior to Dribble, whom he helps keep the cool of and helps focus on getting the job done, and getting it done well. He's also the more money hungry of the duo with how he prioritizes getting paid, to the point of heading to space to get better fares.

  • Oy, traffic out here's a beast, but these intergalactic fares are the real moneymakers.

  • I'm not just gonna sit here and let these punks knock us around! If they want a fight, they've got one!

  • Ain't life grand, Dribble? Ain't life grand...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

Typically, Samus is depicted as a melancholic, heroic loner of few words. Despite her great achievements, she remains lonely and brooding, and seeks revenge against the Space Pirates - especially Ridley, who was personally responsible for the death of her mother. Despite her tragic origins, Samus has been shown to have unparalleled willpower and resourcefulness, succeeding where thousands failed and stopping at nothing to save the galaxy from any threat that may arise. Such is Samus' determination that she was even willing to sacrifice herself to prevent the spread of the body-snatching X Parasites.

  • Planet Zebes... I called this place home once, in peaceful times, long before evil haunted the caverns below.

  • My past is not a memory. Its a force at my back.

  • See you next mission.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

True to her tomboyish nature, Kumatora is tough, to the point where she refuses to cry until the game's ending (this could be a reference to a sentence in MOTHER's commercial, saying in Japanese, "There's no crying until the end.") She is also rude, calling Wess by the term, "old geezer", quickly commenting on Duster's bad breath and calling Fassad a "cheap bastard". She can also be rather impulsive - while trapped in Osohe Castle, she seriously considers cutting off her leg while it was caught in a bear trap and took the Egg of Light before Wess could warn her about the traps attached to it. However, during rough situations, Kumatora does prove to be nice and caring in regards to the rest of the party, and also to others- as she went on to help Salsa escape from Fassad's abuse. She also has a resourceful streak, using her waitress disguise to remain undercover after the Pigmasks take over Nowhere Islands (though she expresses a firm distaste for them).

  • Your name's Duster, huh? My name's Kumatora.

  • Just take a damn shower already!

  • That was scary. That was the very definition of scary.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gigaskip

Lucario is a very tough and stoic Pokemon, being cold and hostile to nearly anyone he meets due to his aura sensing abilities. Even still, he can have close bonds to others should they have a pure heart for him to trust.

  • You humans are all alike. You can't be trusted.

  • Humph, your word means nothing.

  • Behold the power of aura!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zielaz

Having been brought into existence through artificial means, Mewtwo quickly turned on its creators when he learned that they intended to experiment on him further. Feeling betrayed by the very humans that had created it, it decided to forge its own path. The recurring theme in the movies is Mewtwo harboring jealousy towards Mew because it is a copy or derivative, whereas Mew is the original. In the first movie, the path that Mewtwo has taken makes him into a rather immoral character. It frequently exhibits cruelty, and, at several intervals, goes so far as to attempt to (or forthrightly) kill those who oppose it. It also shows no qualms about forcing Nurse Joy to serve as its puppet, and then casting her aside once she was of no further use to it. This makes Mewtwo easily one of the most malicious characters in the series and the main antagonist in Pokémon The First Movie, prior to its change of heart at the end of the first movie.

  • I see now that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

  • Your Pokémon will not be spared. They have disgraced themselves by serving humans. Those Pokémon are nothing but slaves.

  • Why do you flee from me? Are you afraid to find out which one of us is greater?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Little Mac
cast offsite

Little Mac is a brash and tough young fighter from the Bronx. He's the type of person that no matter what shortcomings he goes through, he keeps on going, especially with his goal of winning the World Circuit at the WVBA. He's very street-wise, hot tempered and determined, which is what helps him overcome opponents.

  • Weakness? Come on, Doc! Teach me more.....

  • Piece of cake!

  • Sleep? I'll sleep when I'm dead. But now its time to work.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JoeFredrick12

Isaac has a relatively calm demeanor from the start, which is consistent with other earth-elemental Adepts seen throughout the series. Like them, he is seen as bearing leadership qualities, which naturally incline others in the group of Adepts he assembles to defer to his judgment. However, his past as well as his failing actions in the first game also leaves him with some low self-esteem that only made him more hot-headed by the second game, being especially cold and aggressive with those with questionable ideals. Despite this, he maintains trust in those he cares for like his childhood friend Jenna, even after she apparently throws her lot in with Isaac's former enemy Felix, who was complicit in letting her be taken hostage, but when that enemy later saves Isaac's life despite continuing the aims Isaac seeks to defeat, Isaac shows a willingness to trust his enemy's judgment and motivations. Even at his lowest points, he always maintains a heart of gold, and a dedication to responsibility and honor.

  • I know that now.....but it doesn't explain why you're doing this.

  • None of that matters right now. We still have to light the beacon. We don't have any choice.

  • So that's the deal, is it? You came up here to fight us?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Min Min
Role assigned to: SimplyySarah

When working at the Mintendo Noodle House, she's very sweet and soft-spoken, simply having a love for noodles and those who enjoy them. When in battle however, she's a lot more fiery and competitive, keeping that love for noodles but also showing her love for Kung-Fu. Between both of these sides of her, she always has a love for her fans, always remaining humble and respectful no matter where she is, especially when it gives the noodle house more widespread attention.

(BTW: None of these lines are in the original game, and that's because she had literally nothing to work with that isn't stereotyping, so I had to get creative.)

  • Come over here and face my kung fu!

  • Hmm, maybe I could warm you up with some noodles after this.

  • Xièxie! May I treat you at the Mintendo Noodle House?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ClassyJavelin

Ryu is a silent, meek, humble, submissive, self-deprecating, and respectful individual; which is often juxtaposed against the light-hearted, fiery persona of his childhood friend, Ken. He wanders the world with the desire for complete mastery of his martial art, and takes both his travels and training seriously. For Ryu, the training and the mastery that comes from the fight are all that he requires for satisfaction, declining the more material trappings of his various accomplishments as a warrior, simply moving on to his next challenge once he is victorious without delay, unless he is offered food or if he wants to converse with his friendly rivals. Though he does not actively seek the role of a hero, he possesses a strong sense of justice as well; protecting the innocent against the predations of bullies and tyrants is one of the few things that Ryu will prioritize over a satisfying fight.

  • The answer lies in the heart of battle.

  • You must defeat my Dragon Punch to stand a chance.

  • This match..I think I've learned something from this. You're nothing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

While Ryu is the more serious and stoic of the two, Ken is the complete opposite - stylish, unorthodox and unpredictable, as well as being much more violent and aggressive than Ryu. He is an alpha male with a giant ego and constantly reminds his opponents about his greatness. While he can be brash, egotistical and arrogant at times, his heart is pure. He is generally kind, friendly, a good person and very easygoing which led him into starting a family of his own. He never backs down from a fight no matter how difficult it looks.

  • If that's all you got, it must be embarrassing for you.

  • I need a better workout than this! Where's Eliza?!

  • Thanks for helping me to show Mel who has the world's strongest fists.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

Chun-Li is a resourceful and dedicated officer of the law with a strong sense of justice that rivals that of her father, as she strongly believes in protecting the innocent and saving the lives of others. She is a highly disciplined, seasoned, and courageous woman, and is often the voice of reason. As an official of Interpol, she takes her work as a cop with pride (showing pride at what she does when she saves another), outside of her duty as a cop, she has an elegant, sweet, and feminine personality. 

  • Am I still the strongest woman in the world? Tell me!

  • I'm just doing my duty...Please don't take this personally.

  • Ahahaha! I did it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Balrog is generally self-centered, hot-tempered, arrogant and sadistic. He is a belligerent pugilist who possesses an insatiable urge for money and a vicious, bullying mean streak, often refusing to take responsibility for his actions. Despite being a once great prize boxer, Balrog intentionally cheated in his fights whenever he felt like it, and has even killed one of his opponents (though by accident). The only depiction of empathy and humanity in him is his relationship with Ed, showing that deep down, he is capable of proper relationships, empathy and even fellowship. Even after their fight and the latter leaving, he is shown to genuinely care about Ed.

  • I'll make you regret that you were ever born. You two-bit chump!

  • What! And I took such pains just to get here? What a disappointment!

  • Ed, where are ya? We gotta keep goin'!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BlameTheVoice

Vega is vain, overconfident, and highly convinced of his own abilities, almost to the point of megalomania. He is also incredibly sadistic and takes great pleasure in seeing the ugly murdered, and preferably mutilated. He often has a stone-cold demeanor, and does not show a wide range of emotions. His narcissism and disdain for anything lacking elegance causes him to clash with fellow Shadaloo member Balrog due to the latter's boorish nature.

  • You'll be seeing red, by the time I'm done with you.

  • Only I understand the pain of being too strong and beautiful.

  • Beauty is the only thing worthy to exist. Ugliness must perish!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lightnin

Sagat encompasses a stereotypical "proud fighter" personality since he is very powerful and strong-willed, as well as hard-working; he is dedicated to the martial arts life in both body and spirit. According to various bios, his natural size drove him to become a powerful fighter. Sagat's uncommon physical appearance makes him menacing and downright unfriendly at first glance, which is true to a certain extent. After he was beaten by Ryu, he drew power from the hateful memories. But with his purpose later being defined by the "heart of battle", his more honorable traits came to the forefront. He has a lot of regret and bitterness towards his former sins, especially the killing of Go Hibiki, despite the latter taking out his eye. Sagat spared his son Dan when he came for revenge, seeing how easily hatred can corrupt the soul.

  • You've got a lot to learn before you can defeat me. Try again, kiddo.

  • The fact that you were once my apprentice is a source of great shame.

  • Friendship requires a deep bond. It's not as simple as you make it out to be.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
M. Bison
Role assigned to: Mr Mojojojo

Possessing a vast ego and a god complex, however, Bison is physically incapable of feeling empathy for others and even takes pleasure in watching people suffer at his hands, never feeling a shred of regret or remorse for the numerous atrocities that he has committed. In many ways, Bison's characterization is comparable to the clinical diagnosis of a real-life psychopath. Bison's malevolence and sadism are reflected in his iconic smile, a very wide grin that exposes not just all of the teeth but even the gums as well. He occasionally refers to himself in the third person (possibly to emphasize his own sense of self-importance) and displays a twisted sense of humor, as well as a "business before pleasure" attitude.

  • Even a baby could defeat you! Those without strength are disgusting!

  • For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.

  • Ohohohoho! This is delicious!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SolidSilv3r

Akuma is a cold and extremely powerful warrior whose sole reason for being is to hone his fighting skills by battling and destroying strong foes. He rarely displays any sign of emotions or humanity, aside from occasional bursts of anger, and rarely smiles. He, however, will not engage in battle towards helpless people and in some cases may even defend them, either as a righteous calling or an afterthought of conquering major adversary. The only instance of humanity he has displayed after being drenched in the Satsui no Hado is with Kazumi Mishima, whom he respects, even in battle.

  • I am Akuma. And I will teach you the meaning of pain!

  • I am the Master of the Fist. Feel how weak you are with your body!

  • Never step into the ring unless you are willing to leave this mortal coil!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nuclear RvsB

White Bomberman is usually portrayed as the heroic, upbeat, yet cheerful and jolly type, but sometimes goofy, all too willing to make friends with people he had once considered enemies. His bright, kind spirit and courage are greatly appreciated by others. He never holds back while fighting and focuses a lot on training to be the strongest warrior ever.

  • Bomber.....Change!

  • Hard work always pays off....this is proof of that!

  • She seemed happy, so I guess I did a good deed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: samevi

Sora is the main protagonist in the Kingdom Hearts series. He lives on the Destiny Islands with his best friends Riku and Kairi, and all three of them dream of venturing from Destiny Islands to find out what lies beyond. His home was consumed by darkness, sending him on a journey to many worlds across the Realm of Light. An upbeat youth, he travels with his new friends Goofy and Donald Duck in search of his missing friends, and uses his newly acquired weapon, the Keyblade, to put an end to the threats that destroyed his world. In this game, he ends up in the city of Atlas (the grand Utopia in the World of Trophies that also houses the Midair Stadium) seeing many different faces from many different worlds, he goes out looking for answers to how he got there and why. Not long after he also bumps into Donald and Goofy who are in the same pickle as Sora is. But the happy reunion is cut short when hostile Spirit Possessed Puppet Fighters start causing havoc, sent by The Agents of Darkness!

He sounds happy and energetic for the most part, in the heat of battle he spouts outpouring support for his allies.

  • I know the Keyblade didn't choose me, and I don't care. I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger...the people it did choose. My friends. They are my power!

  • Donald, you do lose your temper a lot, so... I can relate to wanting some alone time.

  • Aw, c'mon, Riku. You've been hanging around darkness for too long. You gotta try and think positive.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Maxonerous

Terry Bogard is an incredibly charismatic, cheerful and friendly man with everyone around him. He bears no ill will towards anyone other than the truly malicious and outright irredeemable, including foes the likes of Geese Howard, the killer of his adoptive father, and the psychopathic Ryuji Yamazaki.

  • I'll beat Geese easily with my skill and technique!

  • It's been quite a while since my last fight. I'm ready to maul!!

  • A good fight for you, but an easy win for me...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Curly Brace
Role assigned to: Alexia Crystal

Curly Brace is very vocal and highly emotional in contrast to Quote, who is quiet and hardly shows any emotion. She cares for the Colons and is always ready to help anyone in need. While she is generally cheerful, her reaction to her own foggy memories of the war reveals that she has a deep sadness and some measure of self-loathing for being a robot. At the same time, her cheerful nature can also distract her from these dark moments.

Curly Brace has motherly inclinations, and is fiercely protective of the Colons, going as far as to attack Quote and Misery in their defense. She is willing to sacrifice her own life for the people she cares for, as shown when she gives Quote her Air Tank, allowing herself to drown in his place. 

  • Are you on the Mimiga side too? I'm Curly Brace! I've been with these little guys as long as I can remember! I don't recall anything before that...

  • I may have been a Mimiga killer, just like the other robots...*switches to cheerful* Oh! Your Polar Star gun is trashed pretty badly. Wanna trade guns?

  • Umm... what is this?.....*gets excited*Were you having a party?!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SimplyySarah

At school, before entering the Dark World, Susie appears as a bully. She acts very rude and aggressive toward other students, insulting them and even threatening them with physical violence, such as "eating [one's] face." She does not have any friends and appears to be convinced that everyone hates her. Susie may, however, use this as an excuse to act rudely. When she enters the Dark World, Susie beats up every enemy she meets and is uninterested in being a Hero of Light, even saying to Ralsei that the end of the world is "none of [her] business" and that it "might be kind of fun."

When Lancer compliments her on her villain performance, she becomes excited about finally meeting someone who appreciates her as a "bad guy." After joining Lancer's side and forging a friendship with him, she starts to have fun and be more caring to him. To avoid killing King and hurting Lancer's feelings, Susie changes her ways and obeys Kris's orders, though somewhat reluctantly at times. 

  • Hey. Let me tell you a secret. Quiet people piss me off.

  • Don't expect me to feel guilty....when they have to clean you off the floor.

  • Yeah, sometimes there's people you just gotta fight. But if you never let your guard down then, you might hurt someone you care about too.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: PapaPineapple

Ralsei is a kind-hearted Darkner who appears amiable and optimistic towards his teammates. Ralsei often displays signs of affection towards Kris and Susis, due to their willingness to help him fulfill the Prophecy. Unlike Susie, it appears that he dearly hates violence and prefers to solve most conflicts with pacifism. Ralsei is also too trusting of others, an example of which can be found in the fight with King. After King is defeated, he feigns surrender to the party. Ralsei trusts him and heals him, after which King immediately betrays and attacks the party.

  • Welcome. I am the Prince of this Kingdom... The KINGDOM OF DARKNESS.

  • This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris. So let's try our best to get by without fighting.

  • Sorry, Kris. I'll try to be a better teacher next time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ali Voices

Arle is a cheery girl that's somewhat of a tomboy. In Puyo Puyo Tetris, it's been stated she hates proper etiquette such as hand sanitation and being told not to play with your food.  Although she's normally optimistic, she has her limits and will start scolding others if irritated. She typically acts as the "straight man" of the cast, often being bewildered by the many weirdos and jerks she encounters. A common example is with Satan, who often comes up with out there schemes to marry her, which often causes Arle to respond with annoyance, anger, or disappointment. Because of this, she can sometimes come off as surprisingly mean-spirited, either intentionally ignoring her opponents or flat out mocking them. Regardless, she doesn't hold personal grudges towards anyone, even for her many enemies and rivals.

  • Howdy-do! I'm Arle! Nice to meet you.

  • I won, so hurry up and tell me which way Carby went!

  • Masked Prince? That was a lame disguise, even for you, Satan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: OrviTheBot

In contrast to his twin brother Dante's boisterous, outgoing, and extroverted personality, Vergil is calm, cool, collected, and introverted, constantly maintaining an aura of fearlessness. Vergil cares little for the well-being of those around him, and is unflinching in his pursuit of power; however, in spite of his cold and ruthless demeanor, he is an honorable warrior who maintains his own set of morals and disciplines. Vergil despises fighting dirty and cheap tactics and refuses to use firearms, deeming them unworthy of a "true warrior" while staying true to only his blade as well as other melee weapons he managed to obtain from defeated enemies. His code of honor still surfaces while he is corrupted as Nelo Angelo: he refuses to attack Dante from behind and waits until both are outside to begin their first fight.

  • Don't get so cocky!

  • You will not forget this devil's power! You are not worthy as my opponent!

  • rushing in blind all you can do?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JoeFredrick12

Because he lives in an area that has a peace treaty with the Desians, Lloyd never actually understands how people are suffering at the hands of the organization. This causes him to be rather naive and short-tempered. He tends to make very rash decisions, regardless of what consequences his actions may have, claiming he is doing it for Colette. However, when it all ends wrong, he realizes his mistakes and attempts to repent for them. Under the guide of Kratos, he eventually matures through the journey, having witnessed people truly suffer. When he understands that people have to be sacrificed everywhere for the sake of others, Lloyd decides to stop "clinging to the Chosen", as Kratos describes it, and fight with his own strength and new ideals. What he wants is a world without sacrifices.

  • From the moment they are born, everyone has the right to live.

  • Bah, studying is for chumps.

  • Even if you become an angel, you’re still you, okay?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ImKitz

Dante is incredibly flippant, casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of demons, and he generally enjoys showing off and taunting his adversaries as often as he can. Dante also displays a fearless, almost disinterested attitude towards incredibly dangerous situations, such as assuming Trish simply had to use the bathroom after crashing through his office's front door on a motorcycle, being attacked by the 7 Hells in his office, being swallowed by Echidna, and effortlessly shrugging off wounds such as a headshot or impalement numerous times, the latter of which happens quite frequently for the Devil Hunter.

  • This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!

  • Yeah.....let's go all the way to hell!

  • A man with guts and honor, I like that. But its a shame you serve Mundus!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phoenix Wright
Role assigned to: ImKitz

Phoenix Wright is generally quite easy-going in his outlook. His relaxed attitude usually leads to his friends leading him around or taking advantage of his good nature, usually by making him foot the bill of large celebratory meals. Wright also has somewhat of a sarcastic side that he usually keeps to himself. This tends to manifest when dealing with the eccentric characters (including his friends), objects, and situations he comes across. Despite his usually relaxed attitude, he is a rather harsh critic when it comes to art, possibly due to his time as an art student, to the point of openly mocking his friends' art pieces on several occasions. All the while, Wright has repeatedly shown himself to be a loyal friend and lawyer who will refuse to back down once his mind is made up. Known for this trait even in childhood, it has been a valuable asset for him, especially as it has translated into his dedication to defending and believing in the innocence of his clients. Wright's loyalty is such that he has often ended up risking his career, and even his life, for his friends and clients on several occasions.

  • Your honor, the defense is ready to present!

  • I want the truth and nothing but the truth!

  • As my mentor once told me, a lawyer is someone who keeps on smiling, no matter how bad it gets.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maya Fey
Role assigned to: xCoconutx

Maya is spunky, perky, excitable, and outgoing. She exudes a childlike personality, being both impulsively curious and easily confused. She often acts without thinking things through, tries to touch strange objects without restraint, and goes on tangents that quickly stop making sense. All of this has caused Phoenix Wright to question her sanity on several occasions. She is very enthusiastic about Wright's job, having picked out many of the clients for him to represent in court, although she would often do so before consulting him first.

Despite her childish and seemingly naïve nature, Maya has demonstrated wisdom through many grueling trials. She is stubborn and persistent, looking out for those she cares about and holding out hope despite overwhelming long odds. Her tenacity, optimism, and loyalty to those she cares about have been important, sometimes even critical, to Wright's successes in court. She consistently puts others before herself, reminding Wright to fight for justice even when her own life was at stake, and staying strong for Pearl despite having witnessed her own long-lost mother's death; putting Pearl's pain over indirectly causing it before her own grief.

  • Oh! It's nothing strange, really! I'm a spirit medium ....In training.

  • Come on, Nick, you can do it! Lay them out flat with a big ol' "Objection!"

  • If you need me, I'll be back at the detention center!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Spyro is known for being courageous, headstrong, eager, and arrogant. He has an immutable sense of heroism, friendliness, and has a fiery personality. He has little concern for his safety and can be irresponsible at times, being extremely curious and hardly ever cautious, which could get him into trouble. Spyro gets into lots of mischief and is known to be cocky, a trait that can lead to his downfall and blunder.

  • Bring him on! I think I smell a barbecue!

  • Okay, no problem! I'll collect a few talismans, give Ripto the old hotfoot, and be in Dragon Shores by lunchtime!

  • Heh, heh, heh. Look, Hunter. It's the "scary sorceress".

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Violent, impulsive and indulgent in the extreme, Max is the source of much of the franchise's unique humor. Max is an active member of the Freelance Police along with his longtime partner and friend, Sam. He often refers to himself as a lagomorph, though he also sometimes refers to himself as a rabbit. A rabbit is a type of lagomorph, so these are not mutually exclusive. He enjoys violence and prefers to solve problems aggressively. He has a slight distaste for the long stories, anecdotes, and sentences that Sam constantly spouts forth, often asking Sam and others not to use various words such as 'ensue' and 'acumen'. He shares Sam's enthusiasm in just about anything, especially if it involves large guns and trouble. In this game, he and Sam have their office mysteriously teleported from New York City to New Meridian, though they never seem to want to investigate it further but rather go with the flow, besides, there's tons of crime going on in New Meridian with the Medici Mafia running amok and Eliza's shenanigans, so this is a playground for them!

  • This doesn't look like the Lincoln Tunnel, Sam.

  • Maybe we can ditch the head somewhere while the credits are running. Mind if I drive?

  • Shut up! For God's sake, just shut up!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Retrorulz

Bosco is smart, loud, and completely paranoid. This is proven with how his business style appears to be based around overcharging for any item so he can afford his elaborate high-tech, homemade security systems, as well as selling his personal brand of "BoscoTech equipment", which are generally rudimentary at best, but cost extraordinary amounts of money. Despite his paranoia and sass, he'll help out Sam and Max whenever they need him, if only because their goals can sometimes meet his ends.

  • Hey guys, does my package sound like it's ticking to you? I think my package is the bomb!

  • Didn't I just tell you this ain't a store no more?!

  • Look, man, all I know is, I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of, and you keep payin' it! So I ask you, who's the foo'?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SimplyySarah

A monument of instability, Sybil Pandemik is a friend of the insane dog and rabbit duo Sam & Max. Sybil is almost constantly changing her job, usually out of boredom. She's been a psychotherapist, a tattoo artist, a match maker, a tabloid writer, the Queen of Canada, etc. However, this also gave her experience in several fields, and it allows her to be understanding and intellectual, though not without a bit of arrogance. This makes it so despite being scatterbrained, she almost acts as the normal one in her world, further proven by her respect for others and down to earth nature, only to be proven just as crazy with how she wants to start a family with the Abe Lincoln Memorial statue.

  • Hi, Sam and Max. I'm really excited! I finally found the perfect job for me.

  • Your reactions indicate that you're a generally violent person.

  • If I weren't trying to impress Abe, I'd claw that lying witch's eyes out!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Abe Lincoln
Role assigned to: Jordan Fredericks

This statue seems to have all the memories of the historical Abraham Lincoln and apparently believes he IS him. Whether this is due to his programming or whether he has Lincoln's memories is unknown, but it makes him a proud leader type regardless. Despite that, this version of him is more dishonest and selfish than the real thing, at first trying to enslave the world and then a while later, ogles a Moai statue while on a date with Sybil. However, he's also more laid back, if not irritable after being reformed, being somewhat friendlier to Sam and Max and despite the relationship being shaky, wanting to do his best for Sybil in the long run.

  • Listen to me, America: I did not arrange a date with this woman.

  • Come on! I'm a man! I'm not made of stone......well you know what I mean!

  • Now you all know I'm not one for speeches, but I have prepared a few words.....let's kick that devil bunny's ass!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Geek
Role assigned to: KeriaEvoice

Her personality is a bit on the sarcastic side with an air of confidence, with Sam and Max generally exasperating her with their destructive interest and childish antics. Even though she treats Sam and Max with a laissez-faire demeanor, there are occasional times where she worries about Sam and Max's well-being and safety. In truth, it's not hard to suspect that she cares about them more deeply than she lets on. Her concerns are generally unnecessary since they handle themselves well, despite how terrible a situation is. Secretly, she enjoys their company.

  • This isn't my home, its my lab. And my "mommy" didn't call you, I did.

  • Ahh jeez! Can't they ever take the stairs?

  • Keep it down, guys! I'm on the phone with the United Nations.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SoviVA

Hal is a gifted scientist, possessing a high intellect in computer programming and mechanical engineering. A big fan of Japanese animation shows, especially that of the sci-fi and mecha genres, his hobby also gave him an optimistic inspiration and drive to help create new beneficial technologies and innovations for society with his genius, which was also reinforced with a sense of responsibility and level-headed perspective, especially during his experience of the Shadow Moses Incident. He also did not wish to create weapons of war, in particular weapons of mass destruction. He was also a selfless individual, willing to sacrifice himself to save Snake and Meryl.

  • What's with these guys? It's just like one of my Japanese animes!

  • I want to ask you. Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?

  • Snake, people die. But death is not defeat, that's what Hemmingway said.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mei Ling
Role assigned to: Kahori

Mei Ling is studious and analytical, being well versed in many forms of literature, familiarizing herself with everything from Shakespeare to Chinese proverbs. With this knowledge, she acted as a data analyst for Snake during the Shadow Moses Incident, while also providing moral support and tracking down his progress. She's also somewhat mischievous, shown with how she acts as a flirt to Snake.

  • Both my parents are from Guangdong, China, but I was born and raised in America. I've always liked reading literature from both sides...kinda keeps me in touch.

  • It makes it easy for us to see everything that you're doing. If you were my boyfriend, you'd never be able to cheat on me.

  • Snake, in China they say "When walking through a melon patch, don't adjust your sandals." That means that when things get really bad, you have to try and remember what's important.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Naomi Hunter
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

Having been a victim of war from a young age, Naomi had a deep resentment for armed conflict. During the Shadow Moses Incident, she often made her displeasure with Snake's attitude towards fighting known. Even though both Frank Jaeger and her benefactor Big Boss were renowned mercenaries, Naomi disliked their profession, even referring to the Outer Heaven mercenaries as "rent-a-war bastards." She has just as much resentment with unnatural genetics, such as forced experimentation with Grey Fox and Raiden, and unhealthy genetics like Snake's smoking habit, going so far as to explain the genetics behind lung cancer to him. However, she relented while telling him that his death would keep the unstable strain of FOXDIE inside him from becoming a dangerous epidemic, showing she would condone his sacrifice for the sake of the rest of the world. Despite this, she used to also be manipulative and vengeful as shown with the Shadow Moses Incident itself, where she took advantage of people like Otacon and acted as a friendly flirt to Snake, all to kill Snake for crippling her brother.

  • Are you smoking? Don't you know that cigarettes contain benzopyrene, a chemical that leads to lung cancer?

  • You mustn't allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes. Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life... and then live.

  • Well, if you come back in one piece, maybe I'll let you do a strip search on me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BlameTheVoice

He is a ruthless crime lord that will do anything to achieve his goals, even if it harms those who sided with him. He sees anyone and everyone as disposable, shooting people like Misako, Kyoko and even his son Ken with no remorse. He'll even go for any innocent bystanders like Hiroshi for seemingly no reason other than to establish his control.

  • Its been a while, Kunio. It's good to see you again!

  • You've given me a lot of trouble in the past, Kunio. We settle this right here and now!

  • If only you hadn't interfered......everything would've gone according to plan!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Plague Knight
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Plague Knight has a somewhat reckless personality and notably treats several of his allies with contempt or indifference. With the exception of Tinker Knight, he treats all of the Order of No Quarter with disrespect, often gleefully attacking them and being entirely unapologetic at the Battle Royale. While he brushes off most criticism without second thought, Specter Knight is able to reduce him to stunned silence by commenting on his cowardice regarding his feelings for Mona. He is insecure about his lack of strength and power, believing that he needs the Ultimate Potion to become powerful enough for Mona to love him. 

  • I may not have your strength, hee hee, but I am still far more clever, so watch out! Hee hee hee!

  • Yes, hee hee, the Essences! I shall pay our friends a little visit and, uhhh, haha, "BORROW" them.

  • Ugh! You've made such a mess this time, Percy! But as usual, I'll clean up after you, heeheehee!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. X

Mr. X is a crime lord that is as charismatic as he is dangerous. He treats all of those allied with him with the upmost respect, which only makes his organization "the Syndicate" more of a threat against anyone else, especially in the city he wishes to rule. He'll even go as far as offering enemies a chance to work for him if they seem formidable and loyal enough, such as Blaze, Axel and Adam. 

(Bonus points if you do the signature laugh)

  • You really wanna die, don't you......I'll be happy to oblige!

  • Well, I'm impressed you've made it here. You'd be reliable as a right-hand man.

  • After working as a team for so long, you choose to part for power? Well then, fight for your right!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jordan Fredericks

Janga is a foul-mouthed, aggressive alcoholic who is mentally deranged. He does show some intelligence as he kidnaps Lolo so Klonoa's ring can't function. He also knows when to pick a fight and flees when he sees he's met his match. Janga is disloyal and untrustworthy as he betrays Guntz's father in Klonoa Heroes and his own team in Namco x Capcom. In Namco x Capcom, he shows an interest in the character Felicia from Darkstalkers, who finds him repulsive.

  • Name's Janga. I was hopin' you'd come with me, missy.

  • Hey, keep sticking your nose where it don't belong with this "sense of justice" shit, and yer gonna get hurt. Kikikiki.....

  • Aw, what the hell. So I gotta fight a couple brats? Maybe torturing their ass'll make me feel better.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Blingy

As his name suggests, Joka is mischievous and a little bit violent. He is extremely loyal to Ghadius and tries desperately to please him. All he really wants is to be recognized by Ghadius. At the opening of Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Joka appears to be quite the incompetent little henchman. In his first appearance, he inadvertently tells Rongo Lango's weak point, as well as other bosses' weakness to Klonoa. Joka also attempts to hide keys from Klonoa in Forlock Forest, but left most of the task to his lesser minions, the Flying Moos. However, after Klonoa's fight with Gelg Bolm, Joka transforms from a buffoon to a villain who is considerably more intelligent, and becomes a serious threat throughout the game's next few levels. 

  • My name is Joka. Pleased to make your acquaintance.......though, I'm not sure we'll ever be seeing each other again.

  • We're going to settle this right here and now! My pride will accept nothing less!

  • You made it?! I paid those monsters a lot of money. What else could they be doing?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

This is someone who seems like a charismatic and friendly host at first glance, but beneath all of it is someone with a sick lust for power and pain. He's someone who acts very calculating when it comes to toying with others and will do what it takes to get under their skin and use them for his own gain.

  • Welcome, brave heroes. I'd like to start the tournament now.....but it seems like there's too many participants.

  • Ha ha ha! You'll be the backbone of my empire! Such an honor!

  • I am a considerate man...If you cooperate for me, I'll turn the other way for Klonoa and his friends.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Like everyone else in River City, he's a very tough and brash person. He'll do whatever he can to bash whatever he sees and get paid lots for any task, mainly kidnapping and guarding. Despite this, he admires a good fight and can be a good sport as shown when he's been beaten by Misako and Kyoko, almost showing maturity since his days fighting the Battletoads and Lee brothers.

  • A pair of scrawny bugs, sneakin' into my web. Whatcha want, bugs?

  • Why do I kidnap people? My parents didn't love me enough as a baby.

  • Okay okay, I know when I'm beat. You girls are tougher than you look.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zylaar Cross

She is a very brash and boastful rock star who was once a shy girl named Nozumi. She became aggressive and attention seeking after believing she was abandoned by Kyoko, and holds a grudge against her because of it. Most of all, she treats her music and the attention from her fans as the most valuable things to her and will do what she can to keep a good image.

  • Security! We got some crazies up here....

  • I didn't steal yer boyfriends, but if they ditched you to be here tonight, heh......what else is new?

  • Get bent. Get wrecked. Get beat, get sliced, get destroyed, and get off my stage!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Neo Cortex
Role assigned to: Jordan Fredericks

Like many stereotypical villainous mad scientists, Cortex holds a grudge against other scientists for ridiculing his outlandish (yet workable) ideas, and was originally driven towards world domination by the desire to prove his colleagues wrong. Another notable personality trait is his stubbornness and inability to plan ahead or learn from his mistakes; he often relies on his minion Tiny Tiger to eliminate Crash by himself, despite the fact that Tiny is too incompetent to do so alone. This impulsive behavior is first witnessed in the opening cinematic of Crash Bandicoot, in which Cortex refuses to heed the warnings of his then-henchman Doctor Nitrus Brio and tries to make Crash the general of his army, despite numerous past failures.

  • Surprised to see me, Crash? Like the fleas on your fur, I keep coming back!

  • I've ruined the lives of so many, I can't be expected to remember them all...!

  • My airship! Without it, we're stranded! Tie it to something secure, I said! Hurry, Nina, or you'll miss the bus!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
N. Gin
Role assigned to: Jordan Fredericks

N. Gin is in a similar light to that of Cortex's previous henchman Nitrus Brio, in that he is less impulsive than Cortex or Uka Uka and prefers to think over the situation rather than rushing to a solution. Usually, this leads to a loud rebuttal by his superiors whenever he questions their way of doing things, as shown in the opening cinematics of Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. However, he is also prone to sudden fits of yelling, sobbing, and random tendencies such as a passion for ballet dancing, having a self-destructing-and-repairing robot duplicate, and talking about himself wetting himself when he loses a race.

  • So, you want to go a few rounds? When this is over, we'll see who's obsolete!

  • It's like my father always said to me...SHUT UP N. GIN, YOU FREAK!

  • All right all you bloodthirsty lunatics! Put your freaky little hands together for... RAWKIT HËD!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
N. Tropy
Role assigned to: Naze

Nefarious Tropy is a nefarious and smug character, as opposed to the childish, outspoken temperament of Doctor Cortex, with a smooth British accent to match. He proves highly intelligent, his technological breakthroughs arguably making him the most advanced of all of Uka Uka's scientists. However, he tends to get frustrated when he repeatedly misses his target, and as a result, tires easily. This usually works to Crash's advantage and results in Tropy's many defeats at the hands of the bandicoot. Like Cortex, he is also highly pompous and foul-tempered, venting his frustrations at his associates or blaming them for his errors, something N. Trance was perfectly willing to call him out on.

  • Now you're on my time, you little skunk! Give me the crystals!

  • The rats are leaving the sinking ship. Tell us where the treasure is and we'll... let you go.

  • Hasten your steps! By my calculations, our enemies are already moving against us. And We. Will. Prevail.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
N. Brio

Brio is a shy and meek man, which serves as a contrast to Doctor Cortex's megalomania. He has never had people respect him or take him seriously, resulting in a low self-esteem. It is this weakness that originally caused him to join Doctor Cortex in his plot for world domination. However, it is also this weakness that allowed Cortex take the full credit for an invention that Brio was more responsible for attaining any sort of effectiveness, resulting in the development of intense inner-contempt and jealousy of Cortex on Brio's behalf. As a way of making up for his mistake of allowing Cortex to take credit for his inventions in the past, Brio has developed a notable level of self delusion, as he cites himself as being the actual inventor of the Evolvo-Ray (even though he only perfected it). This worsens even further where he constantly, almost impulsively reminds anyone in his presence of his inventions, even crediting himself with several other things that he couldn't possibly have created, like recycling, slinkies as well as claiming to have written a bible.

  • I invented the Evolvo-Ray and the mutigenetic techniques, still used by that treacherous Cortex today! I... was in... the first... GAME!

  • Yes! Go for it, Dr. Cortex! Eye of the tiger! Hadouken! Paper covers rock... but paper can't stop rocks. IT MAKES NO SENSE!

  • Well Crash, heheheh, know this: as long as you are allied with Cortex, you are my sworn enemy and I will do everything in my power to stop you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Uka Uka
Role assigned to: Marksownmouth

Unlike even-tempered, friendly, and nice Aku Aku, Uka Uka is a bad-tempered, diabolical, and psychopathic villain with an inflated ego, believing that he is superior to the point that he often refers to himself as "The Great Uka Uka" in earlier games, though Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nefarious Tropy have also referred to him similarly. Despite this, he is capable of rare generosity, namely when he spares Cortex's life after Cortex inadvertently sets him free from his temple prison by the ruins of the doctor's space station. In contrast, he seems to respect Nefarious Tropy for his greater relative competence. Uka Uka largely looks down on his older brother Aku Aku, whom he sees as feeble. It is implied in Crash of the Titans that he has fallen into a "shame spiral" due to his constant losses and that an earlier depression led to him engaging in bulimia. It is also claimed that he is extremely self-conscious about his lack of a body.

  • From deep inside my temple prison, I sent you simple instructions to follow. But you lost the Gems, you lost the Crystals, AND I HAVE LOST MY PATIENCE!!!!!


  • Who has released me from my icy tomb?! My My! Can it be? Crash and Cortex? I don't know whether to kiss you... OR KILL YOU!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aku Aku

Aku Aku is a good-hearted and peaceful being, but at the same time, he knows when to take important matters (like saving the world) seriously. He is kind and has helped Crash, Coco, and Crunch throughout many of the games, and acted as a father to them. He is also obedient to the rules of his superiors "The Ancients", mysterious beings who strangely have never been seen. He also seems to understand what Crash is saying, often translating for him. Like his brother, he seems to dislike not having a body, but not to the same extent. 

  • It is I, Aku Aku! My duty is to protect you. You may summon me by breaking open these crates. Call me thrice and I shall grant you special powers.

  • Uka Uka is free? No... It cannot be! Evil, great evil has come...

  • Come on, Crash! We need to head back to Wumpa Island! Nobody invades our turf and gets away with it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Coco Bandicoot

Coco is generally depicted as responsible, smart, kind-hearted, good-natured and high spirited, her educated wit often contrasted by an innocent demeanor. Despite her and Crash's contrasting personalities, Coco is far from prissy and is generally tolerant, if not outright amused by Crash's behavior. She also shares his altruistic code, even to some enemies (as Crash had taken sympathy on Krunk in Nitro Kart, Coco felt pity for Nash, using her hack smarts to make the "poor shark thingy" take a much-needed nap).

  • Crash. Crash? Crash! My battery is fried. Make yourself useful, big brother, and bring an extra battery for me!

  • I hacked into his brain and put him to sleep. He looked like he needed some, the poor shark thingy.

  • You won't get away with this! Crash will come for me and kick your butt!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Dice
Role assigned to: Lightnin

King Dice is an extremely sleazy, deceitful, untrustworthy, and manipulative individual. While on the surface he has the personality of an energetic and easygoing entertainer, he nevertheless can be as cruel and sadistic as his boss, The Devil, when he wants to be. Equally as arrogant and overconfident as the Devil, he nevertheless seems to be the more analytic and cautious amongst the working duo, as it is he who first informs his boss of the potential threat the boys may pose should they successfully fulfill their end of the bargain.

King Dice also takes his own bets very seriously, going as far as to attempt to kill the brothers when they succeed in getting all of the soul contracts after he made a bet that they would fail their mission. This possibly goes to show just how high the stakes were for him if he lost, as well. 

  • The little mugs have some fight in 'em, I'll say that much! They're makin' mincemeat outta them debtors!

  • Well, look what the cat dragged in. You think you're just gonna ankle on over to the next isle? Well that ain't how it works, genius. You ain't goin' nowhere 'til you finish up here!

  • Well, ain't that a pip! Looks like you really put the kibosh on them debtors. You can head on over to the next isle. Plenty more marks for you to lean on there!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Devil
Role assigned to: Rafael Andaya

As the series' own interpretation of the devil, he is an appropriately prideful and sinister being feared for his adept use of trickery and deception. By taking advantage of his victims' latent greed, the Devil is shown to use gambling at his casino as a method by which to encourage his victims into making increasingly reckless, Faustian bets, eventually culminating in the forfeiture of their soul to him upon their loss.

Both a liar and a cheat, the Devil naturally has no problem with going back on his promises so long as it benefits him, turning Cuphead and Mugman into his slaves for handing over the soul contracts in spite of promising to spare them if they do. Even his own minions he shows very little sympathy for, declaring his right-hand man, King Dice, a "a good-for-nothing lackey" after he has been beaten.The Devil's main trait is that he is incredibly prideful of himself, believing he'll always win in the end as he brushes King Dice off when the latter tries to warn him about the brothers becoming stronger. 

  • Win one more roll, and all the loot in my casino is yours! But if you lose, I'll have your souls! Deal?

  • You broke our it's my turn to break you!

  • You're mine now! And we're gonna have a hell of a time down here!

Role assigned to: JTDaddy17

I'm really just putting this so that he'll be checking into the casting call.

  • Say something you think would fit

Cutscene Animator

I currently have a small animation team, but they would like an extra hand! The cutscenes can be animated either through sprite-based animation or through Source Filmmaker or other 3D software that has the cast of characters from the voice cast roles. The work can be done at any free time, the schedule is very relaxed for the game since this project is being completed during our free time as well. Looking forward to working with you all!

  • Say something you think would fit

MUGEN Storyboard Animator

Must have knowledge of making Storyboards for the MUGEN engine. To help make cinematic cutscenes using the game's engine. It would help this project a lot!

  • Say something you think would fit

Cutscene Portraits Artist

Another form of cutscenes for the game is freeze frame art portraits, similar to Skullgirls. This role is here if cinematic animation doesn't work out for the game (since no progress has been made for the cinematic cutscenes nor have we got many people interested in the animator roles.

(Also the role says its closed, but we can use all the help we can get)

  • Say something you think would fit


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