Super Paper Mario Intro Dub

Project Overview

I am currently producing my first non-Sonic-related dub/project, a dub of the intro to Super Paper Mario! SPM is one of my favorite games of all time, and I thought I'd show my love by dubbing the intro to the game. This is the first time I've ever worked on something Mario-related, so this will be interesting! I have a few characters up for grabs, and if you're wondering why Peach isn't here, it's because I'm voicing her. Before we begin the auditions, I do have a few requirements, they're pretty standard when it comes to auditions, but I felt I should mention them anyway:

-A decent microphone, USB mics are allowed. No phone mics.

-Please Audition using AAABBBCCC format.

-Have little to no background noise or mic peaks.

-Be committed to the part if you are chosen.

-Have fun!

I'm excited to hear what everyone has in store for these auditions. Good luck, everyone!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: The Ultimate Voice Actor

Luigi is the younger brother of the world-renowned, Mario. Often depicted as the underdog or second banana to his older brother, Luigi doesn't hold this judgment against Mario, seeing him as a major inspiration to be a true hero. Luigi is sometimes cowardly, but he is also a kind-hearted individual who will put away his fears if it means saving the world, the Mushroom Kingdom, his friends, or his brother.

Luigi's voice is pretty standard in my eyes, I'm looking for a voice closer in mind to Charles Martinet's take on the character.

  • (Slightly content, but also bored) “Wow, sure is peaceful today, eh, Bro? Makes a guy feel lucky, having a peaceful day… Yup, reeeeeal peaceful. It’s so peaceful, it’s almost a little bit boring.”

  • (Refuses to give Count Bleck his name in a dignified and determined manner) “Oh no! I don’t give my name to scoundrels! Just watch as Luigi punishes you for your badness! HERE I GO!!!!”

  • (Determined) “Here’s where Luigi rescues Princess Peach! (Notices the violently shaking Chaos Heart) Eh?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: cacescutti

Bowser is oftentimes the main antagonist of the Paper Mario franchise, but sometimes he is seen as an ally towards Mario and the gang. Much like his main game counterpart, he is the evil king of the Koopas and will stop at nothing to capture/marry Princess Peach and stop the Mario Bros once and for all. Begrudgingly in this entry, Bowser serves as a brick house of an ally in order to stop Count Bleck and the Chaos Heart.

I want Bowser's voice to sound like how he has been for the past decade or so, which means I'm looking for a voice similar to Kenny James. The Sunshine voice can work, but try not to make it sound goofy like in that game.

  • (Confident and boisterous) “BWA HA HA! Listen well, my elite minion task force! It’s time to initiate my awesome plot to invade Mushroom Castle! Today is the day that I make my beloved Princess Peach ALL MINE! And if that weren’t awesome enough, I’ll ALSO stomp her little mustache buddies!”

  • (Retorting Count Bleck’s monologue) “I’ll tell you who doesn’t make even a little sense… Count Bleck! Enough! Release Princess Peach, right now! I’m on a schedule over here!”

  • (Happily going along with Bleck’s wedding) Bwah ha ha! Hey, no gripes from THIS side of the altar, Bleck old boy! I don’t get the details, but the count here has gone to a lot of trouble planning this! Just relax! We’ll get married, we’ll be in love, it’ll be awesome! Finally!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Emcee Voices

The Narrator serves as an introduction to the game proper. They tell the story of the Dark Prognosticus, an ancient and malevolent book said to hold many prophecies, including one that Count Bleck wishes to bring to life.

Anyone can audition for the narrator, I don't have a voice in mind for them. All I ask is that you sound professional in your delivery.

  • “Ahem! Today… I’ll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies. This prophetic book was a mysterious tome full of stories of future events.”

  • “Of course, many people craved the book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness. The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people’s eyes. That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away.”

  • “This…is the tale of that forgotten book’s last owner. It is a tale of love…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Count Bleck
Role assigned to: The Ultimate Voice Actor

The crazed, world-destroying, and tragic "main" antagonist of Super Paper Mario. Count Bleck, formerly known as Blumiere, was a member of the Tribe of Darkness, holders of the Dark Prognosticus, who fell in love with a human girl. Once she was tragically taken from him, Count Bleck's heart became hollow and he sought the destruction of all worlds if his beloved would never be by his side, stealing the Dark Prognosticus and destroying his own world. He will not stop at anything for the Chaos Heart to destroy all worlds and their inhabitants.

I have a very specific voice in mind for Count Bleck. I really liked the voice that Tom Previte from Man on the Internet's Super Paper Mario Musical Bytes gave to the mad count. A voice also similar to the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera would be appropriate because I see a lot of the Phantom's character in Count Bleck. While the lines do indicate that Bleck is a very deranged character, I want the voice to also show his underlining sadness, because he's doing all of this due to the tragic event that befell him so long ago.

Man on the Internet Reference:

Phantom of the Opera Reference:

  • “Bleh heh heh heh… Your princess shall NOT be returned…by Count Bleck. In fact, Bowser, evil king of the Koopas…Count Bleck will take you, too! BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!”

  • “BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Yes, all precisely as written in the Dark Prognosticus! Already it is unleashed! The Chaos Heart!”

  • “Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds, as told in the prophecy! BLECK!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Shadamylover95

Nastasia is Count Bleck's second in command among the count's rogues gallery and what can be assumed his closest friend. It is shown that Nastasia has feelings for the count, but she knows that Bleck only pined for one, and would pine for no one else. Despite her secretary-like appearance, Nastasia can hold her own with tremendous hypnotic powers, capable of hypnotizing Peach in order to summon the Chaos Heart, as much as Peach was able to fight it at first.

Nastasia to me would probably sound like a typical receptionist/secretary we often see on TV and in movies. I sometimes see her with a bit of a valley girl attitude, she's still an intelligent and strong character, though her mannerisms give off this impression.

  • (Disassociated) “Count! Yeah, um, ‘K, so preparations are complete…”

  • “Yeah, um, being rude to the esteemed count is sort of frowned upon, ‘K? So, yeah, Princess Peach, I’m gonna need you to answer the count now… Do you, Peach, take Bowser to be your wedded husband ‘til your games be over?”

  • (A bit shocked, but still reserved) “Gee… You sure are a fighter. But yeah, no one withstands my super hypnosis, sorry. ‘I do’. Say it now, ‘K?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: YoshiTails13

Toads are a common NPC found in the Paper Mario games. They are the subjects to Princess Peach and citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I'm pretty sure we all know what a Toad sounds like, high pitched and shrill. I don't think I need any more explanation than that.

  • (Frantic) “M-M-M-M-M-M-M-MARIO! HELP!”

  • (Frantic and in shock) “It’s sh-sh-sh-sh-shocking… Mushroom Castle… RAIDED! Princess Peach… STOLEN!

  • (Calmed down slightly) “We’re counting on you, Mario…Bros.!


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