Super Mario web series
Project Overview
Mario and other video game characters join forces to solve crimes and deal with dark themes and enemies in a series that will change their lives forever.
This is based upon a story I used to write with other people on a forum. It combines old footage with new footage to create a re-telling of the story.
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The lead character of the series and the most iconic video game character ever.
Sonic? What are you doing in the Mushroom Kingdom?
Peach is kidnapped...again.
Well, three is better than two. Lets-a go!

The second lead character of the series and the second most iconic video game character ever.
Hey, guys! Long time, no see. What's up?
I’m here to do some running. I always gotta keep fit for whenever Eggman shows up again.
Well, stupid egghead never gives me a chance to relax. This place is a lot more quiet.

Mario's brother. Lead character alongside Mario.
But why are you running in our world instead of our own?
Mamma mia.
So, you are saying you didn’t kidnap Peach?

Mario! Luigi! And Sonic? How did you guys get in my castle?
Feel free to check my security tapes. You’ll see there is no Peach on any of them.
That is why I installed cameras. I also started a restoration process for the right wing and…Wait, why am I telling you all of this? Just check the security tapes and leave.

Lead character from the Metal Gear Solid series.
So, what is this new mission we’ve been given, Otacon?
Talking about Princess Peach: Was she attacked or kidnapped?
*mockingly* Are you sure the girls in your world weren’t just attacked by wild Pokémon, Ash.

You have to find and stop a person who has been attacking or kidnapping girls all over Sacremento, the Mushroom Kingdom, and this world.
Looking at the other worlds: There have been four victims in Sacremento, two in the Mushroom Kingdom, including Princess Peach, and one in the Kanto region in Ash's world.
Peach was kidnapped, which, to be honest, is nothing new.

Though Ash himself is not a video game character, the Pokémon games are quite popular. However, with no noticeable lead character in these games, the series will focus more on the character from the anime, though aspects of the game will still be included in the series.
This is also been happening in my world.
No. Nurse Joy from the Pokémon Center looked at the victim's wounds. This was something different. And like Otacon said, it wasn’t just people being attacked. There were kidnappings too. Not in my world, though.

Lead character from The Legend of Zelda series.
I can help you there!
The Mario Brothers and Sonic! It's been a while.

Link's arch-enemy.
That’s right, hero of time. See if you can beat me.
You fought well, Hero of Time. But I will be back another time.

Luigi's girlfriend.
Solid Snake!
Oh my god! We have to get Peach back before that happens to her!
Well, try harder! Peach is like a sister to me and I'm not going to let her die!

Sonic's best friend.
Well, there are many worlds that have high tech cities in them, but she put a specific word in it. That word is Maverick.
A real maverick only attack by instinct or danger. But the way it is described is like they attack all the time. There is only one place that does have Mavericks. Tech City.
It is a Capcom place, home to a hero known as Megaman X.

The princess of Hyrule.
Ow...My head...Where am I?
Princess Peach? Is that you?
What happened? Where are we?

Capcom character.
Do I know you guys?
Doesn’t ring a bell to me. I’m X and this is Zero. And that over there is Axl.
Nice meeting you all. What brings you to this world?

Capcom character.
He can tell us later. First, we'll have to stop that robot lion.

Annoying guy living in the Mushroom Kingdom. In this series he's a bit nicer as Mario helps him out in the second story and therefore, he and Waluigi are nicer to Mario and the others.
Wah...We didn't even talk for a minute.
Wah...I'm innocent. You have to believe me.
I would never kill a person in my life. I'm not that evil.

A friend of Mario. Big ape. Loves bananas.
You know about my accident?
There's more to it! How else can you explain the fact that somebody drove me off the road?
Look. We believe that Wario is being framed. Have you ever looked at any other possibilities instead of just one man?

Sonic's rival. Kinda on his own mission in this story and involved in a Kingdom Hearts-esque plot. Warns Mario & friends of dangers several times. Or asks them for assistance.
Looks like she’s been death for a while. But the news says she was killed recently. *realizes* Of course! They want to frame Wario, so he’ll get arrested again. I must find the imposters and stop them!

Female mushroom person.
I saw the man that hired Liquid use a Chaos Emerald. He said I was not one of the girls he was looking for. Did the other girl that escape make it. She said she was from the Pokémon world.

Old mushroom person.
(gets attacked by some angry toads)

Cameo character
You guessed right my friend.
The Bloodless are making the Rabbids more dangerous. I intend to stop them.
I'm sorry. Right now I should go back in the Rabbid world and stop them from causing disaster.

Luigi's nemesis, though in this series he mostly assists the good guys.
I got it! The masked figure had a link with the Rabbids. I know who it was!

A firebreathing dragon Pokémon. Belongs to Ash.
(attacking the enemy)
(getting hurt by the enemy)

Ash's best friend.
Ash, where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere.
Good idea! Now we can go see Nurse Joy!
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