Stone Ocean Final Battle Fandub (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

Stone Ocean Final Battle Fandub (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

Project Overview


Hello everyone! I'm hoping to work with some of you to do a fandub of the final battle scene from Stone Ocean! I'm planning on dubbing the whole fight right up until the reset. I would be open to continuing and finishing the end scenes of the manga if there is enough interest. My goal is to cast all of the people from these scenes in order to make a complete scene with sound effects, voices, and music! I'm looking for fellow voice actors to help me bring this vision to life! I only have a few guidelines which I request be followed, so please consider these before auditioning

  1. I'd like to get this project done within a month or so, so there will be a slightly time sensitive schedule. That being said, I will totally understand if things come which would prevent you from recording lines on time, life always comes first.

  2. Please place your discord/ email in the description of your audition. This will make it much easier for me to communicate with you in the case of casting.

  3. Please don't leave a tag at the start of your audition (Meaning please don't identify yourself and what part you're auditioning for)

  4. I'd ask that you do a maximum of 3 takes per line. If you'd like to do less, that's completely fine.

That's all I've got! Thank you for auditioning, and I look forward to working with you all!!!

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Latest Updates

  • Castings

    Pucci, Emporio, and Anasui have all been casted. I'm still looking for an Hermes, so please feel free to audition, as the deadline has been pushed back until the 30th of December.
  • Callback List

    Hello everyone! I wanted to say thank you all again for coming out and auditioning for this project. There were so many talented voice actors who auditioned that it made it difficult to narrow it down to only a few people! To those who were chosen for callbacks, I will be sending you the lines for the callback via discord/ email/ CCC. Please try to have these lines recorded before the 18th of December, as that is the date on which I will be making the final casting decisions. Once again, thank you all, and here are the callbacks: Jolyne - Beeciarati - marsyourva Anasui - voiceover_requiem - jiovoid1 - OrviTheBot Pucci - Arkham - Arbit3r_ Emporio - QuincyVA - MrEMC - B15Alt I look forward to hearing back from the callbacks soon! I'll be sending over scripts asap!
  • Update on Roles!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to thank you all for the amazing turnout for this project, I really appreciate everyone's auditions. This update is on the important note of callbacks. For those of you who might not know, a callback is a secondary layer of auditioning in which the top contenders for each role will do a number of lines in order to provide better clarity. In other words, I will be posting callbacks for the roles at the end of the project, and those who are called back will have the opportunity to be cast. If you are not called back, don't feel bad about it! There are a lot of talented people who auditioned, and I appreciate everyone here. In the meantime, feel free to audition for other roles, and I'll be in touch!!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jolyne Cujoh
Role assigned to: marsyourva

Jolyne Cujoh is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, one of the Stardust Crusaders. She is a quick thinking, intelligent, confident, and smug teenager, who was wrongfully placed into prison after being framed for a crime. She is the main character of Stone Ocean, and her determination drives the group towards the path to victory.

  • And because he was able to complete his ability, he's not going to just let us go! What he's after is seeing this through to the end! He knows that he has to put an end to the 'Joestar Bloodline'!

    (Jolyne is in desperation after knowing that Pucci has unlocked his final ability)

  • Go, STONE FREE! *ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!* (There are a few times in the final battle where Jolyne uses Stone Free for a punching barrage)

  • Go alone, Emporio. The ones who want you to live... Annasui, Hérmes.... my father, Jotaro Kujo... survive, Emporio. You're our only 'hope'. 

    (This line is meant to be solemn, and somber. Jolyne is making her final decisions in these lines)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Narciso Anasui
Role assigned to: voiceover_requiem

Narciso Anasui is a prisoner from the Green Dolphin Prison, who was convicted for murder. He has been living his days quietly, until he met Jolyne Cujoh, who he has fallen madly in love with. Out of love for her, he is willing to do anything for her, including fighting Father Pucci with his life on the line.

  • Ever since I got out of prison, I've managed to stay alive... If I can just keep this trend, then maybe I'll ask Jolyne to marry me!

    (Anasui is forward thinking, and can't wait to ask Jolyne)

  • My Diver Down is still in your body, protecting you, like before. No... not just you... in Jolyne, and Emporio, and Hérmes too! In this proximity, my stand can phase inside everyone at once... so no matter who Pucci attacks first... my Diver Down will 'take' the first blow.

    (Anasui is showing his heroics, as he tells everyone that he will protect them now)

  • Not yet, Mr. Jotaro! Don't stop time yet! If he gets away, it's all over! We have to grab him! You have to feel my signal!

    (Anasui's final plan, his attempt to finish off Pucci. However, it's risky, and requires perfect timing. This said with concern, and anticipation)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hermés Costello
cast offsite

Hermés Costello is a fellow prisoner of the Green Dolphin Prison, who became a prisoner in order to avenge her sister, who was killed by one of the prisoners. As she spends more time with Jolyne, her heroic (Although brash) side begins to show, and she becomes a vital asset in the effort to stop Pucci.

  • It's... it's not just a bluff so that the priest could get away! And also, my blood! The blood is still flowing from my wound, but its already drying! The blood that flowed out, it's drying almost immediately!

    (Hermés is angered and confused, Pucci's ability is messing with the world)

  • There he is! He's already on that rock!!

  • The tide is going way too fast! I can't tell how the priest is moving!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Enrico Pucci
Role assigned to: Arkham

Father Enrico Pucci is a priest who has lived his entire life according to God's will. At the age of 15, he met DIO, who led him down a path of villainy. Ever since then, he has been trying to achieve DIO's ultimate goal, Heaven. He is the main villain of Stone Ocean, and is utterly convinced that his actions and goals are for the betterment of humanity.

  • You were the ones who have been 'pushing' me! Ever since you were in prison, you have been 'aiding' me. Our Father, who art in Heaven, watch over me, so I may not walk the wrong path, I will give myself to your will! 

    (Said with utter conviction, emotion, and power)

  • I can sense the position! When Jotaro threw the spear, I felt it... his actions directed me the right way! The ones who were pushing me to Heaven were the Joestars!!!

    (Again, lots of conviction and emotion in there words, Pucci has finally achieved his ultimate ability)

  • I have to eliminate any obstacles to my destiny... I don't pity them, nor do I think I should have let them live. I have to put an end to everything.

    (Said with a calm and collected manner, Pucci believing he is completely justified in what he has done)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emporio Alniño
Role assigned to: Mr EMC

Emporio is a child who has been trying to help Jolyne on her journey. He is generally nervous and concerned for their future, and cares deeply for his friends.

  • W... wait a second! What!? The clouds in the sky, they're moving really fast, like rocket! And.. what's going on!?!

    (Emporio is confused and concerned about Pucci's new ability)

  • No Jolyne! I didn't aim for him, I aimed for the wall of the building across from us! Hermés put a sticker on the bullet! There are two bullets right now!

  • Jolyne... no, stop! Wait!! WAIT!! Hurry, tug on your rope! JOLYNE!!!!!!!!

    (said with a lot of emotion, as Emporio is horrified for his life as well as Jolyne's)


Public Submissions

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