Star Wars: Yoda's Secret War | Comic Dub (PAID ROLES)

Star Wars: Yoda's Secret War | Comic Dub (PAID ROLES)

Project Overview

Star Wars Audio Comics is excited to announce that we will be continuing our production of the 2015 Star Wars comic series with the Yoda's Secret War story arc! SWAC has been producing critically acclaimed comic series similar to these for five years, especially Star Wars content. We are thrilled to include this story in our lineup! 

How it Works: 
Suffice it to say, we have mastered bringing to life comics over our five year run on YouTube. We pride ourselves on our company's quality in both visuals, sound effects, music, and the most important part: the voice actors. All productions start with a highly detailed and descriptive casting call. Our typical policy is we don't cast actors until the last day of the call so everyone has plenty of time to audition. Our CC's typically last 2-3 weeks. At the end of the CC process, the Series Director will make the casting decisions based on a variety of factors such as audio quality, performance, vocal range, talent, etc. Once the casting decisions have been made, we send a link for a private Discord server where you will find your scripts, submit your lines, and meet and mingle with your fellow castmates. Deadlines will be posted for line submissions to allow voice actors time to first takes and if requested, retakes. From there it is up to the Director to bring the video to life. Production time will be as airtight as possible, so please try to have your audio in as quickly as possible so production can begin.

The Synopsis:
After a daring rescue, Yoda feels a calling in the Force and follows it – to a planet inhabited only by child warriors. The warriors lead the Jedi Master to a sacred rock where they meditate to strengthen their "stonepower." Jealous of Yoda's abilities with the Force, they send him deep into the heart of the mountain to seek a mysterious

Director: Robert A.

Ground rules:

- Please be able to get your lines in by the deadline posted by the director. Production time will be airtight!

- Have professional grade equipment or at the bare minimum make sure your audio is top notch. No background noise!

- Have a Discord or be able to create one. This allows for us to communicate and upload documents much easier than Skype or any other platform. 

- Lastly, enjoy yourselves!

We look forward to hearing your performances!

We pay at a rate of $0.50 per line of dialogue, with a minimum payment of $1.50

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Garro
Paid: Flat Rate 11 USD
Role assigned to: GullyFoyle

Garro was once a Rockhawker, but was banished into the Great Mountain for being too weak. When Yoda is imprisoned in the same mountain, he accepts Garro as his master in the "Stonepower," a local variant of the Force utilized by the warring tribes. But despite the alliance he builds with the Jedi Master, Garro's true priority is always self-preservation.

Garro is a main character in this series. He should have a slight waver in his voice when around Yoda, but make himself sound stronger around his fellow Rockhawkers. He has 23 lines in the series, paying a total of $11.50.

  • “Good. But good is never enough around here. Good will get you killed.”

  • “No, no, I can’t go out there, you don’t… They banished me. The Rockhawkers. My own people. Because I was a coward. If I come back now, they’ll-“

  • “You wanted me to return to my life, didn’t you? Well, this is my life. I’m a Rockhawker. This mountain belongs to us. Just… just shut up and leave. Please. I’m not your master anymore. So ends your training.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Garro
Paid: Flat Rate 11 USD
Role assigned to: GullyFoyle

After Yoda departed his planet, Garro was left alone, shunned by both tribes. Eventually, the other humans left as well, to find more inhabitable worlds. Garro traveled off-world on occasion, hunting for another Jedi to help him "end the war" by eliminating the living mountains. He briefly encountered Ben Kenobi in his exile on Tatooine, but made his final push against the mountains when Luke Skywalker arrived seeking knowledge.

As an adult, Garro should have a much more gravelly voice, deep, but raspy. He has a total of 22 lines in this series, paying $11.00.

  • “You’re going to help me do what I’ve been trying to do for many years now. My name is Garro. The last of the Rockhawkers. And you’re going to help me finish this war. Tell me… did he train you? The Jedi who came here before you… was he your master? Because I was his.”

  • “Come out! I know you’re here! I know you sensed him the moment he landed, just like I did! Come out or watch him die from the shadows!”

  • “When the Jedi came, it showed everyone here that there were worlds beyond the sky, worlds we knew nothing about, worlds waiting to be explored. Little by little, they all left. All of the children, muckwhackers and Rockhawkers alike. They built ships and they left this world forever. Separated from this place, their stonepower slowly disappeared. And without its people, the world itself began to die. Now there are no more muckwhackers. No more Rockhawkers. And no more living mountains. Instead, there are just… those things. And me. And now you, little Jedi.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mud Dweller(s)
Paid: Flat Rate 8 USD
Role assigned to: AaronTurnbull6

The Mud Dwellers are a tribe of orphaned children on a backwater planet far from the Republic's reach. For years, the Mud Dwellers have been at war with a rival tribe, the Rockhawkers, and it's up to Yoda to try to resolve the conflict.

The Mud Dwellers should sound young, but fierce and fearless. There are 7 voiced Mud Dwellers in this series, with a varying number of lines. The smallest role has 2 lines and pays a total of $1.50. The largest has 17 lines, paying a total of $8.50.

  • “We don’t need no help. Especially from a weird little frog like you.”

  • “His stonepower is weak! Kill him before he takes us away!”

  • “We were wrong. His stonepower must be strong. He… he is the deliverer. Forgive us, stranger.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 8 USD
Role assigned to: Westy

The Rockhawkers are a tribe of orphaned children on a backwater planet far from the Republic's reach. For years, the Rockhawkers have been at war with a rival tribe, the Mud Dwellers, and it's up to Yoda to try to resolve the conflict.

The Rockhawkers should sound young, but fierce and fearless. There are 4 voiced Rockhawkers in this series, with a varying number of lines. The smallest role has 3 lines and pays a total of $1.50. The largest has 16 lines, paying a total of $8.00.

  • “Peace? Heh. Heh heh heh. No, you may not talk peace with us, you dumb freak. But you may die.”

  • “Welcome to your new home, freak. You go in the cave and find it, we might just let you out again.”

  • "Smash that little monster or I will weed out the weaklings among you and crush you into paste myself! Do it now!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rockhawker Prisoner
Paid: Flat Rate 7 USD
Role assigned to: ChrisHeimVA

This individual was once a member of the Rockhawker tribe of child warriors. One of the few adults left in their tribe, he was treated as little more than a servant. After his capture by a rival tribe, the Mud Dwellers, he had little hope for survival - until Yoda arrived, and demanded he be released and serve as the Jedi Master's guide.

This character should have a gravelly voice from his extended period of abuse, and should sound cynical. He has 15 lines in this series, paying a total of $7.50.

  • “You finally come to kill me, you sorry mudeaters?”

  • “How about ‘fool?’ Have you ever been called that? Because that’s what you are. A fool walking willfully to his death. You really think the Rockhawkers will spare you because of me? Heh. Welcome to the shadow of the Mountain, you dead little fool.”

  • “You go inside that mountain, you’re never coming out. Every day they send prisoners inside. Send them to find the Heart of the Mountain. None of them have ever been seen again.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD
Role assigned to: Colton_Quinn

Alorg is a crime boss and the lord of the pirate gang the Flesh Mongers. On his orders, the Flesh Mongers kidnapped a Force-sensitive child in order to ransom him off. The arrival of Jedi Master Yoda put an end to their scheme.

Alorg should have a powerful, confident voice. He has 7 lines in this series, paying a total of $3.50.

  • “Whoever he is, he’d better have our money, if he wants the kid.”

  • "You’re a Force-user. And we all know what happens to Force-users, don’t we? The Jedi come and take them away, make them into mighty warriors with fancy swords. But no one takes anything off this planet without first paying the Flesh Mongers for the privilege."

  • “Then it looks like you and the Force just walked into a whole mess of trouble. Guards. Tear his head off and send it back to Coruscant. Maybe the next Jedi they send will bring us more than words.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 2 USD
Role assigned to: aquta046

The adults of this backwater world, parents to the Mud Dwellers and Rockhawkers, had spent years fighting the same war between their tribes. But as time wore on, and their children surpassed them in blood lust, the adults formed a truce and withdrew into the great mountain, to live in peace while their children destroyed themselves. When Yoda finds them, he pushes them to see that abandoning their children was a mistake.

The adults should sound weary and gruff. There are two voiced adults in this series, one with 3 lines paying $1.50, and another with 5 lines paying $2.50.

  • “We thought you were one of them. One of those little monsters from outside. One of our children.”

  • “What reason do we have to leave this place? What’s left for us outside these caves? War, that’s what. Nothing but war. In here at least we’re safe. They sent us to find the Heart of the Mountain. Instead, we found peace.”

  • “They’re not our children anymore. They’re on their own. And so are you, little stranger. Get going. We don’t even have to bother killing you. The Mountain will do it for us. The Mountain has no heart. But it does have a gullet. Because it eats the weak.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Great Mountain
Paid: Flat Rate 2 USD
Role assigned to: JBC

The Great Mountain is a colossal, stone-based lifeform, long assumed dead by both tribes of warriors. When Yoda and Garro use the Force to heal the Mountain, the Rockhawkers seize the opportunity to control the creature's mind, forcing him into combat against the Mud Dwellers.

The Mountain should have a very gravelly voice; the comic specifically describes it as "like an avalanche." He has 5 lines in the series, paying a total of $2.50.

  • “You. Are less. Than a bug. To me.”

  • “Ha. Ha. Ha. Won’t be enough of you left to bury, little monster.”

  • “Gaaagh!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flesh Monger(s)
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD
Role assigned to: Moth Audio

The Flesh Mongers are a group of pirates following the pirate lord Alorg. Years before the return of the Sith, the Flesh Mongers kidnapped a Force-sensitive child, looking to ransom him off. The arrival of Jedi Master Yoda put an end to their plans.

These characters should have gruff/rowdy voices. There are four voiced Flesh Mongers in this series, each role entailing 2-4 lines and paying a total of $1.50 or $2.00 depending on the line count.

  • “Is it a Jedi? A real Jedi?”

  • “I don’t know. I’ve never seen one before. But he’s… definitely not what I expected.”

  • “Gaagh!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD
Role assigned to: Thea Solone

Lo is a Force-sensitive child, who was kidnapped by the pirate gang the Flesh Mongers, who sought to ransom him off. His situation looks dire, until the arrival of Jedi Master Yoda.

Lo should sound timid and scared. He has just one line in this series, paying a total of $1.50

  • “Please… I don’t know why I’m here.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD
Role assigned to: ChrisHeimVA

Wuher is the daytime bartender of Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley Spaceport. He has a very minor role in a side story in Old Ben's Journal, which we're also producing.

He should sound like his portrayal in A New Hope: . Wuher has one line, and the role pays a total of $1.50.

  • “No! No sand people allowed! Get outta here! Get out!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sullustan Bounty Hunter
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD
Role assigned to: Evan Lewis

This bounty hunter gets into a disagreement with Greedo outside the Mos Eisley cantina, but Ben Kenobi is able to influence them into a peaceful resolution before violence could break out.

As a Sullustan, this bounty hunter should have a Kenyan accent. He has 2 lines in this series, paying a total of $1.50.

  • “You’re one dead Rodian, pal. You so much as tough that weapon and I’ll blast you into stardust.”

  • (Under a Jedi mind trick) “Why don’t I buy you a drink instead?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tatooine Pedestrian(s)
Paid: Flat Rate 1 USD
Role assigned to: Evan Lewis

These are two onlookers to the fight between Greedo and a Sullustan bounty hunter. One is a gabdorin, and should have a voice similar to this:
The other is a Sakiyan, and should sound similar to this:

Each role has one line, and pays a total of $1.50.

  • (Gabdorin) “Ah, poodoo.”

  • (Sakiyan) “My credits were on Greedo.”


Public Submissions

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