Star Wars: The Rhyme of Time (an Audio Drama)

Project Overview
Star Wars The Rhyme of Time will be a fully voiced Original audio drama traveling through time in the star wars universe.
I listed the project but Kat Schwarz will be the casting director and main Creator of this project. I will only help write the scripts.
This Project will be uploaded to SchwarzKat Productions youtube channel Linked here :
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Tiiona (Tea-Ona) is an Archeologist from the times of the High Republic and She is the Main Protagonist.
Tiiona is highly knowledgeable about Archeology. She is willful and pretty cocky in her capabilities. British, American, Irish or Scottish accent is preferred (Original Character)
- english
- female adult
- english (british)
- english (american)
- irish
- scottish
"The Son sent me and my allies throught this World Between Worlds, as you call it. I have no idea where they ended up however based off my research it could be anywhere throughout time."
"Can you see the brush strokes that curve through the painting yet they almost seem to have a suddle glow to them? And by thier age the paint should at least be faded yet it still looks as if it was painted yesterday. Its Bizzare Yet gorgeous and identical to the one i saw on lothal."
"I have been around the galaxy and seen many things on my explorations, yet i have never seen anything quite like this."

The Son from The Mortis Arc in clone wars. However this version is from the Time of The High Republic.
Voice Reference:
- male adult
"How simple you make it... light and dark, as if there is one without the other."
"The future, by its nature, can be changed. I do i shall be sure to recruit as many allies as needed to assure the future is mine!"
"You look frail, Father."
The daughter is the living embodiment of the light side of the force. Sister to the son.
Voice Ref:
- female adult
"I am the daughter, Are you the one?"
"My nature is to do what is selfless, but my brother's will always be to do what is selfish."
"I cannot interfere with the ways of the Force. My father forbids it."
The Father is well, The Father of the Son and daughter and is supposed to keep his children in check until the chosen one takes his place.
Voice Ref:
- male senior
"You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path, and you will do it again for the galaxy. But beware... your... heart..."
"Do not underestimate my son. He will seek your ship to escape our isolation and sow terror through the universe. And while you are here, he will use you to do it."
"Your destiny can change just as quickly as the love in one's heart can fade. Nothing is set in stone."

Vader will play a pivotal role in this audio drama.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
“When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.”
"Anakin Skywalker was weak.. I destroyed him."
“Captain Piett… Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field and deploy the fleet so that nothing gets off the system. You are in command now, Admiral Piett.”

- male adult
"No, no. You're still holding on! Let go!"
"I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain."
"Interesting, Another one of Lukes failures? Rey, has Luke already replaced you?"

- male adult
"Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child. He ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"
"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader, where there was conflict I now sense resolved, where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training and fulfill your destiny. "
"When I found you, I saw what all masters live to see... Raw, untamed power and beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline."

Try to make sure their i the sinister variation between Palps and Sidious.
Voice Ref Sidious:
Voice Ref Palps:
- male senior
(Palps): "Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. This is where Chancellor Valorum’s strength will disappear.”
(SIDS): "Do not underestimate how much you disappointed me on Mustafar. I saved you, but you showed how much off the mark you fell. The dark side is strength. If they defeat you, they are stronger. If you defeat them, you prove you are. This is the way of the Sith. I named you “Vader” after you pledged yourself to the Sith. You proved yourself worthy of it then. I am certain you will prove yourself worthy now.”
(Clone wars Palpatine talking to sidious from Origianl Trilogy through the World between worlds) ) (Palps): " We have a problem, a group has arrived claiming they used the world between worlds to come back to my time." (Sidious): "Don't worry I shall handle it, as I have said listen to my advice and you shall achieve your goals."

- female adult
"You Failed Him By Thinking His Choice Was Made. It Wasn't."
"We Need the Jedi Order Back. We Need Luke Skywalker."
"The Island. Life. Death And Decay That Feeds New Life. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence. Balance. An Energy. A Force."

This is the older version of Luke from The Last Jedi
Voice Ref :
- male senior
“You Think What? I’m Gonna Walk Out With A Laser Sword And Stare Down The Whole First Order?”
“Now That They’re Extinct, The Jedi Are Romanticized, Deified...”
“That Force Does Not Belong To The Jedi. To Say That If The Jedi Die, The Light Dies, Is Vanity.”

This is Luke From the time of The Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"It's More Like He's Remembering Than I'm Actually Teaching Him Anything."
"Look, The Wild World Exists In Balance. Feel The Force All Around You. Through The Force, You Will Find Balance As Well."
"What as become of us, So much sadness. If feel you have lost all faith, not just in the jedi or Force but yourself."

The Mandalorian from The Book of Boba Fett
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"I can bring you in warm... Or i can Bring you in cold"
“I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.”
“A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They’ll never see it coming.”

- male adult
“I don’t want your armor. I want my armor.”
“Let’s just say they might recognize my name."
"Your council sits and debates while action needs to be taken. You all left me Orphaned when my father was murded by Windu and i was left to rot in jail. A child Imprissoned with adults."

This is the Ahsoka from The Book of Boba Fett
Do your best to sound like Rosario Dawson Ahsoka
Voice Ref:
- female adult
"I warned you when we met that your attachment to Grogu would be difficult to let go of."
"There's nothing now, but will someday be a great school. Grogu will be its first student. "
"Grogu misses you a great deal. If he sees you, it will only make things more difficult for him."

This will be Younger Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars.
Do your best to sound like Ashley Eckstein Ahsoka
Video Ref:
- female teen
"You're a good soldier, Rex. So is everyone of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them."
"Forgive me if I'm not optimistic. I thought I was part of that Order. But everyone, except Anakin, has abandoned me. I'm not holding out much hope the Senate will treat me any better."
"I know you believe in me, Anakin. And I'm grateful for that. But this isn't about you. I can't stay here any longer."

This will be Clone Wars Anakin
Try your best to sound like Matt Lanter
Voice Ref:
- male young adult
"You're Reckless Little One. You Would Never Have Made It As Obi-Wan's Apprentice. But, You Might Make It As Mine."
"Well Doing What The Jedi Council Says, Yeah, That's One Thing. How We Go About It, That's Another Idea Made By Myself. That's What I'm Trying To Teach You My Young Padawan Apprentice."
"I Understand. More Than You Realize I Understand Wanting To Walk Away From The Order."

This will be animated Obi-wan from the clone wars
try your best to sound like James Arnold Taylors Obiwan
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"A Great Leap Forward Often Requires Taking Two Steps Back."
"Before we go, i suggest the young Ahsoka stay behind here at the temple. I mean the last time she fought The Son she died, Literally. "
"You Can Kill Me, But You Will Never Destroy Me. It Takes Strength To Resist The Dark Side. Only The Weak Embrace It."

“You’ll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile. And don’t let me catch you following me, begging for help, because you won’t get it!”
"Goodness! Han Solo! It is I, C-3PO! You probably do not recognize me because of the red arm..."
"Taking one last look, sir. At my friends.”

- male senior
"To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not. In this war, a danger there is of losing who we are."
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
'If returned The Son has then help you we shall. Master Kenobi and Skywalker will join you on your mission."

- male adult
"I Have Dismantled And Destroyed Over 100,000 Of You Type One Battle Droids."
"How Can It Be A Plan If It's Improvised?"
"I dont approve of a Fett being allowed in The Council Chamber. Whether he is from the future or not."

This person will play multiple clones Including Captain Rex
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"We're just clones, sir. We're meant to be expendable."
"Look around. We're one and the same. Same heart, same blood."
"I hate to tell you this, but they dont care. This Ship Is Going Down And Those Soldiers, My Brothers, Are Willing To Die And Take You And Me Along With Them."

Ally of Boba Fett, Fennec is placed in charge of Tattoine in Boba's stead.
Voice Ref:
- female adult
"You All Accrued Wealth And Riches Under Jabba The Hutt. You Can Again, If You Listen To Boba Fett."
"They're Hutts. We Would Have To Get Permission If You Wanna Kill Them."
"No bounty, we need muscle."

Maul will be one of the main villains of the series
Voice Ref:
- male adult
“Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base which, according to my calculations, is about to change!”
"Always remember, I am fear! Always remember, I am hunter! Always remember, I am filth! Always remember, I am nothing!"
"I've come to kill you, but perhaps it's worse to leave you here, festering in your squalor."

Grievous will play two parts in this series. Original with the cough, and Reborn using the darkside of the force from the son.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
“Anakin Skywalker, I Expected Someone With Your Reputation To Be A Little... Older.”
“Your Lightsabers Will Make A Fine Addition To My Collection!”
“Army Or Not, You Must Realize, You Are Doomed.”

Kanan Jarrus will help the protagonist on their journey.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"You Were Right. I Was A Coward. But Now I Know There's Something Stronger Than Fear. Far Stronger. The Force."
"People Never Pay Enough Attention To The World Around Them."
"I Can't Protect Ezra Forever. Not Even From Himself. All I Can Do Is What I've Done, Train Him The Best I Could."

Ezra is Kanan's apprentice and will assist our heroes
Voice ref:
- male teen
"Well, I don't want the best teacher! I want you.”
“I know what I'm doing! Here, in this place, I can change things! I can stop Kanan from dying!”
"You think you can take whatever you want! Things you didn't make, didn't earn; things you don't even understand! You don't deserve to have this art, or Lothal.”
Cad Bane is a bounty hunter that will show up for a short section
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"Cad Bane at your service. I'll take on any job... for the right price."
"I’d be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you."
"I’ve taken down so many clones over the years. Once you figure out one, the rest are easy."

Hondo is a Pirate whos alliegence can be bought.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"Let me see. Oh, the cost of the fuel. I had to use a lot of fuel. The general wear and tear on my men and equipment. A couple of them died, I think. Believe me, Kenobi. Staging a rescue is not an inexpensive proposition."
"The Separatists are no friends of mine. Don't ask me why, but Dooku holds such a grudge against me since our little "I held him hostage" affair."
“Leave you alone with the two crazies? Well… okay.”

General Leia Organa is the sister of Luke and a powerful force user and even better politician.
Voice Ref:
- female adult
“Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”
“You needn’t worry about your reward. If money is all that you love, then that’s what you’ll receive.”
“Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.”
- male adult
“You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.”
“Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops, farm boy. Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that’d end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it?”
“I think you just can’t bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.”

This is Dooku from Ep. 2 of tales of the jedi. He is a lot younger and at this point he still honors and trusts the ways of the Jedi even if he doesn't believe in their code. He wants to do good for the galaxy.
- male adult
"coruption like your must be eradicated."
“My friend, your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening.”
"You will not tell me of my own fate. Fine, but what becomes of young Qui-Gon?"

This is the Dooku we know from the films and The clone wars. He lost faith in and saw the hypocrisy of the Jedi. He saw they were becoming soldiers and political leaders rather than true peacekeepers.
Voice Ref:
- male senior
"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?"
"Master Windu! You Have Fought Gallantly. Worthy Of Recognition In The Archives Of The Jedi Order. Now, It Is Finished. Surrender And Your Lives Will Be Spared."
"Do Control Your Protegé's Insolence So I Can Concentrate."
This is Young Qui-Gon when he was an apprentice from episode 2 of tales of the Jedi. He is young yet wise and deeply believes in doing what is right for everyone. He is a true Jedi.
Voice Ref:
- male teen
"He is one of the longest standing senators in the republic. With due respect, if you dont like him why not elect a new senator?"
"Yes. But you must accept your regret the way you accept your mistakes. Then move on."
"I care not for my fate master. I live knowing i held my ideals till the end and trained a great jedi."

This is Cassian from The beginning of Rogue One.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"I'm Beginning To Think The Force & I Have Different Priorities."
“I’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.”
"What to steal from the empire? what do you need? A uniform, some dirty hands and an imperial talkie. They are so proud of themselves they dont even care. They are so fat and satisfied, they cant imagine it."

A Re-programed K2 Droid that works for the Empire with Cassian.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
“Congratulations. You are being rescued.”
“I find that answer vague and unconvincing!”
"What is a Jedi? Do you need medical attention to treat it?"

Cal is a Jedi Knight that aims to do the best he can for the galaxy in creative ways.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"After all we've done, the Empire has only grown stronger."
"Our mistakes... Are in the past. And it's all of our responsibility and it's about what we do next that's important. You taught me that, Cere."
“I wouldn’t be here without all of you. I used to sit on Bracca dreaming about storming Coruscant with survivors from the Jedi Council. Instead, the Order’s hopes rest on a gambler, a fallen Jedi, and a failed Padawan. A bunch of screw ups. BD’s the only reliable one. He let Cordova wipe his memories so he could stay behind and guide us. But you’re both willing to sacrifice everyhing; to keep going even when it seeems impossible. Thank you. All of you.”

This would be Saw around the time of Rebels. He is an Extremist fighting the empire.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"I will run no longer. But you must save yourself. Go! Save the Rebellion! Save the dream."
"There she is! That's the leader the Rebellion needs! Where is that fire? That passion when your people need it most? I hope, Senator, after you've lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules."
"Kreeger's a separatist. Mybays a new republican. The gorman front, The potissan alliance. Sectorists, Human Cultists. Galaxy Partionist! Thier Lost! All of them Lost! Lost. Ive never really known what are you?"

The Grand Inquisitor hunts Jedi for the empire.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"Do you know the key to hunting Jedi, my friend? It’s patience."
"If he were smart, he would keep moving. The Jedi code is like an itch; he cannot help it."
“There are some things far more frightening than death.”

Nihilus is perhaps the most powerful Sith. He will Play a pivital role answering to The Son.
The Son Grants him a voice for easier communication.
For his new found voice base it off how is Chants sounded before.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"(sith chants) I now speak. I Hunger. I Thirst. I do not obey."
"My Lord. My Hunger is no more. For this i shall serve."
"Revan. You are beneath me."

This is Revan post KOTOR and Post Revan Book. He has been freed from his Imprisonment.
A true grey Jedi.
Timestamp 9:21
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"This is why the Jedi will never achieve peace. You are a fool to listen to your masters if they tell you that there is only one way. You must be prepared, for the next sith you face might be your last.".
"There is no power that a sith holds that a jedi cannot chose to wield. You must be strong enough to master the force in its entirety."
"I no longer cling to the simplistic ideals of right and wrong or good and evil. I understand better than anyone that dark and light are intertwined in strange and complex ways.”
- female adult
"I would never use the Force for such petty and trivial revenge. The mere thought of it is preposterous! "
"It was a moment of weakness when I kissed you... I shouldn't... I... I know we both wanted it.."
"The Jedi do not believe in killing their prisoners. No one deserves execution, no matter what their crimes."

Canderous is a Mandalorian from the old republic. He chooses not to wear mandalorian armor.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"You're choice. I'm here if you want something done right."
"You want to hear tales of my exploits? of the wars ive seen and fought, the enemies ive seen die by my hand? heh Sure, Ill humor you."
"We Mandalorians take everything we are and throw it into battle. its the true test of yourself. The battle against death... against oblivion. "

HK-47 is a droid that served Darth Revan and favors combat.
- male adult
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."
"Query: Now, are there any other horrors you wish to try and insert into my system, or is your electronic butchery done?"
"Query: Would you rather be caught with contraband that is 'very' illegal, or just a little illegal?"

Starkiller is who Galen Marek becomes through the Darkside ending of The Force Unleashed Games.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"We meet at last, Son of Vader."
"haha. Very good, my apprentice."
"I have waited many years to destroy the real, Obiwan Kenobi."

Proxy is the training droid of Galen Marek that joined the rebellion.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"Give me some credit, master. I have one module you've never seen. An enemy I've stored for years."
"it seemed like the quickest way to wipe out all witnesses. Lord Vader did clearly specify that no one must know of your existence."
"Master Kota was a military genius, but felt the clone soldiers were unfit for battle. Instead, he relied on his own militia."
Mara Jade is the Wife of Luke Skywalker in the Legends Timeline
English or Scottish accent would be best for her character.
- female adult
- scottish
- british
"Where did you learn that smile? Have you been practicing in front of a holo of Han Solo?"
"There is a lot of unrest in life. The Force is created by life, so it has unrest in it. If you open yourself to the Force, how can you not open yourself to a certain amount of unrest?"
"I'm a fighter. I've always been a fighter. The few times I have been a leisure, I've been miserable. I want challenges, I crave them."
Kyle Katarn is a Jedi that trained under luke at the legends temple.
Voice Ref:
- male adult
"You should have known that it would take a failed Jedi to take out another failed Jedi."
"I'm no Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions."
"They always lock the door. You’d think they’d have learned by now. Doesn’t look like there’s a key – that would be too easy. The console to unlock the door is probably hidden in some room twelve floors up or does that make sense?"

Voc Huus is a Mandalorian from The high republic. He has Thrawn level intelligence and has found an artifact that allows him to control The Son forcing him to create an army of the strongest fighters The Son can control throughout time. Voc's goal is to be the True Mandalore and Make The Mandalorians Rule over the entire galaxy for all time. (Original Character)
Voc has a Smooth yet chilling British accent. He rarely removes his helmet.
- male adult
- british
"You arent mandalorians, Your Pretenders! Where were you truly born? Naboo, Coruscant, Perhaps you were born adrift in the stars! This is what i want to prevent. Mandalore must keep its bure and Warrior bloodline! It should be a place where warriors are Trained since birth! Not outcasts finding religion."
"Tiiona, You should understand ones goal of preserving ones ancient ways and customs. Without someone fighting to preseve the true ways of mandalore our history, our traditions would be lost to time."
"You thought The Son would orchestrate a plan of such brilliance. No, he is but a rash and rageful boy that cares only to rule and destroy. He has no reasoning for it, no true purpose. I wish only to preserve my peoples true culture!"
We need an artist to draw concept art for original characters, There will be around 10 Original Characters maybe a few more.
This role will be paid. We could possibly pay more but if you submit, you are accepting that the $50 will be acceptable.
You will be asked to sign a contract stating you will finish the work within a 3 month period of being paid. You will receive $25 before you start the project and another $25 when all work is completed.
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions