[CLOSED] Star Wars: Crusade of the Rebellion - Episode 7 (FAN AUDIO DRAMA)

Project Overview

This Casting Call is closed -- Thank you everyone for your interest and auditions! We will be going through and listening to all auditions one last time, and finalizing casting by next weekend! Stay tuned!



This casting call is for STAR WARS: CRUSADE OF THE REBELLION, EPISODE 7: REVENANT, a fan-made Star Wars audio drama from Lion's Mouth Entertainment. Star Wars: Crusade of the Rebellion (SW:COTR) is a multi-episode audio drama miniseries that premiered in 2014, with six episodes in total released since. The series is available to stream on all major music/podcast-streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, Amazon Music, Stitcher, YouTube, and pretty much wherever else you get your podcasts), and you can find out more from lionsmouthent.net/cotr. A very crudely pared-down synopsis: Immediately following the events of A New Hope (1977), the emperor is recuperating after the loss of his precious superweapon, the Death Star. He has enlisted the help of an Imperial engineer to design and construct three new superweapons. The Rebel Alliance learns of this and plans a "cloak and dagger" mission to stop the engineer (Grand Moff Teivel) and destroy his shipyard facility before the superweapon-vessels are completed. However, unknown to both the rebels and the emperor, this engineer, Teivel, is scheming a major coup to dethrone Emperor Palpatine and remove his Dark Side acolytes, driven by a deep hatred of the Force and its "mystics." Teivel knows he will need all the help he can get to defeat the emperor, however, so he has put his archaeological background to good use and has uncovered an ancient power on a remote planet. He intends to harness this ancient power to destroy the emperor. But this mysterious power may prove to be something more... Something beyond Teivel's ability to control. (This story takes place in the LEGENDS / Non-Disney canon and is a sequel to a series I produced in 2005 called Conquest of the Empire, which is also available wherever you get your podcasts).

While this is a FAN-MADE project, it is a high-quality production, and we strive for delivering a professional-level experience for listeners, even despite this being a "hobby" project. With this in mind, high-quality microphones and sound recordings are required. If you are recording with your smartphone, it is recommended that you have an external microphone that you can hook up via adapter; we can (and have) work with actors using their phone's built-in microphones, just make sure that you are in a quiet place, there is little-to-no "echo," and that you aren't breathing directly into the mic.

If possible, I really prefer actors using proper names instead of screen names (it does not have to be your REAL name, it can be a stage name, I'm just more referring to screen names like "JoeVA_87" or "VoiceGuy" and the like). A compromise would be that we can credit you as "[Proper/Stage Name] a.k.a. [Screen Name]" as we've done for a few actors in the Past (in example, in a previous episode we had a voice actor credited as "Chris Homyk a.k.a. HomykSmash"). However if you really want to use your screen name, we can. This is my preference, NOT a requirement.

However you are recording, please be mindful of your breath and where you are aiming your mouth so as to cut down on any bursts of air, especially when verbalizing specific words or letters. But also make sure you aren't too far away from your microphone or that you don't sound too distant.

Any filetype is acceptable, as long as the recording itself is AT LEAST 44.1khz, and bitrate is AT LEAST 128kbps (higher is preferable). Uncompressed WAVs are perfectly acceptable. There is no requirement on Stereo vs. Mono, either way is fine, BUT most voice recordings are resampled in Mono during processing so that the audio can be reconfigured in binaural format.

If you get cast, you can get audio files to me however you like. Download links, attachments, Google Drive/Dropbox... whatever is easiest for you.

It is up to actors whether they record and submit all the lines in one long audio file OR separate each line (and its takes) into individual audio files. Either way is fine.

Please be mindful of echoing and reverberation in the room where you are recording. It is extremely difficult to fix this in post-production, unfortunately.

ALSO PLEASE NOTE, if you are cast, there are no table readings and no live direction via Skype, etc. The scripts themselves contain built-in direction in the form of parenthetical lines above dialogue, so pay attention to the directions. You will also be given a Pronunciation Guideso be sure to utilize that during recording.

NOISE REDUCTION - I prefer to do my own noise-reduction processing on recordings, PARTICULARLY if your recordings have considerable background noise. It's easier for me to find ways to work with "hiss" than it is to work with voice recordings that have lots of weird audio-artifacts/glitches/robotic sounds because of heavy noise reduction filtering. However, if you are able to apply noise-reduction filtering on your audio WITHOUT it causing any "artifacts," than that is acceptable.

VOCAL EFFECTS - Sometimes, especially when Stormtrooper roles are in play, actors will often try to apply their own "helmet/communicator" vocal effect to their audio. But please avoid doing this, only because I have to be able to make sure all troopers' vocal effects sound identical, and if everyone does their own vocal effects than it all usually doesn't end up sounding "uniform."

If you are cast: I usually will ask actors to record at least two takes, specifically for longer dialogues. However, this is negotiable if you are stretched for time.

I honestly love it when actors play around with the dialogue on their own, so I always encourage ad-libbing (within reason), but just please give me at least ONE TAKE of the line as written, just in case

Most of the audition lines do not reflect actual dialogue from the script.

1.) A LOT of the roles that are open are for STORMTROOPERS or IMPERIAL OFFICERS, but don't worry it's not as boring as it may seem, as many of them have pretty big roles. Also, just a note on names: Trooper and Officer roles with Letters (H, HA, M, JO, NE, etc.) in their name will have actual names in the production that will be revealed when the roles are filled. Also, I usually adhere to the Pre-Disney Era characteristic that the Galactic Empire is generally misogynistic, except for a very few exceptions — I balanced this out a bit in SW:COTR by having a majority of the protagonists be women — BUT I've already had quite a number of actresses express interest in this project, so since most of the roles are Empire-based, I'm loosening up on that "rule" :)

2.) I've indicated in the roles below the number of dialogues each character has. Most of them are under 20 lines, but there are a couple that have quite a considerable amount of lines, so pay attention to that.

3.) it's a cliche saying but it is still very true that there are NO "small parts." Literally every part brings something to the overall experience. Honestly, in my opinion, the "small roles" MAKE the audio drama.

4.) Oftentimes I will assign auditioning actors to roles OTHER than what they auditioned for in the event that I feel their voice better fits a different character, but I will always discuss this with the actors before doing so. IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS please indicate in your recording that you are ONLY interested in the specific role you're auditioning for, and if you don't get that part you're not interested in being reassigned.

Also, pay attention to roles listed -- the story being told in this episode is going to be somewhat of a horror story, so there are some characters that either scream in fear and/or shout. I have specifically indicated on the particular roles that include shouting/yelling. ONLY AUDITION FOR THESE ROLES IF YOU ARE OKAY WITH -- AND HAVE THE ABILITY TO -- YELL/SHOUT/SCREAM LOUDLY. No stage-whispering :)

While this isn't a paid project, we do want to help you if we can -- many actors that we work with have dedicated Facebook pages, so moving forward, for any that do, we will be happy to leave a review. OR we can e-mail one to you for your website. Whatever you would like, and whatever we can do to help promote you and your work.

A lot of this probably makes it sound like I'm going to be really strict and anal and controlling, but I swear that's not something you have to worry about. Ultimately, I want people to have fun with this production; I just want to make everything as clear as possible so y'all know what you're getting into ;) If you have any questions, concerns, or criticisms, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Also, the best way to stay up-to-date on this series and how its progressing is via our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/swcrusade, that is primarily where we post updates. But I do also send emails out to actors to let them know when production is finished.

While this is not strict, we are aiming to finish this episode in time for a Late Spring / Early Summer release. But since this is "hobby" project, we do what we can to work with peoples' schedules, and we insist that actors must prioritize family, personal health, and any paid work they have to do. We will work with you. I'm neurodivergent, married, juggling two jobs, family drama, and prepping for relocating to a new home... so I know all-too-well how crazy life can get (especially right now, thanks to the Pandemic and social/political unrest).

Looking forward to hearing your auditions!

Joe Harrison
Sound Engineer, Musician, Director
Lion's Mouth Entertainment

Also, visit our sister-site for the best in Star Wars fan audio dramas:

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sergeant Major H.
Role assigned to: RichardBraddock

Stormtrooper  //  40-50 years old  // 91 Dialogues.

Often has an “attitude,” and sarcasm. THIS ROLE REQUIRES SOME YELLING/SHOUTING (no stage-whispering).

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • (raised voice, militaristic) Squad One, Squad Two, listen up! We’re goin’ in hot. Chapel? I want YOU goin’ in heavy. You got your repeater?

  • She’s fully equipped for carefully — and stealthily — surveilling dark spaces. She can also emit an active ping that picks up nearby heat-sigs, or movement. Even has a built-in blaster pistol she can use, if necessary.

  • (sarcastic) I’ve got a GREAT feelin’ about this. Boys, shine your torch back up the hall. C’mon, don’t go blowin’ chunks in your helmet now, get a grip on yourself, Abbot; you’ve seen worse.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain L.
Role assigned to: Gareth Fletcher

Imperial Officer  //  40-50 years old  //  64 Lines of Dialogue
By-the-book naval officer. "British/English" accent is preferred, but not required.

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • Entering the system now, Governor. We’ll be exiting hyperspace in approximately sixty seconds.

  • (hesitant) If you’ll... permit me, sir... I still don’t understand the meaning behind bringing this... this ship. Its... limitations... could be critically impairing if we’re caught flatfooted.

  • (speaking quietly, horrified) What in the name of the Emperor... is THAT...?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 1-NE

Stormtrooper  //  20 years old and up  //  21 Lines

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • Couldn’t relax even if I wanted to, sir. Place gives me the creeps.

  • (annoyed) In THIS place? Could be anything. Just keep your eyes open and your yap shut, yeah?

  • (speaking quietly) Sarge, we got a “noise” up here....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander S.
Role assigned to: samueljwoods

Imperial Officer  //  30-40 years old  // 21 Lines of Dialogue
A bit snide, and a "know-it-all."

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • (annoyed) What IS that racket? (unimpressed) Oh... charming.

  • (confused) If THAT’S the case, captain... This facility’s packing some pretty heavy artillery.... Why wouldn’t they have simply blown us out of the sky?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 2-HA
Role assigned to: Michael

Stormtrooper // 20-30 years old // 20 Lines of Dialogue

  • (speaking softly, spooked) Hey... did you hear that? Sounded like.... Movement...

  • (fearful, calling out, trying to sound brave) If there’s anybody in there... Come out with your hands up. I’ve got a blaster, and I’m not afraid to use it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander M.
Role assigned to: PughettiVA

Imperial Officer // 30-40 years old // 15 Lines of Dialogue

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • (disturbed) Something did a real number on him... Where’s his helmet?

  • (reading medical instruments) Faint pulse. VERY faint. He’s not going to last much longer... If you have a question to ask him, now’s the time.

  • (horrified) What in blazes is that! Aim your blasters at it, don’t let it near us!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Corporal H.

Stormtrooper // 30-40 years old // 15 Lines of Dialogue

  • (struggling/straining) Sir, I.... I... I can’t... I can’t hold on...

  • (calls) Lieutenant, get over here! Take this one away to the brig.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pilot V.
Role assigned to: MaryStan

Imperial Pilot // Mid-20s and up // 12 Lines of Dialogue

  • We’re coming up on the landing platform now. I’m running some scans of the surrounding area, but.... I don’t see anything.

  • (quietly, confused) Not a living soul in sight... What the hell happened here...?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Imperial Worker #1
Role assigned to: Alex Gilmour

Clean-Up Crew Officer // 50 years and up // 11 Lines of Dialogue
Older and cranky, doesn't have time for nonsense and gets easily annoyed with younger people.

  • Alright, you heard the commander; let’s get this place cleaned up, top to bottom. Use you’re scanners and keep an active sweep goin’.

  • (annoyed) Yeah-yeah, just keep it to yourself, kid. We got a job to do.

  • (angry, sternly) You stupid son of a bantha, that’s the WRONG wire. Fix it, NOW.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 4-AB
Role assigned to: ErinS

Stormtrooper // Mid-20s and up // 10 Lines of Dialogue

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • (warily) Sarge, we’ve got some movement over here. Could be nothin’ but... Could be SOMEthin’.

  • (quietly, cautiously) Kill your torches!! Shhh.... Quiet down.... Listen....

  • (terrified, quietly, close to sobbing) Somebody... help me.... Help me, please...!  Don’t leave me here...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 5-1
Role assigned to: Mart

Stormtrooper // 20 years and up // 9 Lines of Dialogue

  • (militaristic) Sir, yes, sir! Bishop, Howler, follow me.

  • (sternly) Don’t let him outta your sights. Understand?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 6-2
Role assigned to: CBVoiceover

Stormtrooper // 20 years old and up // 9 Lines of Dialogue

  • Commander, we’re running into some... issues... with the prisoners, sir. You sure they’re worth the trouble?

  • (annoyed) Bishop, cuff ‘im and lock ‘im up. We’re not gonna deal with this rebel scum anymore.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Imperial Worker #3

Clean-Up Crew Officer // Between 18-22 years old // 7 Lines of Dialogue

  • (nervously) Uh, y-yessir! Sorry, sir! I’ll get that fixed right away.

  • (warily) Hey... Who’s watching me? (calls) Who’s there?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Security Chief
Role assigned to: LawOfTheSeas

Imperial Security Chief // 40 years old and up // 7 Lines of Dialogue
Always speaks in a very "calm" way, almost like a telemarketer or customer service rep, like he's always trying to keep the situation from escalating.

  • (apologetic, softly, customer-service-like) I am so very sorry for this inconvenience, commander; Make no mistake your complaint will be escalated to our management team. I think that, if you take a look at our service record, you’ll find it to be exemplary.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 7-CH (Heavy Trooper)

Stormtrooper (Heavy Trooper) // 40 years old and up // LOW/INTIMIDATING VOICE // 7 Lines of Dialogue
This particular stormtrooper is a heavy trooper, and I imagine him being a bit bulky with a deep voice, something similar to Sev in the 2005 first-person shooter video game Star Wars: Republic Commando.

This role will be reprised in the following episode.

  • Lock and load. Ready to make some noise, sarge.

  • (warily) I don't like this... I don't like this one bit. And I'm the one with the big gun.

  • (in the middle of combat, urgent, speaking quickly) I can't get a good shot, not without harming the lieutenant! Someone's gonna have to go in!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 8-MA

Stormtrooper // 20-40 years old // 7 Lines of Dialogue

  • (raised voice) We're doin' good! Just keep your heads down and keep firing!

  • (militaristic) Yes, sir. On it! You and you, with me. We're gonna have to come at them in a pincer movement.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Imperial Worker #2

Clean-Up Crew Officer // 17-22 years old // 7 Lines of Dialogue
Young and fairly inexperienced.

  • (apologetic) Sorry, sir! It won't happen again, sir! We'll get this back under control immediately.

  • (calls, spooked) Hey! Who's out there?! Show yourself!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 9-4

Stormtrooper // 20 years old and up // 4 Lines of Dialogue

  • (sternly) Set blasters on full. If he moves...? Shoot 'im.

  • (raised voice) Open fire! Don't let him get away!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 10-3

Stormtrooper // 20 years old and up // 2 Lines

  • (victorious) Got 'em! He won't be giving us anymore trouble.

  • Contact the commander. Inform him we've finished up here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stormtrooper 11-AL

Stormtrooper // 20 years old and up // 2 Lines of Dialogue

  • (militaristic) Aye, sir! Taking aim now. He won't get away...

  • (concentrating) Target is marked and locked in... Preparing to fire.


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