Star Makers: a very galactic roadtrip

Project Overview
Hey everyone! My name's Tom, I'm an animator working in the industry in Aus and am putting together a pitch deck for an original series that will be finalized over the next few months; It's an original IP of course, and is a comedy adventure series set in a Sci-fi fantasy world that deals with themes revolving around Family, Faith and everything inbetween.
This casting call is specifically for the short pencil test I'm working on that I'll be finalizing soon to accompany the pitch deck. It is currently a 2 minute animatic, with 10 lines of dialogue for the character Cass who I'm casting for. It is paid work of course, [100 AUD] and on a succesful audition, I will send over the guide tracks, the current animatic, and an NDA to sign for the project.
I've provided some example dialogue here drawn from the test and the pilot episode script to get a feel for some different tones in her role. Open to anybody who feels they could fill the 'tween skater' sounding tone. Excited to see what talent the CCC community has within it!
The images provided are early concept works of some characters that are in the series, including Cass.
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There really has been an overwhelmingly positive response to this casting call, so first of all I just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH to everyone who tried out for the role - honestly, it made me want to change her character to suite the voices with how good some of the auditions were! There really is a wealth of talent here at CCC, and some so young too, which is wild! bright futures ahead for sure. I'll be looking through and trying out some of the lines within the mix over the next week and will get in contact with the one I feel works best! (Either through DM's, personal site or discord!) There'll be a few more roles opening up as the project progresses, including male too, so if it wasn't meant to be this round, theres always next! All the best, Tom :)

The co-protagonist of the story, the older sister (13) and a total cool-girl.
Unlike her brother, she is brave and easy going, with a cheekyness to her speech. Loves to find opportunties to push her brother's buttons, but has a heart of gold hidden down deep. Doesn't like listening or taking orders from her elders and very involved in her hopeful soundcloud career.
Ideally has a skater/raspy tone to her voice. She should sound more like 16-18, as pitching down up is easy in post. Should somewhere between a valley girl and a chill boho girl.
[context] Watching her brother drive a spaceship
[Brother] HEY! What was that! You pushed me?!
What? I didnt even touch you dude! wasn't even hard.
[talking to her brother quietly, in a hidden alcove]
Look I know he's a world eating dragon but he's actually a really nice guy! yeah we got to talking, he's just....misunderstood. yknow?
[context] Brother and her are arguing over using one laptop between them for a summer
First of all, it's not WEIRD Jake. It's hyper pop. it's like expressive and interesting. it's wild and- [pause] Well it's cool. It's something I wouldn't expect you to get.
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