Star Band || a Gacha Club Musical Series

Star Band || a Gacha Club Musical Series

Project Overview

About "Star Band"

"Star Band" is a Gacha Club series where Jake's school was

chosen by the most popular band in their country to be a singer, now Jake and Natalie felt bad about the band because his school hates music and will not audition for them. Can Jake convince their school to like music?

This will be uploaded to Youtube therefore it's PG

This project is a short term commitment, the script will be sent to you immediately after all the

roles have been cast.

This is my first voice-acted series so forgive my mistakes, hehe

For more questions, please contact Shinyy#4831 or PM me on CCC ^^


1. Please send your lines in either .mp3 or .wav format.

2. Please don't do any more than 2 takes per line.

3. Do not edit your audio aside from normalization, compression, and noise reduction

4. Please include your discord

5. You may audition to as many as you want

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Latest Updates


    Hello everyone, the deadline might change to today/sooner due to personal reasons, so if you still haven't done your audition, PLEASE do it now, before it's too late.

    There are new roles, which are Cassie and Bella. Click them to know about them more. ^^
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BubblyNami

  • Jake is the protagonist and likes to sing. He is soft, kind, and he always chooses what is right.

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Soft/Medium

  • (Promising something)

    I- I won't be late again, promise!

  • (Tired)

    It's been a rough day today... I should rest...

  • (Sad/Worried)

    You do know people in this school hates music...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • Natalie is a supporting character and is Jake's cousin. She is optimistic, a troublemaker, and bubbly

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Medium/High

  • (Shock)

    The most famous band in the country is looking for another member?!??

  • (Angry)

    What do you guys want?!??

  • (Fangirling)

    They're so nice like OMG!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • Selene is the leader of the Star Band, she can play anything when it comes to music. She is kind, sometimes overreacting, and a good leader

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Medium-High

  • (Nicely)

    Aww, it's not much of a problem..!

  • (Angry)

    How is that fair?!??

  • (Over Confident)

    And last but not least is me, the most beautiful woman, Selene!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • Zen is Selene's brother and would do anything to protect her and the band's pianist. He is always angry, but also kind and nice

  • Age: 18

  • Voice pitch: Medium-Low/Low

  • (In an angry voice)

    Leave them alone!

  • (Angry)

    I told you we shouldn't have picked this school!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miss Kelly
cast offsite

  • Miss Kelly won't show that much but has a lot of lines. She is kind and tempered

  • Age: 30

  • Voice pitch: Medium-High

  • (Nicely)

    They are looking for other members to join them! they could be a pianist, drummer, or even singers.

  • (Angry)

    Lucas, again?!?? I expect to see your parents tomorrow morning.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: EJ De Jesus

  • Zack is the close childhood friend of Jake and is the band's drummer. He is nice/kind and 'always' angry

  • Age: 17

  • Voice pitch: Medium-Low

  • (Confused)

    I never know you could sing-

  • (Nicely)

    Yeah, we're close childhood friends

  • (extra line. Your choice to do it or nah)

    You haven't introduced yourself

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • Lucas is Jake and Natalie's bully. He's rude, arrogant, and toxic.

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Low-Midium

  • (Bored)

    Miss sorry for the bother but, this is so boring.

  • (Do whatever emotion)

    Oh... you're fighting back now huh?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted466914

  • Dave is one of Jake and Natalie's bullies. He's rude and toxic

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Medium-Low

  • (Cocky/Boastful)

    Nothing much, we just wanted to visit these music nerds right here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

  • Mel is the band's DJ. She is mature and sometimes rude

  • Age: 16

  • Voice pitch: Low-Medium/Medium

  • (Worried)

    Guys... Please calm down...

  • (Annoyed)

    Well these two immature guys over here, fighting whether they would leave or they would stay until someone audition.

  • (Confused/Mad)

    Oh, I see... but... Why didn't you told us you have a childhood friend?!??

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Cassie is a brat, rich, and a nice person.

Age: 16

Voice pitch: High

  • (Sassy/Shock)

    Can you believe that? Those music nerds are here to perform?

  • (Excited)

    Anyways, did you know there’s a new Gacha Gucci bag?!??

  • (Nicely)

    Well we gotta go shopping, Byee

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: zolivelyyyy

Bella is sassy, arrogant, and nice

Age: 16

Voice pitch: High-Medium

  • (Sassy)

    Yeah, don’t they know how boring music is?

  • (Sassy)

    Wow, we’re just asking, no need to be rude.

  • (Sassy/Shock)

    Seriously? Music is boring, that won’t encourage us to listen to it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mitsuki Rose

  • The principal won't appear that much, and it doesn't have an oc.

  • Age: 35

  • Voice pitch: Mid/Low

  • Any

  • (Any emotions are fine)

    Attention everyone. The Star Band has announced their newest member and will perform in this school with their new member.


Public Submissions

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