Spring Bay Asylum || Gacha life series

Project Overview
I am a small gacha YouTuber who would love to make a voice-acted gacha series, originally I was just going to make a normal series but I then decided to change it up and thought it would be amazing to make a voice-acted series Xx
The main communication method I will be using is discord server - https://discord.gg/MRtn4Q feel free to Dm me any questions I may not answer here as well. I would prefer most people to be 13+ but I do not mind if you are talented and below that age! I'm sorry but editors cannot have watermarks as it may ruin the video's final quality. If I can find anyone willing to draw, animate and make custom props I may do a whole custom series. I'm not currently sure on the series length but I want it to be an ongoing one. If it were to be long I would not expect animators / artists to do every single episode as I know that is a lot of hard work.
.You must have discord
.You must provide proof of your work and it has to be YOUR work and not someone else's
.Preferably 13+ but I don't mind too much especially for voice-acted roles with more young sounding voices
.In your audition please provide your discord name and also remember to join the discord server
.Audio has to be good quality I do not want it to be quiet or have background noises
.You are allowed to do more than one job but do not overwork yourself
Obviously I have not come up with the full storyline yet as I would love other people to help me out but I will tell you the main points of the storyline etc. First of all, it is set in an asylum, they are all obviously there for different reasons but the main character {Mai} isn't like them, she isn't crazy or insane, something wrong just happened that made her wind up in a mental asylum (the story as to what happened will obviously come later in the series) she writes frequent diary entries about her experience and how she hopes she gets out one day, also about the discoveries she makes during her time there. There will be drama, scary scenes and even some romance. The asylum holds secrets she will slowly start to discover and come into realisation with Xx
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These people will edit and draw thumbnails of the videos Xx
Say something you think would fit

These people will be in charge of drawing custom characters, please provide evidence of your work either on here or discord
Say something you think would fit

I would like people who can do many things if you can tween and do other kinds of animating please apply, be sure to provide evidence of you work Xx
Say something you think would fit

Mai is the main character of the series and will have a lot of lines Xx
-Sarcastic tone- What do you expect, a 5-star restaurant?
(In diary) For somewhere called Spring bay it sure is uh, well there's a mental asylum I think that explains. I hope I get out one day, all I wanted was a normal life. -Sad tone- Why did it have to go so wrong? -Angry tone- WHY?! -Sigh- Anyway, I better go for now.
What she's trying to say is we've been locked here for years with no proper contact with outside.

Nieve is a patient at the asylum, she is also a yandere which is the reason she ended up in the asylum.
-Annoyed sarcastic tone- Finally, I was starting to get hungry!
-Confused and scared tone- Uh, who are you talking to?...
-Grossed out tone- EW! SHE JUST THREW UP!

Amelie has imaginary friends only she can see, she is also psychotic and likes to scare people.
-Scary tone laughing- Of course, you don't
-Careless/annoyed tone- They really are pathetic, don't you agree?
-Annoyed tone- This is so boring! I have way better things to do than just sit here!

Genesis is shy and quiet, I would like her to have a cute and babyish sounding voice, she tries to stay quiet and mostly only talks to Mai
-Worried / shy tone- How am I meant to know I-
-Shy tone- T-thank you for helping me Mai
-Upset / worried tone- I'm so sorry!

Autumn was a famous singer and is very over the top about everything. She likes everything to be perfect and her way.
-Over the top sick tone- I don't feel so good
-Dramatic tone- You mean- I CAN'T UPLOAD ANYTHING?

Nurse Ana is one of the three nurses that run the asylum they are all very mysterious and have a slightly creepy vibe Xx
It's time to eat!
It will only be a pinch -Giggles-

Nurse Lori is another one of the three creepy nurses that run the asylum, she is the head nurse.
Time for medication darlings!
It won't hurt- too much -Giggles-

Nurse Rei is the only male in the whole asylum which makes him extra mysterious, no-one really knows much about him.
Follow me to lessons!
Be careful, you don't want it getting infected.
People with this role will help write the story line of the series Xx
Say something you think would fit
These people will help write the final script for each episode, so basically helping turn the story into a script Xx
Say something you think would fit
These people will help me edit the videos though it cannot have a watermark Xx
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions