Splatoon Coroika Manga Dub

Splatoon Coroika Manga Dub

Project Overview

Coroika Splatoon is a manga for Splatoon! The series is still currently ongoing, and follows the perspective of Team Blue and their many adventures.

For right now, this dub is aimed to tackle only Volume 1 Chapter 1, but depending on the status of the voice acting team, there may be later opportunities for more chapters and more people to come along and help! 


  • Must have a Discord tag, I'm planning to organize using a server.

  • Mic quality should be as clean as possible. I'm a beginner voice actor too so I'm not expecting the best quality, especially since this is a free project! All I ask is that you can make it as neat as you can. :]

  • The material used is the online translations of Coroika. There's some profanity in these versions, so be aware.

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Latest Updates

  • Rider Casting!

    Rider casting project is out! Once again, if you auditioned here, you can still audition on this project! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/splatoon-coroika-rider-casting
  • please read through everything!

    hello everyone! sorry for the silence after the deadline, i got sick a few days ago and just now feeling better. first of all, thanks to everyone for almost 90 auditions!!! this was so great to go through and listen to everyone's different takes about characters, it's super fun to do and a lot of these decisions were really hard! not every character has been casted yet, though. in the case of everybody but rider, they've already either been casted OR you will get a follow-up on discord either tonight or later this week. you and a few other people who auditioned for that character will be dm'ed some notes about your audition and asked to redo lines for callbacks, then the final decision will be made after that! in the case of rider, a new project will be made to decide the final role. everyone's takes were amazing! but none of them exactly fit the criteria i had in mind, mainly being that rider's a teenager, and the voices were super deep for what i was thinking. if you auditioned for rider here, you can audition for rider when the project drops, which will be announced here in an update when it's created. it'll drop at the same time i get around to messaging everyone on discord. callbacks will be due a month after you've been messaged! if auditions are not sent in and the reason is not explained then you can't be considered for the role. thank you for everyone's patience!! hope this project turns out great!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Goggles is very scatterbrained, immature and outgoing. He could also be described as quite airheaded and lacking any sense of formality in any situation. His voice should be bold and energized. 

  • (panicked, yelling) I THOUGHT IT'D BE NICE TO FEEL THE BREEZE!!!

  • Sorry for bein' late! At least we're finally here though, huh?

  • (teasing) You shouldn't ignore me!~

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bobble Hat
Role assigned to: krysdolly

Bobble Hat is bright and cheery no matter what in any circumstance. She's just as humored as Goggles is, usually reacting in some way to him in glee. She should sound very uplifted.

*Bobble is put as a lead here due to being a part of Team Blue. She tends to have way less lines compared to her teammates.



  • My heart is racing~!

  • Uwa... So many inklings are participating!

  • (blissful) Burst Bomb!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Retrorulz

Glasses is one of the most serious memebers of Team Blue, but his lack of intimidation behind it often makes him humored for it. Not only this, but he can occasionally be very skittish. He should sound like he's trying to be intimidating while lacking any characteristic to do so, if that makes sense.

  • That guy is Rider. He's rank S+... It's the highest you can be!

  • (yelling) You IDIOT! Don't you KNOW what rank we are?!

  • (relieved, but confident) I thought you'd still be alive!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Speeklo

Headphones, while easily worried like Glasses, is one of the more reasonable members on her team. She looks out for the reputation of herself and her teammates, almost comparable to some older sister. She should sound the most mature out of the group while keeping a teenage voice. 

  • (horrified) We're already done for...

  • (embarrassed, yelling) I thought I told you to come wearing clothes this time!

  • Nice job, Goggle-kun!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Rider is known from the beginning as a very cold, reserved, and aggressive competitor. He doesn't believe in the positivity that the Blue Team exerts, sticking to his himself when possible. He should sound very bold and hostile.

  • (questioning, but still frigid) How is it that you guys could work so well together without talking over one another?


  • (smug) Looks like he's done for.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bamboo Hat

Not much is known about Bamboo, but when shown she is serious and very sarcastic with her remarks. She should mainly sound flat, but have just a little emotion for any lines that display strong feeling.

  • (confused) Are we allowed to move?

  • (yelling) You missed!

  • (getting splatted) WAAA!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stealth Goggles
Role assigned to: Frigid

Not much is seen from Stealth Goggles, but he's very timid and skittish and cannot usually perform well by himself. He often stutters and should sound nervous. 

  • (defeated) We lost...

  • (getting splatted) WAAA!!

  • Th-They got Rider...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: vibripple

Callie is one of the spokespeople for the Corocoro cup, but she is also happy and energetic by nature. She should sound very peppy with the energy of a sports commentator. 

  • On this stage, the team who takes the centre point will be at an advantage! 

  • (surprised) Wh-What's this?! Looks like player Rider took out three inklings in one hit!

  • (eager) There's Judd! And the results are...?


Public Submissions

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