Spider-Man 2 (Comic Dub)

Project Overview
After completing the Spider-Man Comic Dub (2002) I'm doing a comic dub adaptation of the sequel of it. I need voice talent to bring it to life.
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An average person from Queens who's also Spider-Man, he goes through a lot in Spider-Man 2.
- male young adult
But he's not...(sigh) Yes, Mr. Jameson.
You don't know that.
I'm trying to do better, sir.

A scientist intended to invent fusion as a way to make cheap electricity, he also has these 4 arms when he became Doc Ock after his experiment went awry.
- male adult
Hello, Harry. And Peter Parker, yes? Curt Connors called me about you. Tells me you’re brilliant–but lazy.
Spider-Man needs to get a life. Is he what’s been keeping you from your studies?
You… You’re interfering with me again? After you ruined my work and murdered my beloved Rosie?

Peter's Aunt and Uncle Ben's Wife and Widow. She has financial difficulties after losing her husband.
- female senior
Oh, pish-tush. I’m a little behind, that’s all. I’ll get you some cake and then you run along home…I know you have a big day tomorrow with Harry and that Otto whoever he is..
You, whoever you are..You should be ashamed of yourself.

Peter's University professor, his right arm is amputated and is a good friend of Otto Octavius.
- male adult
Unavoidably detained. Again. I know, I noticed. You used to be my best student, Peter. What’s happened to you?
Otto’s a great man, Peter–and a colleague.

Peter's best friend and son of the late Norman Osborn.
- male young adult
Nice to see you take an interest in someone other than Spider-Man for a change.
Otto Octavius! Future Nobel prize winner! Oscorp’s most valuable asset!
Made with possible tritium generously provided by Oscorp.

Otto's wife, she was killed in the fusion demonstration.
- female adult
I adore Spider-Man. I love his costume.
Baby! Otto!
A voice telling Peter to put more money in the Telephone, it has to be like a female voice.
- female adult
Please deposit Fifty cents for three additional minutes.
A pizza customer who Peter was supposed to deliver them on time.
- female adult
You’re Late. Which means the pizzas are free.
And why are there spider webs on the boxes?

Peter's landlord who often yells out Rent every time Peter passes his door.
- male adult
Rent, Parker!
Jameson's secretary at the Daily Bugle.
- female adult
“The Science Squid”?
One of Jameson's employees at the Bugle.
- male adult
“Doctor Strange”?
Little obvious, don't you think?

Another of Jameson's employees at the Daily Bugle
- male adult
Doc Ock? Doctor Octopus?
A guy who works at the bank and refuses to refinance Aunt May's home
- male adult
–unfortunately, Ms. Parker, you don’t have the necessary assets to…
That boy of yours is a real class-A hero.
One of the officers who deals with the Doc Ock situation.
- male adult
Hold your fire! Easy, easy!
One of the Doctors who attempts to cut off Otto's mechanical arms but ends up being killed.
- male adult
When we cut the arms from the harness, I want to take care that we keep their damage…to a minimum.
One of the doctors attempting to remove the mechanical arms.
- male adult
D-Dr Isaacs..B-behind you..
A doctor who checks if Peter is Ok after losing his powers.
- male adult
Physically, you’re fine. In great shape actually. Whatever’s causing you to feel anxious and not sleep…maybe it’s psychological?
Why is he climbing? Your friend?
Son of J.Jonah Jameson who intends to marry Mary Jane Watson.
- male young adult
…the beautiful Mary Jane Watson.
Mary Jane?
A guy who meets Spider-man in the elevator, he had a basset hound with him in the movie.
- male adult
Cool outfit.

Harry's late father who's now an allusion.
- male adult
(Green goblin voice) You are your father’s son, Harry, and your time of weakness has come to an end.
’m alive in you, Harry…The Green Goblin is alive…in you.
One of the passengers on the train who Spider-man tries to stop derailing.
- female adult
He’s just a kid.
One of the passengers onboard.
- male adult
Got him!
Another of the passengers on the train.
- male adult
He saved our lives.
Another one who stands up to Doc Ock.
- male adult
You’ll have to go through us to get him.
The last one who stands up to Doc Ock.
- male adult

Peter's boss for the Pizza delivery business until he fired him in the movie.
- male adult
Parker! Delivery! The woolworth building! If my pizzas are late, you’re fired!
A host for the Planetarium who welcomes John Jameson.
- female adult
…present our guest of honor, the first man to play football on the moon, astronaut-hero John Jameson.
Public Submissions