Space Hotel

Project Overview
Space Hotel is a sci-fi comedy show for our audio drama podcast Galactic Punch Bowl. The show takes place in the far future. It follows the misadventures of the front desk clerk Job McCony and other employees and guests at Space Hotel. Job is working to pay off his great-ancestor’s college debt. He is new to space and does not understand many non-Earth customs and lingo.
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Hello there, First off, I want to thank all you wonderful talented people for auditioning for Job McCony! There have been so many auditions to go through and by now we have narrowed it down to quite a few. We're well aware the role is still open past the deadline. We were not expecting such a large amount of auditions. We hope to make a decision soon! -Eddie Francisco

(Job is pronounced like "robe" but with a J instead of an R)
Job generally sounds bored and deadpan, but not monotone. There can be an energy to him that comes out when he is nervous, pissed off, or cheeky. Some examples to look up are Holland March (Ryan Gosling) from The Nice Guys, and Jim Halpert from The Office. His co-worker Mally Morrison often gets on his nerves because Mally is the polar opposite of Job – upbeat and optimistic (Mally pronounced with a short "a").
(bored) "Hi, welcome to Space Hotel. How can I help you?"
“There’s a line for the teleporter? What the fuck does it run on? Windows? Was it like, ‘Windows has detected an extra limb and needs to restart’?”
(angry outburst) “For the love of GOD, Mally, do me this ONE thing and listen!"
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