Sonic X: Cosmic Rebirth

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A animated fan continuation of the Sonic X anime which takes place right after the ending of the Metarex Saga (Season 3). The first season will have the plot of Sonic Heroes, Sonic Advance 3, and Shadow the Hedgehog with some changes.
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We have nearly completed the casting and now we are working on the first teaser. Please join our Discord for future updates: We hope to see you there!
Casting Call now fully ready for auditions and applications!
The casting call now has all required roles created! Make sure to join the Discord server and audition or send an application for a role of your choice!
The narrator of the original anime recaps what happened in a previous episode and also reveals (but not to much) what will happen in the next episode as well as ending it with a question and saying "Only one way to find out. See you next time on Sonic X". It will be the same in the continuation as well.
Last time on Sonic X...
Next time on Sonic X...
Only one way to find out. See you next time on Sonic X!

Sonic the Hedgehog (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ, Sonikku za Hejjihoggu?) is the main protagonist of the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. Lightning fast on his feet, but super slow to lose his cool, Sonic is always revved up and ready for a run-in with his archenemy, Dr. Eggman whenever he tries to cause trouble to the world to show his heroic deeds.[5]
During a conflict with Eggman, Sonic was transported along with his friends, by Chaos Control, from their home planet to an alternate planet Earth. Lost and alone in this new world, he was saved from drowning in a pool by Chris Thorndyke, and the kind youngster allowed the heroes to take refuge at his mansion home as they defended their new residence from the evil plots of Dr. Eggman. After many adventures, Sonic eventually returned home, where he would save his universe from the Metarex.
Life never stays slow around here for long! Thank goodness. Watch out, Eggman! I'm coming at ya full speed!
The S-Team eh? The "S" must stand for "slow motion"!
Kids, don't use formula one race cars to chase hedgehogs!

Miles Prower (マイルス・パウアー, Mairusu Pauā?, lit. "Miles Pouer"), better known by his nickname, Tails (テイルス, Teirusu?), is one of the main characters in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a two-tailed fox from an unnamed world in a parallel dimension to Earth and Sonic the Hedgehog's best friend. He quickly befriends fellow inventor Chuck Thorndyke, who helps him build the X-Tornado jet-plane.
Sonic's always been there for me. He's taught me so much but maybe now it's time I learn to stand on my two feet!
You're so beauti-- WHAAAH!

Knuckles the Echidna (ナックルズ・ザ・エキドゥナ, Nakkurusu za Ekiduna?) is one of the main characters in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is an anthropomorphic echidna, famous as a treasure hunter and a master of martial arts. Knuckles' primary ability is strength, his arms are so powerful that he can shatter rocks. Ever since the first Chaos Control incident, Knuckles has become dedicated to finding the Chaos Emeralds so he can go back to his job of guarding the Master Emerald as soon as possible which he takes very seriously.[3]
Knuckles never runs from a fight!
I don't know but we will. Somehow, we will! No matter what it takes, I have to get back. It's my mission to guard the Master Emerald. Nothing's gonna stop me from doing my job! You can count on it! Until I do find a way, I am not going to rest or be side-tracked.
Sonic isn't my buddy! I'm sick and tired of Sonic turning everything into a game! Either Sonic gives us that emerald or I'm going to take it from him! (...) So then, a battle to the bitter end!

Christopher Thorndyke (クリストファー・ソーンダイク, Kurisutofā Sōndaiku?), also simply known as Chris (クリス, Kurisu?), is the main human protagonist in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a kind and caring boy who lives in Station Square on Earth. At the start of the series, Chris finds Sonic the Hedgehog at the bottom of his swimming pool and saves him from drowning. He then hosts him, Miles "Tails" Prower, Amy Rose, Cream the Rabbit and Cheese for most of the series. Chris, very much like Tails, looks up to Sonic like an older brother figure and is always willing to do whatever he can to help his new friends.
My name is Christopher, do you have a name?
My parents have never been around, they're too busy doing films and grandpa is too busy with his inventions. Sonic is a father figure to me and the others feel like family. We always do things together help each other out.
Sonic, please don't go. I don't want you to go back! At least take me with you! We're best friends...right?

Shadow the Hedgehog (シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ, Shadō za Hejjihoggu?) is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a dark doppelgänger hedgehog and the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shadow was created by Gerald Robotnik, and is the end result of Project Shadow. However, the project was closed, and Shadow was captured by G.U.N. and put into stasis on Prison Island after his friend Maria Robotnik was killed.
Fifty years later, Shadow was awakened from hibernation by Gerald's grandson, Dr. Eggman. Initially, Shadow's goal was to destroy the Earth and avenge Maria's death, but he ultimately decided to save humanity, which almost cost him his life. The black hedgehog later returned to save the universe from destruction. Again, he joins forces with Eggman and Rouge the Bat during the galactic war with the Metarex.
I am Shadow! Shadow the Hedgehog!
Good evening. I must say, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face, Sonic. We do look alike. It’s uncanny.
I will show you my power, Doctor.

Rouge the Bat is a recurring antiheroine that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. She is a renowned jewel thief who worked as a government agent on Earth.
Stand back, kids... ...and let a professional handle this!
How do you plan to get in there? It's not like you can go up and knock on the door.
Of course not. I don't give a hoot what happened to that hedgehog.

E-123 Omega (E-123 "オメガ", E-123 Omega?) is a fictional robot from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is considered a spiritual successor to E-102 Gamma who is part of the same robotics production line in the series. He was created by Dr. Eggman as the last and most powerful E-Series robot,[8] and seeks revenge on him due to resentment of his abilities being wasted.
I am Omega, the ultimate E-series robot!
Sensors locked on Eggman. Non-compliant intruders will be destroyed!
New target acquisition. Sights locked on: Metal Sonic.

Maria Robotnik (マリア・ロボトニック, Maria Robotonikku?) is a character that appears in Sonic X. She was a young human, and the granddaughter of Professor Gerald Robotnik and cousin of Dr. Eggman. She was Shadow the Hedgehog's closest companion during his time onboard the Space Colony ARK. When GUN later shut down the ARK, Maria was killed when trying to assist Shadow in his escape from the colony.
Shadow... please, promise me that you'll help the people and be... friends with them. I'm sure you'll be very happy down there, Shadow. I only wish that I could go along with you. The world looks so beautiful from up here in space. But my grandfather says the people who live there, have to face many problems. That's why you were created, to help those people... and to be their friend.
Shadow, I beg of you! Give them a chance to be happy!
Isn't this place huge? Even I still get lost in here sometimes.

Professor Gerald Robotnik (プロフェッサー・ジェラルド・ロボトニック, Purofessā Jerarudo Robotonikku?) is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X. He was a human scientist and the grandfather of Dr. Eggman and Maria Robotnik.[2][3] Acknowledged as the greatest scientific mind in history,[1] Gerald was a world-renowned scientist responsible for several groundbreaking creations, including his greatest achievement, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Over fifty years ago, Gerald led Project Shadow, a medical program for researching immortality. As a part of the program, Gerald created Shadow the Hedgehog. He was later taken into custody by the military when his work was deemed too dangerous. When learning that Maria was killed by the military, Gerald slipped into madness and spent his last days plotting revenge against humanity.
The countdown marking my final revenge on this world has begun! In a few minutes, you will be destroyed! Soon, Space Colony ARK will hurtle through the atmosphere and crash into this world with cataclysmic force!
All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair!

Amy Rose (エミー・ローズ, Emī Rōzu?) is one of the main characters of the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. While usually friendly and caring, if she feels threatened, she can instantly turn into a heavyweight hothead.[4] She is shown to be really stubborn and bossy throughout the series much to the annoyance of a few characters. She is Sonic's self-proclaimed girlfriend and her long-term goal is to get Sonic to ask her out on a date.[4]
There's been lots of times when Sonic did something or didn't do something that made me wonder why I ever liked him. But in the end, he always comes through for me. He may do crazy things and he may do stupid things; but he never does dishonest things. That's why I'll always have faith in him.
Lovely... I'd just wish Sonic were here to enjoy this with me.
Gee, I'm bored. Every day's the same old thing, same place different day... I miss the gold old days, hanging out with my hero, Sonic... Chasing bad guys, and blowing them away - Haha! But now, he's gone, and there's nothing left to do, but shop 'till I drop. There was always something fun to do with Sonic around. I really miss him.

Cream the Rabbit (クリーム・ザ・ラビット, Kurīmu za Rabitto?) is one of the main characters in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. She is a well mannered, young girl, and is always accompanied by her pet Chao, Cheese. Though she is not as active as many other of her friends, she is still able to aid others with her own talents.
He doesn't get in your way Dr. Eggman. Sonic just tries to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do.
Come on, Cheese! We have to save mom!
I betcha you're the ones who stole Chocola Chao!

Cheese (チーズ, Chīzu?) is a Chao owned by Cream the Rabbit, hailing with her to Earth from an unnamed planet in a parallel dimension[note 1] in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. Cheese follows Cream and the only word it can say is Chao.
The only thing this character can say is "Chao." So just say "Chao."

Big the Cat (ビッグ ・ザ ・キャット, Biggu za Kyatto?) is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He has a large anthropomorphic cat from Sonic's world who got sent to Earth for a time due to Chaos Control. Despite his size, Big is gentle and kind. However, he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Big spends most of his time fishing and relaxing with his best friend Froggy.
But we can't stop now. They got Froggy!
Froggy! Where are yooou?

Cosmo (コスモ, Kosumo?) is a main character from the anime series Sonic X. She was a female child of a plant-like alien species whose homeworld was destroyed by the villainous Metarex, who, in the years that followed, left Cosmo as the sole survivor of her kind. To thwart the Metarex's ambitions for universal dominance, Cosmo joined Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies in their war against the Metarex, eventually becoming a love interest for Miles "Tails" Prower. In the end however, she sacrificed herself to defeat the Metarex for good.
Tails you must use the power cannon. I know you don't want to do this,but it's the only way to save the universe. Please Tails, do it for the planets and the beings living on it that were lost.
Sonic please tell Tails that I'll always be with him. As long as there are plants nearby, he'll always here my voice.
Goodbye...Tails... everyone...

Vanilla the Rabbit (ヴァニラ・ザ・ラビット, Vanira za Rabitto?) is a character in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. She is an anthropomorphic rabbit and the mother of Cream the Rabbit. For a time, she was separate from her daughter, but was eventually reunited with her after being sent to Earth. Eventually, Vanilla returned to her world with her friends and family where she continued her usual lifestyle.
Is that you, dear? Anything interesting happen today, Cream?
Oh dear. Please relax. I insist you have some tea before you leave.

Espio the Chameleon (エスピオ・ザ・カメレオン, Esupio za Kamereon?) is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a purple, anthropomorphic chameleon and a member of the Chaotix, a group of detectives who runs the Chaotix Detective Agency.
Live in the darkness... and fight in the darkness. This is my way in life!
I've got a bad feeling about this.

Charmy Bee (チャーミー・ビー, Chāmī Bī?) is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a very cheerful, hyperactive, and sometimes irritating bee. As such, he often plays tricks on his friends, being the youngest, most naïve member of the Chaotix Detective Agency, and interprets everything literally.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of delusional thinking with Vector!
I think he's been reading too many detective books again...
We came in peace and we got torn to pieces!

Vector the Crocodile (ベクター・ザ・クロコダイル, Bekutā za Kurokodairu?) is a minor character in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is the current leader and head honcho of the Chaotix Detective Agency, alongside Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee.
It's all part of being a good detective.
Besides, you know our policy. We never turn down work that pays!
I can relate to wanting that money, believe me. But it's not worth sacrificing a teammate.

Doctor Eggman (ドクター・エッグマン, Dokutā Egguman?), real name Robotnik,[9] is the main antagonist of the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a mad scientist whose ambition is universal domination. He is aided in his schemes by two sidekick robots, Decoe and Bocoe, as well as his messenger Bokkun and his arsenal of ruthless robots and high-tech terrornauts.[10]
My name is Dr. Eggman and I have some exciting news for you. Exciting for me, that is, and catastrophic for you. I have decided to take over your world and make it part of the new Eggman Empire! Resistance is futile. You will submit to my rule or be swept away like dust bodies!
I'll have you know, the Egg Beam Cannonball is engineered to hit the bullseye every time.
WHAT? It's that hedgehog! How dare you trick me, you speedy little slimeball! Wait a minute... you're not Sonic.

Decoe (デコー, Dekō?) is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is one of Dr. Eggman's personal humanoid assistant robots, whom he aids in his schemes for domination.
I couldn't find any quotes and couldn't figure out any for this character, so just say anything you think would fit.

Bocoe (ボコー, Bokō?) is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is one of Dr. Eggman's personal humanoid assistant robots, whom he aids in his schemes for domination.
I couldn't find any quotes for this character, so just say anything you think would fit.

Bokkun (ボックン, Bokkun?), designated Messenger Robo (メッセンジャーロボ, Messenjā Robo?),[1] is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is employed by Dr. Eggman to send messages to Sonic that come in the form of explosive televisions.
Hello everyone! Here, Dr. Eggman left a message for you!

Neo Metal Sonic (ネオメタルソニック, Neo Metaru Sonikku?) is a transformation that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is one of Metal Sonic's transformations which he once used to disguise himself as Dr. Eggman and to copy the data of those he fought against in order to make himself more powerful.
All living things kneel before your master!
All life form data... successfully copied.
It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?

Black Doom (ブラックドゥーム, Burakku Dūmu?) is the primary antagonist in Shadow the Hedgehog. He is the sinister leader of the Black Arms and the oldest member of his species. The Black Arms are Black Doom's own spawn and appear to operate with an insect-like hive intelligence, seemingly preventing any attempts to challenge Black Doom for leadership. He presents an almost religious front and shows little respect for humanity due to its sins against each other and the planet earth.
In fact, his philosophy is little more than egotistical justification for his own dark deeds. Following his return to earth in the present day, he wanted to enslave the humans and use them as food for him and his army, but met his defeat at the hands of Shadow the Hedgehog.
I gave you life, and THIS is how you repay me! The irony of it all... is that I gave you life... NOW, I'll take it back.
Annihilation for this planet is near; it is time to embrace the dawn of your demise and despair.
Just look at how those humans flee without a fight! To you go the spoils of their folly.
The Character Designer will create art designs for the characters that will be used in the fan continuation.
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Same as the Character Designer but instead of human and animal characters the Mech Designer creates art of the robotic characters like Metal Sonic and Dr. Eggman's robots.
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The script writer creates one or more different versions of scripts where one will be chosen for the plot of the series.
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The script writer creates one or more different versions of scripts where one will be chosen for the plot of the series.
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The Storyboard Artist will create storyboards with the art style from the Art Designer based on the scripts for the episodes.
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The Storyboard Artist will create storyboards with the art style from the Art Designer based on the scripts for the episodes.
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The Storyboard Artist will create storyboards with the art style from the Art Designer based on the scripts for the episodes.
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The Animator will create animated scenes based on the storyboards from the Storyboard Artist for the episodes.
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The Animator will create animated scenes based on the storyboards from the Storyboard Artist for the episodes.
Say something you think would fit
The Animator will create animated scenes based on the storyboards from the Storyboard Artist for the episodes.
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