Sonic Universe - Mobius: 30 Years Later COMIC DUB!
Project Overview
25 years after the fall of Dr. Robotnik, King Sonic the Hedgehog had temporarily written himself out of existence. In his absence, King Shadow ruled with an iron fist, with only Queen Sally keeping the kingdom in one piece. However, when it seemed nothing would change this, Sonic came back, and after a daring siege with some help from his friends Miles "Tails" Prower and Knuckles the Echidna, King Shadow was overthrown, and Sonic finally married Queen Sally, making himself rightful king of Mobius.
Since then, the kingdom has thrived under five years of peace, and everyone is ready to celebrate. However, all is not well. The mutinous Dark Presence, led by the villainous Lien-Da, seeks to overthrow the reigning king and return things to the way they were. Will they succeed? Will King Sonic successfully regroup the Freedom Fighters and take down this threat? And can a familiar face from the future be able to help?
This comic dub will be based on the Sonic Universe issues #5-8. Several characters have already been cast, with many reprising their roles from the "25 Years Later" storyline, but there are still many roles that need to be filled. These are mainly non-game characters, so feel free to put your own spin on them!
Here are the rules for auditioning:
- Have a good microphone. (No built-ins; XLR or USB only.)
- Have little to no room noise.
- Have a Discord account so you can be contacted.
- Please read your lines in a AAABBBCCC format.
Other than that, have fun!
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Also, I'm going to have to create a server for this, as the group chat I've been using only allows 10 members. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I'll contact you via Discord as soon as it's up!
A very special Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who auditioned! There were so many freakishly talented voice actors in this casting call, it was extremely difficult to choose who to cast! To those who got roles, congratulations! I look forward to working with you! For those of you who didn't, don't be discouraged. You performed magnificently, and I encourage you to keep auditioning! So, thank you once again, and see you 'round!

As a child, Sasha was orphaned when Dr. Eggman rose to power. Thanks to the support of the Freedom Fighters, however, her life vastly improved.
Thirty years later, Sasha is now a successful news anchor. She serves in this story as the one who gives necessary exposition at the beginning.
We end tonight's segment with a look back at what historians are already calling the "Five Years of Peace".
(somewhat disgusted) And so Mobius limped along. The oppressed clung to the ray of light that was our beloved queen, while we shivered in fear of the Dark King and his brutally efficient enforcers, the Dark Presence.
(cheerful) True to his legendary speed, King Sonic was quickly crowned the new King of Mobius and wed his childhood sweetheart. The support for the regime change was universal!

Formerly Mina Mongoose, Mina was a young, shy Mobian turned pop superstar with a crush on Sonic. Since then, she has married Miles "Tails" Prower, and the two of them have two children, Melody and Skye. Even as a wife and mother, Mina still carries a vibrant personality and a fiery determination, and she will do anything to protect the ones she loves, particularly her husband and children.
(jokingly) I'm jealous! This is like they got everyone from every concert I ever had and doubled it!
(angrily) And now for a little number I like to call: "Let My Husband Go and I'll Go Easy On You"!
(motherly, impressed) "Freedom Fighters"? When did the two of you grow up so fast?

The daughter of Miles and Mina Prower, Melody is polite, outgoing, and adventurous, with her mother's singing talent. She can be frustrated with the shyness of her younger brother, Skye, but she loves him all the same, and will stick up for him.
(freaking out) Yessir! You've got to help! A bunch of bad guys in black attacked Mom and Dad!
(brave, sassy) Excuse me, but there's six! We're going to help rescue our parents, too! Right, Skye?
(defensive) He's still learning to fly! He can't do it like Dad does!

The son of Miles and Mina Prower, Skye is shy, much like his mother used to be, and is especially shy around crowds and girls. Like his father, he is intelligent, though he lacks experience, and he can also use his two tails to fly, though he's not very good at it, yet. He generally becomes braver as time goes on.
(nervous) R-right. Right! We're coming with you. If that's okay with you.
(shying away) I guess I'll hang out here until you're done.
(protesting) Please, Mom! I want to help! Really!

The son of Lien-Da, and half-cousin of Lara-Su, Rutan is a troublemaker who was forced to live under his mother's watchful eyes. After King Shadow was arrested, the two were separated, and Rutan holds a grudge against those who forced him away from her.
(bitter) You're about five years too late.
(infuriated) No, she hasn't. You and your cabal chased her out of my life!
(cold) Butt out, Grandfather.

An echidna maid who works for the King and Queen for two years, until proving to be a traitor working for the Dark Presence.
(helpful) I do beg your pardons. If you will be staying up, may I bring you any refreshments?
(flirtatious) Aren't you that brave and mysterious stranger? The one who saved our king with his amazing powers?
(sinister) Well, we can't have a repeat of that, hero!

The son of Vector the Crocodile, Argyle is very similar to his father, and seems to be attracted to Lara-Su. Very intelligent, Argyle acts as the New Freedom Fighters' eyes and ears, being the "guy in the chair", if you will. I'm looking for a voice similar to Vector's, but it doesn't have to be perfect.
(understanding) Don't sweat it, Lara. Desperate times, desperate measures and all that jazz.
(confident) Don't count me out! I can do more than provide a staging ground. I can pirate the Dark Presence's signal and keep you all updated.
(serious) I can't tell what they're yelling about, but you need to get down to the "catacombs". Something big is going on down there.

The son of Antoine and Bunnie D'Coolette, Jacques is a cybernetic master swordsman and a bit of a ladies' man, with a strong sense of honor. I'm looking for a voice similar to Antoine's, though not a perfect impression, and maybe fit a little bit of Bunnie's Southern flair.
(honoring) Of course, we are hear to serve, Your Majesty.
(surprised) You do not recall the Ixis Resurgence of the Elemental War?
(grateful, somewhat flirtatious) Ah, my heroine, merci.

The daughter of Antoine and Bunnie D'Coolette, Belle is cybernetic, sweet, and a tomboy all in one, much like her mother. She likes to play rough and flirt a bit. I'm looking for a voice similar to Bunnie's, but not a perfect impression, and maybe fit in a bit of Antoine's French refinery.
(explaining) We were planning to tomorrow, but then Argyle gave us the rallying call.
(concerned) But we'd feel awful about wrecking your front door.
(shocked) As Papa might say-- "Mon Dieu".

A fusion of Tikal the Echidna and Chaos, Tikhaos is a water-being with Tikal's personality and shape, and Chaos' hunger and drive. However, when overloaded with too much Chaos energy, she transforms into the savage water-god, Perfect Tikhaos. For a voice, I'm basically Tikal's voice, a little run-down and weak.
(weak, grateful) King Shadow. It has been so long since I've had company.
(begging) P-p-please don't c-call me that... I'm j-j-just so... hungry...
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