Sonic the Hedgehog Issue #201 Comic Drama.

Project Overview
Anyone is opened to audition! Some roles have been casted already, but there are plenty of other characters that I need to be filled in.
(Note: The only chracters I'm uploading are the chracters that I currently need. I will post a full cast list somehere else.)
1) You got to have a clear microphone. Please try to reduce background noise as much as possible.
2) Become the character. I want actors who can really bring these characters to life.
3) Do not speed-read. None of these characters are scripted to talk fast, so speak at a good pace.
4) Make sure that you are able to do this project. If this goes well, I'm planning on continuing with the rest of the story arc, so I don't want to recast people. (Emergencies are understandable).
5) Have fun!
I am reopening auditions for some parts. Anyone who has already auditioned is allowed to reaudition.
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The Iron Queen is the main villain of this entire arc. She is cruel and is not afraid of who she gets rid of to get what she wants. Not only does she plan on taking over New Mobotropolis, she is scheming to get rid of the Iron King with Snively.
Thank you, my fine Steward. Conquering Storm, your report?
Grandmaster Dimitri of the Dark Egg Legion, correct? [...] Such a gentleman! Plead your case to your queen!
MREE-HEE-HEE-HEE! Oh Snivy-kins! Everything is working out splendidly!
Espio is a member of the chaotix. In this arc, he has to side with the Iron Dominion due to his clan, the Shinobi, having to follow the Bride of the four houses, the Iron Queen. Espio is skilled when it comes to fighting, but due to his loyalty to his clan, he has no choice but to go against his friends.
Trouble at the coliseum…? …And why does it feel like the beginning of something terrible…?
Nicole. Why are there lightning strikes in the coliseum?
I… Cannot explain. I have been summoned. I must fulfill my new duties. Tell Knuckles I… Nevermind. Good-bye, Nicole.
Snively is the Nephew of Dr. Robotnik. Now that Robotnik is no longer in power, Snively serves the Iron Dominion. He is in love with the Iron Queen, and both plan to overthrow New Mobotropolis. Snively is a coward and would run away if his plans were to foil.
Hail to the Iron Queen, new Empress to the Eggman Empire!
-Nervous- Not all is lost, my King. A-All the weapons within the r-ruins can join your c-collection!
Antoine, if you would help me gather the Council? We need to discuss how we’re going to handle this new threat.
Monkey Khan is very serious and does not like messing around. His goal is to take down the Iron Dominion and protect his people. Sally Acorn is one of his closests friends, whom he has a close relationship to. Due to this, there's always some tension between him and Sonic.
’Party?’ The beacon of hope for Mobius, and you’re playing like children at a time like this?
Collapse?! All you did was change who’s in charge! The Doctor may be off his throne, but now SHE’S in control.
No. If he thinks he’s so mighty, I’d be happy to show him just how out of his league he really is.
The Iron King is tempered and has a strong disliking to anyone who crosses him. He has an ego when it comes to cmbat, viewing most mobians as weaklings compared to his strength.
Bah! We had everything back in the Iron Dominion. What's so great about this trash heap of a city?
And I don't like how your runty steward keeps announcing only you. And keeps acting so familiar with you. And keeps breathing...
Former member of the Destructix, Lightning is a member of the Raiju Clan. Eager that his titled had been restored, he is willing to do anything to remain in his clan.
Beacuase Im not with them anymore. I’m here on clan business— ‘Brother’.
The clan wars are over. The Bride of Four Houses rules us all now
I bring orders from the Bride of Constant Vigil herself, orders she entrusted to ME.
Sally is the Princess of New Mobotropolis. She is very close friends with Sonic, not to mention that she was his former girlfriend in this arc. She takes her role as the leader of the Freedom FIghters very seriously. She is rational, and not afraid to make a stand when things go out of control.
Come on, you. This concert is for you as much as the rest of us, and you’ve moped enough.
Cut it out! Jumping into a big fight does not help this situation. Cool it… And if you’ve got a grievance with us you can do it civilly… And without the light show.
Easy, Sonic . We still need to plan our next step. But Khan’s right—we have work to do.
Tails is Sonic's best friend. Being one of his biggest inspirations, Sonic is like an older brother to Tails. He uses his intelligents to create gadgets to assist the team.
Hey, Sonic! I saved you a seat.
Public Submissions