This is a au project I'm planning for my yt channel the series will be primarily vrc (if you don't have vr chat that is fine body doubles can be used) other options such as audio drama may be used depending on factors.
The initial plans for "season 1" are 3 arcs to help set up the world building and the character dynamics to establish the foundation of the series, introducing both franchise's set of characters and the effects they have on each other.
Please be at least 15 when applying for a va role as swearing and other mature themes can be included in this so please don't apply if you find that uncomfortable. Other roles need be 13+ to comply with discord tos.
Discord is required as there will be a server used for contact and recordings, the link will be given to you to join when you are chosen for a role. Only audio requirement is no background noise and clear voices.
thank you for checking this out and good luck to everyone.