Sonic Rush Adventure - Marine the Racoon
Project Overview
I am making a fandub of the Nintendo DS game 'Sonic Rush Adventure'.
We have already completed Sonic Rush 1 - which can be viewed here -
Due to the length of the scripts for Sonic Rush Adventure, I would like to have MULTIPLE VOICE ACTORS VOICING THE CHARCACTERS!
Everyone will have one episode each, with 3 scripts per episode. This will be the case with all the characters, not just Marine (except for the villains as they have less lines!)
So rather than casting someone, if i like your audition I will immediately be in contact with you!
All episodes and scripts will be roughly the same length, so nobody will have a larger part of the series than anyone else.
I would also like Marine to have an Australian accent. I am not Australian myself so I sadly cannot help with correct pronunciation. Considering Marine is a comedic character, I would be happy for her to have a very stereotypical Australian accent.
Communication can be done over discord or email, so please let me know your preferred choice!
Thank you for your interest in this project and I hope to work with you soon!
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Marine is very much a comic relief character. She is funny and full of energy. So I would love it if you really have fun with her role! Enjoy the character!
Marine is cheerful, carefree and energetic, but also stubborn at times, brash and overconfident. She is extremely scatterbrained, always following her first intuition, and so often acts before she thinks. Marine loves to talk and does not know when to stop chattering, but she never listens to others and hardly does anything she is told if not in the mood. She is likewise relatively bossy and attention-seeking. She also has a habit of exaggerating and embellishing, often to make herself seem more important or talented; as such, she tends to strike others as annoying. Nevertheless, she generally means well and cares deeply for her friends, and can be counted upon when needed. She is also (surprisingly) a neat freak.
[cheerful] Aw, well, she'll be apples! I'm more interested in how you managed to find this island, mate!
[flustered] Crikey! You didn't swim 'ere, did you!? Lands sake, you can't be doin' stuff like that! It ain't safe!
[annoyed] Ha! You're just scared I'll beat ya, you mug! [proud] I don't blame you, though, really. Wouldn't want to lose to a Sheila like me after all that "sultan" yabber! Hehehe!