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OI, please do a voice imitation of SMG4
- english
- male young adult
- american
- animation/character
*Seem angry* Mario, MARIOOO, can you just stop acting like your 2 years old
*seem encouraged* ah...yea, This meme is gonna do GREAT, just gotta upload it first
*seem normal* hmmm...I have ZERO clue on what to do today, maybee I could make memes.

OI, Please do the voice of SMG3 from SMG4's YT
- english
- male young adult
- all american accents
- animation/character
*seem encouraged* heh, heh, heh, III Will steal SMG4's Youtube channel and ill be the more popular
*seem discouraged* ugh...eggdog what am I gonna do, I just want to be the villain again, UGH
*seem normal* Welp today is MY BIG DAY, I cant wait to ruin Mario's day, hahahaha

Please do the voice of Meggy from SMG4's YT
- english
- female young adult
- american
- animation/character
*seem happy* Oh, This is gonna be great, how about you Mario? are you ready to go explore too?
*seem sad* aww man, my splat fest gun is broken, and I CANT even get a new one.
*seem fustrated* UGHH..MARIO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, I cant stand you.

OI, Please do the voice of Boobkins from SMG4's YT
- american
- animation/character
- child
*Say something you think would fit*
*seem sad* why..cant...I just play my Nintendo
*seem happy* m.m..Mario, I just got 30 dollars im going to go spend it, YAayyayYaYyaYyaa