SHORT FILM - "I Am Not Well" (PAID)

Project Overview
"I Am Not Well" will be a short film centered around the character "Bastian", a recently widowed husband, and his slow decline into insanity after the loss of his wife. As his psychotic episodes grow longer and his hallucinations become stronger, Bastian will struggle to cope with what is real, and what is in his head.
The primary purpose of this short film is to showcase the creative abilities of everyone involved, and to provide something solid for their creative portfolios. We are in desperate need of voice actors for certain key moments throughout the film, so please read carefully on the characters you will audition for, and how they should sound on screen. The short will be posted to the following youtube channel:
DAEMON (SUPPORTING ROLE) (DEEP VOICE, slow, soothing, evil - EX: Supreme Leader Snoke)
- Daemon is the voice speaking in Bastian's head when his psychotic episodes are at their worst. Daemon is Bastian's poor mental health being given a voice.
KAYLEY (SUPPORTING ROLE) (Soothing, kind voice)
Kayley is Bastian's late wife, who via voicemail messages, will give the audience a deeper insight on the events leading up to her death.
Doctor Allaway is Bastian’s favorite radio show host, due to the fact that he is too scared to speak with a real therapist. Doctor Allaway is a fictitious radio show therapist who exploits his/her patients for his /her own gain. He/she is charming, self-centered, and irreverent towards his/her patients struggles. Though the character is still incredibly knowledgeable in his/her career field.
Sherwood is the detective leading the case for the disappearance of Bastian's wife.
Additional info about the remaining characters are listen at their sections. Credit will of course, be given to all participants of the film.
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Latest Updates
We've added two new roles to the casting list. Please feel free to leave an audition if you feel you have the proper voice. DETECTIVE SHERWOOD MARCUS (Kayley's Brother)
New Supporing Role/New Minor Roles
We have a new casting call for one supporting role and two new minor roles. We need a talented male or female voice actor to play the role of Doctor Allaway — A satirical/irreverent radio show therapist who exploits his/her patients for his/her own gain. We are also casting for the roles of two of his/her patients. Thank you! -
New Roles
Good evening, everyone. We've added a few more minor roles to the script to play the voices inside Bastian's head. These roles include (Taunting Voice Hallucination - Voicemail) and (Haunting Voices - WHISPERING #1-#4). If you think you'd have a good voice for it, please feel free to submit an audition. Thank you!

Bastian.... Did you really think I could be rid of so easily?
The only reason I'm here, is because of you...
Bastian.... Put the pills down.

Hey, Love! Just leavin' you a message. I'm out gettin' groceries. Didn't wanna wake you, I know you had a long day at work.
(Holding back tears) Bastian, just pick up! Please! If you'd just let me explain... I fucked up! I know!

(Nervous, Concered)
Mrs. Friedlander is a neighbor of Bastian's, who is calling in to ask about Bastian's strange behavior late at night.
Bastian... This is Mrs.Friedlander. I just wanted to...PLEASE call me. Thank you.
Good morning, Bastian. This is Mrs. Friedlander... I don't really know how to explain this... Around midnight it looks as if you.. Uhm, just please call back. Thank you.
(Nervous, Concered)
Neighborhood Watch. Any adult of any gender is acceptable for the role.
Bastian, hey. Please, please, please call when you get the chance. I'm getting some strange calls about you. I'm just trying to clear some things up. Again, please call me back. Thanks.
(Nervous, Concered)
Concerned friend calling to give condolences on the recent passing of Bastian's wife.
Hey, man! Just uhh.. Just calling in. Hoping you're pulling through.. Uhm... If you need someone to talk to, you got my number. Any time.
(Nervous, Concered)
Concerned friend calling to give condolences on the recent passing of Bastian's wife.
Hey, Bastian.... I am.. SO sorry. I heard about Kayley. I just want you to know we're all grieving with you. We'll call back again soon.
(Nervous, Concered)
Concerned friend calling to give condolences on the recent passing of Bastian's wife.
Hey, have you been..... Uhm, forget it. Hope you're staying strong Bastian. I can't imagine what's going through your head right now.
Your evil voice should have a demented/vile tone. (EXAMPLE: Emperor Palpatine). As if a demon has taken over the persons body and has it's own message to say. You can also do a take on what you think would sound most chilling/scary to your audience.
(NORMAL) Bastian! Hey, I - (Sudden change to VILE/EVIL) You're fucking worthless.. No one cares about you. You're a loser. You're a loser. You don't even have a wife.
(VILE/EVIL) How does it feel? How does it feel to be worthless. Fucking worthless.
The WHISPERING voices in Bastian's head when he forgets to take his pills.
Don't pick up the phone. Don't pick up the phone! Don't pick up the phone.
Was that the door bell? That's the door bell! The door. The door!.
The WHISPERING voices in Bastian's head when he forgets to take his pills.
The TV. Bastian. Bastian. The TV. The TV! The TV...
Stop. Stop! Stop.... Stop. .
The WHISPERING voices in Bastian's head when he forgets to take his pills.
Bastian. Bastian! Bastian... Hey, Bastian! Bastian!
Did you forget? Did you forget? Did you forget!? Did you forget....?
The WHISPERING voices in Bastian's head when he forgets to take his pills.
Make it stop.... Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop.
I can't stand it. I can't stand it... It's- It's... I can't stand it!

Information about character noted above. Please provide your best radio voice.
Aaaand good morning to everyone tuning in! As usual, I’m Doctor Allaway!
Today I’m gonna delve into an interview with a patient who - and get this - had no idea I was recording our session! That’s right! You’re about to witness the raw emotions that - - usually, a patient wouldn’t show on broadcast!
(MEAN/VILE) Bastian.... I know you’re listening. You worthless, disgusting, piece of shit. No one cares about you. No one cares about you!
I don’t know, do you ever feel like you messed things up? Maybe you took things too far?
Wait... Is that a microphone? Are you fucking recording this!?
Yeah, but I hate taking the pills. You know? Why would I want to feel drowsy 24/7?
I try! Seriously, I do try but, it seems like the harder I try, the worst it gets.
Are you serious?! How long have you been broadcasting this!?

Mr. Mataya, I'm sorry to hear about Kayley... I wish we could have done something sooner.
Mr. Mataya, it's Detective Sherwood. Please, please, please give me a call back as soon as you can. It's urgent. Thank you.
Hey, Bastian. Uhh.. You probably won't remember me. This is Marcus, Kayley's brother.
(Holding back tears) I don't know what to say man. This is all so sudden. I can't believe she's really fuckin' gone. I had talked to her the night before she passed..
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