Shiro Amano's Kingdom Hearts Manga Dub Recasting

Project Overview
The Kingdom Hearts manga project has been unfrozen, and is now spearheaded by myself. We recorded three episodes worth with certain characters in the following two episodes completed. The first episode is set to come out sometime in March on Still Thinking Films' channel. We're going ahead and casting for those missing characters, including characters that we need to recast.
You must have at least a decent mic and you must have or make a Discord account.
The vocal performances for the Disney characters must maintain a sense of familiarity, while being able to create new performances that fit the story the KINGDOM HEARTS manga is trying to tell with sincerity.
You will be committed to the characters for as long as their respective Disney world with the Disney villains getting some brief reoccurring appearances. This time we will be strict with deadlines, but we're willing to negotiate for extended deadlines.
If we ever get to future Kingdom Hearts manga, characters that return will be asked for their availability to reprise, but we'll cross that bridge if we get there. Lastly, please be respectful and have fun!
If you want to check out our friends at STILL THINKING FILMS, check them out here!
If you want to check them out my channel, check my stuff here.
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Latest Updates
Second round, added Jafar
Jafar is now available to audition. Release date for episode 1 will be March 27th -
Goofy understudy added
It has come to my attention that I may need an extra Goofy, in case the actors that I've had prior are unavailable to do the role. So I have added him to the casting call.
This job involves editing out dialogue in every comic panel by each sentence. This will help editors easily put in panels as they edit in lines. The more editors we get for this job, the easier, and the faster we can get the chapters out. Currently, it's just me and a few others doing it. I am only giving you at least 3 chapters at a time, which are at least 6 pages each.
Say something you think would fit

Voice Type: Old man, has an accent (they went with a German/Vienna? accent despite him being Italian)
(Christian Rub, Tony Pope, Jeff Bennett)
Geppetto is a major character in Disney's 1940 animated feature film, Pinocchio. He is a kindly, old woodcarver and the creator of Pinocchio, a wooden puppet that is brought to life by the Blue Fairy per Geppetto's wish to have a son.
[instructing Pinoc on what to do] Oh those. They're your schoolmates. Girls, and boys, and now get in there. Yes, now hurry now. Oh, wait wait wait. Here's an apple for the teacher. Now, turn around and let me look you over. (laughs)"
[relief, then turns into disbelief and fear] Ohhh, Pinocchio. How did you get down there? Oh, there.'re talking! N-n-no! Nnno no no! You can't! I'm dreaming in my sleep! Wake me up! Wake me up!"
[stern, then evolves from surprise and overjoyed] Now we'll see who's dreaming. Go on. Say something. You do talk?! The Blue Fairy?! A conscience? A real boy! It's my wish! It's come true! Figaro! Look! He's alive! He can talk!"

Voice Type: Old, Booming, prone to yelling
King Triton (also known as the Sea King) is a major character in Disney's 1989 animated feature film The Little Mermaid. He is the ruler of Atlantica, an undersea kingdom inhabited by merpeople. As king, he wields the all-powerful trident, which grants him control over the seas. By his late wife Queen Athena, he is also father to seven daughters, the most notable of which is Ariel. Equal parts over-protective and well-meaning, Triton initially disapproves of Ariel's admiration for the human world on account of his misanthropia.
"[enraged] Seagull? What? You went up to surface again, didn't you? Didn't you?! Oh Ariel, how many times must we go through this? You could've been seen by one of those...humans!"
"[brighten mood] You're absolutely right, Sebastian. Ariel needs constant supervision. Someone to watch over her. To keep her out of trouble! And you are just the crab to do it!"
"[trying to bait Sebastian into telling the truth] Eh, Sebastian. I'm concerned about Ariel. Have you noticed she's been acting peculiar lately? You know, moaning about, daydreaming, singing to herself, you haven't noticed, hm?

As Royal Vizier of Agrabah, he was presented as the Sultan's most trusted and loyal advisor. In truth, the imperious Jafar held passionate disdain for the Sultan. He dedicated the latter half of his life to gaining ownership of a magic lamp containing an all-powerful genie — to that end, Jafar would control cosmic power, which he would use to overtake the throne and the world at large.
(laugh) Your Majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals. Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem. But it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.
Calm yourself, Iago! Soon I will be sultan, not that addlepated twit.
"Ah-ah-ah princess, your time is up! Don't toy with me! Things are unraveling fast now, boy! (laughing) Get the point!?"

*We may need a Goofy in case our main one or backup are unable to voice it for whatever reason
Goofy appears alongside Donald and Sora in all of the Kingdom Hearts series. Goofy is Captain of the Royal Knights of King Mickey's court. He and Disney Castle's Court Magician Donald went out to search for the King, and ends up teaming with Sora for the rest of their journey.
Despite his position at Disney Castle, Goofy dislikes using weapons (instead using a simple shield in combat) and attempts to avoid fighting whenever possible, preferring to find peaceful solutions to problems. Though simple-minded and clumsy as always, and constantly the butt of comic relief, Goofy is the constant voice of optimism and, surprisingly, selectively perceptive, often noticing things others miss and keeping his cool when Sora and Donald lose it. He comes off as the sage of the group, despite how he is portrayed in the Disney cartoons.
"Hm. Gotta be round and about somewhere. Oh! (laughs) Hi everybody! I'm lookin' for somethin' and I can't stop till I find it!"
"Aw now, c'mon, that never stopped me! Lemme show you a little family secret handed down for twelve or thirteen Goof generations: the perfect cast."
"OK, now. Watch carefully! You gotta stay loose, relaxed. Keep your feet apart. Now, ten o'clock, two o'clock, quarter to three, tour jeté, twist, pas de deux, I'm a little teapot, then the windup -- and let 'er fly!!"

Voice: 40s - 50s, Elegant, Sinister, Theatrical
In Kingdom Hearts 1 and Chain of Memories, she is reoccurring. In Kingdom Hearts II, she has a bigger role, but the actress for her will be asked if she is ok with reprising for that part of the series when we get there. This casting call is only concerned with Kingdom Hearts 1
Maleficent is the main antagonist of Disney's 1959 animated feature film Sleeping Beauty. An evil fairy, Maleficent is an incarnation of pure evil, and is responsible for all misfortune in King Stefan's kingdom. Taking offense at not being invited to the christening of Aurora by King Stefan and his wife, Queen Leah, Maleficent curses the princess to die by pricking her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle before the sun sets on her 16th birthday. She also appears to be particularly disdainful of Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, her benevolent rivals. She is frequently accompanied by her pet raven, Diablo.
"Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty. Beloved by all who know her. But before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel...and die!""You see? It's just as I told you. While you toiled away trying to find your dear friend, he quite simply replaced you with some new companions. Evidently, now he values them far more than he does you. You're better off without that wretched boy. Now think no more of him and come with me.""You poor, simple think you can defeat me? Me, the Mistress of All Evil!?"

Voice Type: Medium, tough but very youthful
(references in the lines)
Voice actor will be asked to reprise for future manga.
Aladdin is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1992 animated feature film of the same name. A former street rat from the city of Agrabah, Aladdin spent much of his youth scraping for food and ducking guards with his monkey sidekick Abu. Though sanguine, Aladdin's poor upbringing left him with severe insecurity, making him feel worthless and undeserving of love, specifically that of Princess Jasmine. He nevertheless sustained a heroically selfless deposition, which in turn made him entitled to a magic lamp concealing a wish-granting genie.
"Wow, the palace looks pretty amazing, huh? I wonder what it'll be like to live there? Have servants, valets. Heh. It's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards. Sometimes you feel so...trapped.
Reference:, I'm sorry. I really am! But they want to make me Sultan. No, they want to make Prince Ali sultan. Without you, I'm just Aladdin.
Ref: so fast, Jafar! Aren't you forgetting something? You wanted to be a genie? You got it! Everything that goes with it. Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space....
This job involves editing out dialogue in every comic panel by each sentence. This will help editors easily put in panels as they edit in lines. The more editors we get for this job, the easier, and the faster we can get the chapters out. Currently, it's just me and a few others doing it. I am only giving you at least 3 chapters at a time, which are at least 6 pages each.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions