Shakespeare, Slightly Abridged: Titus Andronicus

Project Overview
Sadly I don't have any money to offer, however this is an excellent resume builder because not everyone can pull off Shakespeare. I will also give a copy of the completed work to all that participate.
Important Information To Know
7.) If you are cast please let me know what name you would like to be credited under. I want to make sure I get the spellings right and all those sorts of things so you can get credit where the credit will certainly be due.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
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I know this have been a long process, but I wanted to thank you all for your voice and your time, it's going to take me a while sadly to figure out who's going to voice act each part, so please be patient with me. I'm also working 10 hours a day so I will need to take my time working with this. In the mean time if you wanted to read the play and start getting into the world you are more than welcome to. I hope that in 2-3 weeks I will have some downtime to devote to this. Please join the discord group, even if you aren't cast you can still help with the project and you will of course be credited. Thank you so much!!!
Deadline Pushed Back Again
I'm sorry that the dead line keeps getting pushed. I still need voices for characters, if everyone who auditioned could please join the discord group that would make communication much better. Thank you! -
Deadline Extension to June 10th
I have extended the deadline since I'm still waiting for people to audition for roles, some of which are integral to the plot, because of this the schedule I had in place had to be changed so I will work that out when I have all the voices I need. Thank you! -
Line notes!
Just a suggestion, all the auditions should be natural, save clown and nurse they can be over the top, they are pretty much the only comic relief in the show. Don't resort to the Shakespearean Actor Voice" It's very easy to do by mistake, when people are faced with Shakespeare, they get a mental picture of what it's supposed to sounds like, but if you actually talked that way no one would watch! So just be natural and present. Thank you so much for your auditions! Please join the Discord group, I want to talk with you!
Titus Andronicus is a brilliant war General. He has been fighting for Rome for many years with his eldest son Lucius by his side. They have captured the enemy Queen and her sons. The trials and tribulations that follow these events are more terrible then one could imagine.
(Will need a death scream/ sound from this character, so fit it into the end of your recording please, stabbed with a sword.)
(You are a celebrated general who has returned from war. You are laying to rest in your family catacombs 21 of your sons [He had 27 children] The tone is ceremonial and proud.)
"Rome's readiest Champions, repose you here in rest,Secure from worldly chances and mishaps.
Here lurks no treason, Here no envy swells..."(Your children have betrayed you. You answer only to the Emperor. The tone is bitter with contempt, and sorrow,)
"Nor thou, nor he are any sons of mine.
My sons would never so dishonor me.Traitor restore Lavinia to the Emperor!"(You are at the lowest point you have ever been in your life, but you are also crying your defiance to the skies and to the gods, your daughter has been brutalized and mangled, two of your remaining sons have been beheaded, your eldest son has been banished for trying to save them, and you just let the Moor cut off your hand.)
"If there were reasons for these miseries,Then into limits could I bind my woes.
When heaven doth weep, doth not the earth o'erflow?I the earth. Overflowed and drowned."
Tamora is a complex character. She can be seen in one moment being a loving mother, and the next moment she is a vicious tactician. She is sly and ruthless, and will not stop until of the Andronicus family are dead at her feet.
(Will need a death scream/ sound from this character, so fit it into the end of your recording please, stabbed with a sword, though she throws herself onto a waiting blade, killing herself before the wielder can kill her themselves.)
(You are begging for your eldest son's life, the Romans are about to sacrifice him for their burial rites.)
"Stay Roman brethren, gracious conqueror,Victorious Titus, rue the tears I shed,A mother's tears in passion for her son.And if thy sons were ever dear to thee,Oh think my son to be as dear to me."(You are swearing vengeance against the the family of Andronicus... pure loathing needs to drip from your voice)
"I'll find a day to massacre them all,And raze their faction and their family,The cruel Father, and his traitorous sons,To whom I sued for my dear son's life.
And make them know what 'tis to let a QueenKneel in the streets, and beg for grace in vain.(You are talking to your lover, You reek of sensuality, you aren't physically making love, but your words are.)
"My lovely Aaron, wherefore look'st thou sad,When every thing doth make a gleeful boast?The birds chant melody on every bush,The snake lies rolled in the cheerful sun,The green leaves quiver with the cooling wind,And make checkered shadow on the ground."
Aaron is Tamora's lover, he is the main reason why so much woe befalls the Andronicus family. Tamora may want to have terrible things happen to them, but Aaron is the one that does most of the dirty work.
(This is the scene with Tamora, you are turned on by talking of terrible, despicable things, you think this is hothothot, also a gleeful note as you start to tell of your plan, Tamora is hanging your every word.)
"Madam, though Venus govern your desires,Saturn is dominator over mine.
Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand.
Hark Tamora the empress of my soul,Which never hopes more heaven than rests in thee,This is the day of doom for Bassianus,His Philomel must lose her tongue today."(You have convinced Titus to chop off his hand, at the false promise that his sons will be exchanged alive. You have pulled the biggest wool over all their eyes. But earnest at first before you let the lustful glee take over)
"I go Andronicus, and for thy hand,Look by and by to have thy sons with thee.(Glee!) Their heads I mean. O how this villany,Doth fat me with the very thoughts of it.
Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace,Aaron will have his soul black like his face."(You are trying to keep Lucius from killing your child, but on the surface you are as proud as they come. You have an image to maintain.)
"Lucius save the child,And bear it from me to the Empress.If thou do this, I'll show thee wondrous things,That will highly advantage thee to hear.If thou wilt not, befall what may befall,I'll speak no more but vengeance rot you all."
WARNING: This character gets sexually assaulted, and her hands and tongue cut off so she can't easily identify her vile abusers.
Lavinia is the only girl born to Titus out of 26 other siblings. She is a properly brought up girl so she rarely questions what is done around her, because that was the way things were done back then. She is smart and resourceful, granted these traits do not surface until she has been brutalized and mangled beyond repair.
(Will need a death sound from this character, keeping in mind that she doesn't have a tongue, so fit it into the end of your recording please, her throat is cut, but she knows it's coming, a mercy killing.)
(She is with her fiancee and they happen upon Aaron and Tamora lying together in the forest. She is saucy with them.)
"Your moor and you, Are singled forth to try experiments...This valley fits the purpose passing well."(You are begging Tamora on your knees to kill you quickly rather than let her sons have their way with you.)
"O Tamora be called a gentle Queen,And with thine own hands kill me in this place,For tis not life that I have begged so long,Poor I was slain when Bassianus died....Tis present death I beg. And one thing moreThat womanhood denies my tongue to tell.(You are being dragged away by the prince's to be assaulted and mangled. These are some of the last sounds you will ever make. You may do any variations that you wish, I just need anguish and totally loss in you voice.)
*whimpers, that grow into screams as you realize that there is no way to escape.*
*"No's!" can grow in the volume*
*Begging for anything but this...*
Marcus is Titus's brother, he is the more scholarly of the two, having stayed home during the war, and continued his book learning. He is also the more level headed of the brothers, and a trusted advisor. He is the one to find Lavinia after her attack. He is compassionate and his warrior blood gets ignited later in the story.
(You are going to give Titus the news that he has been chosen to be Emperor, you as his brother are proud of him.)
"Titus Andronicus, the people of Rome,Whose friend in justice thou has ever been,Sent thee by me their tribunes and their trust,Name thee in election for the Empire.Help to set a head on headless Rome."(You are stopping Titus from killing his eldest son Lucius, and reminding him that his other sons died trying to protect Lavinia)
"Suffer thy brother Marcus to inter,His noble nephew here in virtue's nest,That died in honor and Lavinia's cause."(You are trying to convince Titus and Lucius that your hand should be chopped off, not theirs.)
"Which of your hands hath not defended Rome,And reared aloft the bloody Battleaxe.Writing destruction on the enemy's castle?Oh none of both but are of high dessert.My hand hath been but idle, let it serveTo ransom my two nephews from their death,Then have I kept it to a worthy end."
Saturninus is the eldest born son of the last Emperor. By the old laws he should rightfully inherit the title, but the old ways are dying and the people have a say in the matter now, and they want Titus. Saturnine, as he is referred to at times, is haughty, and quick to temper, he is not beloved of the people and would much rather rule by fear than graciousness.
(You are trying to convince the people that you are the rightful heir to the throne.)
"Noble Patricians, Patrons of my right...
Defend the justice of my cause with arms!
Plead my successive title with your swords!I am his first born son, that was the lastThat wore the Imperial Diadem of Rome!"(You are seeing Tamora for the first time, and she is stunning, even though at this moment she is looking at you in disgust. You want to win her over to your bed.)
"A goodly Lady, trust me of the hueThat I would choose, were I to choose anew.Clear up fair Queen that cloudy countenance,Though chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer,Thou com'st not to be made a scorn in Rome."(You have been told that two of Titus's sons have killed your brother. You are distraught and livid.)"Thou shalt not bail them, see thou follow me.Some bring the murdered body, some the murderers,Drag them from the pit unto the prison,There let them bide until we have devisedSome never heard-of torturing pain for them."
"The younger brother of Saturninus. It is to him that Lavinia is betrothed. He steals her away when Saturninus wants to make her his empress, which sets into motion the events that lead Titus to kill his own son, and Saturninus to despise the Andronici." - from SparkNotes
He is the calmer of the two brothers, and he loves Lavinia with all his heart. He does show some of his elder brothers sauciness at times.
(You are trying to convince the people that you should become Emperor.)"Romans, friends, followers, favorers of my right...Romans fight for freedom in your choice!Suffer not dishonor to approachThe Imperial seat...If ever Bassianus Caesar's son,Were gracious in the eyes of Royal Rome,Let dessert in pure election shine!"
(A slightly underhanded deal you are offering to Titus if he tells the people that he wants you as Emperor.)"Andronicus, I do not flatter thee,But honor thee, and will do till I die.My faction, if thou strengthen with thy friends,Will most thankful be,
(I need a death scream/ sounds, you were just stabbed in the back with two different swords, death gurgles as your lungs fill with blood etc.)
Chiron is the youngest of Tamora's sons, he is convinced that he is in love with Lavinia but there is not love in him. He is cruel and brutal.
(You are fighting with your older brother, over the love of Lavinia, whom you both lust after)
"I am as able, and as fit as thou,To serve and to deserve my mistress's grace,And that my sword upon thee shall approve,And plead my passions for Lavinia's love."(You are taunting Lavinia after murdering her lover in front of her, telling her of the vile things you have planned for her)
"I warrant you Madam we will make that sure.Come Mistress, now perforce we will enjoy,That nice preserved honesty of yours."(I need death sounds, you are gagged, bound, and having your throat cut by Lavinia)
The eldest remaining son of Tamora. Demetrius is even more ruthless than his younger brother. He has a never ending blood lust that rules over him.
(You are fighting over your "love" of Lavinia with your brother Chiron.)
"Not I, till I have sheathedMy rapier in his bosom, and withalThrust these reproachful speeches down his throat,That he hath breathed in my dishonor here!"(You are stopping your mother from killing Lavina, you haven't had your vile way with her yet. Where is the fun in that?)
"Stay Madam here is more belongs to her,First thrash the corn, then after burn the straw.This minion stood upon her chastity,Upon her Nuptial vow, her loyalty.And with that painted hope, braves your mightiness,and shall she carry this unto her grave?"(I need death sounds, you are gagged, bound, and having your throat cut by Lavinia)
Goth officer was thinking about deserting, the army life not for him, but he was stopped by a strange sight and thought it best to head back to camp, prize in tow.
(For Alarbus (Eldest son of Tamora): You are getting hacked to pieces one limb at a time, methodically as you are being sacrificed to appease the Roman gods, before finally your throat is cut.)
(For Another Goth Officer: you are bringing back a prisoner of war back for Lucius to decide their fate.)
"Renowned Lucius from our troops I strayed,To gaze upon a ruinous monastery,And as I earnestly did fix mine eyeI hear a child cry undereth a wall."
A strapping officer with much gusto and circumstance.
(You are welcoming your well loved Commander Lucius to camp, it's a rousing speech, pledging your and the rest of the armies allegiance to him.)
"Brave slip sprung from the great Andronicus,Whose name was once our terror, now our comfort,Whose High exploits and honorable deeds, Ungrateful Rome requites with foul contempt,Be bold in us, we'll follow where thou lead'st,Like stinging bee's in hottest summer's day,Led by their master to the flowered fields,and be avenged on cursed Tamora!!"
She is one of the few to know the terrible secret that the Moor and the Empress have.
(You are bringing terrible news to Aaron and the Prince's. I need this to be over the top, wailing, old church going lady over the top.)
"O gentle Aaron, we are all undone,Now help, or woe betide thee evermore.O that which I would hide from heaven's eyeOur empress shame, and stately Roman disgrace,She is delivered Lords, she is delivered!"
Just a jolly fellow, confused by all the strange happenings around him, a slight bit of comic relief in this terrible set of circumstances.
(You are rejoicing, you have never seen the like)
"News, news from Heaven!"(You are quite proud of your birds, and angry about the situation that has to be brought to court.)
"Aye of my pigeons sir, Nothing else. I am going with my pigeons to the tribunal, to take up a matter of brawl betwixt me Uncle , and one of the Imperial's men."
He was an old school friend of Lucius before the Andonici all fell out of favor, he eventually turns his back on the Emperor and joins Lucius and the Goths.
(You are bringing word to Emperor Saturnine that Lucius has raised an army against him.)
"Arm my Lords, Rome never had more cause,The Goths have gathered head, and with a powerof high resolved men, bent to the spoil,They hither march amain, under conductOf Lucius, son to old AndronicusWho threats in course of this revenge to do."
Lazy, unmotivated brother, whom a tragic fate befalls.
(Your brother has fallen in a hidden hole it seems, rather jokingly at first.)
"What are thou fallen? What subtle hole is this,Whose mouth is covered with rude growing briers, Upon whose leaves are drops of new shed bloodAs fresh as morning dew distilled on flowers?"
Lazy, unmotivated brother, whom a tragic fate befalls.
(You have fallen into a hole, and found the bloody body of Bassianus, your sister's lover)
"Upon his bloody finger he doth wearA precious ring, that lightens all the hole.Which like a taper in some monument,Doth shine upon the dead man's earthy cheeks,And shows the ragged entrails of this pit."
Looking for percussionist. and/or piano player. The music that I have in mind will be simple drums, piano, maybe viola (that I will write myself).
I need someone to help me find/ make the sound effects that I will need for the project. I've scoured various sites for stock sounds and they usually just don't cut it, they sound fake or out of place, so if you ever wanted to be foley artist, THIS IS IT!!!
You don't have to be all three, just tell me which you are trying out for in your recording. Thank you!!!
*For the Drummer* The Roman Imperial March Theme,
Will be played when any of the Royal family enter.
Please don't take Darth Vader's theme
Make something up.*Foley Person* Two swords clashing/fighting.
*Piano Player* I need an original piece, or an a piece that has been sufficiently changed from the original.
I would like the piece to be Lavinia's theme, needs to be fragile and haunting, makes you feel sad.
This is a character that I have added that isn't in the original, because of the cuts in the script, some of the action and setting will need to be described and explained.
If you could have Jim Dale's voice (he voices the Harry Potter books) that would be awesome. He has a sophisticated air to him, but brings excitement to the words.
I would prefer a deeper voice, almost as if Father Time was looking over all.
Have fun with this, it's a small, but very important role.
Long in the future, in a place that stands in and out of time, lay the city of Rome. For many years the city had been a place of peace, so much so that inside city walls, swords of metal were forbidden. In their place were more ceremonial swords, taken from the mighty trees that bordered Roman lands, but across the dessert landscape, and the shifting dunes, the Queen of the Goths was raising her armies.
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