Project Overview
SCP ORIGINS is a standalone series with a quick nod to my previous series: SCPlease Don't Kill Me. Each minisode [3-5 minutes long] features the tracking down and containment of a different SCP by a occassionally incompetent MTF squad. The commander of their squad is the main protagonist, the glue that holds the squad together but he doesn't very much care.
Here's a portion of the script for context for the roles:
Establishing shot of a mall
People are running and fleeing in terror, some are getting caught and murdered by scp 1360 (Essentially a killer robot)
Multiple shots of people being slaughtered
Panicked guy 1: This can't be happening… Where's the exit?! How do I get out of here?! Wait! UGH (Gets stabbed)
Random mall guy: I've heard of dead malls, but this is ridi…(gets head cut off)
Cuts to our heroes walking in slow motion holding badass weapons as Mother Vulture - Honey plays (or something similar)
Shows alternative camera angle where you can see they're actually walking out and not in
Person Outside Mall: W…Where are you going, the killer robot’s THAT way!
Commander: We know, have you seen that thing?! No thanks
SCP 1360: Low battery. Powering down
(The robot collapses, seemingly out of power)
Commander: Oh! Another job well done!
Person Outside Mall(angrily) : You didn't do anythi…
-Commander whips out a memory eraser akin to Men in Black and flashes person-
Person Outside Mall: Where am I…?
Commander: A shopping mall. You just murdered a boat load of people. (He lifts up the dazed person As hand and slaps it) Bad boy.
-Police come and take away person away-
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Killer robot. Speaks villain-esque and fluently, not robot-like. He's the main character of this two part episode and has 8 lines of dialogue in part 1, with more to come in part 2 which will be paid seperately
- english
I appreciate the attempt, but I've already disabled your weapons
You fools. I wanted to be captured. It was the only way to find this facility.
Miscellaneous Guy outside a mall currently being attacked by a killer robot. Can be Male or Female and has 3 lines
(Sees our main characters waling away from the mall) W…Where are you going, the killer robot’s THAT way!
(angrily) : You didn't do anything...
(Confused) Where am I?
First guy we see in the episode. He's in a mall surrounded by dead bodies and a killer robot. He then gets killed by that robot
This can't be happening… Where's the exit?! How do I get out of here?! Wait! UGH (Gets stabbed)
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