School Days English Dub

Project Overview
Makoto Itou is a young Japanese highschool student who goes to Sakakino Academy and just starting the second semester. He rides the train to and from school and one day, he becomes infatuated with Kotonoha Katsura, a girl who also catches the train and a fellow student from school.
I'm making a few English dubs of different anime's, this is one I've desperately wanted to do.
Go watch the series before auditioning since School Days is a very bumpy ride with twists and turns, warm up your voice and don't be afraid to yell when needed. Don't hold back in your audition, feel the characters.
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He is rather selfish and cruel, possibly not even aware of it. While he still can be kind outwardly, he often lets his hormones get the better of his judgement. This is shown when he becomes bored with Kotonoha due to the lack of sexual activity in their relationship and (possibly) lies to Sekai that he loves her to get her to sleep with him.
Episode 1 - "I noticed she rides the same train I take at the beginning of the Second Semester."
Episode 5 - "I... love you, Sekai."
Episode 11 - "So... You're saying it's mine?!"

In the Anime she's more selfish than her visual novel counterpart, for example it's implied she had an ulterior motive to get together with Makoto anyway, ignoring Kotonoha while in the VN she only does so if Makoto genuinely proclaims his love. She also concerned less with the well being of others, such as Kotonoha being cheated on, and further she doesn't break off things when Makoto starts to cheat on her. However she does attempt to stop the affair early on after she realizes the damage she has done and tells Makoto to leave her alone and stay loyal to Kotonoha. However Makoto convinced Sekai that he loves her more and implies that he broke things off with Kotonoha.
Episode 1 - "If anyone sees us like this, then it'll be very bad..." (Cocky)
Episode 5 - "But... I feel bad for Katsura-san."
Episode 11 - "It's your child, Makoto! Take it seriously!!"

Generally, Kotonoha Katsura is an intelligent, bookish, well-educated, girly, polite and gentle young lady with a reserved character.
Kotonoha's role in the anime is largely the same, becoming Makoto's girlfriend, only until at the end of episode 3 when Makoto quickly begins to tire of her, as she is unwilling to do anything intimate with him, and gets closer to Sekai. She is later ignored by him and desperately tries to get his attention but is bullied and then supposedly raped by Taisuke. Her Yandere nature soon appears and she pretends to be Makoto's girlfriend and "talks" with him on the phone. He eventually takes her back once he realizes how poorly he treated her and after none of the other girls are willing to talk to him anymore but after a date with her, he breaks up with Sekai when she shows up at his place going as far as encouraging abortion as Sekai is pregnant of Makoto, This ends up sealing his fate as Kotonoha, with the aid of her fathers connections recommends a good doctor for Sekai to get an abortion. Too add insult to injury Kotonoha makes out with Makoto in front of Sekai and lets her know that she doesn't care that Makoto cheated on her and that is now willing to do anything sexual so he stay with her. Later Sekai asked Makoto to meet at his place to discuss about the relationship yet she ended up killing Makoto after seeing the discarded dinner which she prepared the evening before. Sekai sent a text message with few pages of empty lines and a last word "farewell" before stabbing Makoto to death. She then fled the scene, leaving Makoto's lifeless body lying on the floor to be discovered by Kotonoha shortly after. This causes her to go even further insane, and she decapitates Makoto's head and puts it in a bag she brought with her, going on to text Sekai using his cellphone to meet with her on the roof. She speaks to Sekai and reveals his decapitated head before killing her. Finally she sails away on a boat with "Makoto" and whispers now they can finally be together.
Episode 1 - "Sorry, sorry! Did you wait long?"
Episode 12 - "Wasn't it Saionji-san who seduce Makoto?!"
Episode 12 - "Also, there's no reason for you to give birth to his baby. Makoto's girlfriend... is me afterall."

He's generally seen as a loud and relatively good-natured friend of Makoto and serves as a comic relief character with humorous outbursts and crying because of his misfortune, especially when it comes to his lovelife - or lack thereof. Taisuke's in the movie club of Sakakino School.
He is very perverted, rather shamelessly ogling the girls when oppertune moments appear, such as in the Anime when the girls are all in swimsuits.
Episode 1 - "I didn't know you get along so well with Saionji-san...?"
Episode 9 - "I... love you, Katsura-san!"
Episode 9 - "It's not a lie... He- Makoto has betrayed you."
Setsuna Kiyōra (清浦 刹那 Kiyōra Setsuna) is a student in class 1-3, who, like Kotonoha, is on the student council as a class representative.
As one of the more inscrutable characters, Setsuna is a keen, focused and habitually tacit girl who tends to have and keep the most level head of her peers when situations go awry.
She has a very impassive personality, even speaking without any emotion or tone much of the time. No matter what's happening, Setsuna always seems to be thinking of Sekai's well being, to the point she will either sleep (or pretend to sleep) with Makoto to force Sekai to realize her feelings or, in the anime, to make Makoto stay devoted to Sekai. However, Setsuna is not completely selfless, as she can pursue her own love of Makoto in her own route - though she informs Sekai of her intentions first.
In the anime, after finding out she's going to Paris, Setsuna tirelessly works to make sure Makoto is devoted to Sekai because she knows how emotionally miserable Sekai can become. In the end she even sleeps with Makoto to make him stay devoted to Sekai - though sadly, it fails miserably.
Episode 7 - "Hand it here."
Episode 8 - "This will be.... a memory just for me..."
Episode 9 - "I'll let you do whatever you want to me..."
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