Say What!? Gacha Club Mini Film

Say What!? Gacha Club Mini Film

Project Overview

Say What!?

A slice of a mini gacha club movie. Lead character Millie unconsciously agrees to date Lynn. Her friends tell her to break it up because Millie is leading Lynn on. Millie refuses because her life needs a little more spice. She tells herself that after a month or two she’ll end the relationship. What Millie doesn’t know is Lynn and Tasha’s backstory, and it causes a rollercoaster of emotions for her. Ironically some parts of the story is a literal slice of my life. You are allowed to audition for more than one person. Don't use a voice changer unless if it's to clear out background sounds.

Deadline is June 20th, by that time I would already have the film done and just need the lines to be  input it in. This has very little commitment, it is a one time thing only. You can reach me through the discord server or find me through my youtube. You must have discord for communication!!

Please make sure to add your discord tag, and name before submitting :)

EXAMPLE: Name is Viola and my discord is iyxiz#9057

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Fluffwave

She’s a reserved teenage girl, who has a rather sarcastic personality sometimes. She is the lead character of the film.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • all english accents
  • animation/character
  • What if the teacher calls on me!? I’ll look like a complete freak! (panicked, worried)

  • It’s not even the first day, and Tasha has a new crush. (sarcastic, playful)

  • What are you doing here? No- Why are you even here?! (crying, confused, disturbed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kami L'le VA

Lynn likes to talk A LOT. She talks fast and isn’t interested in many things. When it comes to something she wants her face may look sad, but her voice is the total opposite. Her voice is medium/low pitch and usually in a calm state. Lynn is the second lead role.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • all english accents
  • Please don’t leave me. You can trust me I swear on my life. (calm, persuasive)

  • You don’t like me. (hurt, instigating, offended)

  • I really like your eyes, they’re a nice shade of green. (calm, nonchalant)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Tasha is so unbelievably delusional. Anyone who tales a glance at her, she thinks they like her. Her voice high pitch to a medium. Very sassy and sarcastic as well. Tasha is in between a main role and a side character.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • all english accents
  • And when we’re older we’ll get married, have kids, and die together! (hopeful, happy)

  • Really? Shoot, I always thought you were some boring geek. (sarcastic, surprised, laughing)

  • We’re still friends, right? (crying, worried, shocked)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Van
Role assigned to: Leah

The math teacher of the highschool is Mrs. Van. She’s sympathetic and her voice is a little scratchy but at a medium pitch. She’s an extra character of the story.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • french american
  • all english accents
  • With that, I advise each of you to get along with your desk-mate. (recommending, happy, stern)

  • Are you sure you want that? The two of you have become really close though? (worried, concerned, hesitant)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Arils

Millie’s younger sister in the story. She doesn’t get much screen time at all so that’s why she’s just an extra. Her voice is very bubbly and high pitched.

Voice description:
  • child
  • all english accents
  • Please! Please! I want to play Barbie with you Millie! (pleading, whining)

  • I need to be smart with my cards, so I gotta take my time. (focused, proud, bragging)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JTrannVA

Ben is Tasha and Millie’s best friend. Puberty didn’t like him much so his voice is a medium pitch leaning into the higher pitches though. He’s a side character being more relevant to the story.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • all english accents
  • I got the worst physics teacher, Mr. Green! I will end up dead after this semester. (sad, complaining, dramatic)

  • You just realized now?! How did you not think about it sooner? (laughing, teasing)

  • What are you doing here? You seriously don’t think we’ll be friends again. (defensive, mad, surprised)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Proto Cage

Marcus is the older brother of Lynn. He is Lynn’s biggest bully in the most sibling way. Marcus’ voice is a medium/deep pitch. He is an extra character, just appearing more than the others.

Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • male teen
  • Have you even tried talking to her loser? (worried, concerned, hint of teasing)

  • Gonna be honest, I think she only wanted me because you. (flat, careless)

  • Well she was here for me, but I don’t know what happened. Guess my sister really swooned her. (sassy, sarcastic)


Public Submissions

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