RWBY next gen AU

Project Overview
Me and a friend of mine have created a RWBY next generation alternate universe! Meaning that we have created characters as sons and daughters for our beloved rwby cast! And now, we need your help to bring them to life, and giving each character a voice. thats right! im going to start doing some RWBY NG!AU animatics, so we need voice actors!
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Quick Tempered, Cunning, Smart, Manipulative, Bittersweet.
"Whatever, just watch where you're going or else we'll all pay for your failures!"
"What am I going to do with you? You're so useless."

Sneaky, friendly, awkward, dim, always ready to help.
"Andy at your service M'Lady!"
"I don't know what you're talking about! Me? Andrew, steal cookies from a jar when you said clearly not to! Who do you think I am? Roman Torchwick? What do you mean I have crumbs around my mouth?"
"Step down. You're only going to lead us into more trouble. You're either with us or against us so get your act together before we all get killed because of you."

Goofy, Smart, dramatic, friendly, ~Fabulous~.
"Sup~! I heard someone needed ice so I came her to serve my duty as the coolest guy around~!"
"GAH! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to bump into you like that are you okay?!?"
"We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't been so STUBBORN and actually TRIED to THINK THINGS THROUGH!!"

Morbid, Happy-go-Lucky, friendly, honest, sweet (in his own way...).
"You know, car crashes are more likely to happen then plane crashes. But I think I'd rather die quickly then burning alive in the plane's wreckage. Or, getting pulled from the plane into the air and die on the impact from the Earth. Or, we all get stuck on a deserted island and we slowly start to run out of food. Everyone starts loosing their humanity and looks to their fellow person as their next mea- hey! Where are you going? We're getting to the worst part!"
"Morbid? I only see the worst possible ways an outcome could unfold! I think that means I'm negative not Morbid silly! Though, like to think about it as planning ahead! Like my funeral! You should see the coffin I picked out for myself! It's so comfy!"

Hot Tempered, rude, manipulative, born leader, loyal.
"Out of the way Gremlin. I have places to be that you most likely will never be able to reach because of your very short and amusing limbs."
"I wish I could say that I had a good day, but then I met you and everything went dark and all I wanted to do was under the innocence just for you being in my face!!"
"If there would be one person in this world who I'd die for, it'd be you. Because I know that you'd live on without me, but it's okay. Because I want you to be happy, even if I can't.."

Shy (really shy), quite, friendly, gamer, distracted easily.
"H-Hey Phoenix! I-I just wanted to let you know how pretty you are today! N-Not that you aren't pretty everyday!! I just mean today you look especially pretty! NOT THAT YOUR NOT ESPECIALLY PRETTY EVERYDAY!! I LOVE YOU!!!"
"I know things look bad right now, but I know everything's going to be fine! Because you're here with me, you all are! So as long as we stay together, I know everything's fine. And we're always going to be together, like a family!"
"Noooo! CappaJoe26 just beat my high score!! One day my arch nemesis, I will defeat you in battle and we shall see who has the high score then!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!"

Manipulative, mean, rude, selfish, hopeless romantic.
"I don't care about you human. You are nothing when compared to me. So back off or prepared to be sent to your death."
"You know, it was too bad I had to kill him. He was actually kind of cute... Oh well!"
Once I was happy. I was crushing on a human. I saw potential in them. I saw past what my Father told me. But then, that human started to fade from something I'd admire, to someone who wouldn't even look at me. I saw the true arrogance that was humanity. So now, I seek to destroy every last bit of it. And no one can Spode against me.."

Emotionless, monotone, robotic, follower, ruthless, merciless.
"Yes M'lord. I shall do everything you say, when you say it no matter what."
"All my faith, loyalty and everything goes to my Lord. Because she's the one who gives me purpose. So if that means I have to end a few lives to honour her, I will gladly watch the world burn."
"M'Lord is my everything. Without her I am nothing. And for once in my life I have purpose. For once in my life, I am happy."

Genius, obnoxious, anti-social, honest, over-the-top, nerdy, mad sientist.
"Trust me, whatever's going on in those brain cells of yours isn't masterful, it isn't even noob level."
"Okay everyone! Stay calm! It's not like we're going to get eaten by wild Grimm or anything! Right Honey? Honey? RIGHT HONEY?!?!"
"Aww! Look at my babies go! TEARING THEM TO SHREDS JUST LIKE THEY WERE DESIGNED TO DO!!!! I'm so proud!"

Genius, kind, a little shy, helpful, forgetful.
"Guys, I think I have the- and just keep talking over me that's fine..."
"Whatever the stakes may be we have to take action now before the situation gets out of our hands!"
"Where have you all been? Me and Honey have been worried sick about you two! DOVE DON'T GIVE ME THAT FACE YOUNG MAN! Off to bed the both of you! And I'm not angry. I'm disappointed in the both of you."

Foody, loyal, Mama bear, irresponsible, strong
"All right! Time to chew gum and punch you in the face! And I'm all out of gum!"
"Heyyyy, calm down Joe! You'll “get me next time!"
"You did WHAT to my Teammate? WELL GUESS WHAT LITTLE MAN?! YOU HURT MY TEAM, YOU HURT ME. So what I'm about to do is technically in SELF-DEFENCE!!!"

Smart, calm, obnoxious, born leader, brave, Posh.
"I see you had the audacity to even fathom you'd win this duel. Let's see how that will turn out for you, maybe next time you think about challenging me you'll consider how many dead brain cells are in that head of yours. Shall I go on about your stupidity or are we going to sit here for the next 5 hours as I sum it up?"
"Maybe if you'd actually listen to your team for once we wouldn't be in this position you arrogant buffoon!!"
"I'm just saying, if you're so eager to join the dead then maybe you should lead us into more danger! I mean, you're already pretty good at that so this should be easy for you."

Innocent, friendly, loyal, childish, adventurous.
"I don't know what you're talking about! I'm not afraid of water! That's silly! I just... You know I can't.. I CAN'T SWIM! THERE HAPPY?"
"Why can't everybody just get along? I mean, why do we have to fight these never ending battles? WHY CANT WE ALL BE FRIENDS AND MAKE FRIENDSHIPS BRACELETS?!?"
"Let's have fun out there, okay? Let's all play safe so nobody gets hurt! And if somebody hurts you, THEN BREAK THEIR BONES!!!"

Childish, cunning, manipulative, prankster, social butterfly.
"Come onnn! Why can't Teachers take a joke once in a while! I didn't turn all of his clothes pink! And what if it just happens that my red nail polish got in there?.. Okay yeah I heard it too, BUT it's still a possibility!"
"Luna! Come on it's the party of the year! We have to go!! If I don't I'll DIE from lack of SOCIALIZATION!!! Shut up it is too a thing!"

Quite, anti-social, sneaky, prankster, smart.
"Leeora this isn't a good idea- and you're ignoring me. Of course."
"No, I teleported behind you because I'm a cat demon.. Of course I snuck behind you, you idiot!"
"Look, I know Turquoise said there was no such things as a bad idea, but I think you just disproved their theory."
diva, over dramatic, genius, tempered, selfish.
"GREAT. You got your STUPID blood all over my GUCCI!!"
"I know that I'm perfect in every single way, but when I look at you I realize that if there's one thing in this world I can't deal with right now, is taking out the trash."
"Honestly you are one of the most beautyfull people I know, second best to the Queen that is me of course~"

Baker, sweet, friendly, loving, brave.
"I made cookies!! Anybody want some? They're my famous mint chocolate chip!- Wait. HOW ARE THEY ALREADY GONE?!"
"When I was little I didn't have any friends. The only people I could talk to worked for my Father and they weren't very talkative. So when I met all of you, you are all the best things that ever happened to me. And if anything happened to you guys I wouldn't know what to do with myself! I promise, I'll try harder! So nobody will get hurt.. Ever!"
"What'cha do'n? I just wanted to know since I care deeply about all my friends and I like to take interest in their lives to not look at my own and see how meaningless it is.. I think I've been hanging out with Hikari too much..."

Strong, caring, friendly, serious, graceful.
"Everybody remain calm. We must regroup so everyone can rest. If we don't we'll be too tired to even think straight. It's better to fight later and win then fight now and die."
"Phoenix, I swear to all things light in this world if you have your legs on this table with those dirty armoured boots I will not only break your neck, but fry your bird corpse for dinner so we can all enjoy something that you helped make!!"
"Look, I know it doesn't mean much from me saying this, but I'm proud of you. You helped us all back there and I could never be more grateful. You've grown into a fine human being in my opinion.."
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