Ruler of My Heart - English Cover from Alien Stage
Project Overview
- Alien Stage is a popular korean webseries that centers around a reality audition program which becomes a hit among aliens, in which humans are forced to compete in a tournament of duets where the weaker performer faces lethal consequences. The art is gorgeous, the songs are catchy, and the music videos work to give viewers information about each performer's motivations, background and personality.
I'm looking to do an English cover of the latest song, Ruler of my Heart which heavily features male vocals for the role of LUKA, and I will play a minor support role in singing the female lines, and the final tuning and mixing. This will ultimately be posted on my youtube channel which has a humble following of almost 1k and videos that sometimes hit 30-20k on a good day but mainly 5-6k when they are covers within popular fandoms. But I think over all it will be a fun, short commitment and a way for you to get a nice mix of yourself!
Right now the deadline is set for two weeks from now, May 21. With options for extensions.
Some requirements:
-I will need your vocals as .wav files in a clean environment with minimal static, fan noises, etc
-I'm asking for at least a USB microphone quality or higher. So phone microphone auditions will probably not make the final
-You do not have to be able to speak korean, I will be writing english translated lyrics!
-For the final project, it is likely I'll be asking for 3-4 takes of the full song, and come back asking for clean up fixes as well for smaller words/phrases.
Here is the original video
If you would like to audition with the instrumental you can download it here
I'm very excited to hear you all sing!
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Luka is the previous winner of Alien Stage and renown for being the greatest performer ever to appear on Alien Stage.
His character comes off as charismatic, but manipulative and calculating. In this performance, he is trying to exploit the recent death of Sua, who was implied to be Mizi's (the female singer) former lover, to win this round.
Voice range is quite wide, and probably needs a comfortable falsetto for the bridge. I'm really looking for someone who can confidently cover the bridge. If the lines have korean in them, please feel free to hum through it, as I will be writing english translyrics to suit the song.
You can sing as much or as little of the song as you like to audition, with or without the instrumental, but i would like you to cover the lines outlined here at the minimum, which covers most of the range demonstrated in the song.
- male adult
[Verse line] I don’t believe. you are a liar (0:57)
[Bridge] My savior, [...] Make me your god I can give you everything (1:44)
[Chorus line] ruler of my heart, ruler of my heart, ruler of my heart (1:12)
Public Submissions