Reversion 3 - The return
Project Overview
Reversion is an episodic science-fiction Point&Click Adventure Game Inspired by classics of the genre. Chapter three - "The Return" is the third and last chapter of the series.
The game takes place in the future, in which the city of Buenos Aires had been taken over by a paramilitary organization.
We are now casting the voices for the different characters of the game, including some characters from previous chapters.
We assigned an estimated “paid amount” for each role just as a reference. Since 3f is a indie studio with a small budget, the idea is to talk about payment with the selected voice actor for each role and reach an agreement that suits both.
Gameplay videos of Reversion 1 and 2 for reference:
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Christian is the main character of the game. This role is very important and it'll need a lot of work since the majority of the scripted lines in the game are for this character.
Christian is a little dumb, but a very intelligent scientist. He lost his memory when he traveled through time, and he is trying to recollect his past at the same time he is helping the resistant against the tyranny of Sergio.
But wait... If you are one of ours,
Why did you make me go find a wheel all over the city?
Knowing that Pablo needed us!You've lost your mind. I don't know what you're up to... but you will never succeed.
Where am I?
I can't believe my eyes... Is that you?

Nicolas is one of the most important characters of the game. Is the leader of the resistance against Sergio and our guide through the game.
He traveled through time just like Christian, but he arrived earlier and he arranged the Resistance. He is also a scientist and is the co-creator of the teleportation machine.
It's a long story. Our teleportation machine failed... and opened a space-time hole which sucked us in.
My Gosh, Christian... That's one the parts of the pulse stabilizer you designed.
Right now it's important that you carry on with your current mission
But that board is crucial for what we are going to do next.Everything started in Innovate, a science and technology fair to shape the future
Where I presented my life-long project: the teleportation machine.
Which, of course, needed financing to come true.

Pablo is part of the resistance. He is the team hacker and computer geek. He manages all the resistance software.
He is still young, but very brave and committed to the cause.
This is great! If only I could find a security hole...
in Sergio's communication center system. We could get in that way...Look... when we put together our hideout here in the university
We made a database with all the information we found. we thought it may come in handy.And it was, several times
I understand you're trying to get your memory back and all...
but ever since I got out of my confinement. I haven't been able to stop for a second.

Victoria is Nicolás' right hand. They arranged the resistance together when Nicolás arrived through the wormhole.
She is a little cranky, but super honest and committed with the work they are doing against Sergio.
Though I was a little girl, I always remembered Nicolás,
The fame he got after signing the contract with Sergio never distanced him from his research.Pablo is right... We have never had such a clear chance.
Sometime people are not the way we think.
This is not the time to be sad.
We must get back to fix things and mend the timeline.

Sergio is the bad guy in the game. The tyrant leading the dictatorship in the city of Buenos Aires.
He doesn't have a lot of lines in the game, but the moments in which he appears are very important.
He lose his temper very easily, and he only cares for himself.
Catch him and give him what he deserves...
Something he can remember for the rest of his life...
HahahaWelcome to my home. Christian.
I thought we'd never meet again.You don't get it... I need him. Period!
But I haven't used up all my resources yet...
It's time to contact my secret agents...

The Hot dog guy is part of the resistance. He sell hot dogs to Sergio's guards all over the city.
He is a NPC that will help you in your quest.
I've been here with my hot dog stand every Monday for over 10 years
And I never saw you...
Where did you come from? A wormhole?Look, I sell him hot dogs
But that doesn't mean that I spy for them, does it?Just what I needed!
My cart has been broken for a while
Now I'll be able to fix it and move it around.

The homeless guy lives right next to the Presidential house, were Sergio is leading his dictatorship.
He hates them for what they did to him and for what they did to others, so instead of trying to avoid them, he camped a tent right in front of their noses to protest.
He believe that he has the power to control Sergio's guards minds, and he'll help you in your quest.
So I'm close to the bastards who snatched my dreams.
We must take their powerBASTARDS!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME????
With just a movement of my hand... And a specific command
I can get them to do whatever I wantSonny, I'm glad to find you safe and sound.
I saw when you were brought here.

The Janitor of the university is part of the Resistance. He is strategically located to mislead unwanted visitors to the university, which we now know that is one of the secret bases of the resistance.
As part of the resistance, he'll help you in your quest.
He is very friendly.
That's correct. My job is to mislead people
who get to the university with no invitation.When I learned it was Nicolás, I could hardly believe it!
Ten years had gone by and he looked just the same.But you know the food is scarce.
And the rations are calculated for each one.
Didn't Nicolás give him his ration?

This is the doctor from Chapter 1. This voices were already recorded, but we would like to change them with an update of the game.
The doctor is the father of the new Doctor in chapter three. He has been kidnapped by Sergio.
He is a very honest and friendly man.
Good afternoon, you are awake at last.
I hope your rest has done you good.
How are you feeling?It looks like you have completely lost your memory...
After the 2015 attack Buenos Aires was taken over by a paramilitary organization.Ok, ok, Calm down...
I don't think anything's broken
Maybe what's troubling you is some internal swelling
I'll see what I have to ease your pain

The Tango guys are in Caminito. They are NPCs and will help you in your quest..
They are married. They love to dance, play and sing a tango once in a while. They manage to survive in the desolated city by trying to continue with their art.
Hi, son. Here we are...
Singing a tango to hold back the tears. Because loneliness is hard and...
And... What rhymes with "tears"?We teach classes here. Not only dancing, but also singing...
Besides, we would like to expand the group.This place used to be full of tourists
And back then... I would sing it every day.
Now there's nobody to sing for...

The Tango guys are in Caminito. They are NPCs and will help you in your quest.
They are married. They love to dance, play and sing tango once in a while. They manage to survive in the desolated city by trying to continue with their art.
Marketing doesn't put food on the table, darling...
Don't interrupt him. Let him go on.
Don't ask me... You know I'm not good at rhymes.

Fernandez is one of Sergio's guards at the hospital. He is the new Doctor's boyfriend and he cares a lot about her.
He is not a bad guy, he is one of Sergio's guards because he has no other choice.
The week's supplies came in today. Every time they're less and less
So I was sent to watch over the rations.Sergio doesn't trust any doctor.
When he took over. The doctors made the Garrahan resistance.
Great! I thought she didn't wanna see me anymore...
She's very scared about her father...

This guard is the only guard who survived the purge from Chapter 1. He is always guarding the entrance door of the hospital, controlling who enters and leaves.
When you are in the hospital in disguise, he is your buddy. He believes that you also survived the purge and he trust you more than he trust the other guards.
When supplies started to run out
He already had a smuggling net between the city and the rest of the countryYou know... either you support him, or you are in a cage.
There is no choice.This situation is getting worse...
Sergio had never reacted like this...
They say he's up to something big!

The painter is a NPC that will help you in your quest. He is in San Telmo, painting pictures of Sergio.
He is painting Sergio against his will, because Sergio kidnapped his wife and that way might help him on getting get her back.
He is very sad, always thinking of his wife and trying to focus on his job to finish it as soon as possible.
I'm sentenced to painting him over and over.
Painting this is the last thing I want in life...
But I have no choice.Ehhh... I don't listen to tango...
My wife does. But Sergio has her prisoner...I miss Helena so much!
I gotta get her back no matter what!

The server administrator of the Communications center is a workaholic who is always nervous about what could happen to the server's systems..
He knows that those servers keep Sergio's infrastructure communicated and are crucial to maintain his power. That keeps him under a lot of stress.
You get in the Comunications center disguise as a Super Major.
Eh? Of course... ejem...
I admire Sergio... hum...
It's an honor to work for him.These servers keep Sergio's soldiers communicated
It's key that they're supervised 24/7.I guess there are more buttons to press in the other room...
Would you like to check them out, Super Major?

This guard is the one watching over Pablo's Cell. He is on the lookout while Pablo is kidnapped by Sergio.
He is very suspicious about you at first, because he never saw you before. you'll gain his trust and he'll also give you some items to continue your quest.
No. They're mine.
It's very hard to get candy these days!I don't know where that monkey came from...
Without your help, I couldn't have made it. YOU SAVED MY LIFE!You, on the bars!
What did you try to do?What was that explosion?

The Zoo Carnival guy has a stand at the zoo's entrance.
He has a lot of games and some of the prizes are going to be useful, so he helps you in your quest.
He is some kind of salesman, who wants to entertain people, even if the reality of the city is not a place for amusement.
Entertainment is pretty rare in this area...
Amusement is always welcomed.
Keep these chips so you can play for free whenever you want.Welcome to HIT THOSE MOLES
Where even those who lose, WIN!What a player! You hit all the moles!
As a prize you win... part of a board!I don't know what it's for. But it looks important. It must be of some use for you.

The new doctor. Replacing her father, which was the doctor in the first chapter of the game.
Since her father was kidnapped, she has no choice but to work for Sergio with his doubtful promise of keeping him alive.
At least, working in the hospital gives her the chance to stay close to her boyfriend, who is one of Sergio's guards called Fernandez.
But at the same time fills her with worries, because Sergio hates doctors and he strictly prohibit his soldiers and guards to be near them. If someone find out about their relationship, Fernandez would be in a lot of trouble.
Not only murderers and mercenaries work for Sergio.
Besides, since he took over the Garrahan there's not much of a choice.The thing is that since my father was sent to prison... I am scared.
If they learn about my relationship with Fernández.... They might hurt him.The previous doctor? Sniff...sniff...
I don't wanna talk about it.

This guard is one of the guards in the Entrance to the Garrahan Hospital.
He is a big dude, and very intimidating, but in the end he is not a bad guy. You'll use him to get information that will help you in your quest.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In a part of the game, you'll give him a bottle of wine to get him drunk, so some of the lines will have to be acted as a drunk person. :))))
Could you tell me when Fernández gives out the second ration of the day?
My mouth is really dry...Everyone knows what they have to know here
and if you don't know... I'm no instructorNo idea. Hiccup. He never tells me anything
That they are behind bars. Hehe. Hiccup. Hehe.(CONTEXT: This is one of the lines when he is drunk)
At the beginning of the game, there is a "previously on Reversion" scene, with an off-screen narration.
we'll also need the same voice for a teaser or trailer of the game.
Christian wakes up at Garrahan Hospital and can’t remember anything
The doctor tells him it is the year 2035
and that the city of Buenos Aires has been taken over
by a paramilitary group that is keeping them hostage
When he meets Pablo,
Christian learns that the Resistance
wants the government to bring back order

This guard is in the entrance of the Garrahan hospital. He is the tallest guy in the game, he could be a NBA player :)
He don't trust anyone, and he also try to benefit himself all the time.
Supplies arrived a while ago...
But we can't get even close.
Fernández is watching the door.Yes, everything is quieter here.
I used to watch the hostages...
it's noisier there hehehe.haha you're funny.
I actually don't like guys like you.
Besides, you ask too many questions.

This guard is very strict and is guarding the entrance to the communications center.
Only people with the right clearance will enter this building, and she makes sure that rule gets fulfilled.
Hold it! No civilians are allowed in this area
Turn around and leave!Oh, my!
I'm sorry Super Major Gutiérrez
We're not used to such high rank visitorsMy worry is not national security but to watch over this door
Get it?

This guy is keeping an eye in all the Presidential house rooms. He has a hi tech console and four monitors to see if everything is in order.
He loves to play adventure games in his spare time, and he is often playing at work hours.
You're kidding, right?
We're in the most secured building in all the city
Nothing ever happens here...Were you in a cryogenic chamber for 20 years?
You don't look so old...I picked it myself.
Sergio doesn't have enough to feed the people
But he spends a lot on his own defense

This guard is guarding the cells. Our player has to deal with him once, and he doesn't like to be disturb.
He loves to eat hot dogs, and since the cells are in the basement he never reach the Hot Dog seller in time when he arrives.
What are you doing?
Don't try anything funny. I'm short-fused.Oh, yeah? Ha ha ha
Oh, and now who will be able to protect me?Tough it out!
Don't bother me any more...

This is one of the guards in the presidential house. He is guarding in the patio with palms.
This guard is very reserved, he loves chocolate and he doesn't like to share.
More or less.
When Sergio is out I'm more relaxedNo, the man's nuts
Every year he gets crazier and crazier...Are you new here?
Every guard goes by this yard at some point

A very special character in the game. she is a middle aged woman, who tries to stay young.
The original plan was for me to get close to Nicolás, honey.
But you fell into my trap faster.I guess I felt some guilt...
Or affection. Or both. I don't know.Christian... I never thought this could be true...
You're alive!

This guard is watching the entrance to the Zoo. He is very intimidating, but once he get to know you he'll loosen up.
Only when they first arrive...
Then they give up and shut up.What planet do you live on?
We ran out of sugar supplies three years ago...If you want to see your cousin
Wait for him here outside until he comes out.

This guard is in the presidential office entrance. Sergio and all his best soldiers left the presidential house, and he ask this guard to keep an eye of the entrance to his office.
He don't understand why Sergio selected him for that task, because he is not one of Sergio's closest guards.
It's the first time that Sergio's orders me to watch the entrance to his office.
So I'm a little jittery.
I guess he's finally recognizing my skills.I'm sorry. Nobody can have access to Sergio's office
without an authorization signed by him.
Cóndor Chocolate? Yummy!
Do you have any left? Can I have some?

This Soldier makes his first Appearance in the Second chapter. This is a very big soldier, that was guarding the entrance to a place we need to go in.
To make him go away, we had to give him a dessert with laxatives.
In this chapter, we encounter him in the restroom, angry at the person who gave him that dessert with laxatives.
The idea is to record not only the voices for this chapter, but also record again the voices for chapter 2.
There are 19 lines to record for this character (including the ones from Chapter 2)
Hey! The toilet is occupied! (Context: He is angry)
I was set up when I was on duty
I'm gonna kill the guy who gave me that alfajor with laxatives.
Food? I'm starving!
But I can't leave my post.(Context: this line is from Chapter 2)

this child was born in Sergio's dictatorship and he doesn't know a different reality than the current desolated buenos aires.
He is constantly trying to survive, and even if he doesn't like it, he is often spying for Sergio in exchange for food and basic supplies.
I have something very important to tell you
I was doing my job at the Zoo...
And I could see how a prisoner was rescued.Hum... hi! I'm not snooping...
I'm hungry. I saw some movement and I imagined there could be some food.
s there any?Hahahaha... sure... me, a spy? Haha

This guy is very muscular and always very close to Sergio. He is Sergio's personal bodyguard.
Sir, we have checked the place again, as you asked
Nicolás is not hiding here...
This is not the secret base of the Resistance.But...
Is this one of the secret agents you mentioned?Sir, I've been informed that someone
Wants to talk to you in person.
He claims he has something very important to tell you.

This is the leader Scientist from Sergio's team in the future. He leads a team that is trying to build a time machine for Sergio, using all the knowledge they have from Nicolas work.
He makes his first brief appearance in the end of Chapter 2. And he appears again in one of Chapter 3 cutscenes.
The idea is to record not only the voices for this chapter, but also record again the voices for chapter 2.
There are 15 lines to record for this character (including the ones from Chapter 2)
Sir! we began analyzing the portal that opened when this man arrived.
We are yet to confirm if it's safe to use the portal...
...and the precise time in history to which it may lead us.
(Context: From Chapter 2)Well, how can I put this?
I guess I have some bad news…
The portal that the boy crossed to get here has just closed.
Wait... you still need me…
Not everything is lost... there's still a chance…

General San Martin. He is a liberator of the South American countries.
Christian travels to the past, and he has a little encounter with one of the most important generals of Argentine history.
There is only 8 lines to record for this character.
"My General" for you... corporal?
Those clothes you're wearing are not appropriate.
(Context: He start speaking, and then he turn around to see Christian, with a rank he can't figure out and not dressed as a Soldier.)We still have a long journey ahead of us.
We have to be ready for bad weather conditions.
Don't you think so, corporal?
Corporal? He's gone…
(Context: In the middle of the conversation Christian vanishes and continue his time travel)

This is an Anonymous Argentine Soldier. He makes an appearance in one of the cutscenes from the game.
There are only 4 lines to record for this character.
Mr. President, the Resistance has contacted us.
They ask for support to overthrow the dictatorship.
Yes Sir! (Context: The president of Argentina gives him an order)
Freeze! You're surrounded! (Context: He is one of the Soldiers pointing his gun against Sergio)

In one of the Cutscenes from the game, there is an anonymous Sergio's soldier that is in surveillance.
With his binoculars, he saw a helicopter, and then he realize that Christian is in that helicopter.
There is only two lines to record for this character.
Sir, I think something is approaching us!
It's Christian, Sir! He's coming in a chopper!

The president of Argentina has a very small appearance in one of the Cutscenes of the game.
This is a fictional President, there is no need to imitate any voice.
There is only two lines to record for this character.
Yes? (context: he is picking up the phone)
Send all the help they need!

This is an Anonymous Reporter that makes an appearance in one of the Cutscenes from the game.
He is making an interview to a football player
There is only 1 line to record for this character.
And what's your dream, boy?
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