Project Overview
Hi there, it's Amore! Are you a voice actor that's looking for a role? What about an animator or even a composer? Well then, this is a good starting place for you! Currently, I'm searching for voice actors!! I would like to mention that I am very new at animation and series creating! In fact, I am creating this series from scratch. I am a part-time performer in the daytime so I ask for your patience when messaging me or submitting auditions but I promise you I look over everything carefully!
I have decided to make this into an RPG game with voice-acted lines! Right now, my main priority would be voice actors but if you are able to do pixel art as well please contact me.
Below is a short description of the series, if you think that it's something you would be interested in participating in, feel free to contact me!
This is a series that touches sensitive topics.
While it does have comedic and "cute" overlays, Reprisal is a Psychological Horror. There will often be depictions of very unsettling things. If you are not comfortable working on a series as such, please, please do not audition. This is for your own comfort!
Welcome to a world that's completely submerged into insanity. A universe that surpasses the norms of reality and dwells deep into a distant discomfort. Come greet the strange and uncomfortable. The sorrowful misfits of "the norm" that venture off into that comfortable madness that humanity dare not touch. Reprisal is a series that pushes through that wall of comfort.
And I bet you're thinking... "Well, it looks pretty cute from the cover"
But you shouldn't be fooled by a simple "cute" disguise...
In this story, we follow the perspective of a young half-reaper named Lenore Wormwood. Lenore awakens a flirtatious ghost prince from the 1800s, that goes by the name of "Envy" to be her companion soul, however, a mysterious group called The Council, one that rules over all things supernatural in this world has other plans for them. Apparently, Envy and six other "projects" of theirs have the highest sin count of this world according to their namesakes. The group of sins is known as the "Minus Virtue" project. Initially, they were to be experimented on then disposed of but Lenore very quickly befriended them. Wanting to fight for their freedom, Lenore struck a deal with The Council that would have them released... At a price. Minus Virtue would be released if they became weapons for The Council and began purging the world of sin so that The Council could have the perfect sinless world they so desire. The Council would send letters to Lenore and Envy instructing them on what needs to be purged from this world and they would have to comply. If the target in the letter hasn't been disposed of in the time given... Minus Virtue will be wiped from this world just like the rest of the filthy sinners.
Our story starts with the first letter Lenore and Envy receive from The Council.
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Latest Updates
Hi there, it's Angel! First off, let me apologize for my lack of activity. I got caught up in a lot of work and then I caught a touch of an illness but everything is better now and I'll be able to work on the project from here on out! As some of you may have noticed, our discord server is no longer available! That would be because it was accidentally deleted a few days ago. No worries, I will bring it back up soon, I just have to remake it... That may take a while though so please bear with me.
Hi there, it's Angel
I have closed the Pride role due to having cast Pride. Thank you to everyone that auditioned for them! In place of Pride, I have opened up Wrath's role so feel free to check that out! -
Hi there, it's Angel!
Here's the linktree ( ) to everything if you're interested. The process has been very slow recently but I'm going to have more time in June. Recently, some of the sprites have been delayed due to some timing issues but the coding has gone well! We recently have started work on the audio and our audio team has provided some lovely themes so far! The script is doing well also, just wanted to put out a little update to let you all know that this IS in fact going to happen. -
Wow! Hi there, everyone, it's Angel! So sorry about not getting back to anyone. I was a little ill recently and work has been very rough. I'm glad to see so many checking in though! I will slowly begin getting back to everyone while chance allows though! -
Checking In
Hi there, it's Angel!! Just checking in to say that we've made progress on the project itself. While we are still looking for VAs, coding, audio, and animation have been going smoothly. If anyone is interested in following the project aside from here, shoot me a message and I can offer you an invite to our discord server!
Envy is a flirtatious (ghost) prince from the 1800s. Every word he speaks is generally in a smooth, almost patronizing tone. He generally speaks very proper, so his words are always clear and precise. But at the same time, he has a very seductive tone of vocals, so keep that in mind. Envy is quite the lady-killer. I mean this literally too. He kills women. Hot serial killer vibes. His voice is at a low range in terms of pitch, but I don't mind hearing anything you can bring as long as it maintains that "smooth" type of tone. I'm going to be honest, think British Corpse Husband. If you can't hit that range, it's okay don't force it. Sebastian from Black Butler has the right attitude that I'm looking for. But also think yandere, no matter how silly that sounds. It has to be very seductive, but at the same time, threatening enough to strike fear into someone (me) that's listening to these auditions in a dark room alone with the door locked. The first line, of course, seems very out of place, but Envy is actually genuinely nice to children. I put it in because I need to hear your diversity. I need to hear that cute/sweet tone then that killer/seductive tone.
Requirements: Must be willing to commit to a long-term project. If you have singing abilities, that is a huge plus, if not, that's alright. This role is rather heavy on the acting portion and often on the serious side. I appreciate all takes that are sent in and encourage multiple takes for each line! Especially if it shows your pitch range and acting abilities!
Please note: Prices will often start off low because this is a series I am starting from scratch but if you're patient and willing to commit to a long-term project, the pay will certainly increase!
If possible, please start off your audition with your name (or preferred alias, so that I can keep all of the auditions tidy) and a nice charming "Greetings, mi angelo" to get into character!
(Speaking to a child. Very sweet and calming tone.) "Hello, little one... Are you lost? A-ah... please don't cry... I'll help you find your undeserving and rather irresponsible parents, I promise."
"You can run all you'd like... but you're cornered now, mi amore~ There's a dead-end that way if I do recall...! It's a shame, really... (softly/in a whisper) You're actually my type." (Laugh here, only to drag into disappointment.) "Ah... I won't enjoy this, I do hope you know that. You were one of my best customers... Quite entertaining..." (Cheerful on this part) "Really great at drinking games!" (A gentle unsettling hum (bonus points if it's an actual song that's just hummed slowly for a morbid/creepy effect) for a few moments, only to pause in surprise.) "Oh! You thought I meant romantic type? No, no, darling... I meant type of kill." (Cheerful) "The kind that no one will even notice if they're gone, kind of kill!" (After a soft laugh, return to that same unsettling hum as before.)
(Scolding) "Lenore, get down from there this instant." (Lenore's line, for reference so you know what you're replying to: "But I won't get hurt! I promise!") "I don't care if you think you won't get hurt, those boxes are unstable, not to mention filthy. Come down, please. You're going to ruin your dress and I don't think I'll be able to threaten Wrath into making you another."
Lux is The Angel of Light and God's Left Hand. She's often very stressed out and never catches a break. She's a generally sweet and timid girl but if she gets stressed enough she might just react with a punch. I just need to hear you channel your inner stressed-out secretary. She has a generally light tone. Soft and timid. I'd like to listen to anything you bring to the table so feel free to experiment!
Requirements: The role will require speaking Chinese sometimes, so if you can, that would be extremely impressive.
Please note: Payments shall be updated throughout the course of the series, this is merely a starting price.
(Stressed out) "Envy, you're so late!! I said six!!" (Envy's line so you know what you're replying to: "It is six. In fact, I'm here early.") "6 AM not PM!!! W-Well! It's fine anyway!" (There's a sigh before her tone shifts into a more sincere and saddened one.) "In any case... I tried my best to find the file you asked for but... It was nowhere to be found... I did find these for you but... It isn't exactly right... and most of the information is missing. I'm so sorry..."
(Stern and serious with a slight hint of sadness.) "I won't let you pass here, Lenore. I never wanted this life for you... To be forced to work for The Council. I kept you away from them as long as I could but you just had to get involved with Minus Virtue... And now they've pulled you into their sin." (A small pause.) "I can see it, you know. The Vesania around you... And it's all because of him!"
(Tired and a little out of breath but with a lighter tone) "I'm... so happy that... you were able to find something to fight for... I'm so glad... You were able to make a choice. That's all I've ever wanted for you, Lenore..."
Gluttony's voice is generally on the spoiled party girl side. She acts very posh and sassy, ready to start a fight over high heels at any given time. She likes to act jokingly flirtatious. Very "Mean Girls" type, but on the last line, she's a lot more serious. I need to see that. A good voice to compare her to would be Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad. That kind of accent and tone.
Requirements: Must be willing to commit long term.
Please note: Starting pay will always be low. This is a series I will be building from scratch so please do not expect anything extreme. If you are patient and willing to stick it out, things will increase!
(Annoyed) "Ugh, seriously... Can't you see I'm busy right now? You're trying to fight me while I'm painting my nails. Can't we talk this out later? Seriously, I'm busy."
"Oh, you're just mad because I'm totally hotter than you. Yeah, I see you over there. Where'd you get that outfit? Cliqueless Boutique? Forever Homeless? Lulu Never Gonna Get Laid?" (Laugh after this.) "Ew, what's with that face? Not even drugs could fix that attitude."
(Serious and firey) "Don't talk about our leader like that. You can call the rest of us trash...Scum... Monsters... But you will NOT address Envy that way. You have no idea what he's done for us."
Pride can be voiced by either a male or female. Generally, Pride has a higher-pitched vocal range that a female could reach, but at the same time, on the serious parts, like the last line, their voice would lower into that of something deeper. Pride is... like a cat, for the most part. So it’s a lot of meowing, purring, and just a very airy and playful tone. Try not to overdo it with the cat approach, but think... I suppose the best way I could describe Pride’s voice is similar to Fate’s Astolfo? I’ll leave a lot of tone to personal interpretation for this audition so do whatever you think I’d like to hear! Just do your best! And have fun!
(Cheerful and happy) “Deer... deer... deer... Deers are delicious! Oh, but... bin food is yummy too... I had a big meal out of Little Mistress Lenore’s large metal bin outside!"
"What? You were looking for me? I've been here the whole time!" (Laugh) "You should've called me! I was just up in the trees!"
(Serious and threatening.) “I don’t take orders from anyone else but Master Envy. The only exception is the young mistresses Lenore. I will not serve you. Kindly take your hands off of me... or I will remove them for you, is that clear?"
Greed is a young teen around 16-18 during the course of the series. He’s the younger brother of Gluttony, and a striving photographer. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic and has a very intense adoration for beauty of all kinds. He speaks in a timid and soft tone but when he takes genuine interest in something he slowly grows a bit more cheerful and excited.
Just do your best! I would love to hear your take on his character.
(When asked where Gluttony is.) “Huh...? Oh... My sister? As if I know where my sister is right now... You’re her best friend, shouldn’t I be asking you where she is instead?” (After a small pause, there's a bit of panic in his tone) "I... I'll help you look..."
(Serious) “Don’t move.” (taking a picture excitedly) “That’s a lovely position. The background is just right, and the lighting suits you perfectly. Stay there, I just have to focus my camera." (Another pause.) "Okay. You can move now. Come look, it's really nice."
(A daydreamed sigh) "I really like old romance novels... They're so perfect." (A bit more eager and excited) "Y-you might know of the author since he was alive the same time you were but...! I really like all of Haught's books. Wh-what's that look for...?"
Sloth is a cowardly man. He's the first to run out of battle and the last to appear. He's constantly nervous and has an almost skittish tone. He does speak in a British accent but it's okay if you don't include it! I'm open to see your take on him.
"No, I'm not busy right now... Not that you really cared to ask... I can go with you if you insist..." (After a moment of pause. Aggravated, but softly in an almost timid way) "You don't have to ask twice."
(In an adoring manner) "Lust... She's the only reason I stay in this group..." (A pause.) "Well... That and the fact that I'll be killed otherwise."
(Serious with an underlay of fear) "I don't trust Envy... I never have. He's unstable... Psychotic... He doesn't care about any of us. We're just tools to him, surely... You're stupid if you think he actually cares about you." (Replying to "But he does!") "I hope for your sake that's true."
Lust is a schoolgirl. She's bubbly and social but her emotions are often a bit up and down. She's not overly energetic though, in fact, she can take up a sleepier tone until she gets hyped up. It takes her a bit to get into that hyped-up state as shown in the last line but she is usually very optimistic and cheerful. If I had to compare her voice/tone to anyone I would pick a mix between Starfire from Teen Titans/Teen Titans GO and Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. I'm not super picky about it, I'd love to see your take on her.
(Sleepily and with a small yawn) "What's it like working for Envy? It's a bit hard having him in control... But I kinda like it." (Cheerfully, though keep the sleepy/daydream tone) "He rewards me well if I work hard!" (A small sigh before muttering) "Sometimes I mess up on purpose so he'll scold me. I wish he would do it more often... But he says he doesn't really like getting mad at me..." (After a pause...) "I'll go get dressed now."
(Crying) "Why doesn't Lenore like me? I haven't done anything wrong...!" (Replying to "Calm down, calm down... It's alright, take a breath.") "I-I just wanted--to cl--clean up for her!" (Replying to "I know and that was very nice of you, darling, but you have to understand... Lenore is very... Attached to those stuffed animals, especially that rabbit.") "W-was the bunny really that important to her? I... I'm sorry... I just wanted to clean it... It was so dirty... I didn't know..."
(Sigh) "Life is too short... We should be doing crazy things like jumping off of buildings, running around naked, or... Kissing the person next to you!!" (Add a small 'Hya!' before a deadpan tone) "Oh. It's just you Gluttony. I changed my mind."
Sylvie is basically that girl that was forced into a religious private school by her parents but isn't at all your typical "Good Christian Girl." In fact, she's the very opposite of that, she just hasn't gotten caught. While she does have some missteps that cause her reputation as a "good girl" to falter, she's able to act a lot more innocent than she really is when she needs to be. She's uninterested in anything related to school or the church, she's more interested in parties, dating, and basically everything their boarding school forbids them to do. I have no preference for her tone, I'd love to hear whatever you want to bring to the table. She does have an accent but if you can't do it, it's completely okay!
(Sarcastic and robotic. Imagine you're being forced to read for the class and you really don't care.) "And then the legendary hero will rise up from white and gold rain and slay the Sedibus." (Break from this tone, genuine disappointment like a teen girl throwing a fit about not getting what she wanted) "Even though the Sedibus is probably TOTALLY hot. Like who cares if he's the destroyer of existence, you're slaying fine art!! Aaaand I'm being sent to the office, aren't I?"
(Dismissive) "Them? Oh, that's just my cousin. They're kind of weird, don't look at them." (Happier tone after, though slightly shy and embarrassed) "Anyway...! Um... You said you liked this kind of thing... Books on flowers and whatever... So I got this for you. I-I hope you like it...!"
(Serious) "I knew... That time in the alley... That sound of glass shattering that you didn't go check on. That was me. I followed you the whole day. I know what you are, Envy..." (A softer, more caring tone) "But...! That's okay... I don't mind. I'm only in the church because my parents forced me to! I-I support you...! I-I'm actually a Sedibus worshiper b-but! I wasn't able to sign up. So... It would be a huge honor... To die at your hands."
Wrath is really, really rude and angry. Like all the time. But this man also runs on either 1 hour of sleep or sleeps for three days straight, there is no in between. He's also a big fan of soda so if you could do me a favor and in the second line actually drink something that would be great. He's a dollmaker and can be seen as a little suspicious by how he acts so don't be afraid to add a little suspicious energy to the last line, it's a pretty shady line. As for how he sounds... Think of Husk from Hazbin Hotel except with a bit of a working-class British accent. Even a bit of a Scottish accent would work, I'm really not that picky on it. Another good example would be Black Butler's Baldroy in the English Dub.
"I ain't taking orders from a man that eats people. Who are we kidding? He'd probably sell each and every one of us for a meal at Kentucky Fried Cannibalism if that was a thing." (In response to Envy: "You're not wrong.") "That's right I ain't wrong, y' piece of shit..."
"Sorry, pipsqueak, you can cry all you want but my work days are over." (Pops open a soda can and takes a drink) "I wasn't given a letter, I don't see why I gotta join in on this shitfest."
"Your hands... Perfect shape... Fingers long and slender... Bone structure's nicely aligned... I wanna make molds of your hands." (In response to "No gross!!") "Wait! Come back!"
Public Submissions