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I don't know if "Shiner cat' is a boy or a girl yet. I figure it out. (Hopefully)
(Scary) Time for the main attraction.
Just another death. How many more?
Looks like its game over for you. Forever!
I need a animator to make the animations for my trailer
Say something you think would fit
You looked pretty hot, so i just came to cool you down
Wow is it cold in here or is it just me?
Whats black and white and red all over? A penguin on a rampage who just killed a night guard. (Bum da chsss)
This boy/girl is very trustworthy. Wait.
Oh hi! I don’t really think that I am allowed to talk to you but you did apply for this job, and I hid a little thing in the stuff you signed up for. (Nervous laughter) Anyway! Your job after your job is to re program the animatroincs
Say something a techy person would say or don't say anything.
Public Submissions