REEL LIFE (GTA V Machinima) - Urgent Recast + Small/Recurring Roles!
Project Overview
James Greene has finally achieved his dream of becoming a filmmaker. He's living comfortably in Los Angeles, he's got his friends, he's always working on another film, and he's not even 30.
While that seems all well and good, in reality James is a bit miserable. He's had little to no creative control over any of his films. He's always working with difficult crews and actors with poor attitudes. His work is only ever released on DVD, and each one has been more critically panned than the last.
After another one of his films flops, James takes it upon himself to start from scratch on a new project; something where he will have more creative control that a studio will finance. And with only enough money to pay the rent for the next six months, James has to find inspiration, financing, and a paycheck soon while also reinvigorating and reviving his tattered career.
Info for Potential VAs
-Please have a microphone of decent quality. No pops, hissing noises, or any sort of background noise that cannot be easily reduced or eliminated.
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Latest Updates
It's been awhile, huh? Tomorrow, November 29, the first episode of Reel Life will finally premiere at 12 noon EST. The premiere will take place here: If you can't be there for the premiere or miss it, don't fret! The link will take you to the episode itself after the premiere. Remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe to SNAPT Films to help boost the show's standing in the algorithm and to stay tuned for future episodes!
Update 16 - Roles to Fill!
Well, it's been awhile, huh? So the show didn't make its May 10th release date, and nobody is more disappointed in that than I am. May 10th would have been the 10th anniversary of a Halo: Reach machinima series I had done, and I felt it would have been nice to have my next major project come out the same day as that series' inaugural episode, but alas it was not to be. COVID-19 and the state of the world at the time had put me in a major bout of depression, and work on the show was slow going. This was also partially why the last round of casting had no roles filled. I apologize to all of those who auditioned all those months ago, but rest assured your auditions were heard. But now work on the show is back in full swing. A plug from a larger creator has been secured for mid-December, and the pilot is practically finished aside from color, sound mixing, and original music. The aim is to have the show start coming out around Thanksgiving or early December, but there are still a few roles which need to be filled. Chief among them is the role of Cole Pierce. Until now, the role had been filled by Dennis Hart, who captured just what we were looking for in his performance: warm, jovial, but had a particular wisdom to him. But with current social climate and motions for characters of color to be portrayed by their respective groups, the decision was made to recast Cole Pierce. This was not a decision that was taken lightly, as Dennis had been part of the project for quite awhile, but we came to a mutual decision that a white man playing a black man would not be appropriate, no matter how well-intentioned everyone involved is. This was a mutual decision. We all agreed this was the right thing to do, and Dennis will be on standby in case another role opens up that he would be well-suited to play. But there are still other open roles listed on the project page, almost all of which are relatively small parts. The scripts for Episodes 1-5 have been completed, and all roles listed (sans Cole Pierce and Chalrotte Greene) will only go as far as Episode 5. The current audition period will last until Friday, October 16th, and I look forward to hearing all of you. -
Casting - Round 3!
Well, I can't say that delays haven't been part of this project before. I apologize for the time it took to post this latest set of roles and start this casting call, but we're going to be trying to work on an accelerated schedule of sorts. The previous casting calls have been for one episode each, but with the show's release drawing closer it's time to start working a bit further ahead. This time, roles are being cast for Episodes 3 and 4. They're mostly small parts, but there is one major role: Carrie Fairfield, who is unfortunately needing to be recast. The following roles are now open for auditions: Carrie Fairfield (Episodes 2-5) Ralph Greene (Episodes 3-4, 7-8; Season 2) Charlotte Greene (Episodes 3, 7) Mrs. Kim (Episodes 3, 7) Izzy (Episodes 4-5) Monica (Episodes 4-5) With some small exceptions, the scripts are ready to be recorded for just about all these roles. The deadline for this round of casting is Wednesday, February 19th. I look forward to hearing all of your auditions. -Andrew -
Sneak Preview, Release Date & Casting Info!
Hey all! Sorry about the radio silence again. I've been hard at work on Reel Life over the last several months, pinning down a workflow, polishing what's been done thus far, figuring out a proper release plan, and even building a new PC to replace my old Frankenstein's monster of a machine I had been using for the past few years. First of all, I'd like to thank those of you reading this for following the project. I'm grateful to have any sort of audience for this and hope I don't let you down. Second, last night we put up a sneak preview of the pilot episode for all to see. It can be found here: Please be sure to Like, Comment, and Subscribe. I'm not just saying that for the meme of it, but because engaging with a video really does help its standing in the monolithic YouTube algorithm and helps it spread to more people. Also, yes, the date shown in the video is the official starting date for Season 1: May 10, 2020! It marks the 10 year anniversary of an old Halo: Reach machinima series I used to work on that I used to get my feet wet with writing, editing, and directing. The first half of Season 1, consisting of episodes 1-4, will be releasing on a biweekly basis starting that day. As such, the release schedule for them is as follows: Episode 1 - May 10, 2020 Episode 2 - May 24, 2020 Episode 3 - June 7, 2020 Episode 4 - June 21, 2020 The episodes will be produced ahead of time to ensure their timely release, with episodes 5-8 coming out on a similar biweekly schedule by the end of 2020. I would once again like to thank the terrific vocal talent who have been volunteering their time to bring the show to life, as well as the hundreds(!) of you who have taken the time to audition for the show over the last few years. Knowing that so many people believe in this project makes my heart soar, and it wouldn't have come as far as it has without the lot of you. Speaking of auditions, the final roles for the first half of the season will be posted soon! It's mostly smaller roles, but the script for Episode 4 is still being finalized at the moment and I don't want to keep anyone hanging after casting them. Expect to see a few new roles posted within the next two weeks. Thank you all once again for your continued interest in the project! It's been a long time coming, but it's all coming together. -
New Trailer!
Hello once again, everyone! The current round of auditions for Reel Life is closing tonight/tomorrow, after which I will be listening to every audition submitted. In the meantime, a new trailer for the show just dropped last week! Please give it a watch, Like, Comment, and Subscribe!

Age: 28
Occupation: Writer, Director (now freelance)
Voice Type: Somewhat lax, but with hints of sarcasm and seriousness. (Think of Spike Spiegel mixed with Hank Moody.)
Note: This is the main character.
Originally from Philadelphia, PA, James had a very active imagination in his youth, a trait which stayed with him long after he and his family moved to the Jacksonville, FL area when he was only nine years old. It was during his time in junior high that he discovered his love of film and television through editing and uploading simple music videos online. Throughout all four years of high school, James was a TV Production student, and it was his TV teacher, Mrs. Kim, who helped him come out of his anti-social shell to become more of a sociable but anxious young adult. The majority of the latter half of his high school career was spent in the TV room, skipping some classes in the rpocess. In spite of this, he maintained healthy relationships with his teachers and maintained a high GPA.
It was in high school that he met Serena Matthews and Jennifer Davis, two of his TV Production classmates who also aspired to be filmmakers. While James held no animosity toward them and was also happy to see whatever they accomplished in their production class, he always harbored a bit of envy toward them which would develop into an inferiority complex over the years as he learned of their accomplishments.
After spending two years at a local community college, James moved to Orlando to attend the University of Central Florida with the intent of being accepted into their Bachelor of Fine Arts program for Film. By the time he transferred, Serena had already been at the University for two years and had already been accepted into the prestigious program, and James' application was rejected. With scholarship money running out, James ultimately decided to pursue a degree in Cinema Studies, which he completed at the age of 23 without financially destroying himself.
All this time, he continued producing original video content online and doing a bit of production work for others on the side. Eventually, BluGimp, a small studio in Los Angeles, contacted him about directing a short film, Marked Man, which James accepted and subsequently won several awards at short film festivals. This caught the attention of a larger studio, with whom James quickly signed a multi-film contract thinking he had finally made it.
A few years, several troubled productions, and some bad movies later, James is tired of how poorly the studio has treated him. His contract is up and he's ready to start fresh. But in this town, it's not easy to start once let alone start again.
James is usually a pretty easy-going guy, with sarcasm coming to him somewhat naturally, but he hides a layer of staunch seriousness and attentiveness. In spite of that, he can sometimes get distracted easily. He is pretty introverted, and when faced with the prospect of initiating a conversation with another person (especially someone he doesn't know) he is hesitant to make the first move, not wanting to come off as a nuisance. James also suffers from mild depression, experiencing emotional breakdowns when certain thoughts of inferiority enter his head or when he feels like his responsibilities and obligations are piling up around him too much. He tends to bottle these feelings up after a couple hours or so of moping, but years of repressing those kinds of emotions are bound to catch up with him sooner or later.
I dunno what it is, man, but the smell of the LA streets always fills me with an overwhelming sense of urgency. Probably just nausea.
Hipsters, man. They're just another thing on the long list of elements of pop culture and modern society that I just can't stand. Why the hell are you taking a picture of your mocha frappe latte or whatever it's called?! Just drink the damn thing!
(Depressed) Ever since high school, I always felt like they were in a whole other league; that they were better than me. I know it's not a competition or anything, but looking where I am...and then seeing how successful they've gotten in the same amount of time? I just...why do I even try?

Age: 28
Occupation: Writer, Director
Note: This is a primary character.
When she was young, living in Orlando, Serena's parents separated, with her father moving to Texas and her mother taking her and her brother to the Jacksonville area. Thankfully for everyone involved, Serena's parents separated on amicable terms and maintained a healthy relationship with each other and their two children.
It was Serena's father who got her interested in film. During one of her visits with him, he showed her his all-time favorite movies, including Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Godfather, and The Breakfast Club. Serena was transfixed by the technique and storytelling exhibited by them and grew to love film and television, even making her own home movies with her brother using their mother's old video camera.
In high school, she took TV Production classes every year, meeting and working with both James Greene and Jennifer Davis, who would not only end up becoming one of Serena's closest friends but also her most frequent collaborator on class productions. However, half way through their senior year, Jenny moved to California to attend Carlsbad High School in the hopes of getting a leg up to attend the University of Southern California for film. Serena instead attended the University of Central Florida, and was accepted into their Film BFA program after two years.
While she helped out her old classmate James with what he needed to do to get into the BFA program, Serena was more focused on holding herself together, as the stress of the film program was starting to weigh her down a bit. There were many days that she wanted to just shut herself off from everyone and everything, and she confided in James that she is a bit more introverted than she lets on.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film at the age of 23, and soon was off to Los Angeles, having already met some contacts during her time in school and turned some heads at several short film festivals. In four years, she had directed two films that ended up being surprise hits at the box office and garnering critical acclaim.
Now with the support of the studio system and Jenny as her producer, Serena is finally bringing one of her passion projects (Birds of a Feather) to life while maintaining total creative control, but will the stress of a tight schedule and little sleep break her?
Serena is a very approachable person, and quite a smiler. It's rare that she will admit that she is feeling overwhelmed or down in the dumps, and only ever does so in confidence. She feigns extroversion very well, but tends to examine others in a group more than talk amongst them. When she puts her mind to something, she puts her all into it and doesn't give up easily.
(Caffeinated, frazzled, stressed) Okay, so the studio is letting me direct one of my passion projects on their dime, but they only gave us two months to film, and we're having trouble getting permits for location shooting, our most vital supporting actor is being a complete diva, and I've been running on only three hours of sleep every night for the past two weeks!
(Tired) Honestly? Sometimes, I just want to shut myself inside my apartment for a day or two, curl up in my blanket, and spend the day watching movies. Being around people is exhausting, you know?
(Furious) You think you know how I feel?! You have no idea how I feel, and you probably never will! I worked hard to get where I am, but you! Oooohh, you--you had everything practically handed to you!

Age: 27
Occupation: Producer
Originally from California, Jenny Davis moved to Florida with her mom following her parents' divorce. Like Serena, her parents separated on friendly terms and she saw each of them frequently.
Throughout most of her life, Jenny was more or less apathetic to film. She went to the movies, she enjoyed movies, but never gave a thought to a career pertaining to them. This changed when she took TV Production in her freshman year of high school, and she took a great interest in the art. She also met Serena Matthews, who would become one of her closest friends and most frequent collaborator on TV Production projects, and James Greene, who she initially saw as a hot-headed, rude, anti-social jerk before he mellowed out over the course of their four years of TV Production classes in high school.
Halfway through her senior year, an opportunity arose that would give Jenny a greater chance of attending the University of Southern California, her dream college where filmmakers such as Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Francis Ford Coppola got their starts. She would have to move back to California to live with her dad and attend Carlsbad High School. She took the opportunity, and when the time came to start college, she instead attended the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles.
After a couple of years of classes, she took a year off and started working as a production assistant for a comedy television station. When the higher-ups took notice of her intricate knowledge of production, she quickly became a producer for several sketches, and after a year was working on major film sets at the studio owned by the comedy station's parent company.
When Serena flew into town, Jenny was quick to get her into the director's chair for a smaller, low-risk film she was producing, and the film became a runaway success. The two collaborated on another film under similar circumstances with even greater results, and now she's in the role of producer for Serena's newest film, Birds of a Feather, which the studio is allowing them total creative control over. But when James Greene comes to her for help with a new project while Birds of a Feather's production causes her and Serena to stress out a bit too much, Jenny starts doing her best to split her attention between helping her former classmate and keeping Serena's passion project on-schedule and iwthin their budget.
Jenny is a very outgoing woman who loves to please people, and is surprisingly adept at managing stress. She sees patience as a great virtue and tries to give others some leeway if things don't go according to plan, but when the situation is dire she gets into gear to make sure whatever needs to be done gets done. Even outside of work, she maintains an air of professionalism, but it's rare that she isn't seen with an earpiece talking on the phone with her bosses or a client, or is in her office doing logistical work. If she knows she can't help at a given moment, she still tries to point whoever needs her help in the right direction. She may be a bit too dedicated to her job.
(Urgent) We're starting to get behind schedule and we're already two million dollars over-budget! I can keep the board off our asses for a little bit, but we need to finish production soon!
(Excited, then apologetic) Oh my God! It's been so long since I've seen you! How have you been? Um...outside of the fledgling career, I mean.
(Sympathetic, Professional) I mean, I like it. I really, really like it; but I don't think my bosses will take a chance on you after your more recent work, no matter how good this screenplay is.

Age: 36
Occupation: Actor
Note: This is a primary character.
Ever since he was a young boy in England, Ethan's mother pushed him into being an actor. She signed him up for acting classes and forced him to audition for television ads and stage productions at community theaters. Initially, Ethan hated it. He resented his mother for several years for forcing him to do something he had no interest in doing. He resented his father for not stopping her. He was even ready to run away from home until he read the script of Romeo and Juliet, in which he was playing Romeo at age 14.
Ethan became fascinated with the works of William Shakespeare, particularly his stageplays, and sought further acting lessons in order to better emulate the performances from Shakespeare's lifetime. At age 21, he played the lead in Macbeth, his favorite of Shaekspeare's work, and his stellar performance caught the attention of an audience member who was casting for an independent film. Ethan agreed to play the lead in this small production, and after the film was distributed internationally he was getting letters from various executives and casting directors from the United States who wanted him in their feature films.
After moving to Los Angeles permanently, Ethan was acting more than ever, though now only for film and occasionally television. Women all over the US fell in love with him, and critics were baffled by how talented of an actor he was and how wide his range was. He dated a high-profile celebrity actress here and there, but became quickly disenfranchised by the extravagence of SoCal High Society life by the age of 30. He still went to the occasional party and dated a few women over the years, however, if only just to keep himself relevant and keep getting work.
A few years later, after a visit to see his family back in England, he ended up having to share a cab with a twenty-something filmmaker on the way to his apartment from the airport. After talking for awhile in the middle of a traffic jam, Ethan realized that this guy was bound to be his first real friend in the country. And that guy's named was James Greene.
While James and Ethan never worked together on a professional level, the two regularly hung out around LA and became good friends. Now, Ethan is starring in Serena Matthews' new film Birds of a Feather, and production is underway.
Ethan is the kind of guy who prefers a night in with a couple close friends as opposed to big parties with loads of people. He has a bit of an ego, but is surprisingly down-to-earth in his views of relationships and people. His only real friends in LA are James and Tycon, and he habitually hangs out with them whenever they're available. He lives in a nice house in Beverly Hills, drives expensive cars, and has many tailored suits, but also donates thousands of dollars to various charities every month, feeling that the large amount of money he already has is starting to change him as a person, and not in a good way.
(Excited) Well, you know I don't like to boast, but--oh, what the hell, of course I do! But we've got a great cast for this picture! Just wait'll you see who they got to play opposite me as the villain!
These Hollywood-types, all indulgent in their own smug sense of self-superiority; I don't like'em. Sure, I mingle with them and go to their big parties, but they're all so fake. You're one of the only real friends I have in this country, and I try not to take our friendship for granted.
Oh, sure, just because I have a different tailor-made suit for every day of the week, drive exotic cars, live in Beverly Hills, and have hoardes of beautiful women throw themselves at me, that means I don't have problems? That's the problem with the media, especially the tabloids and paparazzi: they don't bother to report or even learn everything about a story, all they care about is generating buzz and making money.

Age: 29
Occupation: Construction Worker
Note: While this is a primary character, the role has been cast prior to this casting call. I am posting it here in case the person who has been cast is unable to fulfill his duties and so those auditioning for other characters will know about him.
Originally from a small Italian village, Eddie emigrated to the United States with his family at age 3. His parents separated while he was young, and he has strained ties to all of his immediate family. This led him to move to California in his early twenties when he had enough money, leaving his siblings and parents in Georgia.
Eddie was the first roommate James Greene had in LA, allowing the young filmmaker to sleep on the couch of his one bedroom apartment for a few months before he could afford his own place. The two have remained close friends ever since, with James promising Eddie that he will help him achieve his dream of being an actor. Unfortunately, casting for his films was not left to James during the majority of his time working in LA thus far, and as such Eddie's dream is still only a dream.
Eddie is a very lax person, moreso than James. He loves to joke around and poke fun at various subject matters, no matter how serious. Unfortunately, he can have a pretty short fuse, exploding with anger when he finds himself in an argument, especially one so minor. Thankfully, he tries his best to avoid most forms of confrontation, recognizing his issues with managing his anger. He has been seeing an anger management counselor for the past year and has made great headway. One of his greatest traits, however, is his loyalty to his friends. He goes out of his way to help out James and Ethan, helping them understand things from a different point of view and even teaching them something new every now and again.
(Excited) Duuuude! Guess who tricked out his van with his tax returns?!
(Half-joking) I know the way I make it sound is hilariously dated, but I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear. I'll put on a blazer for the party, but the shorts and tanktop are staying.
(Holding back tears) Being an actor is all I've ever wanted in life, and thanks to you I finally have a chance.
Age: 44
Occupation: Talent Agent
Voice Type: African American; boisterous, jovial baritone; think of Bernie Mac but with the anger and yelling toned down
Note: We are looking for a person of color for the role of Cole Pierce.
Born into a staunchly-conservative family, Cole Pierce spent his boyhood years idolizing then-President Ronald Reagan as his parents had done. Before he was born, his family had lived in San Francisco but had relocated to San Diego in the mid-70s amidst the growing presence of homosexuals in the city government and gay rights laws being passed by officials such as Harvey Milk.
In his younger days, Cole had a fascination with He-Man, and would frequently comment on how he wanted to have big muscles like his hero. His father, Richard, an investment banker, encouraged his young son to pursue such goals in becoming the physical embodiment of the masculine ideal. In his teenage years, Cole began weightlifting and playing football in high school. His female classmates seemed to fancy him, but he was never really interested. Instead, he found himself drawn towards one of his teammates. It was in his sophomore year that he realized that he didn’t like girls; he liked men. He was gay. He was originally terrified, fearful of the possibility of contracting HIV. But his teammate alleviated those fears when they made love for the first time. It was just the two of them.
When Cole came out to his family, they kicked him out of the house. His boyfriend publicly refused to help him in order to save face at school. Cole became ostracized as “the gay kid”, was kicked off the football team for fear of being a sexual deviant, and lost all his friends. He was homeless during his last year of high school, secretly prostituting himself to older men for money. When he walked on stage in his cap and gown, he looked to the crowd and realized that his parents weren’t there.
One of his teachers found him quietly sobbing in the parking lot later that night, and after hearing out her former student took him in so she could help him get back on his feet. Cole began working at the port while going to college for business and marketing. It was through his general education courses that he met Anthony Howell, an English major. The two spent a lot of their time together and eventually realized that they were in love.
After graduating at the age of 24 with two Bachelor’s degrees, Cole asked Anthony to move to San Francisco with him, to which his partner agreed. They were accepted into the community with open arms, and as Anthony began teaching high school English, Cole began working at a marketing firm. But Cole wanted to actually help people who had dreams and were being kept down; he wanted to be a talent agent.
After dating for seven years and adopting a baby girl together, Cole proposed to Anthony in the wake of the state’s Supreme Court ruling that the same-sex marriage ban in California was unconstitutional in June 2006. They tied the knot in August 2008, with their three-year-old daughter, Natalie, as the flower girl. Cole invited his parents, hoping they could bury the hatchet, but they never responded to the invitation. He would later learn that they had perished in a fire in 2002. He was distraught, but made peace with the reality.
Cole and his family relocated to Santa Monica two years later when he was offered a job as an agent for BCG, where he would work alongside Mariah Michaels for three years before she struck out on her own as an independent agent. She was a good friend of Cole’s, and they kept in touch, but he was growing concerned about her liberal use of cocaine.
After his rough formative years and coasting in a so-so job for a while, Cole was finally happy. He was married to a wonderful, supportive man; they had a beautiful daughter; he was helping people achieve their dreams in entertainment; and he lived in a breathtaking beachfront home in a city that was more than accepting of who he was inside and out.
Cole is a jovial man who emanates an aura of warmth and comfort to those around him. His years of experience being a smooth talker have allowed him the ability to defuse most situations and turn negotiations in his favor. Similarly, his troubled past and struggle to find his place in the world have imbued him with tremendous empathy, a valuable asset when he's helping his clients. He is patient, understanding, and accommodating to others, though with his daughter preparing to go off to college he begins to act more fatherly towards his newest client, James Greene, than he had with other clients. He and Anthony are starting to feel empty nest syndrome creeping up on them. This is exemplified by his tendency to call James "son" every so often. But even still, he maintains high spirits in the company of others.
However, while he is out of the closet and comfortable with who he is, he is not flamboyant or "visibly" gay.
Somethin' got ya troubled, son? Call me old fashioned, but in my experience people normally don't order a drink that hard and down it that quick unless they've seen some shit.
See, right there! You know what that is? That's doubt! Insecurity! If you trust her, then why would you doubt her when she's told you time, and time again, that she understands how crazy your schedule is?
Look, the way I see it, you're already thinkin' a bit past artistic integrity. Now don't get me wrong, it's good to have integrity, but the fact that you're also taking into account the economics of turning your script into an actual feature...well, that's producer-thinking. And executives like that.
Age: 23
Occupation: Personal Assistant; Musician (Guitar/Vocals)
Note: While this character is a musician and singer, neither skill is a requirement for the role.
As the only child of a competent attorney and the owner of a well-respected and beloved local restaurant in Medford, OR, Carrie Fairfield was in the precarious position of not having to compete with siblings for her parents’ affection while also spending much of her adolescence home alone due to their busy work schedules. Despite this, she still had her extended family as a safety net, particularly her cousin who had lived with her family for a few months when they were much younger.
In high school, Carrie became fascinated with music, joining chorus and taking guitar lessons. She won the school talent show in her junior year for her slow, acoustic cover of "When I Come Around" by Green Day.
During her four years at a local community college, she formed a soft/alternative rock band with a few of her classmates. Despite the amount of time she attended college, she took light course loads so she could concentrate on music, starting to write her own songs for both herself and her band. After receiving her Associates degree and her bandmates graduated with Bachelors in various fields, they decided to move into one of their uncle’s unused condos in Los Angeles, hoping they’d be able to attract enough attention to kick start a music career.
Carrie’s first couple years in LA have been rough. While their rent was relatively cheap thanks to their connections, all four girls still had to find day jobs. Carrie has been through three jobs since moving to LA: she’s been a server at a restaurant (she left because of the inconsistent tips), a secretary (left because of the monotony), and now works as an assistant for talent agent Mariah Michaels. She hasn’t been working for Mariah for long, but the pay is good, her co-workers are lovely, and Mariah herself is a wonderful boss when she isn’t having a drug-related episode. Maybe she could help Carrie and her band someday...
Because of her familiarity with her extended family growing up, Carrie is a very caring and open person. She gets on well with others and actively avoids conflict. She is insistent about knowing other people’s feelings, and is incredibly loyal to those closest to her. Her open-mindedness, innate curiosity, and inquisitive nature seem to catch people off guard, but also draw them to her. She likes learning new things and meeting new people. Despite her chipper and positive attitude, she isn’t a bubbly person. She’s somewhere between mellow and upbeat, leaning more towards the latter. She is very expressive of her positive emotions, but bottles up her negative emotions tightly, only allowing them to be let loose when writing music, lest she’s unable to contain herself and becomes an emotional time bomb.
Carrie does not adapt well to stress. In addition to bottling up her anxieties and frustrations, she can sometimes become passive-aggressive when she feels pressured. While she does try to make amends when she makes a mistake, whenever she makes a major change out of emotional distress, she tries to move on without making amends out of fear that her apology wouldn’t be accepted and not wanting to relive the emotional turmoil that fed the situation.
Oh, I love American Idiot! That was probably my favorite album in high school, maybe the one that got me into music in the first place. Just that whole general era of music--you know, alternative rock from the mid 90s to about 2005-ish--it's all just so...MMM, I love it!
(Flustered, sympathetic) I...I was honestly starting to doubt you were interested in me, share something like that, something so personal, and let your guard down around me? That means a lot...
(Crying, breaking down) I just...I can't keep doing it... All the back and forth, the excuses... And now this! I told him about this weeks ago but he still didn't come! He said he'd be there and he never came! I...I don't want to lose him...but I don't know what to do...

Age: 53 (early 40s in some flashbacks)
Occupation: Retired (formerly mechanic)
Born into a broken home in Philadelphia, Ralph's teenage years in the 1980s saw him with little direction in life and nothing but time to have stupid fun with his friends. He barely passed high school and found himself working several dead end jobs, washing dishes or cleaning hotel rooms. He finally found stability in working as a mechanic on semi trucks, and in his mid-20s he met a woman named Charlotte at a party.
After a few years of dating, the two got married and moved to the suburbs of Trevose after the birth of their son, James. At this point, Ralph had started working as the manager of a bus station, while Charlotte quit her job as a toll booth operator to stay at home with their son. As he began to accrue some wealth, Ralph would buy the occasional luxury for the family or himself, such as a new car or a family dog, which were met with screeching resistance by his wife, though she would eventually come around.
Ralph was happy to welcome their second child, a baby girl named Nicole, into the world, despite Charlotte's frustration at having another child. It was around this time that Ralph's crippling back problems forced him into early retirement. With his wife refusing to return to work, two young children to take care of, and the cost of living in the area rising, Ralph moved the family to Florida, where it was much cheaper. Charlotte soon began working at a local hospital, where she made friends with several divorced co-workers who convinced her that Ralph was a detriment to her. Despite his best efforts to keep their marriage afloat, Ralph and Charlotte divorced while James was in high school, and Nikki in elementary.
For the next several years, he would be dealing with the fallout of the divorce, mostly in the form of his ex-wife's pettiness in her parenting style, which adversely affected Nikki's mental and emotional development. He dated several women after moving out, and finally married another divorcee, Mary, a couple years later. They weren't in love, but he knew he wouldn't be able to make ends meet on his own. It was a union borne out of necessity and survival rather than affection.
After a lengthy custody battle, Ralph moved Mary, James, and Nikki to Orlando, where his wife had been working for some time and James started attending the University of Central Florida to finish his Bachelor's degree. As the sociopolitical climate began to darken in the mid-2010s, his wife began to bring out the worst in him, as he started championing a corrupt political leader's policies and following them uncritically. This combined with his deference to Mary's mental and emotional abuse of a now-teenage Nikki alienated his children from him. He never heard from James again after his son left for California, and Nikki would rarely talk to him. Despite having their best interests at heart, neither of his children held him in particularly high esteem.
Now in his 50s, crippled, and in a loveless marriage, Ralph Greene has resigned himself to where he is in life, despite being confident that none of his decisions or judgments have been in error. All he wants for now, though, is to talk to the son of whom he is so proud.
Ralph Greene is best summarized as a mercurial person. He would do anything for his kids, but doesn't understand the modern world. He can use a computer or smartphone with little issue, and regularly checks emails, does online banking, and files his taxes through the internet. He distrusts smart home devices and is aware of data collection, but is not savvy to exactly how far-reaching such endeavors have become, to the point where elections can be swayed with propaganda and false information. He is uncritical of certain political figures to the point that he could be considered part of a cult. His moral compass has been warped and corroded, which in turn corroded his relationships with his children, something which he is vaguely aware but hasn't properly dealt with. He rarely examines his own views, words, and actions in a critical or impartial light, and as such comes off as a bigoted racist under the guise of "speaking truth". While James has tried to show him the errors of his ways, Ralph can be so thickheaded that he simply disregards James' and other contrary viewpoints as alarmist or hyperbolic. Just as Ralph has privately grieved at how he screwed up raising Nikki, he has beaten himself up over losing his son's trust and respect.
Note: Some of Ralph's dialogue will be indisputably offensive to certain ethnic and minority groups. While we understand that this sort of language can and does incite actual, serious harm towards these groups, his dialogue is meant to be framed as immoral, wrong, and not to be celebrated. Please keep this in mind if you plan to audition, as Ralph will be a recurring character.
(disbelief; on the verge of tears) ...James? I-is that you, son? I... I thought you never wanted to see me again...that you hated me... I've... I've missed you, son.
(downtrodden, consoling) *sigh* Jim, I want... I need you to know, no matter what, that you and Nikki will always come first. You kids are the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't want you to grow up in a broken home like me.
(adamant; almost dogmatic) I'd rather drop dead than set foot in the socialist hellhole of California! Los Angeles is especially is infested with Illegals mooching off your over-inflated taxes! I have no idea how you can stand having neighbors who speak ten languages, with English not being one of them!
Age: 53 (early 40s in flashbacks)
Despite how initially pleasant she comes off to her friends and mutuals, Charlotte Greene is a lonely, desperate, conceited, vain woman whose personality changes like a chameleon to suit the people she's around. Her twisted, quasi-abusive relationships with her five siblings certainly don't help, as she doesn't realize that her idea of strong familial bonds--codified by frequent backstabbing, theft, betrayal, emotional abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting--are what really brought about the end of her twenty year marriage and alienated her children not just from her but from her entire extended family. As she enters her 50s, her years of attempts to hide her age begin to quickly catch up with her; her hair, after being dyed and chemically treated so frequently, has begun falling out in clumps; her face, once joyous and pristine, now folds and wrinkles as time ravages her; her eyes, once full of warmth and hope, are now shallow with envy.
(angry crocodile tears) You did this on purpose didn't you, you little shit?! How could you do this to your poor mother? Did your asshole father put you up to this?! Why do you hate me, James? Why don't you love me!?!
(callous, dismissive) Quit crying and act like an adult. I don't know why you're getting so emotional over a cartoon.
(snooty, artificially pleasant) Well, James just graduated with his Bachelors degree and is on his way to Hollywood! Oh, I'm so proud of him! He's certainly going to be more successful than either of your bastard children, Janet.
Age: mid-30s
A kind-hearted, motherly woman who was the TV Production teacher for James, Serena, and Jenny throughout their high school years. When James started high school, he was an ill-tempered, guarded boy who Mrs. Kim sought to help come out of his shell. With a deft hand and a receptive ear, she succeeded, and James credits her with being one of the people who had the best positive influence on his life.
Mrs. Kim only appears in a few flashbacks in Season 1.
Good morning, class! Today I want you all to take the time to plan out your music videos for your final exams. Remember: the songs you choose have to be school appropriate, so print out a lyric sheet and bring it to me for approval.
(concerned) James, I know you don't like working with other students, but this is a group project. It's part of your grade. I promise I'm not doing this to be mean, and...are you okay? Is everything okay at home?
(jovial, proud) Oh lordy lou, has it really been four years? Wow, do I feel like a little old lady now, haha! It's been such a wonderful experience teaching and mentoring you all this time. I'm going to miss you; you've been a wonderful student, even if you were a bit of a grump at first. I'm glad I got to see you loosen up, and I look forward to seeing you succeed as a director.
Age: Mid-20s
The bassist for Carrie's band and her best friend since college. She's cynical, rebellious, a bit overprotective, and at times has some boundary issues. Totally shameless with a personality that can switch between a fly on the wall and domineering in the blink of an eye. Her most defining physical feature is her short, blue hair.
(hushed, threatening) Listen dude, Carrie cares about you. A lot. But that girl is my best friend, and if you hurt her I swear to god I will end you. Got it?
(lax, smug) Our last gig, holy shit our last bar, hot guys, hotter girls, and we completely sold out of our t-shirts. We are seriously gonna get a record deal if we manage to get into one of the big venues on the Sunset Strip.
(sarcastic) Oh, how dare you make such accusations! I am a good Catholic girl who has never indulged in such debauchery! (cracking up) Pfft, yeah, could you imagine, Care? I'd probably burst into flames if I set foot in a church.
Age: Mid-20s
Carrie's drummer. She's very much a night owl, rarely seeing sunlight and very groggy when woken up during the day or before she's had at least three cups of coffee. Even then, she says little. She mostly lives to play drums.
(tired, whiny, groggy) Caaaaare, did you really have to wake me up just to meet your stupid boyfriend? Can't it wait until tomorrow?
(uninterested) Eh, it looks okay I guess. Do they have any jeans here or is it all slacks?
(mumbling, grumbling) Why d'ya gotta ask me these questions before I have my coffee...?

Age: 28
Occupation: Actor
Accomplished actor, chick magnet, and the highest-paid actor in Hollywood under age 30. Jack Traynor is the sort of guy that teenage girls buy posters of to cover their bedroom walls. He drives fast cars, goes to all the big parties, sleeps with an almost innumerable amount of woman, looks good doing it--and he knows it.
While working, Jack always gives a stellar performance, and right now he's starring opposite Ethan Jackson in Serena Matthews' Birds of a Feather, currently in production. Though he acts like an arrogant jerk to the crew when he thinks no one is looking, he had a soft spot for Serena since the moment they met. They've been dating now for a few months, and as a result sometimes get preferential treatment from her, something which rubs Ethan the wrong way on a professional level.
Jack also has an almost insatiable lust for sex, though he usually doesn't let it show. He regularly checks out women he sees without shame, but sometimes forgets about modesty when talking to Serena whilst also in the company of others.
In spite of whatever the tabloids may say about his behavior, however, he still has legions of adoring fan girls who help to bolster his ego, even though it's already far too large for his own good. Someone probably needs to take him down a peg.
(Lecherous) Oh man, look at that ass. I bet you could bounce a quarter off it, you know what I'm sayin'?
(Sly, smug) Look, I get what you're trying to do, but it's no use. As a man, I have needs. When those needs aren't being met in one place, I go somewhere else to fulfill those needs. Besides, you wouldn't want Serena to be unhappy, would you?
Oh hey, guys! How ya doin'? If either of you need some suction, Krystal here is cheap, clean, and ready for action!
Age: Late-40s-ish
Occupation: Talent Agent
Voice Type: Professional, but with a sly undercurrent; a bit of Latin flair
Capable, influential, and excessive, Mariah Michaels has represented numerous high profile clients in the entertainment industry and has made a vast array of connections at practically every production house and studio in SoCal. She's charming, a bit flirtatious, and, like a lot of people in the business, she has a nasty cocaine problem that is straining her already-struggling marriage. Vanity is also something of a weakness of hers, as her efforts to hold onto the visage of youth have made her more flirtatious men younger than her husband.
In essence, Mariah Michaels is a microcosm of numerous glaring flaws in the entertainment industry: her attractiveness hides a broken desperation that feeds on what she attracts, i.e. attention and clientele.
She appears in Episodes 2 and 5.
I know you might be thinking, "What does Mariah Michaels have that other agents don't?" Well, sweetie, the answer to that is the thing anybody and everybody who wants to work in this town needs: connections. I've got contacts at Paramount, Warners, Columbia, Disney... Trust me, I can get you places.
Oh, Ben... So handsome, and funny, and talented. Dedicated, too. If I hadn't met my husband before him, I probably would have taken him for myself. I'm glad he's doing well, even if Batman didn't work out for him. It's like he made that wish on a monkey's paw.
(Fatigued) Look, I...I'm fine, just... Can you head down to the docks for me? Please? I need *yawn*... I need more...more coke. keeps me focused and *yawn* awake for all this...paperwork... *snoring*
Age: 20s
Voice Type: Valley girl
The audition line is literally the only line this character has. She is there for a quick joke.
(Flirty) I like your car. Very chic.
Age: 20s-40s
Literally someone you'd see on TMZ. Obnoxious, energetic, overly-excited about whatever is happening in the lives of celebrities, from what they had for lunch to a major, career-ending scandal. The audition line is the only line the character has in the first episode.
Trouble in paradise! We just got word that things are over between superstar Jack Traynor and Serena Matthews, the director of Traynor’s upcoming movie Birds of a Feather! Apparently, he was sleeping around and got cold-clocked for it by someone he claims was a former flame of Matthews', twenty-eight-year-old James Greene, a fellow filmmaker who caught Traynor in the act last night.
Age: 24
Occupation: Actor
Note: This is a recurring character.
Malcolm Conte is an actor with an ego rivaling that of Jack Traynor, but with less than a tenth of the notoriety, experience, or talent. A primadonna if there ever was one, Malcolm only ever lands bit parts in major films while only ever leading in the kinds of films James Greene used to direct. He actually just finished his time on James' latest film Bank Heist with co-star Tamara Lyle, and he is currently cast in a bit part in Serena Matthews' Birds of a Feather, though the crew are quickly tiring of his attitude.
(Spoiled) I specifically asked for a double-wide trailer! Double-wide!! Ugh, how do you people expect me to work under these conditions?!
(Conceited) I don't need you! It's you who needs me! I'm the one who's gonna be on-screen, princess! I'm the one people are gonna remember!
You directors and producers are all the same; you worry soooo much about "budgeting" and "nuance" and "subtext", but no one cares about that! People just wanna see actors act and buildings explode! That's how movies make money!
Age: 22
Occupation: Actor, Debutante
Voice Type: Typical Valley Girl
Note: This may become a potentially recurring character.
Tamara was born into a wealthy, aristocratic family and lifestyle and as such has been spoiled her whole life. She took acting lessons when she was 16 when she realized that, unless she did something on her own, she would only be remembered as being her parents' debutante daughter. Though she was never great at acting nor very receptive to her instructors' lessons, her father still bribed his daughter's way into various acting parts, from secondary characters to leading roles, much to the chagrin of everyone who had to work with her, as they had to deal with her attitude, lack of talent, and her regularly showing up to set hungover or still drunk from the night before.
Her latest film, Bank Heist, directed by James Greene and co-starring Malcolm Conte, was not only critically annihilated but it was also a non-starter in DVD sales. While she's begun suspecting that maybe she really can't act, she drowns those feelings in alcohol almost nightly, preferring to go to nightclubs or huge parties than face her flaws. She thinks her youth will never fade, but time makes fools of us all.
(Desperate) I can act! Really, I can! It's just that almost no one is willing to give me a chance!
If I wanna go clubbing and get totally shit-faced the night before filming, then I'll fucking do it! Just because you're the director doesn't mean you have any control over me!
An Italian-American talent agent with supposed ties to the mafia. He presents himself with class and is earnest in his tone. When he gets angry, however, his Italian accent becomes thicker.
Only appears in one scene in Episode 2.
(Cordial) Mr. Greene, the Russo family has been in the business of representing creative minds in entertainment for generations. Coppola, Capra? We made them big. And we can do the same for you, my friend. Would you like a drink?
(Progressively angry) He...he what?! Why that insufferable little shit... Tell the Don that I had nothing to do with this! Any of this! If I have to, I'll kill him myself!
A conservative old man who refuses to understand the younger generations or the root causes of the problems they face. Incredibly dismissive of anything contrary to his worldview.
Only appears in one scene in Episode 2. The audition line is his only line.
(Interrupting, condescending, dismissive) What a load of bull. What are you millennials so depressed about? Bunch of socialist, liberal candy-asses, your generation. Too busy focusing on feelings instead of facts. Can’t deal with the real world and whining and bitching about minimum wage and health care and wanting to ban guns and...
Public Submissions