Rebirth [Webtoon Dub] Episodes 15+ Characters Cast

Project Overview

Rebirth is a webtoon made by 69Michi. I was given permission by the creator to make this Dub and upload it to YouTube. There are currently 10+ Episodes out and we're planning to Dub the entirety of Season 1. (71 Episodes)

About the Webtoon: What would you do if you were given a second chance to turn back time and relive your past? Would you do what you did back then for fear of the butterfly effect? Or would you take a different course of action and let the future speak for itself? The Webtoon shows the story of the main character, "Noah" who comes from the future. He wakes up several days before the so-called "Armageddon" happening which turned most of humanity into Zombies. With prior knowledge of numerous things already, he tries to change his relationship with his family members and survive at all costs.


Have a decent quality mic.

Keep in contact with the Director. (me)

Be a human being.

Be resolved to the project.

And lastly, have a Discord account.


Resolve is basically the most important thing, so if you don't have it - please do not audition for this.

You can audition more than for one character and do multiple takes of one-line, with each being different so I can see your voice range and your emotion better. Good luck!

P.S: This project is for fun, therefore nobody is getting paid.

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  • Congratulations!

    Congratulations on everyone who got cast! And those who didn't, don't feel down. Everybody had amazing auditions and I had a hard time choosing as to which people I should cast! I wish all of you who didn't make it in here luck to make it into the next project you audition in! Information about Extras: Whenever I am in need of an Extra, I will reach out to those who auditioned for the Extra role personally and discuss things with you from there! Thanks for reading!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

I'll accept anyone with a clear sounding mic honestly and you'll basically fill in all the Extra characters that appear later on in the series.

  • *Say any line you can think of with a mad tone*

  • *Say any line you can think of with a sad tone*

  • *Say any line you can think of with a regular tone*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SilverSlipped

Theo is a member of the Police. He really cares about others to the point where he would risk his life to save their life. I'd imagine him having a confident, medium-ranged voice.

  • "My name's Theo Howland. I'm a Police Officer and an Army Reserve." (Polite)

  • "We can't leave people behind! We're all coming out of here alive!" (Commanding)

  • "My brother... What happened to him?" (Worried)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Pieraite

He is really confident in his ability. He cherishes his little brother a lot to where he rushes in alone into a school full of zombies to save him. I'd imagine him having a medium-ranged voice with a lot of confidence behind it. He only appears once (Episode 16) and then doesn't appear again until the last 10 Episodes of the 1st Season. So whoever gets cast as him, will get other roles to voice as we go on with this project.

  • "Taking care of 10 zombies is nothing to me." (Confident)

  • "Where the hell is my little brother?!" (Angry)

  • "What is a woman like you doing in the middle of the streets with all these zombies around here?" (Confused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Blake Hussey

Gen is apart of the group Leng is leading. He is the brains of the group per-say, always thinking about thinks logically and is really hard to impress. I would imagine a dead and serious tone would fit this character.

  • "Leng, they saw us. We need to go or they will surround us." (Calm)

  • "Tell everyone that Leng will take care of the crowd, remain in position until then." (Commanding)

  • "Sorry, I can't be as much of a simpleton as you." (Calm)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Throcky

We honestly don't know too much about her character yet. But she should just sound like your average Young-Adult female. Nothing special.

  • "Sssh, can you knock any louder? We heard you the first time" (Annoyed)

  • "Guys stop! We have no time for this, we have to go fast!" (Worried)

  • "Hey, we should organize a team to go get some supplies." (Regular)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Throcky

Nothing special about her. She really holds her life precious over other people and has zero altruism. And is also really greedy via. trying to take jewels from a store next to a horde of zombies which caused her to almost die. So I'm looking for some sassy voice for her per-say.

  • "This is so stupid, why is this happening to me of all people?" (Annoyed)

  • "This is all because of him, we NEED to get rid of him!" (Angry)

  • "My parents will kill me if I don't bring my little brother with me..." (Regular)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JarrenGreaves

Valens always thinks logically and doesn't act irrationally. He is similar to Gen from Leng's group.

  • "I've no time to sugar coat my words. I'm just simply voicing my concerns." (Calm)

  • "Shut it. This is not the time to be pushing the blame around" (Annoyed)

  • "Let's go. We can talk about what just happened later." (Calm)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Barron
Role assigned to: johnnycosta

He's a middle-aged man with a wife who's pregnant. He's really overprotective of her and trusts barely anyone. I'd imagine a low ranged voice with not a lot of emotion in it.

  • "Drug trading. Illegal science experiments and confidential information brokering... It really is you." (Calm)

  • "Honey, please don't overdo it. Go get some rest." (Comforting)

  • "Why should we trust someone who almost got us all killed?" (Annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Barron
Role assigned to: _TheNerdyGinger_

She's the wife of Mr. Barron who is currently pregnant. She really cares about others so I'd imagine her having a soft and comforting voice from a middle-aged woman.

  • "Sending in a child to do that... Is he going to be okay?" (Worried)

  • "I'm fine dear, we can continue moving." (Tired)

  • "Thank you so much for saving us, we don't know what we would've done without you." (Cheerful)


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