Re: Danganronpa Refresh Retreat

Project Overview

Re: Danganronpa Refresh Retreat is an in-development Danganronpa fangame. After a rather odd kidnapping, 16 people wake up in a mansion. All the doors are locked, and it seems like there is no way out. Follow Amy Miller and the fifteen other inhabitants of the Refresh Retreat as they uncover the mystery surrounding the killing game and who exactly is keeping them imprisoned.

Despite the prologue already being released, I'm looking for voice actors because I want the game to feel as authentic as possible, and also just because the idea of giving my characters voices hypes me. With that said, all of the lines in the auditions are taken from the prologue. So, if you need some sort of reference on the context of one of the lines, feel free to check it out. I've left time codes with each line. Here's the link to the prologue's video :

I'd like the CG's and the class trials to be fully voiced, appart from that it would simply be small voice snippets like in the original Danganronpa games.

I'm not the best at describing voices either, and even if I've left voice references for all of the characters, my mind isn't set on how everyone should sound. Even if you don't think you fit the description, feel free to audition. You could have just the voice I have in mind.

Since I'm a single dev, the game could take a couple of years to get finished, so be ready for this.

It's also absolutely necessary you have a Discord account. It will be how we communicate, so don't forget to include your tag with your audition.

You can audition for as many characters as you want but please be 15+ if you audition.

If you have any questions, you can contact me on Discord: Aemii#5696 or on the discord server

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amy Miller
cast offsite

Amy is the protagonist of the game, and she's the only one who's not an Ultimate. She is an introvert and is better at listening than talking. She loves reading and spends most of her free time devouring books. She's really curious but gets startled easily. She can be a little sarcastic and pessimistic at times.

As for her voice, I'd say it's low and soft-spoken. If you need a better example of what I have in mind, a reference I'd give is Aimee Mann in the role of Opal in Steven Universe. Here's a link to some of Opal's lines:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “AAAAAH !! Poppy ! There’s a spider in the shower !” (5:15)

  • "Oh, thanks. For once you thought about me." (8:30)

  • “I’m Amy, no ultimate I suppose.” (21:40)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Akane Hara
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Akane Mukai is the ultimate mangaka, she is the creator of three manga series that have been a hit around the world. Her stories and drawings reflect her personality, bubbly, dreamy and always ready to make people around her smile. She is absolutely addicted to Japanese culture, maybe even a little too much, she uses honorifics, Japanese words in all her conversations and doesn't hesitate to praise Japan at every opportunity she gets.

Even if Akane speaks Japanese, I don't consder it necessary for you to speak Japanese, just look up the prononciation. She has a very high voice, one of my biggest inspiration for her character is Sarah (Suki) from HuniePop2 so I'd imagine a similar voice for her. Here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "My name is Akane Mukai, the ultimate mangaka. Lovely meeting you !" (34:22)

  • "Eek, Warlock Kun is not sugoi !" (1:05:15)

  • “If it’s a joke, make it last forever ! This is the most kawaii thing in the world !” (1:06:35)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Barbara Eriksen
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Barbara is the ultimate painter, shy and quiet, you wouldn’t guess she is one of the most requested painters of America, too humble to praise her own art. Drawing is her escape from reality, she keeps her sketchbook to doodle every time she feels stressed. The killing game makes her very cautious of everything and everyone, she thinks everyone could kill her and will do whatever she can to stay alive, even if it seems crazy or irrational. She rarely stands up for herself and prefers to put up with any bad situation thrown at her instead of requesting anything of anyone.

Barbara has a very soft and high voice and stutters pretty often, I imagine her to have a voice similar to Fluttershy from My Little Pony. Here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “My n-name’s Barbara Eriksen. I’m the ultimate painter but, I-I think you could g-guess that.” (19:01)

  • “I can’t remember anything else other than the scene t-that boy made in the bus. It was scary.” (20:17)

  • “N-nobody actually c-consider killing someone right ?” (1:20:29)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chloe Marshall
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Chloe Marshall is the ultimate cheerleader, a cheerleader with a contradictory personality. You might believe that she's nice and caring but she believes everyone is inferior to her and is wasting her time. Status has a lot of importance to her, if you’re not worthy enough in her opinion, then she’ll treat you like trash. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind even if it hurts others around her. She holds a lot of importance to her life outside of the killing game and will make sure to not get used or attached to anything in the mansion.

I don't have a clear idea of what voice I want for her, maybe a medium voice that sounds kind of like a mean girl. If I had to give a reference, I'd say Jett from Valorant but I'm not entirely sure. Here's an exemple:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “Urgh, fine ! Chloe Marshall, Ultimate cheerleader, can you leave now ?” (39:40)

  • "Look, i’m totally gonna be mean or whatever, but I don’t give a fuck about you all." (39:55)

  • “Shut up would you ! I’m trying to save those idiots over there.” (1:16:15)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emma Parker
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Emma is the ultimate thespian, she dedicates her entire life to acting and can casually start a scene in the middle of a conversation. She loves seeing others' reactions to her different roles, always hoping to entertain them. She is a very calm and thoughtful person, always ready to listen up to others to help make them feel better. She always thinks before acting, to avoid making bad decisions. She loves coming up with projects and invests a lot in making them come true.

One of the most important aspect of her voice is that she has a british accent and I'd like it if you could reverse from british to american accent. I'd imagine her to have a similar voice to Millie Bobby Brown, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • female young adult
  • “Go ahead, kill me, shoot me, hit me ! Do something ! Do any of the silly things you’ve said !” (51:50)

  • “Ah, what better than acting a death on the stage…” (1:10:15)

  • “We just have to hope someone comes to save us before something horrible happens." (1:26:00)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Justin James
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Justin is the ultimate rugby player, very sweet but also pretty stupid. Well not stupid, just not the sharpest tool in the shed. He’s very forgetful, which is good when it comes to forgetting stressful situations and bad when he needs to learn his lessons. He’s barely succeeding in school but stays positive no matter what. He has a kind heart but others are not always kind to him, he has built himself a shell to deflect every negative comment others throw at him.

Voice wise, I'd say he has a medium voice that sounds kinda frat boy-ish. A voice that fits him perfectly is Tyler from Total Drama Island, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • “Sup, I’m Justin James. I am… the ultimate rugby player… Yeah that’s right, the ultimate rugby player !” (32:05)

  • “That’s fine dude. I have lots of non ultimate friends.” (32:20)

  • “That’s messed up dude… I haven’t taken that sort of stuff since last year and honestly it feels very nice.” (1:09:54)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucinda Brown
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Lucinda is the ultimate model, she has appeared in countless magazines, ads and fashion shows. Despite her status, Lucinda is easygoing and nice to nearly everyone she talks to. Her appearance has a lot of importance to her, it is her breadwinner after all but it does make her pretty narcissistic. She has a hard time believing others can change, once she has an opinion on someone, she’ll stick to that opinion until the end.

Lucinda has a sassy and confident voice, just a little high. A voice I think would fit her is Jenny Pizza from Steven Universe, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • “Oh you poor baby, I’m Lucinda Brown the ultimate model, nice to meet ya girl.” (1:01:10)

  • “Gurl, did you get a good look at her ? Her whole attitude screams “I wanna ruin your day”” (1:02:00)

  • “We don’t need your pity babe, Justin over there’s a big boy, he don’t need your help.” (1:16:20)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luke Garcia
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Luke is the ultimate scholar and it’s not something you can miss. Constantly making snarky remarks and astute observations. Stupid remarks always manage to make him angry, remarks he’ll answer harshly or sarcastically to. He doesn’t talk to a lot of people, preferring to analyze from a distance, but those that manage to get a special spot in his heart will get special treatment, and constant praises. He’s very stubborn and tends to stick to his opinion because he considers he can’t be wrong.

Luke is a trans man so if you are too, don't hesitate to mension it. One of the voices that fit him is Hunter from The Owl House, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • “Oh, you have major red flags. Are you the one that brought us here ? If so, know that I will kill you, without hesitation.” (31:10)

  • “Of course not because I, Luke Garcia, ultimate scholar, only think logically.” (42:25)

  • “Next time, add the suffix real even more you dunce.” (1:12:10)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mari Green
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Mariposa or Mari is the ultimate comic book fan, she owns every Marvel and DC comic, no matter how rare or old it is. She’s a hyper energetic and creative person that loves making up scenarios. She is a true chatterbox, once you get her on a topic she loves she can go on for hours. One of those topics is Loki, you couldn’t stop her when she starts talking about Loki. She worships Norse gods and regularly talks about it, but who knows if it’s legit or not. She’s very resentful, she could bring up a tiny mistake you made years ago.

Mari talks fast and with a pretty high pitched voice, the voice I'd imagine for her is Luz Noceda from The Owl House, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "Hiya, I’m Mariposa Green, but please, call me Mari. I'm the Ultimate Comic Book Fan !" (26:45)

  • "I should totally be the Ultimate goddess ! I totally managed to influence the weather once ! That should be enough proof of my powers ! " (28:20)

  • “Right now we shouldn’t be yelling at each other. That’s the one way to wake up Loki from all this discord !” (1:22:20)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Masami Ando
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Masami is the ultimate cultist, one of the rare supernatural talents that got approved. They are very calm and soft spoken, very reserved and except when directly talked to, they rarely speak up. They have a perverted mind and make lewd comments to those they feel comfortable with. They have a hard time with their talent, wanting to be detached from it as much as possible. Even if they are very shy, they won’t hesitate to defend those that matter to them, despite rarely standing up for themself.

Masami has a deep low voice, since they are non binary, no matter your gender the only important point is having a low voice. I have two voices in mind for them, Raine Whispers from The Owl house ( and Black Raisin cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom (

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • "Hey, my name is Masami Ando. I am named the ultimate cultist, pleased to meet you." (21:30)

  • "Yes, we can …Or am I the only one ? Have I summoned a spirit again ?" (1:07:35)

  • "Ouuuh, how scandalous, pads with Mononeko’s face !" (1:12:22)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nathaniel Davis
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Nathaniel is the ultimate collector, he has over ten completed collections and thirty more waiting to be completed. He collects a lot of various stuff, even what could be considered useless. As he’s been homeschooled all his life, Nathaniel isn’t used to socializing with others, he’s terribly shy and rarely starts conversations. If he does, he’ll most likely talk to you about his favorite collection, gems, they hold a lot of value in his heart. He holds a lot of importance to words, compliments will boost his really low self esteem and critics will make him even more self conscious.

Nathaniel has a soft quiet voice but it gets faster when he talks about things that he loves, he studders some times but it's not frequent. I have two voices in mind for him, Herb Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom ( and Mint Byrne from Danganronpa Antebellum (amazing fangame btw) (

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Na-Nathaniel Davis… I’m the ultimate collector. Huh, it’s n-nice to meet you ?" (46:12)

  • "Which ones are your favorites ? Personally I really like the moonstones ! They look like opals at first but I find them a lot more pretty ! Oh and I also like-" (47:20)

  • "Oh my… I’ve never been complimented like this before…" (1:28:08)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Peter Walker
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Peter is the ultimate activist, he’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, he dedicates every moment of his life defending others. No matter what you say or what you think, he’ll always stay calm and understanding, preferring to rationalize with your wrong opinion. It’s hard finding him any sort of flaws, the first impression that you’d get of him is that he’s perfect. He’s kind, patient, funny, smart, talented and so on but he doesn’t like the pedestal others put him on.

Peter has a warm medium voice, a voice that would fit him is Jamie's voice from Steven Universe (

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Seems like it... Don't feel bad about it, miss." (18:48)

  • "Hey, I’m Peter Walker. I’m the ultimate Activist. Nice to meet you." (24:17)

  • "Teehee ! That must be the best scenario. At least that wouldn’t kill us. We’re not gonna get killed right ?" (25:42)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Romeo Hill
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Romeo is the ultimate entrepreneur, he’s in charge of one of the biggest conglomerate in the world. But he’s a jerk, such a big jerk. He thinks so highly of himself he doesn’t hesitate insulting and bossing everyone around. Even if he’s rude, he’s really charismatic, he can easily convince others with his words. He’s a solitary soul, never getting attached to anyone, the only people he’s close to are his colleagues. He values hard work and he respects any one that has fought for their success.

His voice is pretty low and charismatic, a perfect voice for him would be Chamber from Valorant but without the accent, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Urgh, commoners, impossible to make any deals with you. I probably would have paid you less than it’s worth anyway." (37:45)

  • "I’m Romeo Hill, ultimate entrepreneur, I hate repeating myself so do NOT forget it." (38:00)

  • "Whoever is behind this, this isn’t funny ! And a serious loss of time, money and ressources." (1:06:25)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Serena Young
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Serena is the ultimate tour guide, she has traveled and has given tours in over a hundred countries. She’s a sweet and calm girl always trying to act rationally. She knows and loves a lot of aspects of other countries' cultures, from their food to their history. It’s easy to like Serena, she has a soothing personality and manages to get along with everyone. Despite her friendly demeanor, she has a difficult time trusting others and avoids making deep connections.

Serena has a light, soft, high pitched voice, I think she would sound most like Celestia Ludenberg from Danganronpa just without the accent. Here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "Ah ! No no, I was just thinking aloud… I was trying to figure out where we are with this map but… Say, which state do you live in ?" (55:08)

  • "My name is Serena Young, if you ever feel lost feel free to ask me, I’m the ultimate tour guide !" (55:43)

  • "True, don’t you think our families will notice we went missing ?" (1:14:18)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Peterson
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Victor is the ultimate chemist, tackling experiment after experiment without a single fear. He is very dedicated to his work, so much so that he has grown a little obsession with a certain chemical he has to work with. He treats every aspect of life as a possibility to experiment, no matter how dangerous or messed up it might seem. He is aware his personality doesn’t please everyone but he doesn’t want to change for anyone, especially since he’s still very polite towards everyone he meets.

I don't really know how to explain what voice he has but I imagine it has the same vibe as Alastor's from Hazbin Hotel, here's an exemple :

  • "My name is Victor Peterson, my talent might help you understand, I am the ultimate chemist. Lovely meeting you." (58:53)

  • "Do not worry. I’ll try to hold back my strange addiction here. And I don’t hurt women, it's a simple matter of principles." (1:00:04)

  • "That thing is a scientific miracle ! It talks, it moves, it has a mind of it’s own !" (1:07:46)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Warlock Powell
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Warren (also using the alias Warlock) is the ultimate pickpocket, master of discretion, he never got caught for stealing, no matter the importance of the object. Warlock is a sarcastic and brutal guy, acting tough around everyone. His directness sometimes hurts others but he never means to. Sometimes he has a hard time with words and resorts to violence as the only way to express himself. He’s got a tough shell and rarely gets affected by other’s words.

Appart from having a pretty low voice, I don't have much expectations for his voice. If I had to give a reference it would be Capsaicin Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom but my mind isn't set on that one, here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Yeah right. I've made plenty of pointless threats, big guy, try me." (11:38)

  • "What an insult ! Sorry honey but I don’t care. Everyone has said that but look, it’s my talent ! I’m Warlock, the ultimate thief."(49:05)

  • "So logic, do you have any other stupid ideas like that sailor dork ?" (1:05:14)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Mononeko is the host of the refresh retreat and overseer of the killing game. They are joyful and caring of the inhabitants of the mansion, almost treating them like her babies but it still pushes everyone toward despair. She’d love to be close to the participants of the killing game but gets repeatedly pushed away.

Mononeko has a very high pitch voice, very cartoonish, kind of squeaky. A voice that fits her perfectly is Tikki from Miraculous Ladybug. Here's an exemple :

  • english
Voice description:
  • creature
  • "I’m Mononeko. I’m your host ! A cute, monocromatic, fluffy host ! And I’m happy to have you here in my house !"

  • "Just a teeny weeny bitsy itsy… Murder !"

  • "Have you ever seen people deep in despair ? They always sink, in a way or another you will as well ! At some point you’ll think about your poor, poor past and how much better it was !"


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