Rat Race (Animated Student Film)
Project Overview
"Rat Race" is an animated action comedy about a demon girl chasing a rat for her stolen necklace. It takes place in a cyberpunk-esque apartment complex, and features offbeat humor and mild violence. The film will be finished in early summer, with preproduction ending in December. This is a student film with a limited budget, but I'm open to some negotiation if necessary.
Composer Requirements:
- Good communication, this project may require some back and forth
- Able to meet deadlines
- Have a Discord
- Previous experience is a plus, but not necessary
Voice Actor Requirements:
- Good mic quality
- Available for live directing
- Able to meet deadlines
- Have a Discord
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I need an original composition, about a minute long to score the chase in this film. I already have a rough animatic I can send you for reference when it comes to timing and emotional beats. I'm hoping for a club music vibe with a bit of an edge to it.
Please audition with samples of past work.
Say something you think would fit
Dahlia likes to play sweet in public, but it's a facade that quickly drops. She's vain, manic, and all too thrilled at the chance to tear something apart. There's no part in this film where she isn't having the time of her life.
(Enthusiastic and sweet) "Taxi!"
"Yeah I'm still coming tonight, I just can't find my damn necklace... " (pause as she spots the rat, then switch to a more menacing tone) "I'm gonna have to call you back."
*insert sadistic laughter here*