Chaos Code English Dub Mod

Project Overview

Hello everyone. I am creating this as the first of hopefully many English dub mods. I chose chaos code as the game and characters are all phenomenal and I felt deserved a nice revitalized chance at life with an English dub. I am looking for voice actors, modders, and sound engineers that can help make this, and future projects come to life. In the future I am planning to mod Melty Blood Type Lumina, Million Arthur Arcana Blood, Berserk: Band of the Hawk, Bushido blade 2, Psychic force 2, and Parasite Eve to name a few. 

This is a paid project and I do understand the pay is low but I felt that the actors, engineers, and modders should get some kind of compensation and I only wish I could give more! I am also hoping that this project will be successful and I will be able to pay more for future projects possibly making a patreon or Kickstarter to be able to pay substantially more for those involved in the future. 


-Blue yeti or higher quality microphone (XLR preferred)

-Minimum background noise or static (yes there will be an audio engineer but lets make their life a little easier!)

-Discord with the ability to join the production server listed here


-You can audition for as many characters or roles as you'd like

-You can audition for any character of any gender of your choosing

-Not being chosen for this project does NOT eliminate you from being chosen for the next!

Thank you for your consideration for this project and I look forward to working with you all in the future whether that be this project or the next!

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  • Hiatus

    I have been trying to hide, unlist, or delete this casting call as I am running into some trouble finding modders at this time, I am actively searching for one at this time and I am unsure if Chaos Code has a modder out there. I do apologize for this inconvenience as it was bad planning on my part. However, I am still searching for modders at this time and would still like to work with you talented voice actors, audio engineers, and video editers. Please join the discord server provided below or in the casting call bio for updates as I am more active on there than I am here. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope we can still work together in the future once I am able to find a modder than can help me make this and future projects come to life.

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

We need someone who has some experience in audio mixing who can help make the voice lines of our actors mesh well into the game. Your role will be to mix the audio to handle noise reduction, any voice effects, and normalization. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Video Editor
Video Editor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

We are looking for someone who has experience editing audio files in games to allow the English voices to either replace the original Japanese or give an option to switch between. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Kagari is the assassin working for Kurenai, a terrorist organization dedicated to rebelling against the Earth-Union. Kagari holds nothing but resentment for the Earth-Union after a large-scale war that they were involved with killed her parents and separated her from her brother. Now a war-orphan, Kagari was found and adopted by the leader of the organization, who raised her as if she was her own child.

After being rescued, Kagari swore an oath of loyalty to Kurenai, and now hunts down the Chaos Code in order to finally bring about the Earth-Union's downfall, unbeknownst of Kurenai's true intentions for her.

Voice direction - Medium - low feminine. Strong, stoic, slight arrogance as she knows what she is capable of. 

Voice Reference - Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe - Arcade Mode (Kagari) - YouTube

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • video game
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • fandub
  • (conversational/ taunting) So you were just talking big... how disappointing. // sorry, it is all for the universe... goodbye.

  • (Attacking sounds/hurt sounds)

  • (Special move declarations) Senkou! // Hidden art - Mangi Senkou Ha! // Secret hidden art - Ura Rasen

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
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Cerberus is a world renown treasure hunter and adventurer who accidentally turned his best friend pit into a hat. He fights with his magical sword-hands and magical bullet-gun while searching for the Chaos Code to use it's unlimited power to save Pit so the two of them can go back to adventuring/ignoring their children

Voice Description - Medium - high masculine. Spunky, energetic, aloof, excitable, sharp, Imagine Dante from DMC.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Cerberus Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational/Taunting) Stop there! You should know when to give up! // Sorry, I am in a rush. Adios!

  • (Attacking sounds/Hurting sounds)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Lets dance! // Shoot! // Nice catch! // Game over! // The End!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
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Kudlak comes from a family that has presided over magic since ancient times. However, people have lost interest in magic and switched over to science, causing his family's reputation to decline. Now, he sets his sights on the Chaos Code.

Voice Description - Medium - low masculine. menacing, collected, delusional.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Kudlak-Sin Story Mode - YouTube  

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational/taunting) I am getting sick of you, begone. // You should understand by... now. You cannot defeat me.

  • (Attacking sounds/hurting sounds)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Surrender // Weep for me hahahaha! // Eat this!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

A war orphan who's sister left him during the war when they were children. Vein has never forgiven his cowardly sister for abandoning him, forcing him to live a hard life out on the street. Discarding his past, Vein has reinvented himself as a new, stronger, edgier being and plans to use the unlimited power of the Chaos Code to put an end to all the phonies that surround him.

Voice Description - Medium - low masculine. Sharp, Edgy, smooth.

Voice Reference -

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Looks like I survived, my end is not here. // I will bring an end to this nightmare

  • (Attacking Sounds / Hurting Sounds)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Fatal finale // You couldn't see (dashing in special) // useless

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Hermes was given special education by her strict parents, and was expected to keep herself as a "good girl." She one day found an elemental grimoire from her father's study room, and accidentally summoned an elemental spirit, which changed her life forever. As a special agent working for the anti Earth-Union organization "KURENAI" using her ability to summon and use the power of elemental spirits.

Voice Description - Medium - high feminine. Spunky, playful, taunting, slight "bad girl" vibes, mature.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Hermes Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • video game
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Hey, is that all? I haven't had enough yet. // You were quite nice... But I've had enough of you.

  • (Attacking Sounds/Hurting Sounds)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Lets light it up! // Please and thank you~ // You're in for a shock~

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Catherine is a mangaka who isn't interested in the unlimited power of the Chaos Code. Instead they're searching for inspiration for their manga and finding it in the love triangle between Cerberus, Kudlak, and Catherine themself. Catherine also has magical cosplay powers that are unrelated to the events of the game.

Voice Description - Androgynous. Energetic, random, quirky, In their own little world.

Voice reference - Chaos Code Catherine Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Now, let's leave before my editor catches me! / This is my manga! Please have a look when you've got time!

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Jump!~ // Devil's stomp!~ // Magical maiden's shining heart!~

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Cthylla is a magical girl who came from another world to torture humans for fun. After hearing about the Chaos Code she decided to get it as a new "toy". What would such a sick and twisted creature would use the unlimited power of the Chaos Code? No one knows (she wants to use it to get bigger boobs).

Voice Description - Medium - high feminine. Gremlin, Child, unknowingly evil, childish, wants nothing more than to "play."

Voice Reference - Chaos Code: Story Mode Cthylla - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Huh? It stopped moving! ...Did I break it? // Hm, you are a good toy! How about another 100 rounds?

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Delcaration) Phantom of yog- sothoth (yawg - saw-taw-th) // come and play! // spin!~

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Bravo is a master Italian chef who moved to china to pursue his true dream of cooking Chinese food. He needs the unlimited power of the Chaos Code so he can save his restaurant from going under and show his teacher once and for all that Chinese cooking is superior to Italian cooking.

Voice Description - Medium - low masculine. boisterous, booming, fills the room, prideful.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Bravo Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Oh, please make your payment before you got to sleep! // How were my dishes? Please come again!

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Please enjoy this meal!~ // have a seat! // Fast food is the way of evil! // Thank you very much!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
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Cait & Sith's father, Pit, got turned into a hat for some reason and so now Cait (Brother) & Sith (Sister) must find the Chaos Code and use it's limitless power to revive their still alive father. Cait also wants revenge on Cerberus for getting Pit cursed and Sith wants to get her collection of boyslove manga autographed by Catherine.

Voice Description - Medium high masculine. boyish, young, spry, full of life, determination, punch first ask questions later.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Caith n Saith Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Yes! I finally avenged our father's death! // You are finished!

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) rising dragon attack! // Here we go! // Double Spin attack deluxe!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Cait & Sith's father, Pit, got turned into a hat for some reason and so now Cait (Brother) & Sith (Sister) must find the Chaos Code and use it's limitless power to revive their still alive father. Cait also wants revenge on Cerberus for getting Pit cursed and Sith wants to get her collection of boyslove manga autographed by Catherine.

Voice Description - Medium - high. young girl, spirted, concerned, has a better head on her shoulders than Cait

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Caith n Saith Story Mode - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • video game
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Our Father is not dead... (speaking to her brother who just stated "I avenged our father's death.")// Don't get too carried away, brother!

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) I'm sorry! whoaoaoa... (yells sorry as she spins then trying to gather herself after getting dizzy) // Here we go! // Double Spin Attack Deluxe!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Rui, a country girl who does not like country life and decided to live in the city. One day she overheard that the object of worship that was placed in her hometown was put up for auction and went missing. Although she hates country life, she still had love towards her hometown in her heart, so she decides to search for the object and return it to where it's meant to be.

Voice Description - Medium - High Feminine. Fierce, feisty, full of life, energetic.

Voice Reference - Chaos Code Rui Story Mode End - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Don't call me "Country girl!" // Phew...! that was a close one!

  • (Attacking noises / hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) 1, 2, 3! // 1, 2, down you go! // Not so fast!- (dodge) Caught you! (follow up strike)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

Ray is a mercenary hired to track down the chaos code or something. Whatever it is he's up to, it's important that you know he's very mad about it.

Voice Description - Medium - Low masculine. Aloof, strong, tough guy.

Voice reference - CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE- PS4 Arcade Mode Ray - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Not bad, You're not bad at all! That was a good fight! // Hey now, I haven't even begun warming up yet...

  • (Attacking noises/Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) ORA! // I won't stop (dash in for a grab) Just stay down! (throws to the ground) // Let me tell you something (holds enemy to his face) you really (punch) piss me off! (finishing punch)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

A special agent of the Earth Military Union. She got assigned to watch over Hikaru by her superiors, which is great for her because she can try to get senpai to notice her now.

Voice Description - Medium - high feminine. straight forward, calm, loyal soldier, determined, 

Voice Reference - CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE- PS4 Arcade Mode Lupinus - YouTube

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • (Conversational / Taunting) Elimination of hostile forces successful, I will continue to carry out the mission. // My Will continues to drive me, I refuse to die in a place like this.

  • (Attacking noises / Hurting noises)

  • (Special Move Declaration) Claymore, in position // hydra // now you are mine


Public Submissions

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