Project: ANTHONY

Project Overview
(Plans for this project are ongoing, and are subject to change. Please be aware of any sudden changes in casting and deadlines.)
Project: Anthony is an upcoming fan-work centered around the backstory of Angel Dust, from the adult animated show Hazbin Hotel.
I am currently searching for Voice Actors who can fit these roles for the series. (The title role of Anthony and the role for Angel Dust will be chosen in private.)
This audio drama will be a paid project with a fixed price, ranging from $25 to $80 USD for each role.
Auditions can also be submitted by E-mail, which is listed on the Google Doc.
[Title the Subject: ProjectAnthony_Character with the attached audition file.]
Set between the Depression and Post-War eras of America, Anthony is a pretty-faced punk with an attitude stronger than any joe-schmoe in all of New York.
A gangster in-training (and hiding in closets full of packs), he’s the worst brother out of a troubled Italian-American family, and connected to the state’s most infamous cartels.
Anthony must survive the underground jungle of the drug trade, and fight for the ultimate of highs, in an ever changing world of noir, cigars, pride, prejudice and pleasure dust.
And no matter what mercy is begged before him, Anthony is no Angel.
Today, he may be in hell. But back then, he called it New York.
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Latest Updates
It's been almost two weeks since the open casting call has closed, but we're still trying our hardest to figure out the right cast members for this audio drama, and development for the project is still ongoing! (If you've received a friend request from my discord tag, please accept it to join the callback listings! Thank you!)
Callbacks in progress!
Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Project: ANTHONY! We are currently in the process of managing the callbacks for the project. If you recieve a friend request on Discord, please be sure to accept it!!
Angel Dust is one of Hell’s most infamous sinners, and one of the most famous nymphos in all of the nine circles.
Rising to the top as one of the most popular pornstars of the past seven decades, Angel sees no signs of stopping his eternal venture into pleasure, wherever the pain takes him.
That all changes, following a botched deal with a bunch of loan sharks.
Where a punishing request from Valentino causes him to cross paths with Charlie and Vaggie.
What was originally a deal to find a way out of his unholy boss's debts, eventually becomes a deal to stay in a place that sounds even more hopeless.
Stuck between working for Valentino’s “Porn Studios”, and residing at Princess Charlie’s newly established “Happy Hotel”, Angel Dust is sandwiched between two different eternities.
But not before he unravels with how he got there, when he became comatose intolerant…
As you know, my name is Angel Dust. Pornstar. Singer. Swinger...
Gangster. Well, sometimes... I'm formerly affiliated.
Addict. Formerly full time, but now part-time, for a few figures.
(Angel is gossiping to his pet Fat Nuggets)
Oh please! It's not like Miss Morningstar is THAT important to me.Besides, those two don't understand me at all, and I'm damn sure that this whole thing is all for clout, and I'm sure of it.
(Angel yells on the phone in the middle of a gunfight)
Can't you hear the sounds of flying lead in the air?? I'm as transparent as I can get!!
The youngest brother in the family, and their leading asset in the underground drug trade of the Great Depression, Anthony is the leading figure in his family’s businesses, running the town tougher than the toughest kook in all of New York.
Strapped in pink, closeted, but fearless of anything that challenges their empire, he will jump on anyone that dares to steal from the web of prosperity so carefully built from a seemingly quiet Italian-American family.
But not so quiet as the family itself. And neither does the most reckless rockstar in all of Brooklyn.
Through it all, wherever his binge-laced traces of chaos and carnage lead him, Anthony doesn’t like to hold back on anything that’s in front of him. (Not even the ones in bed.)
Say what you want about him all you want… But you’d better pray it’s not your last words.
(sarcastic) Oh yeah, Ricky. Like I haven't forgotten about the breach!
You mind turning off the lights now?...
(Angel realizing who the suspect is.)
So it was you.That slimy tumor of a brain thought I was one of THEM on stage before the fight. DIDN'T YA?!
You know, I personally prefer to call it as... Angel, Dust.
Has a better ring to it. Don't ya think? *chuckles*
As the Princess of Hell, she is the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar.
But as the owner of the Happy Hotel, she is the self-proclaimed savior for the rehabilitation of sinners.
The devotion in Charlie's Happy Hotel passion project remains unchanged. No matter how hard the winds of the afterlife try to blow at them. (Other than Angel's kisses.)
And with the help of her partner Vaggie, and a determination to provide a second chance to all of her (un)faithful demon subjects, Charlie Morningstar will do anything in her borrowed power to bring happiness and joy to every sinner in all of hell!
Even if that means raising all nine circles to get there. (And especially for perverts like Angel Dust.)
So much for the Princess of Hell…
(Charlie monologues Angel on his misbehavior.)
Angel, you were up to your mischief with Cherri Bomb on the day you promised to show up.
And that is a setback which proves to us that there is a long way to go, because we're not here to fornicate with you.
We're paying to cure you. Understood?
(poised) Well, to my assumption, there is a casuall likelihood that your troubled activities have remained unchanged since your death.
(sternly) So this isn't the first time pots were broken...
(Charlie tries to break up a fight between Vaggie and Angel.)
Vaggie! Angel! Stop this!!
Guys!... STOP!!! (yelling)
KNOCK, it, off. The both of you.
Vaggie is devoted to helping her partner in crime steer the hotel's mission in the right direction as the right hand in Charlie's seemingly impossible task of finding the good within the condemned souls of sinners across Pentagram City and in all of hell.
A fellow sinner alongside Angel Dust, and whatever hell bothers to come through the doors of the hotel, Vaggie is just as aware as each and every overlord, arching over the existence of the cause to save each and every sinner in hell.
And she isn't afraid to intimidate and defend it in bilingual, with a harpoon, and from those who mock the Princess's dreams of second chances.
Man, you were even more of a pain in the ass than when we first picked you up.
But despite her good intentions, she's still a Morningstar.
*chuckles* So she's not entirely strict with mischief.
(angrily) Angel. That was the smoke from a failed arson.
An arson that YOU botched, and where WE had to rescue you from, on the way here...
Listen, we've heard better or worse stories handing flyers to every corner of the city.
So we're all ears Angel... Go on.
Fighting for his own share of the illicit profits within the drug trade, Ricky is bitter but like-minded, in he and his brother's hustle in the family business.
More on the violent side, he isn't far from being more direct with his rival and hates excuses.
Even in the house.
He'll do anything to protect the business as well. Just... with a little more temperment.
Ave maria!
(under breath) This is getting ridiculous Tony.
If Pops figures out what you're actually doing to your targets, the dominoes fall on all of us!!
(yelling) Tony, this isn't funny anymore!
Are you going to finish him off already or what?
(angry) Mind taking some advice?...
Lead comes out of this thing, Tony.
Not your seeds!- And will you SHUT UP?!!
The younger sister of Anthony and Ricky, Molly is the only saint of the household, and the medical guardian of the family business.
Ever rarely involved with the syndicate of crimes carried out every day, it doesn’t mean that she has her own temperament and sassiness.
But as she tries her best (and fails) as the only voice of reason in the household, Molly is one of the only few reasons to keep the family, and their business together.
Hail mary.
(panicking) Under the sink Anthony! Whatever it takes to spray these pricks!!
(under breath)
My boyfriend saw everything, and now Anthony's just standing there talking to his brother in my robe.
Also, have you seen my revolver anywhere?? I can't seem to- *gun shot*
Oh... shucks.
(under breath, worried tone)
I believe that he rose again to break the power of sin and death in my life, and that my sins are forgiven, truly forgiven, and I am born into god's family...
The older brother by blood and the shortest of the family (other than his temper), Arackniss was Angel Dust’s closest partner in the field of the underground drug trade.
After a long and grueling day of fighting for his own afterlife, Niss often pairs his gritty and dark wits with a cup of coffee, and an Amaretto or two.
Which can explain why he treats every hour like it’s nine o’ clock.
No sugar added.
I almost remember it all. We were slicker than drops of blood rolling down a mountain of sugar.
And why do you even ask about this? Ain't it obvious? *sigh* Whatever...
(narration) While Molly was begging god to spare us, Anthony was left to square off with three other boys who survived the shower of our bullets.
A loose cannon in the crimson playgrounds of Pentagram City, Cherri Bomb is one of hell’s most explosive troublemakers to devastate the city.
As Angel Dust’s biggest ally and closest friend, the two always look out for each other as the best of friends. Both in the field of war, and within the jungles of permanently red districts everywhere they go.
But in the field of war, Cherri is no stranger to violence either, as she is one of the most skilled arsonists in her league, striding in the endless griefings of endless turf wars alongside her partner.
Just like her best friend, Cherri Bomb will stop at nothing to claim the red hills of hell by any means necessary.
(yelling) Hey Angel! How much did you manage to steal on the way out??
Let me guess. You're playing dollhouse with a Princess now?
(sarcastic) Greeeaaat. You've gone from morning-wood to the Morningstars.
Bold, arrogant and backed up by a mafioso of his own, he is one of Anthony’s first rivals to spar with him, and his business.
(hostile) We know everything about you bastards! And you can't keep your stache safe forever!
We have friends!
You didn't give us a chance!
We took our show elsewhere because you took the pie, right when everyone wanted a slice!!
TL:DR, this guy slept with Anthony. Nothing else… Would you want to?
(talking in his sleep) What?... Oh dolly, you're so beautiful from here...
(nervously and excitedly) Listen, I can't handle the anxiety. I needed something to get the edge off after the lost control of the stache in West Egg!!
Short tempered, and an even shorter reason why Anthony and Ricky are even cockier than they should be, Big Henry (a.k.a. Pops Henroin) is the leader of their hidden “family business” in Brooklyn.
What the hell do you mean it was a car crash??
I'm coming back from Chauncey's Deli, and I better see scars on the ground instead of your face.
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