Pokemon White Friendlocke Randomizer
Project Overview
If you are versed in pokemon challenge runs, you might have seen Saltydkdan's pokemon friendlocke series, the rules are simple, it is a nuzlocke but where the party are controled by people. giving the trainer orders to what they want to do and pretending to be the pokemon. As an avid pokemon fan and someone who loves a challenge, i decided i wanted to do one for myself, the problem here is i don't have as many friends as i would like and most are busy, so this is where this casting call comes in, I need as many people as i can to go on a journey with me, meet new friends, possibly die but ultimately have fun
the plan is to steam these on thursdays, 6pm GMT, unless it goes horrifically in the first week this is gonna be going on for at least a month so if you can only make the day occasionally, i don't recommend auditioning. as for the run itself it will follow Salty's friendlocke rules as stated in his twitter https://twitter.com/saltydkdan/status/1350951671233441797?lang=en-GB with a randomized twist, starters, wild pokemon, opponents pokemon, all randomised. and shuffled. added flairs will be there such as gyms keeping to one type, starters being the first form of a 3 stage, rivals keeping their teams and hms being universal.
at the end of the day, the aim is to have fun with new people and tell a unique yet bizzare version of the plot. so if you want to join me, then please audition and we'll see how far we'll get.
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you are one of my pokemon, you get to be the one calling your own shots and telling your own mini arc in the process. the freedom is yours, all i ask is to have fun.... and not be an insensitive ash hole but that should come naturally to most
Name, pokemon experience, any voice acting/improv experience,
I would like to hear a character concept, what sort of pokemon you would be, give me an example of what they would say to a complement or an insult, maybe even a close call.
Public Submissions