Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Fandub

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Fandub

Project Overview

Contact Info:

Email: [redacted]

Skype: coldheartedcontender

Hello again, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am back again needing voices again for the second and final half of my Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Fandub. This project is one half Let's Play and another half Fandub to immerse the audience as if they are watching a cutscene. We already have a few episodes up right here to get an idea of the standard of voice quality I'm striving for (and just to prove this isn't a dead in the water overly ambitious project.)



Send me your voice demos, or links of you preforming showing your range. There are a lot of minor characters in this game that need a voice, but not worth holding auditions for. So it would be VERY helpful to have you in my pocket to call on. Below in this casting call are reoccurring characters who have major supporting roles.

I'm mostly going to copy and paste guide lines from the the last casting call with a few additional points. I hope this turnout to be even better than the last one seeing as how I actually have something to show this time.

1. Please do your best to submit your auditions with a nice crisp clear sample. Meaning no sounds of fans or traffic in the background. It's really distracting when there is a bad mic in the group. So I do ask you have prior experience recording your voice. Project your voice and emote accordingly and you should be fine.

2. Three takes of each line should be good. I want to get a good gauge on your range.

3. I'm going to be casting understudies, too. (so don't feel bad if you're not chosen). I am normally very punctual with my uploading schedule. So I'm first and foremost looking for people who can get the job done and reliably deliver lines. This is a very dialogue heavy game. So if you have a very spastic and unpredictable lifestyle, I wouldn't audition. Just keep in mind if you get a role, you took that character from plenty of other people who may have wanted it as much as- or more than you. Try to make due dates.

4. With the size of the character volume in this game. I'm probably going to multicast people and understudies for these smaller roles. (So again, don't feel bad if you end up an understudy.) But as stated above, if you want a smaller role, email or skype me a sample of your voice range and if you're good enough, I can suit you up with a smaller role.

5: Don't use my descriptions of the characters as the law and the land. I open up room for creativity and actually encourage if you think the character may sound different from the profile. I have chosen people in the past that did something completely different interpretation than I had instructed in the character descriptions. Feel free to get creative!

6. SMILES GO FOR MILES-! err...I mean...have fun! It really shows in your voice.

I look forward to hearing from you! My contact info is above so don't hesitate to ask any questions regarding the project.

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  • Roles and Understudies Confirm please

    Congratulations to everyone who got a role! Would the following people be so kind as to email me to confirm their roles and understudy positions. Thanks to everyone for auditioning! 

    Email: [email protected]

    Archen: Chuckw9ard  U/S: Gpuatu (CCC)

    Buizel:  Edrulz500  U/S: Gpuatu (CCC)

    Bunnelby: Keenarnor (CCC) U/S: Nickthulhu

    Celebi: Piratewarrior64    U/S: Duracell

    Entei: Midniteofrandom (CCC) U/S:The Gaming Sage

    Jirachi: Kanen (CCC), U/S:Chibi-Pandah

    Raikou: Torak, U/S: psylentknight

    Swirlix: Kanen (CCC) U/S: BecomingFearless

    Yveltal: Xan007 (CCC) , U/S: James Burton,

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: pagepiranha

Beheeyem plays a big role near the climax, at least one of them does. Turns out the main antagonist was controling him and forcing him to do terrible things against his will. Because of that, this alien looking Pokemon is very frightened and guilt-ridden, trying to convince these people who don't trust him to trust him.

  • You've got me all wrong! I'm not here to hurt anyone! I was trying to get away from the ones who were hurting everyone!

  • We were all being controlled by Dark Matter! We were just tools to them! Once I could think for myself again...I knew I couldn't stay with them...So I waited for my chance and ran away...

  • [Desperately trying to convince] Right! That's it exactly! You've gotta believe me! I only fought you just now because you attacked me out of the blue! I was just defending myself, but it's not like I turned you to stone or anything, right?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: keenarnor

Another member of the Expedition Society. He leads the underground expeditions. Bunnelby isn't quite as developed as the other Expedition Society team, but he's still one of their members and gets plenty of screentime. I'd imagine he'd speak with kind of a weird accent like Goofy or Bullwinkle the moose, but he isn't a joke character like them, still play him to be serious.

  • We've all had to redo the map so many times now that I've lost count... It's become more like a job than anything.

  • That warning could just be a prank... Maybe Entei won't show up. That's a possibility, too, right?

  • [Cautious/Serious] We'll be in trouble if they find us first, so we have to be careful...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Xan0789

The Pokemon that represents Death and Destruction. I think that should about say it for his personality. The voice I want REALLY REALLY cold and deep. The point is I want a really deep scary voice for this guy.

  • I am the one called Yveltal... This is your end. You shall become energy for us.

  • Luminous Water can bring back Pokemon who have been turned to stone... It posed a threat to my ambitions.

  • It is all ready too late for you to possibly escape. No matter where you are in the world... No matter how far you run... I shall hunt you down, and you will become nothing! Prepare yourselves for my coming wrath!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MidniteRealmVA

Entei is very fierce, proud, and quick to jump to conclusions. He is almost always hostile throughout the story so I need a very deep booming adult voice, very kingly, that commands authority and power, the other characters really fear this guy after all. I'd really like if he was played to the same effect as Dan Green did him in Pokemon The 3rd movie.

  • [Departing/Threatening] I will leave this place! If Celebi is not here, then my presence serves no purpose! You escaped with your lives today! But if you stand in my way, I will not be so merciful! You shall not trouble me again... Be sure of that!

  • [Furious] You!!! Did I not TELL YOU?! That I would not be so merciful next time!

  • [Slightly taken back then preparing to fight] I do not know what has just occurred... But I believe I will now relish defeating you even more! Now let us see a display of your TRUE power!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: kanen

The astronomer of the Expedition Society. Jirachi is a self-proclaimed genius and can be a bit of a braggart. Most of the time he can back it up being a Mythical Pokemon. I'm actually interested in hearing voices from both the Male and Female side of the spectrum for him. He is a child so a high female voice can work, while I think it would be interesting to hear a distinct male voice on him as well.

  • [Sleep talking] Yeah? Okay... But I'm still far too sleepy to deal with all that right now. Sorry... *snore*

  • [Introducing self] Very well, as is my custom, allow me to introduce myself! Here I go! I was born in Star Cave! Here I observe the movements of the stars and the sun! And while I'm at it, I make everyone's dreams come true...maybe. I'm the Expedition Society's astronomer, Jirachi-- the genius! Nice to meet you.

  • I see. Broken again, is it? Well, it's just a little broken... Understood. I'll fix it by tomorrow. I'm a genius, after all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: kanen

The Steward of the Expedition Society. She's a big glutten with an endless appitite and often infuriating the other Society members by eating all the food she prepares for them, she simply can't help herself, though. If she sees something tasty, she's got to eat it! I'd imagine her speaking as if she's imagining something tasty to eat, very slow, but excited. I'd even imagine her with some form of slurred speech.

  • [Fatigued] All of a sudden, I got so hungry... I can't take it... I'm gonna pass out.

  • [Desperately trying to stop someone from eating her treats] Gah! Stop! You're eating them all!!! Stop! For the love of all that is tasty, stop!

  • [Trying to play a stupid idea as serious] How about we come up with a strategy for snacking on our lunches early?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Celebi is sadly is mostly an exposition machine and doesn't really have any defining character traits other that he can travel through time. Like Jirachi, he's referred to as a male despite the pixie like appearance. So same rules apply to him as Jirachi. I can accept both female and male auditions for this character.

  • [relieved] Phew! That was close though!

  • [Flustered] I've been trying to warp there since the second it pulled away from the ground. But the distortions there are too strong!

  • I was asked to look into all of this by Entei. Quite some time ago in fact.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A Member of the Expedition Society. He leads underwater expeditions. It's implied he's really strong and gets cocky and overeager to prove himself. Very cool and confident and a good friend to our protagonists. I'd imagine him with a voice similar to his anime voice (where he's a normal non-talking pokemon) with it being raspy.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d0lHSeq2o4

  • [Standing up for protagonists] Somehow, I doubt that... Regardless... If I do find you picking on these two... You will live to regret it!

  • [Flattered] Heh, well... I couldn't have done it without you... Or maybe I could have, heh...

  • [beaten In pain on the ground] D-don't try it... There's absolutely no way you can beat him... get away from here...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A member of the Expedition Society. Despite being a flying type, he can't fly and his personality kind of reflects that as he's quick to get discouraged when something bad happens. But he steps up to the plate and manages to steady on when he's needed to. I'd imagine him with a slightly squawky voice.

  • [Devastated] Ahh! My blood, sweat, and tears... all for nothing!

  • [Introducing] Archen. I go out on expeditions, too! I'm in charge of exploring the skies! I can't fly, though! Ha Ha!

  • [Realizing he just sent two rookies out on their own] ...Wait a second. What did I just do?! I sent the two of them off alone!!! Those kids won't be able to handle whatever did this to Latios!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

The last member of the Legendary Trio. Raikou represents lightning, so I'd imagine the voice be very raspy and ferocious, but like the other two, commands authority and power. Raikou is just as aggressive and hot-headed as Entei...maybe even more so. If I'd want him to sound like anyone, I'd want him to sound like Raiden from Metal Gear Solid Revengence or Dinobot from Beast Wars.

  • [Explaining, but on edge] We also can understand them to a point, but we will need a precise translation.

  • [High and Mighty] Can you comprehend that? Unfortunate as it may be, you will be the pawns we sacrifice to leave this place.

  • [Furious] But you were outwitted by the likes of Yveltal! This is all thanks to your foolishness!!!


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