Pokemon Conquest: The quest for Ransei

Pokemon Conquest: The quest for Ransei

Project Overview

Welcome to the fandub project of Pokémon Conquest: The quest for Ransei my goal is to voice over all of the MC story of the spin off game Pokémon Conquest. I welcome all VAs to audition for whatever you would like if this project does get any traction and we finish the MC story we will then move on to side stories if everyone wants to. I can't wait to listen to your guy's auditions and i wish everyone the best of luck for auditioning for this project.


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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
MC Male/Female
Role assigned to: Animilky

The main character of Pokémon conquest is the ruler of the Aurora kingdom along with their second in command Oichi . their goal is to unite all of Ransei and to stop all of the fighting in all of Ransei for the glimpse of achieving the legendary Pokémon. For the main character I am looking for a medium to medium low for the Male MC and for the Female MC I am looking for Medium High to High. If you were to get casted as the MC, you can choose the name for the MC (and for the MC please specify which gender MC you are going for thank you)


Voice description:
  • female teen
  • male teen
  • (Just say whatever lines as the MC)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Oichi is the second in command and best friend of the MC Oichi is always supporting the MC no matter what trials they go through she is the supporting character to the MC. She is very nice and considerate and would never hurt a fly unless push comes to shove. I am looking for a medium high to high with a slight shyness hinted in it.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • "It's not long now... hang in there!"

  • can you keep going? Right! Then let's do it!"

  • "You've got a way about you... The way you fight... Incredible!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

 Hideyoshi is the Ruler of the Ignis kingdom.  Hideyoshi is very hyper and kind of goofy his goal is to achieve the legendary Pokémon by getting all 17 Kingdoms under his rule so he can achieve the legend of getting the legendary Pokémon. I am looking for Medium to Medium high voice for him with a added bit of goofiness.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • "Yeah... I'll show ya! Now, the storybooks say that this world was created by a legendary Pokémon. And they also say that the one who captures all 17 castles gets to see this Pokémon, right?"

  • "Yee-hah! There is no stopping me now! Let's fight to the end.

  • That's the spirit, Hanbei! Now, don't let me down, all right?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Daniel Sky

Motonari is an Adult that rules over the Greenleaf kingdom. Motonari is very laid back and doesn't really care much about the legend and capturing kingdoms and is thinking of retiring as a Warlord and just enjoying looking for Pokémon. for this voice I am looking for a Medium Low to Low that is very laid back and really doesn't give a fuck

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Well, well... I can't wait to see what kind of enemy we're faced with!"

  • "I know this is a bit sudden… But it's no secret that I've always wanted to be a Pokémon researcher. To that end...I want to expand my horizons and meet some new Pokémon. In order to do so, of course, I shall need an army… I take it there are no objections?"

  • "The best thing about battles is that there are always Pokémon around. I particularly like it when I catch sight of a Pokémon I've never seen before!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Motochika is the ruler of the Fontaine kingdom like Montonari he doesn't necessarily care about capturing all of the kingdoms for the chance of the legendary Pokémon he just wants to chill and listen to the ocean waves at Fontaine. I am looking for his voice to be Medium to Medium Low and sound very impactful but calm at the same time.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • So he’s coming… Nobunaga… The one who has the power to create an era of his own… To unite this region… Well, he won’t sweep me away that easily. …Three years. Within three years, I will have driven Nobunaga away. I will be the one who leaves my mark on Ransei!"

  • "Fine. We'll put our bonds to the test on the battlefield."

  • "March to my beat..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: HTGD

Yoshihiro is big Bustling guy who is loud and is Allways looking for a Pokémon fight he always moves forward in a fight and is the ruler of the Pugilis kingdom. I'm looking for a Low Gruff voice who is stern for this big macho man.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "The good thing about battle is that you never know what will happen! We must simply fight the best way we know and see what happens!"

  • "Victory, or defeat... Which will it be? Let us take a gamble."

  • "Yes, I daresay we could have some fun in battle together."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sage VO

Ginchiyo this serious and bold Girl is the ruler of the Violight kingdom she rules the kingdom with an iron fist and doesn't tolerate losing she will not back down from a challenge. for this feisty Eletric ruler I'm looking for a Medium to medium low with some punch and feistiness.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • "I shall win, even if I am the last one standing! That is the very strength on which my clan prides itself!"

  • "Defeat is simply inconceivable!"

  • Let us stake our reputation on our victory!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Yoshimoto is a nutcase and never  takes his job seriously and only likes to play games (speciflicly Pokemari) he is the ruler of the Chrsalia Kingdom and his goal is to just play Pokemari matches to the end. Im looking for a Medium to Medium high voice that is joyous and carefree and is oblivious.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "I shall spread the joy of Pokémari throughout this land!"

  • "Ohh! I can't see any Pokémari balls around here at all! Doesn't anyone ever play Pokémari on this battlefield?"

  • "Oh! Battles are such fun!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TySenseiSama

Shingen is one of the two warlords that can actually go toe to toe with Nobunaga he is an Optimistic Humble but tells people if they're not worth his time as well as he wants to see the next generation prosper (hinted at when the MC beats him, and he guaranteed joins you) He is rivals with Kenshin of the Illusio Kingdom he puts great trust in his fellow comrades and a standup guy. I am looking for a Medium low to low voice with an optimistic tone.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Now, make sure you don't let me down, Yukimura. Or else I'm going to look very stupid."

  • "This region isn't big enough for the both of us. We need to settle this once and for all." "What do you say? First to win five battles can call themselves victorious?"

  • "Yes, yes... That's the spirit. Okay then, whenever you're ready..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kenshin is a very Stright to the point psychic ninja who rules the Illusio kingdom. He is rivals with Shigen and is also one of the two warlords who can go toe to toe with Nobunaga.  he is also like Shigen but not to the point of sending people away. he likes a honnorable fight and fights with honor. I am looking for a medium low to low voice with a direct and stern tone.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Nemesis... How may I be of assistance?" "Interesting... I accept your challenge."

  • "The time for battle is upon us."

  • "I will respond to your favor on the field of battle."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KamskiiVA

Ujiyasu  is and older man who is tired of all this shit and joined Nobunga to get this legend bullshit out the way. he a tired man who has little to no emotion but he does push his comrades to work harder and push past their limits. im looking for a low voice that sounds tired with a small hint of country

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Well, better take 'em on, I guess."

  • "But I've always been happy just to protect my kingdom of Cragspur..." "I've never cared about other kingdoms."

  • "You'll never make anything of yourself. Not with that attitude. You think that capturing seven castles is the end? Come on. It's just the beginning. The time for proving yourself starts now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Trina

Nene is a very hyper and arrogant girl who rules over the Viperia kingdom. she follows Nobunaga because she believes that he will be the one that will summon the legendary Pokémon. she is a kunoichi and she is not afraid to fight back for Nobunaga. I am looking for a medium High to High voice with a hyper tone and a little arrogance.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • "All right! Let's give it all we've got!"

  • "You guys have still got a long way to go! Come back and try again!"

  • "Hey, sleepyhead!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Requaze

Kotarō is a very creepy and dark ninja who want to crush everyone underneath his foot which is why he joined Nobunaga. he has little to no emotion. and wants to show the world his power (his is kind of dark and edgy cause he is the dark type of ruler) I am looking for a low or if possible, a very low voice with a very condescending and powerful voice.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Throw them into oblivion."

  • "Ha... I can already tell you how this battle will end..."

  • "Fine. Let's see how you fare..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Turgize VA

Masamune is kind of brat and is plotting to overthrow Nobunaga but is with him to keep his kingdom. his comrades are a lot more chill than he is and is kind of young to be leading a kingdom. he may be the punching bag of his kingdom but when push comes to shove, he gets his job done. I am looking for a medium to medium high with a tad bit of brashness.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • "They think they can do with us as they like, do they? We'll show 'em!"

  • "I was destined for greater things than the little scrap of land known as Ransei!" "Next I shall travel across the oceans, where unknown lands await..."

  • "Next time, think twice before you take on the One-Eyed Dragon!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Ieyasu is Honnor bound by his family and is very close friends with Nobunaga and works alongside Nobunaga. He attempts to stop the MC with logic and strategy but since all else fails he fights you and tries to stop your advance he also depply cares about his allies and thanks them for thier support always. I am looking for a medium low to low with slight gruffness to his voice.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Our progress depends on our success in this battle! We cannot afford to give anything but our very best."

  • I could never have done this without the support you all give me."

  • "We must follow our path to the end."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Yoshi Shoes

Nō is a very mysterious and "seductive" woman who was attracted to the ruling of Nobunaga and followed his lead. not a lot is known about her, and she is very mysterious, I am looking for a medium to medium low voice with a hint of seductiveness.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "There's no need to hurry... Let's take our time and enjoy it!"

  • If I serve you, are you going to keep me satisfied?"

  • "Everyone is giving it everything that they have—people and Pokémon both! How devoted you all are to your cause..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Mitsuhide is very mature and gets shit done all in the name of Nobunaga she shows remorse to Oichi for picking the wrong side and tries to persuade her to join them but ultimately fails. she always has to calm down here allies as she is one of the only ones mature enough to keep the kingdom stable. I am looking for a medium to a medium low voice with a sign of maturity.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "Lord Nobunaga… I believed that devoting myself to following him would bring an end to the chaos of this world. It was this belief that allowed me to do battle in his name. What we are doing, however… Going from battle to battle without ever stopping to reconsider our motives… It is...cruel. Can such an approach really lead to a peaceful world? And even if it did, would it be a world where people and Pokémon could coexist peacefully…? There is no more time to waste. I already know the choice I must make: stop Lord Nobunaga… or wait for him to destroy the world."

  • "This is all for the good of Ransei..."

  • "Defeat at our hands was simply your fate, I'm afraid..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alex Broadnax

Nobunaga the big bad man himself the main antag of the story. Just like the MC this role will take a lot on you your job is to really sell this big bad fella with a Zekrom and make people have chills run down their spine. He runs the Dragonar kingdom and will stop at nothing to get the legendary Pokémon of capturing all 17 kingdoms. I am looking for a medium low to low voice with a sinister tone and a voice that sends chills down peoples back.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Hehehe... Hahahaha!"

  • "Ha... Very well, Mitsuhide. It is time to show Nobunaga what you are capable of!"

  • "The time for hesitation is over."

Video Editor
Video Editor
Conquest Editor
Role assigned to: Bolt9236

I will need some help with the editing process of this project if anyone has any experience with editing and would like to help, please show some things that you edit and you may be welcomed in as a Conquest Editor

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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