Poison Heart

Poison Heart

Project Overview

18 and Older Actors Only (Update: 8/28/22)

Hi everyone! I'm the creator and animator of Game Over the animated series. I'm taking on another animation project, Poison Heart.

This is a casting call for a trailer and the first episode. I'm excited to animate another animated series and have another chance to recruit more talented voice actors.

Poison Heart

Psychological Thriller, Drama, Animation


Riley Edwards, a man from small town Lover Heights, could never shake the feeling of never belonging, as if his life was never meant to be.

He wasn't like other people.

He was different, strange.

And could he ever run away from that?


-Have a decent microphone. Doesn't have to be fancy, just don't record it on a phone or anything like that.
-Be committed to the project, most if not all characters are recurring roles.
-Please read the warnings and conditions of the character before you audition.


  • Sensitive topics (Suicide, murder, child neglect, alcoholism, abuse)

  • Intense scenes (Yelling, fighting, gaslighting)

  • Talk of sex/sexual themes/sexual jokes (No NSFW scenes)

  • LGBTQ+

  • Profanity

If you have any questions, please ask!

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Latest Updates

  • 7 days left

    7 days left to audition! I will be considering any and all auditions up until the deadline. Casting will happen on September 14, at midnight MST.
  • 18 and Older Actors Only

    Please only audition if you are 18 or older. I am not comfortable working with minors, especially on a project of this nature with such sensitive topics. I am truly sorry to waste your time, to any minor that has already auditioned. Thank you for your interest in the project. I should've explicitly stated this from the beginning, but it hadn't become an issue until now. So I am sorry for that oversight. Thank you all for your amazing auditions! Keep up the great work!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Riley Edwards
Paid: Flat Rate 140 USD
Role assigned to: JKing

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
The main character, the central focus, Riley Edwards. Poison Heart follows his sick and twisted mind. Riley is an intense character and is not for the faint of heart. Looking for a performer who can yell and get passionate in the worst way. His voice range is medium-low.

Sexual themes/talk (No NSFW scenes)
Villian/Not redeemable character

  • Who are you to decide what's good for me? (Angry, Manipulative)

  • I stole it. You were right, it was me all along. (Cold, twisted)

  • Well I’m sure that’s not true. Any readers got a chance if they know what they do and don’t like. (Lighthearted)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Everett Gaines
Paid: Flat Rate 60 USD
Role assigned to: Rekhova

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Everett, Step-brother of Riley Edwards. Comedic relief, teddy bear character. Riley's ride or die. The only person closer to Riley than Everett is Riley's mom. Looking for medium-high vocal range, but open to lower ranges as well.

Sexual themes/jokes (No NSFW Scenes)

  • What, are you secretly trying to buy something sketchy or something? Lots of options at a hardware store. (Sarcastic) Really, Riley? You need to get your nerves checked. (Annoyed)

  • No normal person breaks a mirror with their bare hands! (Scared)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Westley Edwards
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: DannySpillerVA

***Trans Actors Only Please***

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Westley Edwards, brother of Riley Edwards. He's sweet and kind, yet that seems to get overlooked by Riley? Westley is the villian in Riley's version of events. He only wants what's best for his brother! Any kind of voice will do for Westley.


  • I’m here for you, okay? (Concerned)

  • You really shouldn’t smoke, Riley, it’s terrible for you. (Slightly annoyed)

  • No, I understand you well! You're causing your own problems! (Angry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bloom Greene
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
cast offsite

***Asian Actress/Actor Preferred***

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Bloom is the fiancée of Riley Edwards. He simply doesn't deserve her. She is kind and understanding and always forgives him. If only their engagement wasn't 3 years long?
Bloom has a medium-high voice range. Any voice will do however.

Sexual themes/talk (No NSFW Scenes)

  • Oh.. well it looks like we need a new mirror. (Nervously chuckling)

  • I actually dropped my glass when I was pouring some wine! My bad, we just didn’t know you were coming, or else I would’ve had that cleaned up. (Lying)

  • You don’t have to be afraid with me. I see you as exactly who you are! (Tearing up, scared, reassuring)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isabelle Edwards
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Lena R.

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Isabelle Edwards is the mother of Riley and Westley Edwards. Her codependent relationship with her son doesn't make up for the fact that she was an absent parent through her sons' childhoods. Isabelle is eccentric and strange. She has a medium-high vocal range.


  • I’m staying over. Riley doesn’t seem well. (Serious)

  • You know, you can’t be sour about everything your brother does! (Annoyed)

  • I will always take your calls, Riley. I wish I could give you a ride. Your grandpa will come and fix your car first thing when you get home. (Insane and in a codependent way)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edwin Buchanon
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Role assigned to: HighKeyPink

Recurring role in flashbacks

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Edwin Buchanon, the father and worst enemy of Riley Edwards. He spends his entire life trying not to be the bad person that his dad was. Edwin is similar to Riley in more ways than one. His voice range is medium-low.

Intense yelling/abusive

  • I’m doing what’s best for this family. (Stern, Cold, Angry)

  • Of course not! You know I'd never lie to you. (Reassuring, lying)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oliver Darling
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Role assigned to: Brandon Allan Majella

**Black Actors Only**

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Oliver Darling, a fiction editor at Lover Publishing. He works beside Riley and is quite frankly his better half. At work at least. He can have any voice.

  • Nothing! I promise. Just reordered the wrong brand. Didn't think it’d be that big of deal, but then I remembered how anal you are about your coffee. (Lighthearted, trying to be funny)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Young Riley
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Meredith Nudo

Recurring role in flashbacks

Pay: $3 per line, pay changes episode by episode
Young Riley is the younger self of the main character, Riley Edwards. He appears most in flashbacks. Just looking for any suitable child voice!

Sensitive topics (Child neglect)

  • Mommy has been lying to me.. (Angry, upset)

  • It's a secret (Smiling, teasing)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Role assigned to: Mitch Xander Bee YourHomieBryson

Pay: goes from $10-$15 depending on who you are chosen to play. $10 for 1 line, $15 for 2 lines. I choose to price this way since extras are not recurring roles and don't have a lot of lines.
Extras! Submit your demo reels!
The extras in episode 1 are 2 editors in a publishing meeting and a bartender.


  • Demo reel time!


Public Submissions

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